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5321828 No.5321828 [Reply] [Original]

Okay, /sci/, hear me out. I need the advice of internet geneticists.

I recently became a father...I think.

My wife and I have blue eyes, but the baby has brown eyes. Should I be panicking?

>> No.5321834

Get paternity test immediately.

>> No.5321840

you mean you had sex? with a woman? penis in vagina? lol

>> No.5321847

Based on the information presented, yes.

>> No.5321848


She expressed opposition to the idea before we got married. Not that I brought it up, it just came up as part of a conversation.

I'm afraid of what she'll do if I suggest it.

>> No.5321856


>I'm afraid of what she'll do if I suggest it.

Then you're a fucking idiot and she probably cheated on you anyway if you're afraid of her.

If you want one, demand one. Don't ask for one. If you think she's making you raise someone elses kid and pretending it's yours, then make her get one or threaten to leave her.

There is absolutely no reason for her to be against a paternity test if she's only been with you whilst you've been together. Since she probably hasn't, that's why she's against it.

>> No.5321864

>She expressed opposition to the idea before we got married. Not that I brought it up, it just came up as part of a conversation.

Getting defensive well before the fact seems like a bit of a red flag. Also, this isn't my field, but I imagine it would be possible to get this done without her knowledge. If it turns out you are the father you can rest easy and never mention if again, and if not you already have the evidence. Personally I would be probing as to why she is so defensive about it and against it if she'd been faithful.

>> No.5321870
File: 71 KB, 500x555, 1346906086928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Considering that you need bb for blue and Bb or BB for brown, yes. You should be panicking.

I'm sorry bro :(

Read up:



>> No.5321877

You both have to have completely recessive blue genes in your genetics to have blue eyes in the first place. Science tells us that your wife must have given birth to some other male's kid as brown eyes are a product of dominant genes

>> No.5321875

Blue eyes is a recessive trait, which means that neither you nor your wife has the brown eye gene. So in short, your wife cheated on you and the baby is not yours. The fact that your wife doesn't want you to test for it just goes to show she is cheating.

Now I understand this might be a delicate situation for you, so just say one or both of your parents really want you to have a paternity test. So your attitude towards her should be "I believe you, but my parents adamant so lets just get this out of the way". Bonus points to believability if your parents don't like her.

>> No.5321879

Well you better get a paternity test. If you can do it without her knowing then do that.

10-15% of families are cuckold, meaning the fathers think they are raising their own genetic kids but are actually some other guy's.
Chances are high that the kid is not yours.

>> No.5321881


> /sci/
> knowing anything about genetics


>> No.5321887


>> No.5321885

If she doesn't want one kick the shit out of her.

>> No.5321899

>inb4 the child is actually a chimera mutant and OP's wife divorces him for not trusting her

>> No.5321900

You do realize you have to update us on the discussion, as well as the fallout when it the shit hits the fan

>> No.5321927

OP you have started something and now you are now obliged to finish it. As soon as you get the paternity test you must tell us the results.
Nothing like a good drama on /sci/ every once in a while.

Whatever you do, do not take care of the child unless you are 100% sure its yours. History is full of men who have been wiped out of the gene pool because they raised kids they thought were theirs.

>> No.5321968

>implying biology is a hard science
gtfo fag

>> No.5321963

OP, I don't want to reassure you, but it's possible for two blue eyed parents to have a brown eyed baby. It's just extremely unlikely, something like 1% chance.

I'm afraid it's looking like your baby is not yours. I hope you weren't too attached to that woman, she's a worthless lying cunt and you should beat the shit out of her or kill her if she ruined your life or something.

>> No.5321967

No. It's a myth that two blue-eyed people can't have a brown-eyed kid. It's rare but by no means impossible. There are many factors that influence eye colour and it isn't as simple bb+bb=/=BB. My grandmother has brown eyes and both of her parents have brown eyes. As far as she or I know, they are both her real parents. But whatever, ask her if you're still worrying.

>> No.5321974


OP relax blue eyes are in fact not a purely receive trait.. don;t trust sci bs..


just get some of the babys hair and swab its mouth when you are alone and send it in fora test.. that way you don;t have to initiate any drama or mistrust ect

also if its not yours you may want to consider how best to advantage the situation.. simply leaving may not be the most beneficial action for you, see if you can figure out who the real father is and force him to pay child support to her, while you live the high life and keep your own income.. pretty nice relationship if you can get in on that free money with her, consider it a bargaining chip

>> No.5321973


>> No.5321977

This. I expect you to give us an update and give us an approximate time of when that will be in this thread.

>> No.5321978

waiting for it

>> No.5321981

Neither of my parents have blue eyes, and I don't have blue eyes, but my brother does, and only one of my grandparents does, and we're all related.

Blue eyes aren't purely recessive

>> No.5321987

Hey OP, here's more food for thought:

The reason males find blue eyes attractive is because they are a useful paternity test. Basically if the female and the male have blue eyes, the child must have blue eyes as well. If this is the case then the male parent can be confident the child is his. This is why blue eyes were positively selected in history. If the child does not have blue eyes, the child was no the male parent's, meaning he knows he is not the father.

OP you are very lucky, if your wife did not have blue eyes you might never have found out.

>> No.5321990

Fuck off retard, you have no understanding of high school biology. Two parents with brown eyes can have a baby with blue eyes if the parents have the recessive allele for blue eyes. Two parents with blue eyes will almost NEVER have a baby with non blue eyes.

>> No.5321991

Eye colour is not decided by some simplistic high school genetics, but in general I'd say yes, you should panic.

