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File: 199 KB, 1200x800, Lower-Manhattan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9978564 No.9978564 [Reply] [Original]

It's crazy to think that this is going to be under water in less than 50 years. Do you think it's possible to build walls around the island to prevent it from being flooded?

>> No.9978573

24k years later and we have atlantises everywhere

>> No.9978604

Build a wall and make the Atlanteans pay for it

>> No.9978630

citation needed :^)

>> No.9978631

Why waste a huge engineering effort on putting a band aid on the issue when you can just build newer more efficiently planned cities in more ideal locations as the coast changes?

Old architecture is nice to preserve and all but they can break the most precious buildings down to rebuild them somewhere else if they care that much. You can't just fight the ocean forever.

>> No.9978637

>It's crazy to think that this is going to be under water in less than 50 years.
It really is crazy.

>> No.9978641

The lost island of Manhattan you say? that's just a myth. Those large steel beams rusting in the ocean are just a natural geological formation.

>> No.9978712

Ocean water can't melt steel beams.

>> No.9978720

How hard would it be to raise the entire city, like in Vinice.

>> No.9978721

>It's crazy to think that this is going to be under water in less than 50 years.

I would tend to agree.

>> No.9978723

Yes, which is why only crazy people think it.

>> No.9978724

You seem to be falling for an urban legend about Venice.

>> No.9978743
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>> No.9978804

Because the bandaid is cheaper than building a new city.
Ideally we should be doing both, because it will take time for new cities and infrastructure to come up to speed and during that time current coastal cities will suffer more disasters and eventually inundation.
But many political groups want to deny there is going to be a problem and building sea walls would appear like an admission of being wrong.

>> No.9978817
File: 93 KB, 256x228, 256px-Rapturecity.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why not just make all the buildings waterproof?

>> No.9978818

Keked so hard

>> No.9979447
File: 326 KB, 750x1334, 2AD9D0A5-D4DC-4279-B531-860A65FB3FCF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dam the whole bay. Divert the Hudson. Problem solved.

>> No.9979604

Why build a useful wall to protect cities from flooding if you can build a useless wall on your border to Mexico?

>> No.9980593


2mm * 50 years = 100mm = 10 centimeters

but they are predicting a Little Ice Age to hit around 2035, so the water levels will go DOWN, not up

>> No.9980895

Who is?

>> No.9981387



>> No.9981399




>> No.9981412

>literally just tricks
Insolation has been decreasing for decades while global temperature increases. Solar minimum does not mean a little ice age is coming since solar forcing is currently dwarfed by greenhouse forcing.

>> No.9981419
File: 5 KB, 640x480, mean_12 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Average global atmospheric and oceanic temperatures will drop significantly beginning between 2015 and 2016
Yup, look at that sharp drop.... Woops, better find a more up to date quack blog.

>> No.9981465

>He doesnt know about smart cities.
Btfo pleb. Ditch the shitware, we have many more urgent problems to adress

>> No.9981486

Memes aside, the ocean is more destructive to steel than explosives.

>> No.9981487
File: 28 KB, 880x481, MSU RSS GlobalMonthlyTempSince1979 With37monthRunningAverage With201505Reference.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


when will they stop manipulating the charts?

>> No.9981569

It's more like 500 years.
During those we will build new stuff on higher ground.

>> No.9981889

In 50 years it won't be underwater, just wetter than average.

Yes, walls are super ez. They don't even need to be that complex, just a pile of dirt that we occasionally put more dirt on. And excavating dirt is something we have been getting quite good at over the last hundred years

>> No.9982156

>when will scientists stop making their measurement techniques more accurate?

I know reading and understanding scientific research is very hard for you but do try:

>> No.9982501

just learn to swim and grow grills

>> No.9982864



>> No.9982871

...And nothing of value will be lost!

>> No.9982876
File: 163 KB, 600x550, Would_You_Kindly.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now this is an idea I can get behind. I'm not an engineer so I don't know if its possible given the structural design of the buildings, but I bet it would be a better solution than moving a fuckton of buildings. Seal up some stuff and build tunnels above all the streets, connect some buildings together with some thicc AF plexi-glass tunnels for the views, and do something similar over parks so you get to see cool underwater shit. Vehicles which run on fossil fuels will most definitely need to be banned though.

On that note I'm gonna play the fuck out of some Bioshock when I'm done studying for the day.

>> No.9983052

>a press release from denialtard central

>> No.9983057

just dig a trench at the bottom of the ocean and store the excavated material onshore

>> No.9983064

I'm literally a city engineer working to make NYC more resilient to sea level rise. Specifically for the East Harlem section. We are fucked, sry guys. Our best proposed solution right now is to literally buy out land in the lower elevated parts, destroy everything, and create creeks for the water to flow. This is what you'll see over the next 50 years.

