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8825378 No.8825378 [Reply] [Original]

Exercise improves brain function so I simply don't understand why they wouldn't spend an hour a day on their health when they could have lived longer as a result and done more for the world

Kinda angers me desu

>> No.8825394

I've tried to get fit for a while now. I tell myself: Okay, starting from today I will do 30 push ups when I wake up, 30 push ups when I come back from university and 30 push ups before I go to sleep.

And then I'll do it for a while and then just forget about it. The longest I have done it has been like 2 weeks at most. The problem with exercise is that it doesn't come naturally. I do not want to put alarms on my phone for when to exercise because then I feel like I am interfering with myself. I should only be doing things I find important, so I don't put alarms. But as I do not put alarms and exercise is a thoughtless brainlet activity I never naturally remember to do it. Like, if I come home and have to do my 30 push ups but as I arrive I am thinking about studying or eating then I will completely forget about the 30 push ups. If I wake up late in the morning and have to rush to go to university I will completely forget about the 30 push ups. Before I go to sleep if I spend all my energy studying up to 11 PM and am exhausted I will forget about the 30 push ups.

It is just too hard. I was born literally too smart to do exercise. I wish I could get excited about such a repetitive activity but my superior brain simply doesn't let me.

>> No.8825419

A good portion of the "greatest scientists" lived long before humans knew what bacteria was. No one is infallible.

That being said, back in the day excercise meant going for a walk after lunch or some shit. Now days it's mostly about maximizing muscle mass for use in attracting the other gender, and there's honestly not a much of a point in that. Finding a good middle ground is difficult, and most "intelligent minds" or most people at least simply don't give a fuck and just do what they want.

>> No.8825428

>A good portion of the "greatest scientists" lived long before humans knew what bacteria was.


>> No.8825429
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truly one of the most important topics that can be discussed on this board and there's only two replies.

>> No.8825431


>> No.8825447


>> No.8825513

>Exercise improves brain function

Brain exercises improve brain function.


>> No.8825559

I can't tell if this is full autism, partial sarcasm autism, or just satire in general.

>> No.8825562
File: 279 KB, 898x790, tfw too smart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw too smart to exercise

>> No.8825566

The first part is 100% honest. I have been trying but I suffer from the problems explained there.

The last bit about being to smart too exercise is kinda satire because that is literally a meme here but at the same time... you know. I literally can't exercise because I cannot force myself to constantly remember to exercise. It doesn't entise me.

>> No.8825570


I don't know if I'm one of the 'greatest scientists,' but I do try to get enough exercise. I run about 10 miles per week (a 5k every other day or so), and I'm looking to put in 40-60 minutes at the gym daily during the work week starting this summer.

>> No.8825571

If you want to actually exercise instead of doing meme things like walking long distances or doing a couple sets of pushups, go to a gym and actually push yourself.

You won't forget, you just won't like it very much, but you'll see results instead of seeing literally nothing.

That's the thing about exercising and dieting in general. If you go half ass, you won't see any results, but if you push yourself and do it right, you'll see your body change.

>> No.8825577

I don't say this too often but... check your privilege. Having the privilege of having the time to go to a gym is certainly the kind of privilege you should be checking at the door. No one wants to see that.

>> No.8825580


Don't take the bait...

>> No.8825581

I have a full time job, and I still manage to read often, and go to the gym 3 hours a week.

Everyone has time, you just have to make time.

>> No.8825587

>has a job
>can read often
>can go to the gym 3 hours a week

Woah man. I already told you, no one wants to see that. So take your privilege and just... check it. Check it at the door before you post here. And before you come here showing more of your disgusting privilege just take the privilege quiz and from now on remember to check all of that every day:


>> No.8825622

Most successful scientists live pretty healthy lives.

You really don't need anything more than a brisk walk to keep your body, brain included, healthy. Athletic stuff is for athletic performance. Obsessive stuff is for vanity.

>> No.8825669


I'm not sure what you're on about, because most great scientists and mathematicians had anecdotes about being into some kind of cardio exercise such as vigorous walking, which is the absolute best kind of exercise for brain function.

>> No.8825682

not all exercise. aerobic exercise does, and that's what most scientists do... so your point is already true and didn't need a thread

>> No.8825717

Nope. Source: Harvard Medical School.

>> No.8825718

Sorry wrong link: http://www.health.harvard.edu/press_releases/regular-exercise-releases-brain-chemicals-key-for-memory-concentration-and-mental-sharpness

>> No.8825719

That's talking about how sleep is good for brain function.

