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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9809348 No.9809348 [Reply] [Original]

To all the people who say they have an iq of 150+ on this board: you don't.

You think you're gods gift to the Earth, yet you spend your time shitposting on 4chan while living with your parents/being a NEET instead of doing anything productive.

Calling other people brainlets and mindlessly reciting facts you found off wikipedia aren't the motions of a genius.

No matter how smart you may think you are, the world will never suck up to you as much as you will.


>> No.9809360

Not all geniuses were good in school (Einstein), obeyed the authority (Planck), studied science at first (de Broglie)..

I generally agree with every word youve written but im a NEET myself and i tell you, we live in confusing times which can easily make the genius go crazy and drop out of the system. I am only now choosing the path of STEM to further my interests and do any good but it took me a lot of self loathing, drowning in misery and failed decisions to get here

>> No.9809364

I agree with the above user in that I know hs students going to ivy leagues who are complete retards and ones delegated to shittier/state universities by "muh diversity" who are really smart.

>> No.9809876

>it wasnt because of their mediocre grades and extracurriculars
>it was because they are white

>> No.9809882

as a smart dude in a state school due to no extracurriculars while sycophantic idiots go to ivies, I'm upset.

>> No.9809916
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>> No.9809927

I have an officially verified iq of over 150 and i'm a neet because of mental issues, don't bully as i never called anyone here a brainlet. I also don't think highly of myself and i'd rather have a more normal iq and a blissful happy life.

>> No.9809936

Bro, youre not alone.

t. IQ ~133 NEET schizophrenic

>> No.9809942

einstein aced all his classes and was identified from an early age retard

>> No.9809945

if you're schizo, your iq is very likely not 133
how'd you do on your subtests

an iq of 150 would legitimately be a millionaire in 1 year if they wanted to
please don't make my genuine 150+ friends look like retards because of you. i know a couple.

>> No.9809953

I have 160 IQ and it gets tiring getting the envy and jealousy of everyone around me. I just learn things faster and do the things right, I'm not a fucking alien.

>> No.9809955

He was, i just read a book on him, but he didnt ace classes in school, he dropped out and only returned after a year or so

What are subtests?

>> No.9809957

>I have 160 IQ
No you don't.
At what age did you get your BS? PhD?

>> No.9809959

an IQ test has multiple subtests, and you get your percentile for each one
examples: matrix reasoning, block design, digit span, vocab size, Etc.

>> No.9809961

>comma splice
>160 IQ

>> No.9809963

What if my IQ is 142 (tested by clinician)? Can I be a millionaire too in a year?

>> No.9809969

No. You. Don't. Just grow up, please.

>> No.9809971

age when test was taken? what test and what sd?

probably can't. 142 vs 150 is a huge gap

>> No.9809977

Diagnosed at 18.
BS in Software Engineer at 22
>inb4 lol pajeet code monkey
Neck yourself. I studied what I like.

>> No.9809981

>BS in Software Engineer at 22
definitely not 160
must have been a piss easy test

>> No.9809982
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I took it was when I was in first grade, because teacher though I belonged in gifted program. My school had me skip a grade because of my IQ and how I was in the classroom. Everyone else in my family are very blue collar (coal-miners, fireman, etc.).

I don't know details for my IQ score, just know the score because I overheard my mom talking to doctor once. I assume it has to be Stanford-Binnet, given how young I was when I took it.

>> No.9809983
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>BS in CE
>not even CS

mathfags btfo

>> No.9809999

>I took it was when I was in first grade
there you go. heratibility of IQ likely took its toll on you. For ages <9, IQ has low correlation with adolescent or adult IQ (r=0.23 according to literature)

I was the same way, actually. Took an IQ test in 3rd grade (plus the RAVEN for more data) and was placed in a gifted and talented program since I was in the 99.3rd percentile, or so. Fast forward to 19 to where I take an IQ test (WAIS): score is 113. I'm 23, now. I wondered for years and years why I was such an underachiever.

Maybe you got lucky and your IQ didn't drop too much. Who knows? This is why I am vehemently against people taking IQ tests until they're 17 or so. It just sets them up for failure, like me.

>> No.9810000
File: 59 KB, 1080x881, Screenshot_2018-06-14-23-43-03-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>took wechsler

I didnt understand maybe 4 questions because english is not my native, i did about 22 questions/50 before time ran out

They did test several different intelligences at school and later in life and i did extraordinary well, + i aced logic competitons

W-why did i score so low? Am i a brainlet?

>> No.9810005

i scored even lower on that WAIS online test

it's not very good honestly

>> No.9810009

Not him but the data set for the online WAIS is fucked because people use calculators, repeat the test (since it's the same questions) and fuck it all up

I scored much higher on the actual WAIS

>> No.9810012

I dont know the questions seemed pretty easy and i did something similar with licensed psychologists but they didnt time it, it progressed from easy to hard and the last question was still pretty fucking easy.

I had to deal with an annoying ad pooping up tho

>> No.9810016
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I'm not an underachiever though. I'm one of the best physics students at a top-tier Ivy League university. I've had several professors tell me outside of class that I'm one of their best students they ever have in both humanities (more so) and science.

