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>> No.10264904 [View]
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I definitely recommend them, especially Sonic 1, with this one you can't go wrong with either the Master System or Game Gear version, they're all well made, and it's probably the most polished in the 8-Bit Sonic lineup despite being the 1st. Now, Sonic 2's also a good time... on Master System, I can't recommend the Game Gear one due to the resolution, but on Master System? In a few ways I like it better than the 1st... Ancient and Aspect's works are both quite good, and they both did an excellent job on their respective 1st tries. We've also got a 2nd duology, this time entirely made by Aspect, and this feels closer to Genesis Sonic to me, we've got special stages to get the chaos emeralds again, a spin dash, a peel out, a lot of slopes and loops... though I find level design in both Chaos and Triple Trouble to be worse than in Sonic 1 and Sonic 2, but they're both still good and fun to play. I'd say these are the 8-Bit Sonic platformers worth playing, but Sonic 1 on Master System/Game Gear and Sonic 2 on Master System are must plays for any Sonic fan, at least in my eyes.

>> No.10253603 [View]
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>First Time playing and I gotta say it was pretty good.
I'm glad you had fun, OP!

>Though I did play as knuckles… not sure if that’s a remake thing or not.
It is, the original had only Sonic, same goes for Sonic 2, after that Sonic Chaos and Sonic Triple Trouble had Tails be playable too, the only 8-Bit Sonic title with a playable Knuckles, besides fan ones like this, is Sonic Blast, but that one is tough to recommend.

>What else did I miss in the sms and I guess game gear too.
Well, I'd say that, on Master System and Game Gear, the Sonic platformers worth playing are Sonic 1, Sonic 2, Sonic Chaos and Sonic Triple Trouble, there's also Tails Adventures if you're into MetroidVanias. I'd definitely give the original versions a try, as good as the remakes might be.


>> No.10076684 [View]
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A lot of people really exaggerate when it comes to Sonic 3D Blast's quality... but I get that, it was probably the only Sonic platformer on Genesis that wasn't a genuine classic, at this point players were used to Sonic's handheld installments being more mediocre, but a Genesis installment? Also, this was Sonic's only platformer on the Saturn, which was supposed to have a release in 1996 to rival Crash Bandicoot and, of course, Super Mario 64, and that would've been Sonic X-Treme, but we know how that ended up, anyways Sonic 3D Blast had to take the mantle somewhat, and regardless of how much someone has fun playing it, like I do, it is disappointing compared to the expectations people had for Sonic X-Treme, and especially when compared to what Sony and Nintendo had to offer with their mascot platformers at the time. I still love Sonic 3D Blast though, it has level design that's genuinely enjoyable to explore when looking for the Flickies or the Chaos Emeralds, it looks phenomenal for Genesis standards, sounds great as always, and you get used to the controls soon enough, I love playing this one.

>> No.9583394 [View]
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>That's kinda what not great means.
I see that more as Nintendo being geniuses and providing both the NES and Game Boy with solid titles that went on to become classics, also the fact that Nintendo pretty much saved the industry meant that they had a head start in this new phase of it after the crash, which lead to more sales and more publishers preferring them, but something being superior doesn't take away from one's individual quality. If you're in school and a colleague of yours gets an A+ while everyone else gets a B- or C+ at best, that single A+ isn't enough to make your A- not great.

>That's called being intuitive.
>It's cumbersome and without any flow.
Well, there's an important difference between something being intuitive and being shallow, in most video games you can beat the starting levels without issue, because they're lenient, the same goes for Sonic, however winning and doing well aren't the same, to play a level and expect to not run into anything, essentially doing a perfect run, it'll always take practice and an understanding of patterns and mechanics. You have to play the levels a few times and learn to roll into a ball in slopes to gain speed and protect yourself, you'll not run into things as often.

P.S. I'm not a furry, I just really like playing Sonic the Hedgehog because his video games are good.

>> No.9060770 [View]
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>Sonic 3D Blast (the only good 3D Sonic platformer)
I wouldn't say it's the only good 3D Sonic platformer, there are other good ones to me, but it sure is refreshing to see someone acknowledge it as not only counting as a 3D Sonic, but also consider it good overall, since it seems to be mostly bashed out there, even the Director's Cut, which I feel improved upon the original's foundation quite a lot. I know this might sound odd, but one thing that bothers me about Sonic's fan gaming scene, is that even though there are so many, and plenty of excelent quality, few ever attempt the Sonic 3D Blast formula again, even though it's a formula which could be greatly improved by being on an more traditional 3D perspective, instead of isometric, and with more platforming in the level design.

>> No.9048603 [View]
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>it was panned and given lower review scores
I do recall Sonic Adventure DX not getting the same acclaim Sonic Adventure got when it was released... but panned? Now that's an exaggeration, it was still well received and it, alongside Sonic Adventure 2: Battle, were responsible for a whole new generation of Sonic fans, that didn't own SEGA systems, due to being multi platform for the first time. I know Sonic Adventure has issues, plenty of issues in fact, but in the last few years it's been suffering through a rewritting or history, up until the mid 2000's it was mostly beloved and well regarded... but then again, nowadays I see lots of people claiming that not even 2D Sonic was good, so I'm not too surprised. No problem with you disliking it, it's not everyone's cup of tea, but it's not horrendous.

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