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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9591403 No.9591403 [Reply] [Original]

What's the coolest branch of Engineering?

>> No.9591427

Electric is pretty fucking cool when you think about it.

>> No.9591429

Optical or biomedical.

>> No.9591436

Refrigeration Engineering.

>> No.9591483

cryo engineering

>> No.9591497

Aerospace. But only in theory, not as actually practiced.

>> No.9591523


>> No.9591524


>> No.9591528


>> No.9592158


>> No.9592166


>> No.9592167


>> No.9592173


lol, not majoring in pure maths

>> No.9592271

Material Engineering is pretty cool.

>> No.9592279


>> No.9592285


>> No.9592290


>> No.9592291

engineering is one step closer to becoming a wizard

>> No.9592293

gender engineering

>> No.9592303

checks prospectus for Honours in Lego eng.

>> No.9592415
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civil engineering

inb4 meme engineering

>not wanting to show a qt all the buildings and creations that wouldn't exist without you

yea, keep on inventing your silly mechanisms only nerds on this board care about

>> No.9592442

Penis Inspection Engineering

>> No.9592448

>wasting your time with bitches when you could be creating

>> No.9592453

so... Mechanical?

>> No.9592460

>you don't have time to create and procreate
yeah, if I can study some engineering course and still find the time to shitpost on /sci/, I also have the time for bitches

it's not like you're going to work 24/7.

>> No.9592462

Won't be funny when software does your job for a fraction of the price and more accurately.

>> No.9592508

I'm sorry but pure maths is the exact opposite of "cool"

>> No.9592559
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>> No.9592560

Any "real" engineering major. Impress business plebs with your starting salary even if it isn't all that high. Land some prime azn pussy after you graduate. Don't expect to see any vaginas before that though.

>> No.9592561

>it's not like you're going to work 24/7.
Ask me how I know you're still an undergrad.

>> No.9592563

Nuclear engineering

>> No.9592565

>more accurately
Which will never happen since software engineers can't into verification, thus their inability to produce trustworthy systems. Aussie CS twinks had to do your job, you'd better fear for your own ass when it comes to employment.

>> No.9592578

Ask me how I know you're probably very low IQ

>> No.9592580

Nice ad hominem """defense""", bucko. Don't you have some integrals to solve for your professor?

>> No.9592582

>look at all these cool reactor designs that will never get made

>> No.9592626

Shitpost engineering

>> No.9592636


I'm applying for combat engineer role in my country's army any tips of what to brush up on? Aussie fag desu

>> No.9592674

Materials and Nuclear. Second place is Electrical. I'd say Mechanical would be cool but I think the average mecheng student is typically a full blown retard and that really damaged any respect I had for that branch desu

>> No.9592695

Unless you're in a sector like defense or work at a startup, engineering is a comfy 40 hours a week.

>> No.9592702

>t. code monkey "Pythonista" "Software Engineer" "Code Artisan"
Once you get some people under you, you'll understand.

>> No.9592706

I'm a hardware engineer.

>> No.9592714
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Atomic Engineering.

>> No.9592716

I have some hardware for you to engineer right here, buddy.

>> No.9592723

I think aerospace engineering is pretty damn cool

>> No.9592746

le epic trole xd

>> No.9592761
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>> No.9592862

my school doesn't have Materials, and the only major that takes materials science classes are MechE in the first place. I'm thinking of switching into it.

>> No.9593032

It's a new field and a lot of schools don't offer a Bachelor's in it. I had to leave Colorado School of Mines since it was too expensive for out of state and am going to Texas Gay&M since it's either that or UNT and that school is even worse. More schools need to have the major goddammit.

If you're interested in MechEng for the sake of the materials science classes I'd imagine you being better off doing ChemEng and focusing on materials.

>> No.9593110

I thought Mech focuses heavily on materials though? Isnt ChemE based on industrial processes?

>> No.9593135

Electronics engineering > electrical engineering

>> No.9593193

Well there are mechanical properties of materials, and there are chemical properties that cause those mechanical properties.

