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9876080 No.9876080 [Reply] [Original]

Are looks the most important factor in sexual selection?

>> No.9876084

only for women, socioeconomic status is more important in males

>> No.9876085
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Obviously not.

>> No.9876147

Interesting, is there a paper for this?

>> No.9876207

I don't believe this. This just just sounds like some MGTOW bullshit.

>> No.9876216

Australians have fucked this before. How horrifying. What is wrong with them?

>> No.9876222

>I don't believe this
That's unfortunate, because it's true.

>> No.9876229

Do you have anything to cite for this observation, besides anecdote?

>> No.9876230
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it's up there, women don't like to admit it though

>> No.9876234

whats it like being a blue pilled dumb shit?

>> No.9876240

You need to breed, idiot.

>> No.9876244

i mean besides the okcupid blog site not really anything to say about it.
women will always favour facial attractiveness the most as its where testosterone is the most visible

>> No.9876246
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>Do you have anything to cite for this observation, besides anecdote?
Ah, okay then, I'll take that as a no. It's almost like you /pol/ spill newfags don't know anything about /sci/, or something.

>> No.9876275

>you need
Coming from a retarded monkey slave to programming lmao

>> No.9876280

Well, if you want to pass on your wonderful concept of neo-masculinity (lmao what a sad concept, Roosh), you need to create progeny.
Unless, of course, your genes are so utterly inferior.
You know what, do the world a favor and don't breed. We don't need anymore neo-masculinists (lmao).

>> No.9876281
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Hah! Nice try Stacey.
Looks are objectively far more important to women than men.

>> No.9876286

>if you want to pass on your wonderful concept of neo-masculinity, you need to create progeny.
How retarded are you?
Idea's never die, cunt.

>> No.9876290

The very fact we have extinct civilizations that people know shit all about, apart from genetic leftovers and some artifacts is proof alone that is bullshit.
I mean, take a group of men, put them in a shipping container, teach them a new religion.
Then, drop a nerve agent into the shipping container and wait.
I guarantee you've just killed the idea.

>> No.9876292

To add:
>How retarded are you?
Apparently retarded enough to spout some bullshit saying.

>> No.9876294

>The very fact we have extinct civilizations that people know shit all about, apart from genetic leftovers and some artifacts is proof alone that is bullshit
Implying those civilizations had any knowledge we don't possess today.

>> No.9876295

>I like to change the goalposts when I get BTFO.
Is this the power of /pol/? Pretty disappointing.
It's like applying a rear naked choke to a drunk.

>> No.9876296

>Ideas never die is a bullshit saying
That's why your going to lose, bitch. You fuckers are so sure of yourself while disregarding the knowledge of the past

>> No.9876299

aight bro
it's not hard to understand if you're a 10/10 like op's pic
but again you're free to think whatever you want
literally me and op's pic have literally said it's all about the face lmao !

>> No.9876300

Well for starters, they had their own culture, religion probably.
Those are CONCEPTS, or "ideas" as you crudely put them.
They no longer exist today, ergo, you can kill an idea.

>> No.9876301

Is this the power of reddit?
That would actually explain a lot

>> No.9876307

>>9876299 see >>9876207.
I agree, it is largely to do with attraction.

Oh look, still no argument. Funny stuff, you spastic.

>> No.9876308

>deport rapists, murderers and irishmen to desert island
>they start fucking the wildlife
nothing surprising here

>> No.9876309

>She's such a retard that she can't figure out that quote is talking about ideas that deserve to survive

>> No.9876312

>Oh look, still no argument. Funny stuff, you spastic.
Glad you could admit that my argument mirroring yours isn't sufficient.
You fags are so dumb that I can make you prove yourself wrong

>> No.9876315

how does it feel being unattractive to women?

>> No.9876316

>Oh look, I once more change the goalposts.
No, you said verbatim was:
>Idea's never die, cunt.
And then you continued to back up that assertion, not the redefined position you took up after getting BTFO out:
Nice try though, pretty retarded.

>You fags are so dumb that I can make you prove yourself wrong
That lack of self-awareness, Christ.

>> No.9876317

How are people not bored of this topic yet? Get a life jesus

>> No.9876318

How does it feel to have your attractiveness be your only redeeming quality?

>> No.9876322

At least anon has a redeeming quality.
You don't even have intelligence, sad.

>> No.9876324

Why do women say they want intelligent men when they don't? It just makes intelligent unattractive men feel resentment when they could've just been told how it works from the get go

I no longer hate women since with time you get used to everything, but the duplicity was maddening back when I was a hormonal teenager.