>> No.9983069

Where to resettle all the people who now live in the lower elevated parts? Or leave them to drown?

>> No.9983106

Nice skepticism!


>> No.9983117

do americans actually not know that there are other cities with the same problem and they solved it long time ago?

>> No.9983222

Womp womp, you got tricked anon

>> No.9983229

We will buy them out. If we need to provide them new homes, we will. If they refuse... might have to get them evicted by force unfortunately.

>> No.9983336

We’ll just build dikes like the dutch do

>> No.9983500

Why would it be under water in 50 years? Is this is a rising water problem or a sinking city problem?

>> No.9983563


it's a propaganda problem
they believe what the mainstream media told them

even the atolls in the Pacific are GROWING in size, still they cry for money because they are "sinking", and the msm supports that narrative:

>> No.9983728
File: 47 KB, 700x509, 1533404920703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now combine
with this graph to understand the basic problem, irrespective of volcanic island formation

>> No.9983914
File: 370 KB, 1600x1237, sealevelrise.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is no way to protect cities like Miami and New Orleans. People will have to move somewhere else.

>> No.9984007

- oceans sit on top of tectonic plates that moves around, up and down, even meters per year
- millions of submarine volcanoes that sprout magma
- billions of tons of sediments are pushed down from mountains into the oceans by erosion

but no, it's the humans

>> No.9984663
File: 5 KB, 221x250, 1518045540769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>global sea level rise matches that expected by ice melt and thermal expansion caused by global warming
>nope, must be local factors or processes that take millions of years because otherwise I would have to admit human activity had an effect on the world

>> No.9984716
File: 3.65 MB, 5616x3744, 130425-A-CE999-001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you better build a dike

>> No.9986610

seawalls only offer temporary protection, ultimately you will have to abandon these cities

>> No.9988356

just retrofit the bottoms of the buildings to be waterproof and dynamics control, we can use them sometimes if that's needed @ all

>> No.9988392

Don't tell that to Miamians. They should be abandoning that place right now instead of wasting taxpayer dollars to elevate their streets like they're doing now.

>> No.9988397

Better yet: they should all go back to Cuba

>> No.9988930

just make every city like Venice

>> No.9989262

according to >>9983914 all of southern Florida is doomed

>> No.9989331

How about instead of trying to wall off cities, we just expand our cities into the water? And for that matter, the bedrock around the landmass?

Cities that by their very nature were engineered and design to be modularly renovateable. Cities occupying the sea that are designed not only to soak up the dangerous effects of tsunamis for MILES.

If it's done correctly, and the cities are properly moored to the bedrock beneath the seafloor, it should be conceivable to soak up natural disasters from all but apocalyptic tidal waves.

>> No.9989743

Are you kidding? Many coastal cities are literally build on sand. Or limestone, which is not much better.


>> No.9990181

please don't feed the troll

daily reminder that we are currently at the end of an interglacial period; worry about rebuilding the ports if the water goes down 120 meters (ok, slowly, but still a mess)



>> No.9990192

We might have been, if the global surface and ocean temperatures weren't going up. Even if local conditions continue to increase ice volume in the short term, we aren't going back to "ice world" for many thousands of years.

>> No.9990198

At most sea levels are going to rise by 1 or 2 meters, mostly due to thermal expansion

>> No.9990240


lel nice try brainlet

>> No.9990247

>It's crazy to think that this is going to be under water in less than 50 years.

I used to live in New Orleans.

I got news for you guys... these places will simply be abandoned. You can't hold back the ocean and its a fools errand to try

>> No.9990683

looks like someone isn't dutch

>> No.9990713

Correction: holding back the ocean is a fool's errand if you happen to be a fool.

>> No.9990787


No one is going to save these places. The Dutch story it has no relevance to today. No one is going to invest in or rush to save personal or private property. Tenants will move the fuck out.

Unlike the netherlands, there are other places to go, sea level is not the only agricultural or urban landbase.

Nah, these cities, Shanghai, Miami, New Orleans, New York... they are just going to abandon and withdraw, hopefully taking steps to leave what will become, more or less, innocuous artificial reefs.

>> No.9991317


What about Singapore? It's a city-state.

>> No.9991677

The value of land is slightly different between Singapore and Florida.

>> No.9992561

Last time New Orleans was abandoned it happened disorderly. I guess next time will be no better.

>> No.9992592

we could just pump the ocean into space and stabilize sea level.
how much water could the moon hold with it's gravity? we could store it there and pump it back on earth when climate cools down again.
how would a watermoon effect climate due to more sunlight reflection?
has anybody ever thought about this geniuslevel idea?