If you are interested in using extant materials for a process or component of your design, that is mechanical engineering. If you are interested in designing and producing the material itself, that is chemical engineering.

Chemical engineers don't design materials from scratch, but scale-up is really important. Many carbon nanomaterials have been "invented" already but the next big challenge is in producing them economically. That is what ChemEs are for.

>> No.9593204

You may have just saved me, I'm gonna speak to the course coordinator for my schools ChemE program soon.

>> No.9593222
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Neuroengineering (electrical)


>> No.9593231

Civil is the best in my opinion

>> No.9593421

Mechanical engineering uses materials science so they understand how the materials can fail and how to design their mechanical shit so that the materials they are using don't fail. Chemical and Materials engineers are the ones making the materials, but chemical engineers would be less hands-on when compared to materials engineers for obvious reasons.

>> No.9593426

Every stem degree is an honorary wizardhood.

>> No.9593434

Can I go into Materials Engineering via ChemE with an MaSc?

>> No.9593514

>Nuclear Engineering

>> No.9593613


>> No.9593674

Computer engineering with specialization in cybersec, machine learning or embedded systems.

>> No.9593869

What does everyone think of engineering physics? It seems to be a great interdisciplinary program, much better than a physics degree alone.

>> No.9594019

looks really cool, I wish my school had that program since I would enroll in it.

>> No.9594109

ChemEs focus heavily on process design and manufacturing. My senior year classes were distillation and separations, reaction engineering, process design, process controls, and labs. You get enough a background to get understand materials and get a job in them, but if your really interested you should go into material engineering.

>> No.9594121

Is ChemE a safe major to to go into for a job? What was your GPA like?

>> No.9594164


>> No.9594167

Just thought about it. Wasn't cool at all.

>> No.9594212

plasmid engineering or robotics

that opening doors robot is where the research is in

pretty much the dog filters on ur normie snapchat is same tech tesla uses to drive the car by itself

>> No.9594219

EE and Mech are for true chads. Aerospace and Nuclear are nice too.

>> No.9594364
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>tfw working on my biomedical engineering degree
>tfw all the positive mentions about it ITT

good feels. also, can anyone with experience in the area mention some of the positives about it you've personally observed?

>> No.9594454

of course!

>> No.9594455

Computer Science

>> No.9594836
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>> No.9594870
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S-software engineering is pretty cool, r-right guise?

>> No.9594902

Genetic Engineering, potential superhuman powers if ur ballsy enough to conduct your OWN experiments by yourself, plus benefits? im in.

>> No.9594920

Unironically computer science.
How can other majors even compete?

>> No.9594926


>> No.9594941

Oh snap.

>> No.9595034

The one not flooded by chinks and pajeets. So none of them.

>> No.9595036

No job security and bad pay

>> No.9595045


>> No.9595277

don't kid yourself, DIY genetic engineering won't be possible for at least another 100 years

>> No.9595409

materials science/engineering would be my guess, but I have no idea


>> No.9595834

Genetic also known as synthetic biology

>> No.9595840
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>gender engineering

Gender Fluid Engineering

>> No.9596874


>> No.9596900

holy shit. Thank you for showing me a topic I can get a laugh out of at any time.

>> No.9597060

I'm thinking of doing MechE and specializing in thermal/fluids. Opinions?

>> No.9597146


>> No.9597196
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Gender reassignment engineering

>> No.9597202

thermal engineering...conversely also the warmest

>> No.9597246


>> No.9597258

Electrical and biomedical engineering are cool

>> No.9597311

cool, studly winners with pretty big dicks who are primed to earn 100k+ starting right out of college:


faggot nerd shit for wieners who will get low balled and start at 55k:


everything else is a coin flip

>> No.9597998
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>tfw cryo engineer

>> No.9598027

Environmental or Water

>> No.9598060

>they say your brain shuts down in cryo

>> No.9598101

>not taking your wife to space on a rocket you built

later losers

>> No.9598185
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At the end of the day, you're just carrying out the vision of the architect. There is no creative freedom in this job.

