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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9402119 No.9402119 [Reply] [Original]

Why do total retards get paid tens of millions of dollars to stand in front of a camera and pretend to be someone else once a week while the greatest minds of our generation who are unraveling the mysteries of the universe on a daily basis in an attempt to bring humanity to its ultimate destiny of being a tier 3 civilization merely get a pat on the back and a $50 gift card to Bed Bath and Beyond?

Finding a theory of everything, colonizing other planets/star systems, curing aging, these are the things that we should be pumping as many resources into as possible.

>> No.9402124

Because no one gives a shit
A quick laugh is worth more because life's hard

>> No.9402125

humans are prone to instant gratification. we are beings whose primal desires are at odds with our capacity to think. why do people eat mcdonalds when the supermarket is just across the street? because salty fatty food is delicious and little effort is required in obtaining it.

>> No.9402126

>Why do total retards get paid tens of millions of dollars to stand in front of a camera
Economics, supply and demand.

>> No.9402127

Because normies are brainlets

>> No.9402129

i bet youre fun at parties

>> No.9402138

OP might have said it like an autist but you could at least try to discuss it rather than posting a braindead canned response. it's not like they're wrong either

>> No.9402142

More like a flaw in capitalism where companies disproportionately prefer to go after low hanging fruit.

>> No.9402949

>i bet
there is no wagering at 4chan, Grandpa

>> No.9402952

>humans are prone
some of them are supine fgt pls

>> No.9402993

wow jennifer lopez is a hero

>> No.9403005

OP. Humans are sad and sadly it is that our destiny is ultimate like asm code. Either we rise and leave everything we were and are up to a certain point behind and work on what's really important or we just vanish pitifully.

>> No.9403713

I'm sure you're fun as a conversation partner. Great input.

>> No.9403721
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Because smart people researched neurology and realized that paying retarded people millions to do retarded stuff increases millions of people's dopamine so that they will transfer their money to the smart people. Then, the smart people research new mysteries and find even more novel ways to exploit customers and finding new knowledge.

Get on the program. We're already on the schedule for tier 3 civilization.

>> No.9403728

The average wage of an actor is probably lower than that of a scientist when you include all those indebted people who dream of becoming an actor. As much as the "elite" of actors are glorified today, 99.999% of them will be completely forgotten within generations. The same is true for scientists but humanity will remember a few of them over centuries.

>> No.9403732

>our destiny is ultimate like asm code
Spot the autist.

>> No.9403945


Because nobody cares about science anymore. We're just in maintenance mode as a civilization now, decadent like rome. We havent invented anything worthwhile in the last 10 years really, we've only been refining what we already have and undermining our strengths (like our internet).

Some conspiracy things could be said about that but lets face it, every decade brought about a new wave of living in one way or another. But there hasn't been anything truly new added to the pot in the 2007-2017 time period.
> its my theory and suggestion that you wont see anything new added from 2017-2027 either
> except more internet related stuff that could already be possible if the infrastructure and business wasnt in the way of it.

yeah but you have to achieve the means to be a tier 3 civilization, and that isnt going anywhere, at least not publicly
> and what is being developed that isnt public, will never be rendered to the public

>> No.9403985
File: 719 KB, 293x182, sad.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where are those Methane powered Laptop Batteries that came out in the late 90s?
How far has Nanotube Production come since buckytubles were publicly revealed?
How about those Nanotube Batteries that MIT developed YEARS ago?

Been plenty of time for these things to have hit the market. But we're using the same old shit, I wonder why.
> Isnt business supposed to work like - where you have some amazing invention and it changes the world so you make billions and become some industry giant like DuPont...

In fact we don't even Hear about this shit.

>> No.9405216

>the greatest minds of our generation who are unraveling the mysteries of the universe on a daily basis in an attempt to bring humanity to its ultimate destiny

lol every tiny worker ant follows the same voice of reason

>> No.9405224

Don't be stupid. That's feature of capitalism not a bug.

