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9514206 No.9514206 [Reply] [Original]

Since there are many mixed opinions about electrosmog and since it has not enough attention, we are seeing how governments like in France and Russia started regulations on electrosmog emissions, like banning it in elementary schools.

Since we are hearing how it's harmful for the health of human beings, should we regulate on it?

If so, how are we going to regulate? How can you intervene with it and how can the government take action?

Swissharmony (company that focusses on this issue:

Natural news about microwaves and cell Phone radiation:


Between 2020 and 2030 and after 2030, long-term studies will show results of health effects of EMF radiation.

Are you aware?

>> No.9514407

Haven't we had long term exposure with emf since the 1900's?

>> No.9514469

One time just after coming up on lsd there was a huge power cut for miles around, was just darkness for hours. And then hours into the trip me and my friend just look at each other like wtf is happening and ZING all the power comes on at once. So heavy on the body. I used to regularly stay at a house in the countryside. Man its so much nicer. Humanity should really put everything under the ground or find a practical solution for neutrino internet asap

>> No.9514507

>> getting your news from natural news
Repeated studies have show that EMF is not harmful. Unless of course it's really really high power.

Woo articles lile this are actually dangerous:

>> No.9515050
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Top lel

>> No.9515690

Yeah but now the plethora of devices connected to the interwebs wirelessly is becoming colossal. Its not pleasant when you know how it is outside of the smog

>> No.9516266


Ionizing vs non-ionizing radiation

ever heard of the difference?

>> No.9516276

This is almost worse than flat earthers.
I mean, at least the flat earthers pass by as trolls.
You gotta me kidding me man, get out of /sci/

>> No.9516315

Why you not harvest it loosers?

>> No.9516352

naw this some serious shit bro , most people don't perceive the health threat because its
A.) Invisible
B.) Never occurred in society before

The guy is right, just as environmental pollution was "visible" and seen from consumption in previous ages of industry and commerce, for this age people will face the threat of "electric smog"

This is really more of a greater issue in urban areas. Think about all the electronic devices and electromagnetic fields in a city. This is all true that these fields dont have good health effects on people if you dont take precautions. Just wait and see, it will mark this era in terms of what the future will see as "pollution"

>> No.9516362

Pseudoscience belongs in >>>/x/

>> No.9516371

Have you ever actually tried to see if you can tell whether you are being exposed to EM or not without knowing? Because scientists have tested people who claim they can and they always fail:


>> No.9516687

I turn my phone off at night because i can sense it, and its 'heavy'. If you cant sense it, you're out of touch or in denial that such great scientists would ever allow such a thing to happen

>> No.9517040
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>This is all true that these fields dont have good health effects on people if you dont take precautions.

>> No.9517405

>there are mixed opinions about electrosmog

There are not mixed INFORMED opinions, though.

Back to /x/ with you.

>> No.9517447


So you can feel radiation pressure?

You realise, if you could actually feel radiation pressure you'd disintegrate in this instance.

>> No.9517454

So have someone turn the phone on and off without you knowing and see if you can guess correctly, if you're so sensitive.

>> No.9517455

Replying to them is feeding them. Don't do it.

>> No.9518288

Zzzzzz retard