>> No.9598401

>higher paying than chemical
:-) nice meme

>> No.9598586

doing any human hibernation stuff?
or more like managing superconductors

>> No.9598590

You're delusional.

>> No.9598601


>> No.9598605

This :(

>> No.9598619

Engineering psychology

>> No.9598620

Dilution refrigerators

>> No.9598697

>implying software can be written that can efficiently take into consideration all layman explanations of complex parameters and then do the job of an architectural engineer in the same amount of time

the absolute lack of intelligence

>> No.9598705

cs majors all have a low iq so it should be expected to hear them say stupid shit.

>> No.9598888
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weapon systems

>> No.9598892

Human Engineering

>> No.9599616

quantum computing applications?

>> No.9600156

Amongst other things.

>> No.9600891

Mechanical w/ Aerospace with on the side research into Astrophyiscs & Energy Tech

>being a gandolf wizard basically.

>> No.9600895


My uni has some mech engineers doing some pretty fucking cool things into biology mechanics.

>master race mechanical

>> No.9600896

i heard u like heat exchangers :)

>> No.9600898
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Which ever the most Indians lean towards.


>> No.9600941

Architects are civil engineers' bitches, anon. They make my coffee and do color selections.

>> No.9600945

Civil engineering is boring af. You have to sit through three hour lectures about concrete mixtures and aggregate. Fucking BORING as shit.

>> No.9600953

I suspect your main language confuses you. Those are the same in english.

>> No.9600956

how is biomechanics as is?
can pajeets honestly fuck off?

>> No.9600959
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>can pajeets honestly fuck off?
Hey, bro. You are the one that decided to jump into the same career field as them.

>> No.9600960

I've never had to do that, and I'm a professional engineer with decades experience. But I'll say this, if you aren't interested in materials engineering, including ALL materials, you're in the wrong field. There is a very good chance that the Florida bridge failure was caused or exacerbated by the boutique design and the non-standard and unproven materials used.

>> No.9600961

They jumped in the same field as me anon.

>> No.9601419

If I'm not mistaken, electronics is small scale and electrical is larger scale (e.g., power eng). Most UK universities list their EEE courses as Electrical and Electronic Engineering.

>> No.9601426

Sun Tzu, Archimedes, Odysseus.

>> No.9601633

I've always referred to large scale as Electric. Guess I stand corrected.

>> No.9601693

What? Why do you not cover both?

>> No.9601911

Being surprised STEM is flooded with chinks and Pajeets

>> No.9601915

Fags who will get their job outsourced to brown subhumans:

all of them

>> No.9601940


>> No.9601941
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c-chemical engineering!
fuck my life

>> No.9601942

fuck off back to /pol/ you faggot mongrel.

>> No.9601950

stats lead me to believe otherwise

>> No.9601958

Don't get mad at me just because Rajeet Singh took your job.

>> No.9602023
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The correct answer

>> No.9602164

weapons engineering really appealed to me, but based on recent events in the US it doesn't look like it offers the greatest job security.

>> No.9602166

*will offer

>> No.9602321

>le softwares are gunna do everything meme
>beleeb me xDDD

t. assmad computer """""Scientist""""""

>> No.9602325

I don't know what you're talking about, that shit is cool as fuck

t. not even a civil engineer

>> No.9602368

What's wrong with Chemical?

>> No.9602517

nothing really, people meme that its boring

>> No.9602521

mate if you start bringing AI anywhere near my job I'm gonna start spiking your meds with cyanide

>> No.9602523

You absolutely can.

>> No.9602820


>> No.9604174

thanks, I'll see if I can't do a graduate degree in it.

>> No.9604236

software, by and large

>> No.9604463
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Anyone not hoarding cheap gpus by now is a brainlet

>> No.9604839

fuck ton of physics
more math than pure math programs
>t. study engineering physics

>> No.9604853
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Help me out dude. i just started in the cryogenics industry about a year ago. mostly just doing bulk liquified inerts and air separation. where the fuck is all the literature on this stuff? best thing i've found was a rather vague text from the 70's that was half about applications in rocketry.

