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9745064 No.9745064 [Reply] [Original]

Do transgender people kill themselves because testosterone is an anti depressant and they block it?

>> No.9745068

i'd guess it's a mix of hormone imbalance and social stigma

>> No.9745149

That's impossible since there are more women than men.

and male suicide rate are far greater than female.

>> No.9745167

They kill themselves because they change sex because they are unhappy with their body and then realize that they are a freak version of their former sex and are just as unhappy.

>> No.9745175


Read this

>> No.9745179


>> No.9745187

You don't understand, males need testosterone to be happy and women need estrogen to be happy for literally no reason

>> No.9745410

Some people just need cocks up their ass to be happy.
Whatever works for you.

>> No.9745419

If that was the case they wouldn't kill themselves before going on HRT, which simply isn't the case, and they wouldn't kill themselves if they were FTM on HRT.

They kill themselves at about the same rate as Jews in Nazi Germany. They get treated about as poorly as well.

>> No.9747272

They usually have accompanying psychiatric conditions.

>> No.9747334

Stupid thread but the answer is clearer than people will admit.
They think changing their sex will make all their dreams come true and cure their mental illness but they soon learn they're just a dude with mutilated penis and all the same problems.

>> No.9747459

It has more to do with the fact that mentally ill people commit suicide more. It's just not politically correct to call them mentally ill no more because liberals.

>> No.9747511

Sadly, this is very close to what I came to this thread to post.
Life is what you make of the hand you're dealt.
Most of us aren't quite 100% satisfied with "the hand we're dealt", but we muddle through anyway.
TG people are so upset about who they are, they're willing to make it their life's work to get a new set of cards.
All homophobic and xenophobic hatred aside, it's no real surprise so many TG people file the ultimate grievance against life itself.

>> No.9747934

Did no one bother to read this >>9745175

why act like an expert on a disease you're completely unfamiliar with?

>> No.9747940

except transgender suicide rates when they are in a supportive environment matches the general population. The reason they commit suicide is a lack of acceptance.

>> No.9747965
File: 84 KB, 1304x733, trans youth well being.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is 100% false, the two biggest factors for quality of life for trans people is supportive parents and early access to treatment

>> No.9747972

isnt that what i said lol.

>> No.9748140

Women actually attempt suicide more. They're just less likely to die from it because they tend to use pills or poison instead of more violent and effective methods like hanging themselves or shooting themselves in the head.

>> No.9748412

Source would be welcome, though

>> No.9748474

>They kill themselves at about the same rate as Jews in Nazi Germany. They get treated about as poorly as well.
Correct. In particular six million transsexuals have never been killed in so-called gas chambers and their remains magically disposed of without a trace.

>> No.9748532

They usually have autism

>> No.9748561

Can transgender disorder be cured anytime soon?

Will forced treatment of TG's even be supported, as it is not PC, and transgenders are by definition suffering from a delusion?

I kinda feel bad for these people, as long as medical science can't just grow them new sex organs, SRS is basically just extreme genital mutilation.

>> No.9748596

Forced treatment of autists and down syndrome patients is considered questionable as is, so I think you already know the answer.

>> No.9748603

If you have delusions about your gender, you are disqualified from being diagnosed with gender dysphoria.

Does no one do any research about this illness at all? The mass ignorance is staggering

>> No.9748644

That's a good guess, but hormone levels stabilize to a new normal after a few months of being on them, barring forced discontinuation or missed doses serum T and E levels are actually more consistent here than in the cisgender (non-transgender) population because it's no longer tied to reproductive cycles.

A lot of it is social stigma and discrimination, some of which can be avoided by passing adequately for the target sex, looking good (halo effect helps), and ensuring trans status is on a need to know basis only (doctor's office, sexual partners if still pre-op), while some is completely out of one's hands (legal/institutional discrimination).

There's also the sad state of affairs with surgical treatment. It's never going to be 100% or even 80% right in our lifetimes, as research benefitting new reconstructive techniques for cisgender people is always prioritized over those for transgender people. Part of it is numbers, 0.1% of the population is tiny. But, we've poured tons of money into research for treating conditions that are much much rarer.

It's good enough for some, but understand where people are coming from when they complain about SRS options. It's not SRS itself that's bad, it's that right now it's in a primitive state; very few surgeons perform it let alone perform it well and well enough to teach others, and like with new tech nobody likes falling prey to early adopter problems.

(I can't speak for MTF transsexuals but an aside from the FTM side: phalloplasty methods, results, and patient satisfaction are all identical between them, intersex, and cis men. It's the only nonexperimental method for dick reconstruction and the US gov poured a shit-ton of money into refining it for veterans. It's actually pretty good for what it is, but it's hellishly expensive, 80k-200k+, and requires additional work to get out of uncanny valley)

>> No.9748689

Fuck off /pol/tard

>> No.9748809

The factors are multiple - body dysphoria, mental health issues that they believed would be resolved magically by gender change, abuse, physical assault, general social responses, especially in minority populations, familial or friend rejection. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0924933817318357 and https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5178031/ and https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2211335516300882

2003 - 15 year old article. We have learned nothing since then - except that article is partially wrong. There is a hormone spike imprinting, but many other factors play in.