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9917450 No.9917450[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>in grad school
>about to finish writing up a 300 page PhD thesis in quantum waveguides
>professor hates me for some reason, ignores my emails unless I literally stop him down the hallway to arrange an appointment.
>he’s not even that popular or busy, so I think he deliberately avoids me
>it’s been like this since the start, I dunno why, but whatever, I’m about to finish soon anyway
>planning to submit 1 or 2 papers for publication
>send the drafts to professor because obviously he will want second author
>still hasn’t replied to me 2 weeks later despite sending a few reminders

What do /sci/? I’m just anxiously waiting to finish my PhD, publish some papers and move on with my life. But now I’m having doubts whether I can even trust the prof to read my drafts for journal submission. I guess asking for a recommendation letter for post docs is out of the question...

>> No.9917522

Welcome to the real world.

>> No.9917557



now either adapt or kys OP

law of natural selection bby

>> No.9917568

True but also useless.

>> No.9917572

please tell me you have at least a good social intelligence, and you already had at least a coffee or beer with him

>> No.9917618


I asked once but he declined...

>> No.9917632

Do you only communicate via email?

Go physically corner him and ask what's going on. Say you wanted to schedule a meeting to discuss these last important matters and you couldn't get a response or something.

Also, events like this are the reason you have a graduate committee. If shit hits the fan with your mentor, you will still graduate as your graduate committee will protect your best interests and help you succeed.

Who knows, your mentor might just be ultra busy right now, and if you're in quantum physics then it's likely you're both autistic, so these behaviors make sense.

Godspeed OP and avoid some shitty postdoc.

>> No.9917634

He might resent the prospect of you leaving. In some countries (Gemany comes to mind) the PhD student is considered skilled slave labour. In other countries (UK for instance) it is important that the PhD student completes the degree in less than 5 years.

My guess: he has a project where he need an assistant but does not have the funding for it.

>> No.9917661


I’m currently living with parents in a different country since my funding ran out. Trip to my college will require a plane ticket so it’s not exactly easy to just drop by in person...

I don’t really think he resents me for leaving. In fact he’s often tried to get me to quit early but I didn’t.

>> No.9917670

What the hell dude, why didn't you change advisors?

>> No.9917672

>>He might resent the prospect of you leaving. In some countries (Gemany comes to mind)<<
The more valued you are (to a certain degree ofc) the more likely it is that you take up full 6 years.
It is completely disgusting.
I was very surprised at the hearing when my supervisor said that he ain't that dude having doctoral candidates for more than 3 years.
His longest was 3.5 years, so he was pretty close to his word.

>> No.9917699

How did you get through 3 years with such a shit supervisor? I realised after a month that my one was horrible and hence changed supervisors and everything has been good since.

>> No.9917701

profs have a lot of powers over their students.
I read about a berlin music composition prof that fucked all his students (girls and boys), taught at his private home, showed them porn, had threesoms with them and his wife etc

he was some opera composer and now faces a litany of rape charges. either way point is your fucked. shoulda sucked your prof's dick while you could

>> No.9917719
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he's in prison now

>> No.9917722

You mean you wrote your thesis BEFORE submitting at least 3 publications? Also 300 pages?

I think your Prof. fears they'll be rejected and is distancing himself from you.

I recommend you improve the language as much as possible. Add him as co-author for legitimacy and submit it anyway. Add yourself as the collaborating author. He might be mad at this, but fuck him he's screwing you over.

Once the reviewers start telling you what's wrong with your work you can improve it from there. You might be able to make some improvements based on their recommendations and get something published. In the worst case scenario your work is not unique, but you might still be refered to some journal to publish your data at the very least.

Once you have done that tell your dean your situation and ask for help in getting you external examiners. You'll be able to defend a few months from now, possibly within the semester.

>> No.9917743

Where are you from? Where is the uni? Who is the prof? Where is the prof from?

>> No.9917766 [DELETED] 


Wouldn't have got funding if I changed my advisor anyway. The other advisor who I approached basically told me I would have to fund myself or apply for a scholarship. The latter would have taken me several months and there was no guarantee I would have even gotten it.

I've maintained my sanity by shitposting on hokkaido trust fund boomer imageboards. no joke.

>I think your Prof. fears they'll be rejected and is distancing himself from you.

Yeah I fear the same. Sounds like a very risky strategy trying to publish without his consent, but won't he get an automatic notification from the journal that I tried to publish? Theres nothing stopping him retracting the paper before I get any feedback from the reviewers since the process takes several months from submission to getting officially published.

>> No.9917776


Wouldn't have got funding if I changed my advisor anyway. The other advisor who I approached basically told me I would have to fund myself or apply for a scholarship. The latter would have taken me several months and there was no guarantee I would have even gotten it.

I've maintained my sanity by shitposting on hokkaido trust fund boomer imageboards. no joke.

>I think your Prof. fears they'll be rejected and is distancing himself from you.

Yeah I fear the same. Sounds like a very risky strategy trying to publish without his consent, but won't he get an automatic notification from the journal that I tried to publish? Theres nothing stopping him retracting the paper before I get any feedback from the reviewers since the process takes several months from submission to getting officially published.

Also, any advice on how I can get something published in APL (Applied Physics Letters)? Whats the process like? The guidelines on their website look pretty intimidating for a first timer.

>> No.9917825

He probably just doesn’t check his email and is a grumpy person, ask him in person, other than him being a dick, what’s the worst that could happen?

>> No.9917924

>Peter Sloterdijk, in a spoken statement at the high-profile philosophy festival Phil.Cologne[18] on 21 May 2016, described the District Court's decision as a stark symptom of contemporary neo-Puritan ("neopuritanische") prudery, a social and political trend eroding the achievements of sexual liberation in Germany since the 1960s.
Epidemic, it seems.

>> No.9918388

>Yeah I fear the same.
Just don't back down. I had an amazing relationship with both my advisers. My primary adviser was family in a way.

But even they started doubting me at some point. Even after I published the reviewers didn't entirely understand my work and its context (my fault), it took a long time to improve the articles. When it was done my external examiners who are top uni Professors (after making changes to my thesis) where so impressed they went out of their way to compliment me, saying I was the best grad student they ever saw, journals invited me to conferences etc. and only then did I regain my advisers faith in me (and secretly I had lost some faith in myself too).

Never stop believing in your work. No one else will.

>Sounds like a very risky strategy trying to publish without his consent, but won't he get an automatic notification from the journal that I tried to publish?
Yes he will, but fuck him he didn't respond. Send him one more e-mail telling him you are submitting next week.

>Theres nothing stopping him retracting the paper before I get any feedback from the reviewers since the process takes several months from submission to getting officially published.
That is why you put yourself as the corresponding author. Your Prof can retract his [math]authorship[/math], but not his name, and at that point you've (hopefully) used his credibility to get to the review stage already. I'm guessing he won't though, he just doesn't want to put in any effort into it.

>Also, any advice on how I can get something published... for a first timer
I'm not in Physics, but every journal is more or less the same. Yes the standards are insane and you have to follow them to the dot. This in itself can take months, but if you miss something, the reviewers will point it so don't stress too much. Keep reading and re-reading the author guidelines and your manuscript. Minimize as many errors as possible. If your results are good it will work out I promise.