I was more curious to hear what you think someone with tested IQ of 142 is capable of compared to 150, which you said can become millionaire in a year. So your thoughts on this anon?

I do somewhat relate to what you mean by intelligence dropoff. When I was really undergoing changes from puberty, I did find myself struggling more cognitively and I think sexual thought is to blame for that partially too. i used to have extremely good memory, people thought I had photographic as a kid, and I began to lose that as a kid. However, over last 6 months, my memory is returning to what it was like when I was a kid. Also, in these last six months, I have EXTREMELY vivid dreams every night (multiple) and this happens even when I nap for 15-20 minutes too. Can anyone explain this, especially the dreaming?

>> No.9810018

If you have vivid dreams its a sign of intelligence. Which.you.are.obviously.already.aware.of

Stupid people dream black&white, did you know that

>> No.9810024

I wish I could ban all talk of IQ from this board. Worrying/caring about IQ is the most pointless shit in the world. People let some fucking number stop them from trying to learn about the beautiful and infinite complexity of our reality because they're "not smart enough" instead of possibly pursuing something that could be interesting to them.

On top if the fact intelligence is relative and even as a moron you belong to the most intelligent species on the planet. We stand on the shoulders of giants and people are worried about how far they'll see instead of marveling at the sight.

>> No.9810034

>I'm not an underachiever though. I'm one of the best physics students at a top-tier Ivy League university. I've had several professors tell me outside of class that I'm one of their best students they ever have in both humanities (more so) and science.

you got lucky

thank your parents for good genes.

I think it's extremely important for genetic trash and untalented people to learn their deficiencies sooner instead of painstakingly trying to justify every failure you've ever experienced as something of your own creation. I'm the 113 IQ guy, and if it were up to me, I'd ban all sub-125s from uni. It's just not worth the mental anguish.

>> No.9810037

You're believe you understand intelligence, but you don't. Intelligence is no hardcoded path to success. I just increases the probability of success.

>> No.9810039

I honestly don't remember if I dream in black or white, or in color, which sounds stupid, I know. I do have very weird, detailed dreams with little talking but lots of sharp noises.

>> No.9810045

> I just increases the probability of success.
yeah, by an extremely significant amount, to the point where an underachiever with a 140+ IQ is very questionable.

>> No.9810055

What if youre tfw too intelligent to work and just leech off whoever you can?

>> No.9810059

No motherfucker you attribute your failures to a number because you feel it justifies them. When I was tested for ADD I got the same IQ as you and I've graduated from a state uni with a chemistry degree. Why the fuck would you let some number dictate what you can accomplish?

>> No.9810133

sounds like you're black

>> No.9810140

even in schools that practice quota systems like harvard they have the largest quota by far, it's like 67%, and they're still blaming minorities for being unable to be in the top 67% of white people.
it took the national guard to force a school to let go of the "100% white" quota system.
the bitch Fisher who sued UT austin for muh white discrimination actually had mediocre grades. it turns out she was outscored by 180 minorities who were also rejected. and 50 whites with worse grades than her got in. clear anti-white discrimination though.

>> No.9810255

It didn't hinder my understanding of his sentence, stop nitpicking.

>> No.9810262

Im from a 100% white country and people do it on a massive scale

>> No.9810326

You can be as dumb as a bag of rocks! if and only if your sophisticated speech grammar sounds good. your overall intelligence doesn't to anybody.
(a Scientist that thinks gods real but dodges all your questions bashing he's exists)

>> No.9810346

Fellow scandibro i see. Only sub 130 IQ retards work here lmao

>> No.9810784

According to my SAT score I have a 142 IQ on the IQ tests here I come in at around the 130 range.


>>>/lit/ is for fags like you

>> No.9810794

dude there is inteligent people and misantrophy so what the good thing abut smat people is that the conversation is not goes in circles so that is all

>> No.9811109

Many famous scientists dream vividly too

Anon, you're going to be a famous scientist one day

Don't forget to mention /sci/ in your acknowlodgements

>> No.9811131

Slovenianfag here. People who get a liberal arts degree end up being NEETs, people who get STEM move to germany or something. I literally know very intelligent and intellectual people who finished elementary school and started to leech off parents and drink excessively.

Also been to scandishit. Its very nice. Id love to live there for like 2 years or something

>> No.9811152

how does it feel to look at more advanced nations? is it a motivator, does it contribute to a work ethic?

>> No.9811159

>muh IQ

This board literally hasn't changed since 2011.

>> No.9811177

Some slovenes go as far as to claim they are (((germans))). We have a similar mentality and work ethic to germans (work and learn hard), our culture is civilised and western, little to no crime, everybody gets a degree because its free, but out salaries are very low, thats why brain drain, cost of living is very high, many NEETS rather get 200€ welfare than work 8 hours a day for ~600

>> No.9811181

We also have one of the if not the worst corruption of all 1st and 2nd world countries, that explains why theres so little money

>> No.9811185

Not him, but I started graduate mathematics courses back then at 17.

>> No.9811188

I have vivid dreams every night, anon. I can't make them stop. All the colors...

>> No.9811195

Anything productive = fucking up climate even more.

>> No.9811206

Thats how i used to think but you can study lets say mathematics just for the sake of knowledge and then be a NEET