>> No.9604857
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getting into weapons is actually really easy. most people don't like doing it and the locations are always in some flyover shithole.

>> No.9604863


Are you the anon who originally posted that card in a thread?

Come do a TDY to my station. Will talk nukes.

>> No.9604881

>mechanical engineers build weapons
>civil engineers build targets

>> No.9604884
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i am the original poster of that card, yes. i don't work for the government. i don't work in weapons. that card belongs to the guy who interviewed me for the position. the job was going to be designing new explosive lenses for americas nuclear arsenal. the interview was like a panel of corpses looking at me, stinking of cigarettes and shitty coffee. it was obvious that most young people didn't stick around too long. they offered me a fuckton of money.
up until about a month before graduation it was the only decent job i had lined up but luckily i got something else at the last minute. i keep that card in my wallet so that everytime i think my job is shit i remember what i could've been doing and where i could've been. it may be a job that needs doing, but not me my dude. not me.

>> No.9604892
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Haha, well you're not missing out. After graduation I took a job in the "US Nuclear Enterprise." I went military side though.

I'm quitting at the end of April. Shit's lame. Never look back.

>> No.9604962

>mechanical engineers build things that move, and if they don't, they fucked up
>civil engineers build things that don't move, and if they do, they fucked up

>> No.9605035

>fining a job

>> No.9605497

t. lives in some flyover shit hole and is just pulling shit out of his ass

>> No.9605567

Underrated post.

>> No.9605588

Electrical and aerospace are the weapon makers now

>> No.9605619

Why tf would you pidgeon hole yourself into some niche when you can do it all through studying physics.

Fucking brainlets I swear

>> No.9605655

Confirming. Working for an American aerospace company is shit. The FAA constantly has its hand up your ass and everything moves at the speed of government.

>> No.9605661

You learn all the electrical and mechanical, make shit that moves. Pneuminatics, hydraulics, material science, electronics and programming all without getting sucked into the soulless void that is engine design.

>> No.9605687

Can you explain what I'd get out of that relative to just Mechanical? I'm mostly interested in MatSci, but the first two also pique my interest.

>> No.9606097


>> No.9606146

How are the job prospects for this? I'm really interested in making robots and having multifaceted engineering skills, so the Mechatronics major caught my eye, but I'm concerned that there will be a catch to such a seemingly cool discipline.

>> No.9607802

>low employment
The price slump is over, people couldn't be hiring faster in the oil industry. I have 3 150,000 plus offers right now.

>> No.9607990

My man, Mechatronics is cool af. In my uni, the EE guys were always receiving very theoretical classes but they couldn't program a shit, we end up solving their issues

>> No.9608243

B.Eng. or Master?
I'm considering studying petroleum engineering but not really sure yet.

>> No.9608252

because it is fucking boring

>> No.9608263
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not with that attitude mate

>> No.9608465

If you had to choose between mining and petroleum engineering, which would you take?

>> No.9608538

Mining is probably more fun, petroleum is probably better paid

>> No.9608539

Math engineering

>> No.9608576

Wrong. Mechanicals can do it to.

>t. PhD Mechanical Engineering working on hypersonic aircraft

>> No.9608608
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Social engineering, goyim!

>> No.9608687
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>> No.9608696

Anon btfo, how will he ever recover?

>> No.9608712
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i am alive friend just a brainlet now

>> No.9608767
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The imageboards were too much for him, a sharp drop of IQ was noted.. Diagnosis- imageboarditis

>> No.9608785
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>tfw taking Computer Engineering
>people make fun of me on /sci/

>> No.9608872

chemical or genetical

>> No.9608930

Man F y'all, mechanical is hands down the funnest.
Everything from designing cars, robots, rockets, roller coasters, heavy construction equipment, etc. Half the time you actually get to step away from the desk and get your hands dirty building a prototype.
I remember working at a small company John Deere would let us climb all over their new mega tractors, take things apart, and we'd find parts we could do cheaper and better. That was legit fun af.
Not to mention it's not like coding is limited to CS majors. I still get a kick out of automating my office work with Excel and Visual Studio and fucking around with the extra free time i created for myself.

