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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9201133 No.9201133 [Reply] [Original]

>take number theory, linear algebra, 2 analysis courses, 2 topology courses, abstract algebra, probability and statistics
>become confident in my ability to do and understand math and prove theorems
>take applied PDE
>struggle to understand the material
>don't remember the methods of integration or methods for ODEs
>textbook uses words like clearly and obviously in places where it is not clear or obvious to me
>have to resort to memorizing methods for solving PDEs and solutions for various types of problems
>realize i'm a brainlet

>> No.9201138

Don't worry anon, PDEs become much nicer once you start looking for weak solutions and are able to delve into abstractness once more.

>> No.9201236

Nah PDE's are just the worst

>> No.9201239

Once it essentially become functional analysis it is quite euphoric.

>> No.9201279

>>don't remember the methods of integration or methods for ODEs

Do you realize that this is your problem right? If you literally could not do integration then how do you even expect to do PDEs? Heck, if you took ODEs again you would fail it without being good at integration.

Given your academic history of doing well with good classes like number theory, analysis and topology I'd say you are not a brainlet. You simply let yourself go. Like a celebrity who got fat, you let yourself go by forgetting integral calculus. Come on, you can't do that. Just pick up a book and git gud again.

>> No.9202595

I know honors pure math students that failed PDEs. It's normal.

You should take a few physics courses before taking PDEs.

>> No.9202598

Don't take applied PDE. Take a grad PDE course based off Evans or something.

>> No.9202605

>be CS brainlet
>diverted to combinatorics and abstract algebra after multivariate calculus and ODEs

phew, dodged a bullet

>> No.9202611

I'm probably a fucking brainlet of all brainlets. I'm relearning basic Highschool Math because my school spooked me into failing. I'm learning Algebra 1 and 2, Trigonometry, Pre-Calculus and Calculus. I don't want to be a brainlet, but I admit I'm probably the worst.

>> No.9202616

>oh no a challenging course is challenging my abilities
>I must be retarded

Yes, you are retarded

>> No.9202698


> Being supportive
> On /sci/


>> No.9203224

this was helpful

>> No.9203315

Hey man literally the same place as you. Currently working through pre calc (trig) on khanacademy. Good luck.