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/vr/ - Retro Games


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>> No.10607359 [View]
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It's not about strict memorization and playing it like you're doing an exam, that really isn't fun, it really is more of a learning matter, and here's the thing... back in the late 80's and early 90's when the main reference we all had were still arcades, stuff like getting a "Game Over" and being sent all of the way back was common, and so was we replaying earlier levels... and that's the point.

I get what you mean, and sure, if you can go and finish something the 1st time playing then that's fair considering you played well, but you could still do that with Sonic thanks to the ring system and, to be honest, the video games I've played in which I beat them during my 1st playthrough in about an hour... they never stick to me as much. I still love those, they're comfortable, but that's it.

What truly sticks to me are those titles where I get a "Game Over" and try again the next day, or next hour if I'm in the mood, and then again and again, for a few days, and I'm making progress.

As I do this, I'm learning, I'll remember the parts I suffered the most with and I'll take them on in a different manner, that's not strict memorization, that's just me learning while I actively play it still.

Anyways, I can force anyone to like Sonic, that's not even my intent here, I'm not an obsessed fan that needs everyone to think the same way as I do, all I'm saying is that Sonic isn't a classic and beloved franchise by chance, it was among the most solid mascot platformers of the time in its looks, sounds, gameplay and level design, if it was conceptually flawed, it would've failed.

I'm trying to say that it's fine if Sonic doesn't click for you and you can't get the grips with it, there are many classic and beloved IPs I could never care much for despite trying to and playing them, it's just how it is, but I don't go on about how they're objectivelly bad, I just don't like them, and I think Sonic's like that, he takes an arcade approach that some love and some hate.

>> No.10528797 [View]
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It WAS *that* good and anyone that was there can tell you that, you can parrot about how it's marketing or whatever, as if Nintendo or Sony's IPs had no marketing to them too, but Sonic is the IP that made Nintendo kids in the 90's turn their heads to the other side, even if for a brief moment, many kids decided that they wanted Genesis because of Sonic, that's not marketing.

A lot of IPs, especially mascots, had marketing and some hype around them, and were pushed aside almost instantly... because they weren't good, Sonic stuck around because it was good.

>> No.10499572 [View]
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It's ok, anon. It'd be odd if you WEREN'T sad, so while it sucks to feel miserable, this is just your mind reacting accordingly to the situation, it'll take its time to heal, but it will, maybe you'll be having some trouble truly enjoying video games for a few weeks, or even months, but you'll get by, for now focus on yourself and your mind. I'll be wishing you the best, God bless you, anon.

>> No.10498898 [View]
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Indeed, of course SEGA is SEGA and could completely mess it all up, maybe the 3rd film ends up mediocre or bad, the Netflix show gets cancelled, the comics lose popularity and the writing gets worse, Superstars had mixed reception already and there's no guarantee they'll actually built up properly on what Frontiers established... it could all still happen.

I wouldn't be surprised, it's SEGA, but as you've said we're better off than in the early 2000's. If they managed to top THAT period of Sonic, then they might aswell pull the plug on everything.

>> No.10483449 [View]
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>What is happening?
A superb video game.
Have fun!

>> No.10315643 [View]
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I definitely recommend checking out the Director's Cut if you haven't already, it's the definitive version of the game for me now.

>> No.10255962 [View]
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It really is fun to play, and the 8-Bit Sonic that, to me at least, feels the closest to the 16-Bit ones in looks and feel, also level design. I hope you have tons of fun playing when you get he RGB30, that screen looks perfect for old handhelds, I'd go for an LCD grid filter if you can, not only does it look more like how the Game Gear did, but it's just a nice look to me for some reason, very appealing.

I'm sure that a handheld would make me happy, they've all come a long way from just a few years back, but to me the cost just isn't worth it, I have a smartphone already, and had an old one laying around, a controller for it was way cheaper than full on handhelds, so I went for it instead. Still, I don't look down on these handhelds at all, hope they're here to stay. Have fun with your RGB30!