>> No.9876325

god you are so delusional
you literally are so dumb you think you're right and the fact you have never looked up any young genius on google images
protip: attractiveness is a good sign of genetics as is the case of literally any genius you know of in their 20's
go look up einstein in his 20's or anyone you want bro

>> No.9876326

>You don't even have intelligence, sad.
I bet you couldn't even define intelligence, bitch

>> No.9876329

go ahead bro
takes me literally 2 seconds to respond to your dumb close minded insecure ass

>> No.9876330

Something you lack.
Oh look, I did it!

>> No.9876332

>Intelligence is correlated to attractiveness
>post hoc ergo propter hoc, duh!
>Ipso facto you're wrong, brainlet
Keep thinking you know what you're talking about

>> No.9876334

amusingly it's not a fallacy if you know anything about genetics

>> No.9876335

>Amusingly still a fallacy that the field of evolutionary psychology disregards in an attempt to advance scientific understanding

>> No.9876336

>Look at my Latin phrases, that require no Latin grammar to deploy, just copy and paste.
Whoa, you're so smart.
Noli timere!

>> No.9876339

do you want me to link you geniuses in their 20's to prove a point
i mean you must think ancedotal evidence is a true thing if you actually posted something like that

>> No.9876342


>> No.9876343

The power of MGTOW faggots is truly astounding.

>> No.9876344

m8 i literally poon like feynman
what the fuck is wrong with your projection bro

>> No.9876346

>links a youtube channel

>> No.9876348

>Is there a paper for this?
>paper, academic paper
>Posts a YouTube channel.
The absolute fucking state of /sci/.

>> No.9876352

I'm not talking about you, faggot.
I'm talking about: >>9876332

>> No.9876353

>implying samefag
literally look at how i type

>> No.9876356

Then why're you replying if you aren't: >>9876332, or >>9876339. Despite it being aimed at: >>9876332?

>> No.9876360

i am
why would you aim it at somebody opposing what you're supposedly aiming at

>> No.9876363

I wasn't aiming it at you, idiot. I was saying how retarded the /pol/tard is, apparently though you also lack higher brain function, sad.

>> No.9876365

She's just trying to make a political point
Regardless elaborate on the causal link between attractiveness and intelligence (guessing you'll use IQ)
If you want to say that you are inferring a causal link due to a multitude of correlations then that's one thing
If you just want to link me young geniuses then you're falling victim to the fallacy

>> No.9876366

But that's the point, real time practical proof is far better than "scientific" papers because what you're technically asking for is some evolutionary psychology hypothesis circlejerk like all similar articles of this nature, whereas this fat balding ginger manlet with a stereotypical soiboi look is a direct proof that he's not getting females because of his looks. In addition, a lot of the males who go to his courses are actually quite good looking which means that they couldn't pull females with their looks alone and needed something more

>> No.9876367


You're all faggots.

>> No.9876369

thanks bro
you have literally disregarded a person trying to argument against a person you are arguing against
i suppose you haven't realized an enemy of my enemy if my friend tard
you know how fucking retarded that is

>> No.9876371

>ancedotally bringing up geniuses as attractive is a fallacy
damn bro
nice projection in the female part too

>> No.9876372

>real time practical proof

Youtube wouldn't lie to me.. would it?!

>> No.9876373

Everyone under the age of 25 needs to be banned from this website.

>> No.9876374


>> No.9876375

It's a fallacy if you're trying to imply from that data alone a causal link between intelligence and attractiveness, yes

>> No.9876376

that's even stupider as the pattern of geniuses is literally young age
einstein was literally under 25 when he published relativity
the pattern is good genes dumbfuck

>> No.9876377

>the pattern is good genes dumbfuck
Define "goo

>> No.9876378


>> No.9876379


>> No.9876380

this but actually unironically

>> No.9876383

goo is a viscous fluid

>> No.9876384

Define "good genes."
You're just digging yourself a deeper hole as you have no clue what you're talking about outside of pop-sci.

>> No.9876386

aight bro
good thing i am literally playing a video game alongside this thread
again you can think whatever you want but lmao !
good luck with procreation kek

>> No.9876387

Read any evolutionary psychology textbook you retard.


>> No.9876389
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>> No.9876390

thanks for the blogpost

>> No.9876392

zoomer cope

>> No.9876393


>> No.9876394

Nah, attractiveness over wealth.

>> No.9876395

Most people don't know what intelligent means.

>> No.9876398

What does intelligent mean then, doctor?

>> No.9876400

good job pedant

>> No.9876405

No, no, tell us. What does "intelligent" mean?

>> No.9876407

why would that make a single difference in regard to op's question
just because your tiny brain considers your literal only slight attribute as sexual selection doesn't make it actually so
gratz on the undergrad btw if you have even made it so far

>> No.9876409


seems to me the intelligent thing to do around women is not be autistic/creepy and try being fun.

