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9247694 No.9247694 [Reply] [Original]

>Take the ACT
>Forget to study
>Score 32
>Essay scores 50th percentile
/sci/ please, how do you write essays? Good sentences are easy, but I always struggle to organize my writing under a time constraint. Is there a hack for this? I'm treading water here.

>> No.9247941

Go to /lit/ fucking brainlet.

>> No.9247985

act essay section is retarded and no one cares
i got a 36 but a really shit essay (~72nd)

>> No.9248003

plan before you write.

>> No.9248006

Read more: news, opinion columns, classic essays, books you like. But you will need to spend a lot of time.

>> No.9248023

Then, have your own ideas and look why they are true (arguments). After that, start to write. Write your best ideas. Try to “wait" for the best ideas to “arrive" even when you are doing nothing or something else. This just how to make an essay.

Now, how to make an essay FOR a test, with limitations or such things, i do not know.

>> No.9248051

>Read more
Brainlet advice. If you want to write better you need to write more. Any reading should only be used as direct reference.

>> No.9248153

t. 35

>> No.9248157

Holy shit are you me?
Also in the exact same position as OP

>> No.9248178

First, /lit.

Second, write a cohesive argument in the third person, using well respected citations and avoiding the pit of narratives. (Like a paper on gun control is already an f since it is just a propaganda piece.)

Also, grab the sticky of logical fallacies off /pol. I know it is /pol, but the sticky on logical fallacies clearly shows many fallacies that people use. Avoid fallacies and false equivalences (ex: all people who wave the confederate flag are racist. That is a false equivalence...plus I'd be pretty ticked off too)

>> No.9248183

I had an English teacher who had the exact poster up in his classroom junior year.

>> No.9248396


Also story board your essay as soon as the timer begins. Spending 10 mins to throw ideas onto the page i find is really helpful at stropping essay drift.

>> No.9248440

The real problem with essays are that good stories an opinions are genuine.

It's hard to give a shirt when the essays are about open lunches or other inane topics.

>> No.9248486

>Any reading should only be used as direct reference

>> No.9248509
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For standardized tests, the following advice applies. The number one characteristic all high scoring essays share is length. Since the writing section is timed and you generally get about 30 minutes to write an essay, this means that you want to spend the majority of your time writing. The strategy is Think, Organize, Write.

Spend 1 minute thinking about what the prompt is asking you to do. Do you need to take a position on an issue? Or do you need to deconstruct an argument and explain why it is effective/ineffective? Different prompts ask for different things, so be sure that you're actually answering the question with your essay.

Then, once you have identified what you need to write about, pick out three main points that address the issue at hand, a more complicated aspect that may not be initially obvious, and a counterargument that you can dismantle. Write those down on your scratch paper with bullets. For each bullet, have three or four main topics that you will talk about. These bullets will form the meat of your paragraphs, be sure that you can write around them.

Finally, it's time to write. You have about 25 minutes to do so. Start with an introduction sentence that grabs the reader's attention right away. No one wants to read a list of points. They want to feel something. Beginning with a rhetorical question or an emotional appeal that is tangentially related to the topic at hand is my go to. The last sentence of each paragraph should foreshadow the topic of the next paragraph. The first sentence of each paragraph should be the main point of the paragraph. Conclude by restating your essay in summarized form, and end the essay on a powerful definitive sentence.

Other tips: Build vocabulary, this will prevent your essay from becoming bland and monotonous. Re-read your entire current paragraph before you begin the next sentence of the paragraph, it will help you keep flow.

These things worked for me, 93rd percentile for GRE writing.