>> No.8825752

you ever wonder why the indians/asians at ur uni are all skinny/ugly/unfit ? theyre too busy exercising their BRAIN bc they know thats how you make MONEY in 2017

there is no way you will be a messi or john cena while studying EE/CS/maths rofl

>> No.8825769

>Exercise improves brain function
If that's the case, why are all athletes morons? The time you spend exercising is time you aren't spending learning new things and becoming smarter.

>> No.8825806

Probably because great scientists had an OCD about science and found exercise boring as shit. It's the same movement over and over. Mind numbing. Besides, walking is more than enough for the mental benefits.

>> No.8825901

>If that's the case, why are all athletes morons?
Because of genetics.

>> No.8825933

Ph.D. in engineering

220/150/250 squats/bench/deadlift


>> No.8826219


>PhD in Scientific Burger Flipping

Also, please tell me that you are
a) female
b) giving your numbers in kilograms
c) not ashamed of being an inferior /sci/ manlet who will never match the physical superiority of /fit/ ubermensch

>> No.8826224

I go jogging 30~ min twice a week.

>> No.8826226
File: 30 KB, 480x480, 1491864370469.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like to walk/run at night 3-5 times a week. It gives me a chance to get away and reflect on my thoughts. Sorry, I just can't be fucked to put that much work into vanity stuff like bodybuilding. I probably should start doing stuff like push ups and sit ups.

>> No.8826229

Bruh, no one really enjoys weight lifting - people do it for reasons outside of that. E.g. They enjoy the competition it brings, for health, vanity, etc.

I would argue that weight lifting isn't necessarily healthy (and, indeed, it puts a lot of unhealthy stress on the body, even before you add in surplus eating, protein powders, creating, etc.), but exercising is. Running is great. Swimming is even better. Don't do it because you love it, love it because you do it, etc. Keeping active is smart. If you don't realize that you're stupid.

Also, doing 30 push-ups (which I seriously doubt you can do consecutively with proper form if you're not sticking to a routine) isn't going to do shit. That's like tickling your puny girl muscles. Go to the gym for a dedicated 30 minutes to an hour when you first wake.

>> No.8826234

>Exercise improves brain function
This is pretty new information. I'm guessing that in the old days people thought that the best way to be productive was by focusing fully on your work, with no interruptions.

>> No.8826603


shoo shoo

>> No.8826623

lbs? Keksimus

Jk, aside from the big 3, what other "core" exercises would you include into an intermediate lifter's routine

>> No.8826628

Why don't you spend some time engineering yourself a better program and/or discipline and intensity, those lifts are shite

350 high bar atg squat, 250 bench, 435 deadlift master race mathematician reporting

>> No.8827841

>no one really enjoys weight lifting
Speak for yourself

>> No.8828112
File: 394 KB, 1812x1018, 27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Obligatory taking the bait

If you find enough time to shitpost on 4chan, you can find time to go to the gym for an hour a day. And when i say go every day, i mean every day.

Turn it into a habit, that's what will make you keep going. The hardest part isn't lifting the weight, it's actually getting to the gym. I sometimes have shit workouts and only go for 30 min somedays, it doesn't really matter because then i know that I'm keeping the habit of getting there and at least doing something.

I am now able to bench 265lbx5 and I've been going to the gym for a year, the other week i fucked up my rotator cuff, can barely bench anymore, and i still go regardless of the injury, while also making sure not to put stress onto the cuff, and letting it hall and recover. It pains me to see myself not being able to do some exercises because of it, and it has hurt my motivation as a side effect. But i still make it there sometime durimg the day

There are plenty of reasons to not go to the gym, there are plenty of excuses you can make to convince yourself not to go.

What you have to do is instead come up with excuses to go, and stop thinking that it's beneath you. Improve yourself, we're all gonna make it brah. We're all gonna make it....

>> No.8828130

that pic though

>> No.8828229

Is her age on the clock?

>> No.8828379

Read the full sentence, turd. Anyone who thinks they enjoy picking up heavy things and then placing them down is deluding themselves. It is perfectly acceptable to enjoy things that may come from that activity, e.g. socialization, etc., but if you isolated all outside factors and benefits that may come from it, NO ONE enjoys picking up and placing down weights. If you did, you wouldn't be doing it in a gym, or even using barbells/dumbbells

>> No.8828394

How the fuck do you know that great scientists don't exercise regularly? The size of somebodies muscles is no indication of the amount of exercise they do, or how healthy they are. It is literally just a reflection of their vanity. And this is coming from someone that lifts.

