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6404083 No.6404083[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>believing humans have any hope of becoming an interplanetary species

>> No.6404085

Space is boring anyways.

>> No.6404088

we will when peak oil happens.

>> No.6404090

It is if you're a dirty pleb working at mcdonald's. Space is fucking interesting for scientists.

>> No.6404093

I'm a scientist and I don't give a fuck about space. I'm a grown up and I have many more interesting things to research on earth.

>> No.6404107
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>we will likely never make it too another star in any capacity more than a probe

>> No.6404151

What do you work for McDonald's trying to make shit taste like cheeseburgers using 10% less ammonia than currently sprayed per pound?

>> No.6404173
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>I don't give a fuck about space.
>I don't, I don't, I don't
>I'm a grown up
Adults (which is what we call people who are "grown up") care about ideas outside their own little realm, unlike you children.

>> No.6404177

he's a meat mathematician

>> No.6404185

That wouldn't be so bad if we knew how to distribute population better on earth. The whole population could fit in a New York style city the size of Texas.

>> No.6405053

>believing all humans will go to space
Only the smartest and healthiest will go to space. The rest will be executed so they don't stop the project. You would probably need a PhD in STEM and have no genetic problems.

>> No.6405063

Actually, only the dumbest and most desperate will go.

The rest of us will stay here where its nice.

If space were so great, Antarctica would be teeming with people. And it isn't.

>> No.6405061

Nice thinking, then when a colossal asteroid hits we have better overall odds of retaining a substantial amount of our overall population... oh wait.

>> No.6405067

>humans might be the only species in the entire universe to have been able to leave their atmosphere (willingly at least)

i don't believe this myself but it could be true, and that's amazing

>> No.6405069

Except that's not what's happened in the past.
All the astronauts have had to be intelligent.

> If space were so great, Antarctica would be teeming with people.
people aren't enchanted with the poles/the poles have already been discovered.

>> No.6405074

Well Mars has already been discovered too, but apparently there are a bunch of idiots who think it'd be a great place to settle down and raise a family.

>> No.6405097

>God is real

i don't believe this myself but it could be true, and that's amazing

>> No.6405100 [DELETED] 
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You know the deal nerds.

Relative Maxima=
Relative Minima=

Why are people so uneducated?

>> No.6405107

>send robots to inhabitable planet
>have them to build compounds for general living and search for resources
>program them to grow humans and care for them till maturity
>wash, rinse, repeat

Bam interplanetary species

>> No.6405114

>have them to build compounds for general living and search for resources
I want that on earth first.

>> No.6405125
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>interested in space
>not interested in pure platonic forms

stay pleb physicist. mathematics patrician reporting in.

>> No.6405134
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>life outside of earth is on the same level of plausibility as a deity that made everything

>> No.6405147

There are many definitions of god, mate.
An alien race creating humans on earth would be one.

>> No.6405150


Now you're using semantics to try and mask your stupid argument.

>> No.6405163

No. You erroneously assumed there was an argument to begin with and immediately went on the defensive when in fact I was simply poking fun at your ridiculous choice of words.

>> No.6405341

But wait. If there was an alien race that created humans, then necessarily there is life outside of earth.
As we must surely accept the possibility that such an alien race might exist and yet decided not to create humans, that means there are more possible worlds where there is alien life than there are worlds where human life was created by said alien life.

Therefore your assertion that the two possibilities have the same level of likelihood is false.

>> No.6405353

Try to keep up, chief.

>> No.6405387

>people talk about it as if we should just fund it to go to another planet

nigger the nearest planet to us, which is inhospitable as shit, is like 3 months away. we barely land a probe on there and now people are like "yeah lets just take thousands of tonnes and tonnes of materials and make a new home. easy peasy"

or you could just stay here where its already perfect conditions

>> No.6405396

people literally said that about going to america too

>baww why should we ever do anything

people can come up with methods of terraforming mars that doesn't necessarily mean taking all the stuff from here and traveling to mars with it.

we could set up space bases that collect metals and shit from asteroids, bacteria can be maintained that produce oxygen, sciences we haven't even come up with yet can be used.

>> No.6405407

Having the goal of "going to mars" with give society a greater motivation to complete the steps necessary for general space exploration and human space travel such as setting up orbital construction sites and space mining.

>> No.6405417

I think so too,
we need more "fuck yeah, humans!" goals that aren't just gigantic wars all the time.

>> No.6405418

isnt it sad to think about it? we will most likely be wiped out by some disaster before we ever travel to the nearest habitable planet which is several light years away in another star system.
our world is literally like a grain of sand in an entire desert, and we will die long before we see anything

>> No.6405427

What is your obsession with McDonalds? Did ronald molest you or something?

>> No.6405429

Shit analogy.
If anything it is like a flower in a desert.

>> No.6405434

prove it

>> No.6405440

Our planet has flowers and the two closes planets in our solar system do not.

>> No.6405453

But the desert isn't just our solar system.

>> No.6405457

There are many deserts.
If you're talking about a desert that spans lightyears then by all means prove that there exists life within that area. It would revolutionize our world view.

>> No.6405460

I don't get it.
There's lots of flowers in the desert.

>> No.6405466

A dandelion then you fucking cock.

>> No.6405472


>> No.6405475

>then prove

I hope we will in the coming years.

>> No.6405479

Fuck. I knew I should have picked something else.

>> No.6405484

With private space travel, some rich guy with too much time and nothing to lose is bound to do it.

You know why humans do a lot of things? Because we want to, simple as that.

>> No.6405488

How simple and reassuring.

