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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8422183 No.8422183 [Reply] [Original]

>doing analysis HW
>no idea how to complete proof
>the rest is obvious, QED
>get full marks

>> No.8422184

Dumb frogposter

>> No.8422386

>"teacher" doesn't give a fuck about teaching

>> No.8422470

>grading analysis HW
>student submits original 10-page proof that looks nothing like the ones in the standard texts or on stackexchange
>don't understand how it works but can't seem to find any errors
>just assign full marks and move on since you have 100 other papers to mark

>writing analysis textbook
>lost your 10-page proof for one of your original results
>"proving this corollary is left as an exercise for the reader"

>> No.8422564
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>be doing easy check your definitions HW problem
>this is trivial
>no marks

>> No.8422753
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>doing exam
>can't answer the whole question
>"the rest is left for the reader"

>> No.8422765

>posting on /sci/
>can't really get much ideas for an original thought provoking OP but post anyhow
>"the rest is left to the reader"
>dont get a ban
>thread doesnt even get deleted

>> No.8422776
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>lecturer asks class for an approach to do a proof
>raise hand, say it is trivial
>lecturer agrees and moves on

>> No.8422834
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>spend 2 weeks studying every day for quiz
>get best mark by far
>classmate asks how much I worked for it
>oh you know I just glanced at it last night

>> No.8422852

>be doing analysis homework
>prove that the harmonic series diverges
>if not, then it is dominated by an absolutely integrable function. By the dominated convergence theorem, then, 1= 0, a contradiction
>full marks and a LOL and a note saying "that's like killing a fly with a nuke"

>> No.8422925
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>have to write anonymous reviews of class
>say homework questions are not hard enough
>next homework half of the class gets a poor grade

>> No.8422957
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>lecturer asks class if we've seen part of the material in a prerequisite class
>raise hand and say yes
>lecturer skips straight to next chapter
>mfw it wasnt

>> No.8422980

>physics PhD asks me if his PDE is well defined
>isn't, but say sure
>mfw he spent a month running simulations getting wrong results

>> No.8422997
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>get assigned group project with brainlets
>they know I'm the top student
>tell them if they pay me 100$ I'll do all of it
>they gladly accept
>turn in project with only my name, tell professor how I did it alone with proof
>he believes me
>they all had to redo the class next year

>> No.8423017
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>be statsfag
>publish model in econ and finance journals
>model assumes errors follow a normal distribution
>they actually use it, the absolute madmen
>financial crisis happening
>recession happening
>all those jobs lost
>all those taxpayer monies

>> No.8423085

>reading thread on /sci/
>can't think of a witty response

>> No.8423111

>Be an EE
>On the team that designed the Samsung Note 7
>"Hey anon wat do u think of this battery"
>"lol looks good bro"

>> No.8423114
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>> No.8423115

>reply anyway

>> No.8423120

Dumb frogposter

>> No.8423157


>> No.8423160

dumb frogposter

>> No.8423161
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>yfw you you'd all my posts

>> No.8423166

dumb frogposter

>> No.8423184


>> No.8423674

But you dont have a face

>> No.8424145

Good thread

>> No.8424302

>be taking Grad Probability midterm
>shit, dont know how to prove this
>by the pi-lambda theorem, the claim holds true
>get full marks

when in doubt, whip it out

>> No.8424942
File: 66 KB, 708x588, Er3RO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when in doubt, whip it out

>> No.8424992

>spend 2 hours doing a Leibniz question
>Realise I could have immediately factored out e^x and simplified the rest of the summation with simple binomial coefficients and an expression for the other function
>Decide to finish the rest of questions via use of an online differential calculator

There is no worse feeling than realising you started stupidly with the longer, harder method. The time wasted hurts.

>> No.8425009

You learn by making those mistakes friendo