You won't fill more than couple of theatres selling tickets to watch a mathematician anyway.

>> No.9405236

>Methane powered Laptop Batteries
We already have exploding batteries, thanks.

You can't just invent a better way of doing things and expect it to just take off if it's more expensive.

>> No.9405243

>We're just in maintenance mode as a civilization now, decadent like rome.
This sounds like the dumb shit poltards say.
>But there hasn't been anything truly new added to the pot in the 2007-
Have you not been paying attention?

This is really sad to be honest. Why do you even post here?

Read about all of these and don't come back until you're done.


>> No.9405248

>Where are those Methane powered Laptop Batteries that came out in the late 90s?
>How far has Nanotube Production come since buckytubles were publicly revealed?
>How about those Nanotube Batteries that MIT developed YEARS ago?
Just goes to show that most the things you read in popsci magazines is bullshit. You really think if there were some revolutionary battery technology Tesla wouldn't be using it?

>> No.9405258

Finding a theory of everything, colonizing other planets/star systems, curing aging, these are the things that we should be pumping as many resources into as possible.
Futurist gtfo , none of those things are important.

>> No.9405610

"16 December – The Pentagon confirms the existence of the Advanced Aviation Threat Identification Program (AATIP), a secret investigatory effort funded from 2007 to 2012 by the United States Government to research and study unidentified flying objects."

Sooo... the pentagon... straight laced professionals they are, have been spending millions of bucks probably investigating something that our government has been saying isnt supposed to exist huh...

As for the rest of the news, although im sure these things are beneficial to someone, im not actually interested in ANY of the artificial intelligence advances (somebody will have to burn these things) or any of the global warming, or paleontology findings.
> im not all that interested in genetics either

The Fusion research is nice but its still coming along far too slowly. CIT stabilizing plasma in open air is an extension of something else I read in a magazine a couple years ago - it could lead to Plasma Weapons (yay!).

The flaked graphene material sounds nice, but lets see them mass produce it...

> wouldnt Tesla be using it?
Not necessarily. You'd think that a revolutionary technology would take off, but there are business principals you're unaware of that could prevent that.

>> No.9405672

Completely wrong. We are doing more science and research than ever. The mass-consumerist money transfer strategy has produced the most successful breakthroughs ever while satisfying normies' needs.

It's brilliant really.

>> No.9405684

Why do I need ten different apps to send pictures of my iced mocha to my friends?

>> No.9405687

Because despite all the doom saying from /sci/, /lit/ and /pol/ humanity actually has a large surplus of intelligent individuals at our disposal.

The top 1% of 7 billion people consist of 70 million individuals. The top 5% of 7 billion people consist of 350 million individuals. Either percentile is more than enough to satisfy the academic/ private research infrastructure of the world. And in most nations there is clearly not enough jobs to satisfy their own population which is why you get effectively cheap foreign labor for science and math fields in places like the U.S.

In other words there is clearly an oversupply of suitable candidates to fill in the limited positions that currently exist.

So unironically >>9402126 is correct in pointing out it's a supply and demand issue.

>> No.9405692

You're missing the point: we have plenty of scientists but nobody is willing to pay for meaningful R&D, and especially not in the private sector to commercialize new technologies. Everything has gone into stock buybacks and dividends to suck off shareholders.

>> No.9405696

You'll like this guy

Be inspired. Think forward.

is right. I actually think that the poster underestimating how good the future will be.

>> No.9405699

WRONG. You're so fucking off mark. Get your head out of your ass and open your eyes. Go look at the statistics. More money are being poured into R&D than ever.

>> No.9405701

Well... Elon Musk isn't exactly poor. Whether or not he's really accomplishing anything, he at least thinks he is.

We all have something to learn from each other,
I think.

