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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 49 KB, 309x515, N.A.S.A..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9165349 No.9165349 [Reply] [Original]

So NASA is telling lies, faking landings, uploading CGI images and wasting money.

How come that they never officially offered us proof of (contact with) Extra Terrestrials.
Why isn't one space probe ever hijacked by aliens.
Why lie about everything else, but don't make up lies about ET?

Or are they not so full of lies as some of us like to believe?

>> No.9165354

The pills won't help if you don't take them anon.

>> No.9165360

Have you considered that maybe you're just retarded?

>> No.9165370

I have, but...
We now know the earth is flat, so NASA lied.
We now know that all images are CGI, so NASA lied.
We now know that the moon landing was fake, so NASA lied.

If they lie to get funds, why in heavens sake haven't they come up with the lie that can provide them with unlimited funding.
Why aren't they talking about an incoming alien invasion?

Maybe they don't lie that much and did the lunar mission actually happened, are the CGI images really made by satellites and is the earth not flat at all.

Maybe I am not so retarded as you might think.

>> No.9165373

>not so retarded
even more then it is

>> No.9165374

Dude, we already tried to contact them. Everyone just thought the message was a mistake/static, even though we sent it to their massive detector array.

It is like we would have to invade before they learn the word for hello.

>> No.9165376

Where is the official statement about us making contact?

>> No.9165380
File: 97 KB, 640x430, x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have it in a microchip under my finger nail

>> No.9165385

I like how you two are the only two intelligent here, but still misunderstand each other

>> No.9165387

heres the thing with travelling light years across space

time dilation
so if aliens were to break the speed of light
that means that they would be travelling back in time to visit us.
so any aliens that leave from their planet now to visit us, will arrive to earth thousands of years ago.
I think thats why they quit sending stuff. Gotta wait till theres a decent amount of time when things happen.

>> No.9165398

If you want that then you're gonna have to go a long, long way back dude. Better to just acknowledge 'this' beginning first and then if you want you can go find source code.

We like that we're being observed without division/destruction. Personally I am simply waiting for someone to ask me my name and then try to be human together.

>> No.9165400

It's okay. Time travellers and chrononauts are welcome too.

>> No.9165512

Take this bullshit to /x/

>> No.9165521

>If they lie to get funds, why in heavens sake haven't they come up with the lie that can provide them with unlimited funding.
>Why aren't they talking about an incoming alien invasion?
Maybe they aren't lying?

>> No.9165524

That's only if you travel through space at, near or over the speed of light.

If you just compress space and travel through that at non-relativistic speeds then you don't have this issue.

>> No.9165631

Really nigga?
How does /sci/ and /x/ manage to have so many similarities?

>> No.9166594

Maybe it's time for /sci/ to understand /×/ is an actual thing.
Some people don't get math, but it is still useful (to some).

>> No.9166679 [DELETED] 

>just compress space and travel through that

Something that can not be done. You watch to many SciFi.

>> No.9166685

>>9165524 #
>just compress space and travel through that

Something that can not be done. You watch too many SciFi.

>> No.9166817

this is what happens when you watch too much infowars

>> No.9166835

Never even heard of infowars.

>> No.9166939

Then you should really give it a watch.

>> No.9167088

Looks to me as if infowars is voor de brainless. But thanks.

>> No.9167296

>Something that can not be done.
We are talking about aliens here. Don't place your own restrictions on them.

>> No.9167376

There is a line between realism and mathematical jerking.
Compressing space is jerking

>> No.9167622

Again, realism is just constrained by your ideas.

>> No.9167676

Not completely.

You are talking about compressing a extremely large area. Of nothingness.

Explain how you think this can be accomplished.

>> No.9167897

It's this great old RTS game

>> No.9168284

Nah, you just use bad rhetoric

>> No.9169920

Someone post that relativistic bomb print with the central park allegory.

>> No.9169974

I think you need to see your therapist more for your Schizophrenia.

>> No.9169981

Nice try, you CIA niggers can't subvert me.

>> No.9170027
File: 214 KB, 1348x1086, The+great+silence+reposting+to+show+a+bunch+of+people+space_028015_5083738.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found it. This could be one reason why we won't see them so soon.

>> No.9170053

Because there aren't any ayyy lmaos

>> No.9170308
File: 24 KB, 600x600, IMG_4831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this entire thread

>> No.9170314

Fuck, I'm retarded.