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/vr/ - Retro Games


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>> No.4941640 [View]
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No, none of the Wario games are about grossout humor contrary to Sakurai's bastardization of the character, they're mostly about emphasizing his greed and machoness.

>> No.4921082 [View]
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I found a lot of mine from other chans, pixiv and the like, Mother threads always have some of the best I've ever seen.

>> No.4355138 [View]
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As much as M1 is my favourite, the grindiness is definitely a dragging factor. It's not too tedious, but you definitely have to do at least some to keep your head above water. And even then, unless you grinded your way to stupid levels you will always be inadequate for the final stretch, hence why Ninten is fast and you should be using 4-D slip.

Also, >>4355112 has a good solution with the easy patch, though like them I dislike the 25th anniversary for things like the sprites and changing around Giegue.

All in all I much prefer it vanilla, but I cannot blame you in the slightest if you want to mitigate the grindiness.

>> No.4135059 [View]
File: 412 KB, 691x565, 46865219_p19_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mother is moderately popular in Japan. Itoi is a huge celebrity there, if anything people know it as "that game Itoi made". It definitely is not on the level of final fantasy or dragon quest but it is mentioned. I remember Itoi telling a funny story where during the development of Mother 2, it went through development hell and took way longer then planned, he was at a baseball game when a group of kids came up to him and all of them asked him when Mother 2 is coming.

>> No.4080217 [View]
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You know I think if you're the minority it's because you're wrong.

You still haven't explained, how is the gameplay different? Or you don't, do you? You can just admit we're all right and we can end it right here.

>> No.3797824 [View]
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Actual guy you're responding to, here are my thoughts.

Firstly, no, they are different. Theh25th anniversary hack was made by a group as a way to sort of "update" Mother 1. The entire game has received a graphical overhaul with the goal of being more accurate to the clay models seen for the game's marketing.

The 25th anniversary hack is an impressive and commendable project but not one I can really recommend myself. I feel the makers of it really did try when making it but that ultimately it falls flat. The translation used is Tomato's and the sound is the original NES version. Personally I'll just be honest and say I think it looks lind of ugly myself. You can watch a few videos and form your oen view but I will say the graphics don't feel like Mother. I can't recommend it as a first time player.

If you need links to any version feel free to ask.

>> No.3709782 [View]
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Other then a not completely linear overworld and non tile based movement M1 didn't do that much new. Though I do I do think it's quite enjoyable and a solid famicom jrpg.
The fact they felt they needed to add a different hat to make ninten look less like ness ruins it.

>> No.3666193 [View]
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Mother 3 isn't retro

Anyways M3 is technically a supperior game but I guess it depends.

M1 is obviously quite old and pretty bare bones but it has a lot of imagination. There's a purity to it that feels genuine and makes it enjoyable. The sequels were a bit more serious with more story elements and some political satire. M1 is just a good little jrpg even if aged.

Without going too much into it, not retro, M3 is the technically supperior. Gameplay and graphics are greatly improved as expected. The story may be a little much for some people. I feel it has some plotholes and pacing problems but that doesn't detract from the overall game. In the end I still always am moved to tears no matter how many playthroughs later.

It depends on you as a person. Do you preffer the more innocent and imaginative but quite aged adventure or the more modern and emotional game? I know /vr/ has a hate boner for the series but the mother series is my favorite game series. I can't say I like one more then the other, they all appeal to me in different ways.

>> No.3558560 [View]
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>most concise story
Are you fucking kidding me? Mother is basically a directionless game that barely informs you of what to do and why. The game is nonlinear and not in a good way. The game expects you to know shit it barely informs you of, it feels impossible without having a guide. Shit like the singing cactus and finding ana's hat are terrible design choices.

I love the game myself, played it over ten times, but from a mechanical and plot standpoint it is quite barren and outdated.

>> No.3325470 [View]
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The mother 1 seen in mother 1+2 is based on the unreleased US prototype of the game. Along with the pros of a extended ending and a run command unfortunately has censored content (sprites and dialouge). Another change of the US prototype is that some dungeons such as the magicant undergroud and duncan's factory were changed to become easier. This is more a personal opinion so I won't comment on it. I recommend getting the US rom and using the patch below. This version is uncensored, has the original color and music, and uses most of tomato's accurate script.

>The untouched US rom is the definitive way of playing the game
Couldn't dusagree more. The translation by Phil Sandhop is terrible with stupid changes he made for no reason. Lindbolm did a good job as he actually made sure the lines were as accurate as possible and censored only what nintendo made him. This is a case where censorship honestly hinders the game. I hate most people who complain about censorship as they only do it if it involves tits. The US rom is pretty terrible.

>> No.3247761 [View]
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I recommend not playing the old earthbound zero rom, the translation is inaccurate.

I recommend the hack that adds tomato's translation to the nes version. Certain lines were changed due to restraints but you get a pretty accurate translation while still getting the nes music and color.

>> No.3134439 [View]
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>> No.3091578 [View]
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Personally I don't like the look of it and prefer the original, still impressive though

>> No.3042617 [View]
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>"add some words"
>not knowing it's "give it some words"
>mother 1 eight melodies
>posts mother 2 art
Fuck outta here.
Also little known fact but mother 2's eight melodies actually had lyrics as well that were written by itoi himself however they were never mentioned anywhere in anything relating to the English release.


>> No.2593172 [View]
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>You can not walk without finding 20 monsters.

Whatever, MOTHER was one of the best games I've played .

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