>> No.9406129

Well, actors entertain tens of millions of people multiple times a year. Scientists work in large teams to discover things that may be important in at least 10 years if they find anything at all, and how much was learned doesn't change how much it costed. Even if an actor's movie fails, it's not the actor's fault.
R&D is an economic dead-end and acting isn't.

>> No.9407318

>resentful autism: the thread
>I've never taken an economics class: the thread
You deserve to be bullied.

>> No.9407325

No, save yourself by not bullying people. Believe on Jesus and ask for forgiveness from God. It's way better.

>> No.9407327

t. wagecuck
I hope you like sucking your bosses dick

>> No.9407394

>Finding a theory of everything, colonizing other planets/star systems, curing aging, these are the things that we should be pumping as many resources into as possible.
So we should take resources from entertainment and put them into fool's gold?

>> No.9407399

because capitalism cannot adequately allocate resources

>> No.9407403

sure does a hell of a better job than communism and its retarded children like socialism
besides, in a technocracy we would have autists like OP spending money on wild goose chases like long range space travel or immortality

>> No.9407410
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oh fuck off. academia and even industry is ludicrously comfortable if you are at the cutting edge.

>> No.9407412

Good. It keeps the lying fucks that are only in it for the money out of it.

>> No.9407422

I ate a pinecone once for $5. so this is fine with me :D

>> No.9407557

Most people are useless eaters and there are a lot of them, so there's money to be made for other useless eaters in pandering to them. Anyone who envies their cowlike existence should probably join them.

>> No.9407671
File: 86 KB, 514x469, IMG_20170323_001830.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pat on the back
>$50 gift card
Where are these riches you speak of? I haven't seen them.

The General Relevance of the Modified Cosmological Model

>> No.9408424
File: 76 KB, 594x395, nice spooks my property.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>humans are prone to

>> No.9408494
File: 174 KB, 894x894, by-Tryingtofly-7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you read this? If so, could you possibly share some insights it provides?
And is your point in bringing it up to highlight the lack of profit off the endeavor?

>> No.9409020

Yeah exactly. Batteries are fucking complex. They need to be:

>small enough
>cold enough (not work at 500 degrees celsius)
>hot enough to work (not at 30 Kelvin for example)
>work at room pressure
>in the best case non explodable
>quick to charge
>take long to get empty
>have a good voltage/ampere relation
>from cheap and easy to mine chemicals
Etc etc

Everybody reading popsci articles about the new battery (NOW WUTH GRAPHMEME) revolution can fuck of

- physics MSC specialising in condensed matter physics

>> No.9409027

Capitalism. Isn't it wonderful?

>> No.9409030

yes, imo the best modern human invention

>> No.9409033

Because humanity will make scientific progress regardless of whether or not the achievements are attributed justly. Many breakthroughs in science are done on payroll, whereas people will always pay extra for a laugh or entertainment whether or not that comes in fiat.

>> No.9409036
File: 15 KB, 332x396, something a pseud would say.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why do total retards get paid tens of millions of dollars to stand in front of a camera and pretend to be someone else once a week while the greatest minds of our generation who are unraveling the mysteries of the universe on a daily basis in an attempt to bring humanity to its ultimate destiny of being a tier 3 civilization merely get a pat on the back and a $50 gift card to Bed Bath and Beyond?
>Finding a theory of everything, colonizing other planets/star systems, curing aging, these are the things that we should be pumping as many resources into as possible.

>> No.9409211

it doesnt matter what system you're in, as long as people treat each other right.

but as it turns out, they don't, no matter what system they're in.

>> No.9411017


>> No.9411943

It’s an advanced form of story telling relative to how story telling was done before. Humans have told stories since language was created. Because of how you are able to visualize the story being told through the people on the big screen, it acts as an escape from reality. Think of how porn has an effect on the brain in that it causes you to think, albeit subconsciously, that you’re the one that’s fucking the porn star in the video.

>> No.9412036

>waaa I don't like that people aren't only this one thing I like waaa
>*sniff* please br-bring back communism