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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9226236 No.9226236 [Reply] [Original]

Who is the chad of STEM subjects?

>> No.9226241

analytic philosophy

>> No.9226248

Algebraic philosophy

>> No.9226359


>> No.9226368

Computer Science

>> No.9226378

philosophical philosophy

>> No.9226408

Agricultural Science

>> No.9226412

Finance :)

>> No.9226414


>> No.9226438
File: 40 KB, 640x427, Finace PhD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Finance PhDs are Chads
Pure Math PhD are the Virgins

>> No.9226443

Boolean Theology

>> No.9226493

This right here

>> No.9226527

Not actuaries

>> No.9226544

existentialist topology

>> No.9226569


Not stem

>> No.9226571

modular arithmetic

>> No.9226601

gender studies

>> No.9226616

genetic geology

>> No.9226626


>> No.9226736

Hops and Barley Geneticists :^)

>> No.9226764

>finance phd
>finance majors actually believe these things exist

>> No.9226768

on the real though numerical PDEs is pretty much chad's domain

>> No.9226770

Differential Race Analogie

>> No.9226854

>tfw the CRISPR kit ships in

>> No.9226859

advanced judäeism

>> No.9227020


pretty sure you have to be autistic and ugly to understand PDEs

>> No.9227102

Not really, you should just have a bit more insight than a Fucking engineer.

>> No.9227197

Holomorphic Astrology

>> No.9227202

pretty sure you have to be a literal retard not to understand PDEs

>> No.9227240


are you suggesting that everyone that isn't autistic and ugly is retareds?

>> No.9227241

Holistic medicine

>> No.9227265

>bent over morphology
I laughed harder than I should have

>> No.9227744

Based on your inability to spell, I can say you are a retard.

>> No.9227754


John Carlos Baez

>> No.9227809

Mechanical Engineering obviously

>> No.9227815
File: 89 KB, 363x475, IMG_0651.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>only retards make spelling errors

i can tell from your struggling to communicate with me that you are autistic, which supports my assertion that only ugly and autistic people understand pde.

>> No.9227920


Filled with somewhat normal people who want high paying jobs that allow them to work outside

Chill professors that you go on field trips with and drink beers while discussing orogenic events that formed the mountain you're camping on

Get to go on hikes and shit to see formations, measure strike and dips of faults, study the geomorphology of the region

Easy classes that chads can pass, not too much focus on hard sciences unless you go into geophysics or mineralogy / petrology.

Takes ideas from all other sciences (Chemistry, physics, biology, mathamatics, etc.)

Not too many actual nerds in the field, mostly normal people, not a lot of low test asians like you find in physics / chem / bio departments.

>> No.9227962

>Medicine is the science and practice of the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of disease.

>> No.9228001

Genetics. It makes money and is studied by actual smart people unlike Engineering and Medshit.

>> No.9228004

Pure Mathematics

>> No.9228059

That sounds like fun and a good time anon.

>> No.9228110

You're a person who calls people who are smarter than them autistic. Let that sink in.

>> No.9228157

Homotopy Type Theorist

>> No.9228172

Damn, that sounds fun as fuck. Maybe in the next life

>> No.9228192

Unironically synthetic organic chem/medicinal chemistry. Really tight knit group usually. Really hypercompetive and fratty. Work hard/play hard kinda deal.

>> No.9228198

sounds pretty fucking autistic

>> No.9228211

Kek. It's just because the pressure/hours needed to complete novel, practically useful syntheses drive off women, creating a dudes-only clubhouse sorta vibe. The focus on practical end products drives of /basicscience/-fag autists. You end up getting a bunch of really competitive, close knit guys that exude confidence and charisma. For whatever reason, a lot tend to be decent looking and into sports probably because of the competitiveness.

Not all STEM grad students and postdocs will fuck their way through a department and drive a motorcycle, but, when they do, they are usually synthetic org./med. chemists. Can't complain, desu. They are honestly bros, at least at my uni.

>> No.9228390
File: 151 KB, 2628x1016, chad viral edition.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i made another one with OC

>> No.9228394

meme warfare

>> No.9228451


> it's study
> it is study

into the trash it goes

>> No.9228521


>> No.9228756

i didnt write the captions, just updated the imagery

>> No.9228880

>Takes ideas from all other sciences (Chemistry, physics, biology, mathamatics, etc.)
>Chemistry, physics, biology, mathamatics, etc
This is why most people make fun of geology. You all are a bunch of idiots. ROCKS FOR JOCKS!

>> No.9228896
File: 240 KB, 320x320, IMG_0680.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>assuming you're smarter than me without evidence

hmmm... is that a sign of autism?

>> No.9228984

Tanna Tuvan linguistics

>> No.9229050

Forestry, not even close.

>> No.9229093

Dude, just finished my MSc @ ETH Zurich in organic chem
Are you a PhD student

>> No.9229098


Pure math, no applications allowed.

>> No.9229112

Chad of Chads

>Marine Zoology
>Sports team physiotherapist

>Engineering in totality
>Pure Math

Virgin of Virgins
>Computer Science

>> No.9229137

You don't understand PDEs :) did I ever claim i did? Your logic is weak as fuck bro

>> No.9229218


>> No.9229221

w-what if i'm a financial m-math phd...

>> No.9229223

god damn that actually sounds really nice
t. mathfag phd reconsidering his life choices

>> No.9230271

>Pure Math PhD are the Virgins
Isn't being a virgin a good thing when you're a woman?