I'm not saying other engineering field aren't fascinating in their own rights, but mechanical is legitimately fun and I look forward to coming into work most days.

>> No.9608958

you know we are leaving the peak of intellectual enlightenment when we set in stone that a single engineer cannot combine the macro- and the microcosmos of their own field, therefore inherently lacking the capability of a holistic approach. The pinnacle of naiveté would be to introduce a third field of engineering, which only task would to combine micro- and microcosmos but, in the end, still depending on the two other fields.

I predict that we humans will be so stupid as to add another level of complexity to a school of thought rather than trying to reduce it to a single discipline, becoming victims to our own complicatedness. I hope I'm wrong.

>> No.9609037


>> No.9609041

not engineering

>> No.9609055


>> No.9609056

Because they are not the same

>> No.9609059

>he hasn't developed a theory of quantum gravity

>> No.9609063
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>> No.9609112

'he' in… ?

>> No.9609138

I approve this

>> No.9609175

How can somebody see themselves as spending the rest of their lives building fucking planes.

l m a o

>> No.9609334

Why the hate on cs? We make your hentai games and made the fappening possible.

>> No.9609336

Anything related to space

>> No.9609440
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it more than just planes

>> No.9609489

>fuck ton of physics
>more math than pure math programs
Sounds like just the thing for me. What about job prospects tho?

>> No.9609536

How much does it cost to hire a civil engineer to fix up some plans.

Asking for a friend.

>> No.9609541

Yeah but the chances of you finding a job as an engineer in SpaceX is fucking slim. Chances are you'll probably just design RC planes that kids play with.

>> No.9609544

Tree fiddy

>> No.9609545


>> No.9609574

Anybody studying engineering or com science secretly want to graduate and make good ass money, become well adjusted, marry a 8/10 cutie, have a nice upper middle class family in a major city with a mercedes, travel the world, so you can have a much better life then anybody who has ever wronged you or bullied you. Not why I'm doing it but in my heart of hearts I know it's gonna feel so fucking good when it comes

>> No.9609579

social engineering

>> No.9609584

You gotta be a freemason to do that

>> No.9609587


>> No.9609603

when is the government going to invest more money into public projects for engineer growth?

>> No.9610317

CS is to engineering what chiropractors are to physicians.

>> No.9610554


>> No.9610569
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>> No.9610602

And all >>>/biz/ fags wanna a Lambo and Hella Bitches by gambling bit coin but end up losing all money instead

>> No.9610743

If I go into MechE will that give me a good background for going into weapon's manufacturing?

>> No.9610756

Sure, depending on the weapon. I did ME and was offered a job working on the B-3 bomber, but turned it down because I want to work on something I'm proud of, and because I want to be able to sleep at night.

>> No.9610786

I was mostly asking in terms of versatility. I'm wondering what MechE can't do.

>> No.9610826

Can't do EE or CivilE, that's about it. It's Jack Of All Trades: The Major

>> No.9610871

>tfw majoring in EE but kind of interested in weapons
Do you guys have a death ray division?

>> No.9611682


>> No.9611787

Not sure for the US, but about 98% of swedish engineers get a job in their field within 1 year, and around 70% start getting job offers months before they graduate.
Also engineering physics is known by everyone in sweden to be the single most mentally challenging program one can choose. Its kind of like a jack of all trades for engineering and job prospects are good.
Degree in engineering physics (in sweden) = someone who knows fuck ton of math/physics and can get into most engineering problems.
But i have no idea what its like outside of sweden

>> No.9611811

I really enjoyed that class and highly recommend it to anyone. I would be in the third part of the class but I thought it was a great idea to get linear algebra out the way and I am just struggling with that.

>> No.9611936

Isnt CivilE just a simplified MechE program?