If your priority is health, then weightlifting is a poor choice of exercise.

>> No.8828422

Of course you're not. Urine idiot. I know... satire... but still shut up. Either way, to me it is hard to find the motivation to do something that I consider trivial, eating well and walking should be more than sufficienct, being insecure, I still try to force myself and go three times a week doing Starting Strenght.

>> No.8828425

Alan Turing was fit, but he committed suicide because of the ignorance of the government of his country. Plato was fit too.

>> No.8828468

>I don't like it so nobody does

you are one silly faggot

>> No.8828478

In the pursuit of science there is no time for exercise the competition is to fierce to squander your time on futile bodily repetition.

>> No.8828493

Only popsci faggots like Steven Pinker have time for exercise. All the real scientists are too fucking busy.

>> No.8828497

I want to punch her in the face.

>> No.8828525


>> No.8828540

>Bruh, no one really enjoys weight lifting - people do it for reasons outside of that. E.g. They enjoy the competition it brings, for health, vanity, etc.
Anon, the thrill of realizing how much stronger you are than you used to be is a kind of euphoria I can't begin to describe. It's not about competition, and you can argue any form of self improvement is for "vanity".

>> No.8828558

I hope to god those are kilograms.

>> No.8828561

Why not be like the old Greeks and do both?

>> No.8828608

Who is this fine lady?

>> No.8829016

>How the fuck do you know that great scientists don't exercise regularly?
We know at least exactly how much Stephen Hawking exercises.

>> No.8829202

>Anyone who thinks they enjoy picking up heavy things and then placing them down is deluding themselves.
No, it can be loads of fun pushing yourself to your limits, feeling the sensations of driving your body to peak performance, and the thrill of danger as you risk serious injury if you lose your balance or fail to maintain proper support to protect your spine and joints.

This is like saying "nobody enjoys moving from point A to point B quickly", but of course lots of people enjoy running, or bicycle riding, or driving vehicles at high speeds.

>If your priority is health, then weightlifting is a poor choice of exercise.
It all depends on how you do it. You can get a good workout for your heart and lungs with stuff like high-rep squats and dumbbell swings.

>> No.8829574

>If your priority is health, then weightlifting is a poor choice of exercise.

Sad hearing from a fellow weightlifter.

It's FAR more healthy than something like long distance running where you wear away at the joints and end up with heart arrhythmia.

Most older people let their muscle be replaced with adipose tissue. If done as a lifelong habit, weight lifting will literally put you in the upper 1% of physicality by age 60.

And if you have money by then, you can pick and choose from teenagers and young 20s as opposed to used up old whores*

* - mind you I like used up old whores but as a life partner...

>> No.8829583


At the very least, you can move to the Philippines or to Vietnam and fuck a "teen" or "young adult" everyday 'till you die.

>> No.8829655

i want to slap punch her mouth.
with my dick Ha GoTEEEM

>> No.8829721

That's why you do things in moderation.

Distance running is not moderation.

Also the vast majority of weightlifters end up with problems in later life due to the high levels of stress on tendons and joints. Good form goes a long way to alleviate this but the problem is still there. Its still good for you in the long run as long as you do it in moderation and sensibly, but don't fool yourself into thinking its any more healthy than swimming, cycling or callisthenics based sports.

The OP referring to being /fit/, which is powerlifting/bodybuilding.

>> No.8829756

>he doesn't live his life TO THE EXTREME

>> No.8829887

Weightlifting is nowhere near as good as cardio exercises for health.

There's a huge difference between being healthy and having big muscles. Most of the weightlifting fags nowadays bulking or going heavy on supplements will not live as long as people doing simple cardio exercises each day.

>> No.8830131


>> No.8830388


Weightlifting isn't about having huge muscles, it's about putting your body through a type of stress (High intensity low time) that keeps muscles intact throughout your life.

Cardio is overrated. The most damaging things old people let happen to their body is letting muscle waste away and having it being replaced with fat.

Not to mention that it promotes autophagy (body getting rid of dead weight, so to speak).

Yes your joints can get fucked if you're a powerlifter and attempt weights that only a fraction of the population can dream of doing.

But if you're trying to build a more resilient body, weight lifting probably helps more than cardio. But the effect is stronger if you practice intermittent fasting and a high-fat high-protein low-carb diet.

Cardio should be just walking outside about 10-30 miles each week.

>> No.8830398



Not to mention raising testosterone. There's an inverse relationship between testosterone and mortality. The more testosterone you have, the longer you're likely to live longer than your peers.