>> No.10253947 [View]
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I get what you mean, I think I worded my point poorly, what I really mean isn't that it's always used as a joke and they don't mean it at all, it's more like... they know it's not a real argument that'll convince anyone, and they know yelling "SOVL" by itself doesn't mean much, but they find that particular title charming and are fond because of their memories, and that's how they choose to describe it, in a purposefully comical and exaggerated word that's sort of a joke by itself, due to said exaggeration, but comes from their true feelings about something... of course you might be stuck in an argument about a title and the other anon uses "SOVL" as an argument, they're not necessarily wrong, they're just not really doing a good job at conveying their point to you in a convincing manner, that's on them, not on you, so try not to feel too bothered or think too much about it, just step away from it and open a new thread or reply to some other anon on it.

One example, I love Sonic 3D Blast, because I grew up with it, I have nostalgia over it and its aspects, I recognize that it's jank and not very good, especially compared to the other Sonic titles on Genesis, but I love it... to me, when I listen to the OST, or play my favorite level over and over, or just complete it all yet again, when my playthrough comes to a part I find to have a good atmosphere... a way that sums up all that I'm feeling might just be "Soul" and it's not due to this mediocre 90's product having an actual soul, but it's clear that the people that worked on it, who did have souls, poured theirs into it, and by doing so, their souls spoke to mine, even if for a brief moment, and on a very superficial level. Also, one thing that makes us who we are, are our memories, the ones we're fond of being the ones that probably shape us the most, so things we're nostalgic for, because they made us happy, in a way shape our soul, they make our soul smile, its what I think of when I read "SOVL" here

>> No.10184779 [View]
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I won't limit it to a top 5

>1. Door into Summer
>2. Endless Mine
>3. Rusty Ruin Act 2 (SAT)
>4. Panic Puppet Act 2 (SAT)
>5. Ending (S2)
>6. Chrome Gadget
>7. Act 1 Boss (S&K)
>8. Panic Puppet Act 1 (SAT)
>9. Star Light
>10. Diamond in the Sky
>11. Quartz Quadrant Present (JP)
>12. Metallic Madness Present (US)
>13. Death Egg Robot
>14. Stardust Speedway Bad Future (US)
>15. Palmtree Panic Bad Future (JP)
>16. Green Hills
>17. Big Arms
>18. Volcano Valley Act 1 (MD)
>19. Volcano Valley Act 2 (MD)
>20. Tidal Tempest Present (JP)
>21. Quartz Quadrant Bad Future (US)
>22. Chemical Plant
>23. Stardust Speedway Good Future (JP)
>24. Stardust Speedway Present (US)
>25. Midnight Greenhouse

>> No.10040561 [View]
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Why is there some faggot on /vr/ who has a mental breakdown whenever he sees a blue hedgehog. Go make your desired thread instead

>> No.9583342 [View]
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>There isn't a single great Sega console.
Master System and Game Gear were both excellent 8bit consoles filled with classics, of course they both couldn't compare to their main competitors, NES and Game Boy respectively, but that doesn't take away from the quality of their hardware and their success in some regions of the world outside of North America and Japan, they're still quite fun to play even nowadays. Genesis/Mega Drive is still a fantastic 16bit machine with most of SEGA's classic franchises, and near perfect arcade adaptations too, it was SEGA's most succesful console for a reason, it has hardware that was ahead of its time, and a library filled with quality titles in most genres, regardless if you prefer the SNES over it or not, just the fact that it managed to rival what could be the most perfect console of all time, the SNES, shows how good it was. If you want to talk about its add-ons, the 32x really was quite bad, but the CD had some decent titles for its time. At last we have the Saturn and Dreamcast, which weren't as succesful, but the Saturn's library isn't bad, especially in Japan, and the Dreamcast had probably the best launch lineup ever.

>Sonic's gameplay never worked.
>Every blind playthrough on the internet proves
I see this take getting posted a lot nowadays, the whole "Sonic was never good" nonsense, and that's exactly what this sort of comment is, nonsense. Sonic is probably the only franchise where people seem to feel proud of themselves for being really bad at it, like it turns them into a video game connoisseur to suggest that one of the most beloved and succesful franchises of all time is somehow fundamentally flawed. You can't expect to pick up the controller and be good at it from the get go, no video game is expected to let you just do well and win right away.

>> No.9112296 [View]
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I don't see why that is, afterall this is a board dedicated to retro video games, and Sonic is a retro video game icon, whether you like it or not. Having threads about the franchise here makes sense.

>> No.9110457 [View]
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Sonic is the man

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