>> No.9611983

Biomed is a fucking nightmare
stay the fuck away from this discipline. found this out way too late.
do a fundamental engineering, youll have more options and you can even specify in graduate school if you want to do something autistic like BME. You will come out of college wondering what the fuck even happened. Idk do some electives in it or something if youre that interested, but the major is kind of like a watered down version of all the engineering fields into one. So you come out of college not really good at any one particular thing.
I honestly feel really unskilled with my degree and consider it to be one of the worst choices of my life.

>> No.9611991

Nah, you learn about concrete and geology and building codes and crap.

>> No.9612022

Aerospace I'd say
Now what's the comfiest engineering?

>> No.9612028


>> No.9612044

Electrical eng, you can get into so many different stuff

>> No.9612051

I'm about to finish my bachelors in EE, and it's pretty much changed how I view everything in the world; from electronics, electromagnetics, digital communications, fucking everything is electrical engineering man

>> No.9612828

you're either a total dumb fuck or just making shit up because you regret whatever non-biomed shit you picked

>> No.9612960

warp engineering

>> No.9612961

do tell

>> No.9612963

t. Biomed recruiter

>> No.9612965

Is this why there are so many virgins with them?

>> No.9614874
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Perhaps engineer engineering or engineering engineering.

"The branch of science and technology concerned with the design, building, and use" of engineers.

>> No.9614897

What do you mean?

electrical engineering is the closest thing to magic this world has

>> No.9615082

How has it changed your view of electronics etc. (other than being like "cool I know how this works now")

>> No.9615196

Im in computer science and you are a fucking retard giving us a bad name. Fuck. Off.

>> No.9615206

Social Engineering.

>> No.9615223

Is audio engineering actual engineering? Or are they as much engineers as computer science majors are scientists?

>> No.9615224

Pusy engineer

>> No.9615232

How that shit works?
You'll be the fag designing the plant or you'll be Homer Simpson pushing button?

>> No.9615237

Acoustical engineering is real, audio engineers are just glorified DJs - they might get an associate's degree at best

>> No.9615619

my dudes, should I study mechanical or electrical engineering? both are at the same university

>> No.9615622
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>> No.9615647

I think they give that as a master

>> No.9615648

Railroad engineering

>> No.9615665
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>> No.9616943

That's part of civil engineering.

>> No.9617139

Is Electrical engineering with automation and computer science with minor in economics and
and business structures good for entrepreneurs? to start with? Who's gonna change the world?

>> No.9617154

MBA > Biz Minors

If you wanna become /biz/man a MBA is better.
Biz Minors are pointless.

>> No.9617241

OP here, I've settled on MechE, it seems the most interesting, and it has a good balance of maths and physics classes in it relative to the others.

>> No.9617964
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You could spend months on end on it, or you could just study something else, read a book a few-several times, take some notes, then put it to practice.

>> No.9617967


>> No.9617988

Computer science.

>> No.9618700

Undergrad BME only exists to fund graduate research.

>> No.9618722

im in MechEng right now. Should i go for a math stats master or mechatronics master? Which one has the best career prospects?

im worried about the machine learning meme saturating the fields.

>> No.9618728

Math. Do the math. More engineering isn’t what you need.

>> No.9618743

Depends really, if you want to work outside of engineering go for an MBA, otherwise an ME in mechatronics could open up doors

>> No.9618809

Get some work experience before going into a master's. Or, if your determined to go into a master's program straight out of undergrad, go for engineering.

He does need more engineering because you learn jack shit about engineering in undergrad

>> No.9618834
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Whatever lets you work with lasers.

>> No.9618845

It really depends on where you go to school because that's what determines what employers are around. And also on your specialization.

I'm in Mass and there's a ton of biochemical employers. The Northeast generally is pretty diverse in chemical employers. Midwest has 3M and Dow which are both heavy into plastics. Gulf coast has petrochemical refining. California and other tech hubs have semiconductor manufacturing.

It really depends what you want to do. ChemE is a great major for developing discipline but without a specialization it is unlikely you will be employed in the field. If I had to do it all again Id get into a research lab as soon as possible, in a field that you are interested in.