>> No.9876411

the pattern is being facially attractive
autism/creepiness doesn't exist if you are the above

>> No.9876412

Oh so, you can't define intelligence. Even in this context? Sad.

>> No.9876413


>> No.9876414
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>> No.9876416

you have literally no experience talking to women then
good job bro
what is the point of being pedantic
nobody cares you insecure fuck
go back to your literally 0 publications

>> No.9876418

>go back to your literally 0 publications
Ah, link some of your publications then, faggot.
Glass houses and stones, idiot.

>> No.9876420
File: 518 KB, 800x424, 1518215582326.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I look forward to seeing you shoot up a sorority

>> No.9876440


>Forming your view of an entire gender based on a handful of idiots on twitter

The female equivalent to this would be a girl developing her view of men solely by reading women hate threads on /r9k/

Do you even realize how much self awareness you lack?

>> No.9876458

nah i don't think that all women are like that but being attractive definitely helps a lot in life, everywhere not just with dating

>> No.9876460

amusingly you post elliot rogers but are unable to view his very obvious facial attributes on yourself
i don't have the attributes you do btw lmao ! hence 10/10 as i said
the view is literally representative of girls in real life as you would know if you actually talked to them
girls do not vary generally across eachother as most people who talk to them would know

>> No.9876465

It's yet another example of citing the outliers to refute the rule
>Woman can't into science

>> No.9876470

The absolute state of /sci/. Get a fucking decent sample size, Achmed.

>> No.9876473

i guess i have to say i'm 10/10 again xD
good job bro you really showed me

>> No.9876477

4 randos on Twitter isn't an acceptable sample size, you fucking moron.

>> No.9876486

I think it's a good metric for your level of competency that you are using a physicist (in the video).

>> No.9876618

Pretty much

>> No.9876620

You're ugly then?

>> No.9876622

No way dude, look at elliot rodger

>> No.9876632

at first yes
then later money is more important

>> No.9876638

i had a crush on ben linus from lost when i was 12

so, prob not

>> No.9876648
File: 17 KB, 355x359, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Both yes and no.

If you are thin and not disfigured I suspect that 99% of men can pull if they have a modicum of personality and confidence.

Notice the large amount of basedboys in the internet with girlfriends (which you incels so so loath) that actually have relative dadbods (but not obese) and do have girlfriends, even if in my view (bi) aren't really attractive at all.

On the other hand.

If you are like picture related, then yes you are fucked no matter how wonderful you personality.

>> No.9877117

>women rate men significantly less attractive
>still have relationships and families with them
Yep seems like looks don't matter to women.

>> No.9877141

You're interpreting it wrong.
Women instinctively care about looks more than men do
However, their wanting of money and status overrides this, while that's a fringe attribute in men

>> No.9877172
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>biological systems developed and refined over millions of years
>blue pilled

>> No.9877191

this graph is so accurate. it's too bad they didn't have a wealth option for the girls to also drastically undershoot

>> No.9877246

To women, intelligent is the 110 iq guy who references pop sci and some psued books, not the 130 iq autist who can do multivariable calculus in his head.

>> No.9877376

Just gotta be a good manipulator and know what women like, I'd say both looks and intelligence are about as important, you can compensate one with an other as needed.

>> No.9877468
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literally false

>> No.9877494

I think they recognize the intelligence and determination in 130 iq autists, but they rather target them for exploitation than romantic interest. May come crawling back to those who later in life get successful in a more conventional way that normies will admire.

>> No.9877497


but yeah, 110 with good looks and "fun" and social personality is probably more than enough.

>> No.9877559

You're missing the point so badly
Bringing up anecdotes for a very obvious pattern is not a fallacy
Nice ad hominem xD
You are welcome to look into facial attributes too it was just a summary video

>> No.9878059

What're you on about? I'm saying it is more attraction, rather than wealth based.
/sci/ really needs to learn how to read.

>> No.9878061

>You're missing the point so badly
>Bringing up anecdotes for a very obvious pattern is not a fallacy

>> No.9878154

>Get job at sperm bank
>Replace samples with your own sperm
>Sit back and watch your genes proliferate like Genghis Khan

>> No.9878156

While the plural of anecdotes isn't data, the plural of correlations is.
That's how you need to structure your argument.
>You're just coming off as a troll

>> No.9878161

There is a theory going around that for whatever reason there was a sexual selection explosion in Europe. Some speculate it's simply because of the geography

>> No.9878193

>look at how much I don't care what you guys think while I respond to all and do other things
Yeah, I can almost taste the tears from here. Go for a walk or something.