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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 250 KB, 900x1850, Climate+change+is+stopping+climate+change+and+its+bad+orange_f5bf0c_6547463.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9592824 No.9592824 [Reply] [Original]

On the off chance that there's a geologist here, is this possible?
Also lets only talk about the ocean and not cheeto in chief.

>> No.9592836

About as possible as pulling yourself forward in a metal cart by holding a magnet in front of it.

>> No.9592840
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>and it's as bad as it sounds
So literally nothing?

>> No.9593043

More apocalyptic scenarios being painted to scare people. So much extra water is added to the oceans that it is buckling the ocean floor? The average ocean depth is 12,100 feet. How many feet of extra water was added to the oceans before the earth's crust literally cracks under the weight? I guess all coastal cities better evacuate, they must already be hundreds of feet underwater from this massive flood.

>> No.9593060

It's impossible. Put an ice cube in a glass. Measure the mass, weight, and pressure of the contents of the cup. Melt the ice cube, measure the mass, weight, and pressure of the contents and it should be the same. Unless the mass of the greenhouse gasses is causing the ocean floor to sink

>> No.9593171

The pseudoscience they're trying to apply here is that the water moves from one place to the other due to melting, and therefor, somehow, due to some magic science numbers, the ocean's floor will collapse and we'll all fall through towards the center of the earth. Or something.

>> No.9593211

Fuck me global warming is going to kill us all. It'll make everything horribly hot and horribly cold. It'll make everything horribly wet but also a desert. It'll cause rising sea levels but also sinking sea levels.
We're fucked aren't we?

>> No.9593276

you dont fucking remove waterweight when you freeze it.. how can people believe this shit

>> No.9593294

Not all the ice is sea ice tho

>> No.9593307

Not all ice is sea ice, but all large bodies of ice are on the surface of earth, if it melts, it still stays in the surface if the Earth, just in the oceans

>> No.9593322 [DELETED] 
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Now now, anon, just give us your money and remember to vote green next time and we'll save you, everything will be alright.

>> No.9593339

I read the journal they referenced
The research team is stating the differential of weight as the poles will be released when surface ice melts, spreading weight from the poles across the entire ocean
Less compression will allow the Earth to maintain a more circular shape by a few millimeters

So basically the research says sea rise will increase by abouy 4-10 millimeters higher than originally thought lol
>How fucking horrifying oh no

>> No.9593340

I'm no geologist, so I could be wrong here, but it doesn't sound plausible to me. I'm sure the pressure from the inside of the earth would be much greater than the added weight of the water.

>> No.9593347 [DELETED] 

Just a reminder to constantly report neo-Nazi shilling ruining the site. You should be reporting at least as much as you're posting on this polluted shithole.

>> No.9593348

What the fuck, I want to install one world socialist government now.

>> No.9593360
File: 42 KB, 571x618, 1519634765283.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Announcing your reports is against the rules anon...

>> No.9593382

We are destroying this planet and anything that convinces people to follow the right policies is good.
Lying to someone is bad only if it brings them harm.

>> No.9593392

There's an equilibrium

I'm not sure what that sensationalist news article is trying to claim about how good/bad it is thought

>> No.9593506

Doesn't that also mean that there would be 4-10 millimeters less sea level rise in extreme northern and southern latitudes?

>> No.9593546

>convincing people to spend billions on "fixing" shit that isn't actually a problem helps fix the real problems
Nnnnno. Also, did you hear the one about the boy who cried wolf?

>> No.9593564

>being this ass blasted about trump
Lol I love leftists. They're the joke that never stops being funny.

>> No.9593571

This is horrifying. If we don't stop this, the weight of all this water will literally crack the planet in half, and become a dual planet system, but of course, almost all life will be gone. Why won't those who don't believe in global warming start believing, so we can do something about it?

>> No.9593976
File: 80 KB, 500x667, 1396972677035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Won't that prevent the sea level from rising, since now the ocean fits more water?

>> No.9594054

yes, there is slightly increased subsidence due to increased water weight in the oceans as a result of (continental) glaciers slowly melting into the oceans.
no, it's not some immediate crisis. global warming is still a major threat, but the underestimation of sea level rise due to melting and thermal expansion isn't going to make things suddenly worse.

pls remember to keep /pol/ in /pol/.

>> No.9594071

Pressure = density x g (9.81m/s^2) x height. The pressure increases with height.

>> No.9594077

Yes, and it's as bad as it sounds.

>> No.9594163
File: 408 KB, 800x825, 1447197056740.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>science journal publishes new statistics about global warning
>popular news media gives bare-bones explanation
>people (including /sci/) end up taking the info out of context
Every fucking time.

>> No.9594223
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