>> No.9993099

And I can't wait for the coastal bugmen to drown.

>> No.9993103

Best day of my life when the basedboys realize their ultra expensive property will be worthless

>> No.9993112

What is it with Paleocons and wanting to gouge out the most successful segments of their country?

>> No.9993121
File: 113 KB, 500x752, escape-from-new-york-poster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some people want to build a wall anyway, just put it around Manhattan instead of Mexico.

>> No.9993130

>Building a wall to stop the flow of immigrants, which are dirty and steal, is racist
>Building a wall to stop the flow of water, which you could just drink, is progressive and woke because (((global wa... I mean, (((climate change))) is real

>> No.9993134

Go and drink some sea water, maybe it'll make you smarter.

>> No.9993262


Because water doesn't leech your resources while simultaneously undermining the rule of law that ensures the abundance of those resources in the first place.

>> No.9993303

There are so many parenthesis around this post I could barely read it.

>> No.9993310

Couldn't enough desalination plants effectively match rising sea levels?

>> No.9993319

Desalination is energy intensive. Its primary use is to produce freshwater. Scaling it up that massively seems impossible.

>> No.9993339

We just need fusion.

>> No.9994088

because hydrostatic pressure isn't a thing.

>> No.9994166

just use boats instead of cars and flooded roads are no problem

>> No.9994420

you obviously never seen a real big flood

>> No.9994477
File: 52 KB, 505x377, christy-cmip5[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>global sea level rise matches that expected by ice melt and thermal expansion caused by global warming


all predictions so far have been way off

>> No.9994490
File: 2.64 MB, 3008x2000, Hurricane_katrina_damage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9995114
File: 859 KB, 500x281, ChristyChart500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your graph doesn't show sea level rise predictions and is a a dishonest hackjob. But you know this already.

>> No.9995141

I been to Singapore, they will turn their city into spaceship and leave plebs on Earth.It already looks like high tech space colony.

>> No.9995766

cant wait to tell the dutch that they should have all moved to belgium centuries ago

>> No.9996539

God I hope there’s a mini ice age

>> No.9996544

What’d you called me

>> No.9996595

same, but its not going to happen.

>> No.9996652

it will probably look like this

>> No.9998183

The drug problem can be solved by legalizing drugs. With a tiny fraction of the money spent on the drug war the government can finance media campaigns against drugs, but let honest companies take it over. Sure, more people will die from drug overdose, but nobody will die from the gangs/cartells/dea fighting, which will equalize things.

>> No.9998332

You have to understand the war on drugs isn't about stopping drugs. It's about having a money pit you can just dump bux into that no one expects to show results, so you can your friends can just skim it all and get rich.

>> No.9998341
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>> No.9998353

this. The DEA, ATF, ICE, FBI, and CIA all get a lot of fucking money from drugs. Be it selling them and cooperating with cartels, seizing drug money, seizing drugs, seizing assets bought with drug money, seizing guns, taking bribes, or government funding. The drug war is a huge money pit, its like a treasure hunt for a lot of these agencies trying to hunt all these traffickers down because the traffickers make an insane amount as well.

>> No.9999676

it's cheaper to abandon it

>> No.10000217

maybe we better do something about climate change

>> No.10000434

I've been speaking with a friend who works at the University of British Columbia in the environmental department.

According to him it's too late to really do anything. Now it's just a matter of time.

>> No.10001454
File: 140 KB, 1080x1349, 20398798_473416729692042_2692842519183491072_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So we should not do anything because your some random guy says so?

>> No.10001467

>sandy hook
I'm spooped

>> No.10001470

this is a meme right they aren't actually doing this right

>> No.10001479

yea but we're not talking about the dutch we're talking about burgers that couldn't get a levee right

>> No.10001488
File: 87 KB, 843x315, 6DE0A799-53C7-4734-A464-D52DF1BCD4BF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>maybe we better do something about climate change

Climate change means improved living conditions for most civilized countries, it’s the Third World that is fucked.

>> No.10001498

ITT: engineers reveal how dumb they are

>> No.10001590

>most civilized countries
>Canada, Scandinavia and Russia

>> No.10001955

>all the degenerates live on the coasts
>god washes away the sins


>> No.10001959

We need tremendous walls to keep the rabble out though.

I’d actually support chipping citizens to make refugees instantly recognisable and deportable for this as well. We need to go China levels of authoritarian pramatism to save civilisation.

>> No.10002168
File: 78 KB, 1024x1001, urn-newsml-dpa-com-20090101-140804-99-06826-large-4-3-jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This map is just rubbish, climate change means more forest fires and drought up in the north. This is not good for GDP. The truth is: nobody will profit. We are an ice age species.