To hammer the point, weight lifting is about inducing stress that our bodies have systems primed for. Without stress, our bodies waste away to the point where we actually encounter a stress that is harmful or even fatal.

Cardio is an excuse for women and old people to do exercise half-assed. Exercises that promote flexibility? Yeah that's a good thing. Walking on the treadmill for 15 minutes (and wasting energy that could be focused on doing a set right)? Fuck that noise.

>> No.8830404

>There's an inverse relationship between testosterone and mortality.

Is that why women live longer than men?

>> No.8830416

Women live longer because men take stupid risks, do the dangerous jobs, and have to put up with women.

>> No.8830420

we die early so we don't have to be around women anymore

>> No.8830428


Women naturally live longer than men for reasons I'm personally not sure of.

But a man with low testosterone will die earlier than a man with high testosterone. Hell at least one of the steriods (anaprozazole?) has been show to INCREASE TELOMERE LENGTH.

That's fucking major desu. Steroids might become the next life extension drugs for both men and women, assuming that receptor activity is uniform between both sexes for the particular mechanism which increases telomere length.

>> No.8830431

if steroids are so good then why are juice heads popping their hearts at 50?

>> No.8830436


Because they misuse them or take an improper dosage relative to their biochemistry?

Just google "steriod telomere length".

And desu, juice heads are probably also taking stimulants which exacerbate some of the problems that do happen with steroids.

>> No.8830438

Wow, it's like medications may have upper limits to where they stop being helpful and start being harmful. Someone quick! Inform the FDA!

>> No.8831020

You type like a fucking idiot

>> No.8831026

PProbaby autism

>> No.8831050

it's a waste of time to build muscle when you're not going to use it

>> No.8831335

>Not going to use it

? Typical American fatass. You build muscle so that when you're 65, you don't need some ugly nurse having to push you around in a fucking wheelchair because you thought you were so fucking smug while your thighs and calves wasted away throughout the years.

Jesus fucking christ, I can't believe "waste of time to build muscle..." is an actual fucking attitude.

>> No.8831514


I want to punch her in the vagina. with my penis

>> No.8832085

>Women naturally live longer than men for reasons I'm personally not sure of.
Pretty much because men are more prone to dangerous shit (violence, car acident)

>> No.8832100

i guess i'll be the first to point out
the rest of the images in the album OPs image is from are technically illegal in most countries

>> No.8832114
File: 39 KB, 597x552, go on.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm interested.

>> No.8832303

you're not actually going to elaborate, are you?

>> No.8832306

Do an image search.

Say hi to the feds when you get v&

>> No.8832317
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>this is what /fit/ actually belive
Lifting is a brainlet hobby, you do the same shit over and over and get nothing. That's why every bodybuilder is a fucking meat head.

>> No.8832511

Fitness isn't about exercise its about diet. Also I'm pretty sure smart people have better diets than average due to superior discipline

>> No.8832515

>Also I'm pretty sure smart people have better diets than average due to superior discipline
If anything, intelligence and discipline are inversely correlated. Why would you bother to be a disciplined person if you don't have to make any effort to get good grades?

>> No.8832517

Because they're smart

>> No.8832522


Fucking idiot. Your body is prepped to do awful back-breaking shit in high-intensity low-time environments.

Or maybe you just do the same shit everyday.
>sitting in my chair for hours straight
>Use the same posting algorithms to get a quick dose of "feel goof" from some shitty meme or troll
>3 meals a day which doesn't let the body enter a fasting state where it can cannibalize a bunch of garbage built up in your body

Fucking jews and their neurotic "Geek vs Jock" vision of society.

>> No.8832547

wow, he got rekt

>> No.8832585

brainlet detected

>> No.8832608

brainlet detected

>> No.8832616

brainlet detected

>> No.8832623

brainlets detected

>> No.8833192
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I'm not even going to pretend I'm even in the same dimension as the great minds we all aspire to be, but when I was a freshmen I worked out 4 times a week and could deadlift 315. But as I approached the end of my sophomore year for chem eng, I simply didn't have the energy to do it anymore while I was trying to juggle a 15-18 credit load with an internship. Perhaps thats a reason anon.

But more than likely thats just anecdotal and I'm an idiot.

>> No.8833202

unless you just started working out, or you have a disability, those numbers aren't anything to brag about.

>> No.8833423
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Past 30 no scientist ever thought or made anything useful so exercise or healthy living is a waste of time. Ok maybe make it 35