>> No.6405492

So my understanding is that one theory of Oort clouds is that the rocks therein are not particularly "loyal" to a single star. That is, the Oort clouds of the stars form a "sea" of debris in interstellar space.

Sooo, what if the natural course of these things is for an intelligent civilization to build robots to explore space. Those robots make it to the Oort cloud and then just stay there.

The Oort cloud might seem very inhospitable to us, but it might suit them just fine.

If that's the case, then such machine life might be spread all throughout the galaxy already, and we just might not be looking for it in the right place.

>> No.6405506
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>Closest possibly habitable planet is 11 light years away
>Hasn't even been confirmed to exist yet
>Good chance of being a Venus-like hellhole
Fuck this galactic neighborhood

>> No.6405509

>machine life

>> No.6405511

Sorry, machine life-like replicants

>> No.6405521

>we just might not be looking for it in the right place.
Where do you suggest we look? I already checked under the bed.

>> No.6405526

WHat if other species are simply hiding? Like they assembled a giant cloaking device around our system just to troll us.

>> No.6405529

In the Oort cloud, dipshit. Do try to keep up.

>> No.6405537
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>yfw you realized venusian atmosphere is a better candidate for colonization than the martian surface

>> No.6405543

Why haven't we already seeded Venus with thermophiles

>> No.6405544

My understanding is that Venus is completely desiccated. If so, it is totally unsuitable for life as we know it.

>> No.6405550
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>Getting legitimately mad

>> No.6405583

finding planets is hard because they're so small and dark. i think once we have the james webb telescope in space sometime in the future, we will find many earth like planets that we missed before with the keplar telescope.

also, right now we consider habitable planets to be just like earth. who knows, maybe "life" can exist on very different environments too. they might not even be made of carbon. Europa and Enceladus are in our solar system and aren't considered habitable planets, but theres a fair chance that they atleast have simple microscopic lifeforms.

>> No.6405619


It's far more suitable than mars owing to the fact it possess a magnetic field and hence a thick atmosphere. While there are no active plate tectonics anymore, we believe that venus does still have an internal dynamo of some kind driving geological activity.

That's the thing that always gets me about mars-o-philes. They never mention how they're going to avoid getting their atmosphere stripped away and being toasted to death by solar radiation.

>> No.6405628

Of course, the complete and total lack of water of any kind might be a bit of a bummer.

>> No.6405629

can't we just push asteroids from the asteroid belt to impact on mars to get stuff like plate tectonics starting again?

it's the ultimate "hit on your stuff so it starts working again" trick

>> No.6405634

doing science

>> No.6405638

sciencing again

>> No.6405643

sciencing one last time, should get it right now...

>> No.6405917

The point of going to space isn't really research, but rather having more space to fit all of the crap we created from having too much unprotected sex.
Also, so that we don't burn up when the sun becomes a red giant. These are really the only two reasons.

>> No.6406199
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It's incredibly inefficient and expensive, sometimes even downright impossible for humans in their current form to become a space-faring species.

However if we ever shed the delicate, Earth-specific organic bodies and become purely engineered beings then not even the sky will be the limit.

>> No.6406499

>space to fit more humans
>not being wiped out
I don't see why those points are bad

plus if 1 person in a thousand becomes a good scientist we'll have more scientists so we'll get more science, more people can be good

and if we have space operations we won't be limited to our earth for raw materials
just think about all the unmined metals and stuff

space is good to have too, mars/venus would be some kind of practice, they're both good for different things since they'll have different environments
a planet with almost no sun and no atmosphere would be the excellent base for giant telescopes to search for more planets, a planet with tons of sun would be a great place to collect energy

soon enough if we don't manage to kill ourselves ( it's fascinating that this is actually a threat ) in the next century we might be able to have the entire solar system colonized much like we have remote areas of the earth colonized now.

and then we'll still have 4chan and these threads would be filled with people saying "there's no reason to go to other stars, we have everything we need right here in the solar system".

>> No.6406517

but thats wrong anon. closest planet is the moon. yeah boohoo not an actual planet not sustainable but whatever. its a few days vs months. this shit is why elon musk pisses me off. with his money we already could have started the moon thing. AND HE COULD FUXKING GO. hell anyone would go after the first few. he could get actual scientists to go their instead of hipsters who will comit suicide in 3 weeks. oh and any problems? bring them home

>> No.6406522
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mfw cthulu is sleeping beneath the ice

>> No.6406533

>instead of hipsters who will comit suicide in 3 weeks. oh and any problems? bring them home
>bring them home

please no

Also sending hipsters to space is the worst idea ever, their live broadcasted suicides is going to alienate spacetravel for the entire world.

>> No.6406554

exactly my point. who else are you going to get to go on a suicide run to frackin mars

>> No.6406616

>Adults (which is what we call people who are "grown up") care about ideas outside their own little realm, unlike you children.

Adults care about economics, not flighty dreams like being an astronaut, unlike you children (i.e. /pol/acks).

>> No.6407222

That depends if there's money to be made out there. If there isn't, then there's really no reason to go anyway.

>> No.6407237

That last minute completely ruined the movie for me

>> No.6407250

since when wasn't space and natural resources the single best way to make money?

>> No.6407265


Since when was it? Natural resources are valuable, but what natural resources other than precious metals and a few niche products like Helium-3 are there?

>> No.6407276


Sure they are, ON EARTH. To make use of the resources of the solar system itself, you have to invest TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS in order to get off the Earth. Nobody's going to do that. So it's far cheaper just to kill Humans off and free up their space and resources.

That's it. History is already over.