>> No.5321992




>> No.5321995


Meant to link to this comment: >>5321981

>> No.5322001

>But that is just the way it works with recessive genes.

>> No.5322008

Those same sources imply that for two blue eyed parents to have a brown eyed child is an 'oddity' or strange occurrence, because it is very rare. OP's baby is not his. I feel bad for him and hope he murders his cunt wife in her sleep. Fucking whores.

>> No.5322019

Fuck off nigger, OP should secretly get a paternity test, his 'wife' is clearly cheating on him and just leeching off of him financially.

>> No.5322027

Yes, but it's not 100% certain that she cheated, just likely. It is actually possible for blue-eyed parents to have brown-eyed children, even though the allele for brown eyes is dominant to the one for blue eyes.


>> No.5322035

Where did OP go?

He must tell us of his feels about having got cheated on and cuckolded by his own wife.
I never had a wife so I wouldn't know but I'd assume he'd be absolutely devastated.

Bitches and whores, that's why men should never marry these whores and only fuck them and throw them to the curb.

>> No.5322039

Take a cheek swab off the baby one day when she's asleep or something. Send it off, that shit's cheap.

>> No.5322055

Depending on the person I'd probably pretend that this really grinds my gears but try to stay strong through it. Eventually "break down" and ask her if you can do this to get rid of this unreasonable fear.

What kind of ass would deny you that if she's not guilty right?

>> No.5322056

Why are you saying in one sentence that it's possible, but unlikely, and then in the next saying _with certainty_ that she cheated on him. You are fucking stupid. It's likely that the child isn't his, but it's far from certain. Stop using this as an excuse to perpetuate your belief that all women cheat. It's true (according to one or two studies anyway) that women are more likely to cheat than men, but not every woman does.

>> No.5322068

It's common that people take small chances as impossibilities. Why are you surprised? That chances are pretty damn slim.

>> No.5322079

You can do so without your wife knowing (which is very preferable - even if she is faithful, I doubt she'd appreciate you not trusting her), just take a cheek swab from your baby.

If you're the father, great, and don't ever let your wife know anything about it. It'll only cause problems.

>> No.5322089

>feminist detected

Women are whore scum, especially when they lie to men about the paternity of their children and make the man bear the burden financially when it's not even the man's child.
Only a fucking whore woman could do something so twisted.

>> No.5322088

Did you sign the birth certificate OP? (Assuming this is America)

If so, you are already FUCKED 7 ways to Sunday my good man. You are legally the father, and not even a paternity test will get you out of 18 years of child support should the cheating whore of a wife you chose decides to kick you out (and she will).

>> No.5322092

>It's common that people take small chances as impossibilities. Why are you surprised?

We're on a science board, you moron

>> No.5322097

OP if this is the case and you have no legal way to escape this, I recommend an hero by killing the kid, the wife and the asshole she cheated with, and you might as well kill your wife's extended family as well. Don't be a faggot about it, act onit.

>> No.5322101

Oh god, this is becoming /pol/ with all this feminist detected bullshit.

>inb4 jews

>> No.5322109

That's really passive aggressive. Just go ahead and do it, it's your child (or not, but if it's not, then who cares anyway). The fucked up thing is that in some countries you can be made to pay child support anyway if the real father can't be found.

I'm not surprised, I just think it's completely retarded to equate "unlikely" with "impossible", and on a science and maths board, no less!

If feminist means "Not a fucking idiot" then yes, I'm a feminist. Actually most feminists are just as retarded as misogynists, though, so I don't really identify with them.

>> No.5322111

Well I thought it obvious that this guy didn't fit in.

>> No.5322114

>>inb4 jews
>Implying you read the thread
Better start believing in /pol/ you are in it

>> No.5322122

Oh, I guess it already has.

>> No.5322128

Well personally I wouldn't really care too much. If I like the person i have a child with I'd ignore it even if it's true. Also I like blue eyes.

But yes if it gnaws your conscience you really should. Sooner rather than later.

>> No.5322136

Have you beat her to death yet?

>> No.5322141

>Also I like blue eyes.
But the baby has brown eyes

>> No.5322137

Wow so edgy. Make sure not to cut yourself

>> No.5322138

Would you really not care about the betrayal of trust? I would. I might raise the child anyway, but the woman could go fuck herself (or, more likely, the actual father).

>> No.5322145


>Well personally I wouldn't really care too much. If I like the person i have a child with I'd ignore it even if it's true

Are you serious?

>> No.5322146

You're a woman then? So shut the fuck up, it's obvious you are on the cheating whore's side because you are a cunting whore yourself. This is a man's thread on a man's board, fuck off worthless female scum.

>> No.5322153


trolling used to mean something etc.

>> No.5322155

Well your genes are going to be wiped off the map. Losers like you have had their genes wiped out for the past millenia.

That goes for you as well. I can't believe such betas can exist, I'd murder the kid with my bear hands, rip his head off his shoulders.

>> No.5322167

Why? It's not the kid's fault. It's the woman's fault, and maybe the guy depending on whether he knew about me or not.

>> No.5322170

there are like a million factors for eye color, genetics being just one

you are ok

>> No.5322169

Well fuck. Purge it then.

Yes. But I don't think I'd like a person who wouldn't secretly get an abortion. If I like her she obviously wasn't aware she got pregnant and when we noticed it was too late to change.

There's a million reasons this could have happened but if op is really bothered by it he should take a test. If she has some story along the lines of mine and op deems it credible i hope he makes the choice I'd make.

Yes of course I could be fooled. But I'd be living happily unknowing. I have certain genetic flaws anyways. Maybe it's better.

>> No.5322180

Environmental factors don't effect eye colour, but there are 6 genes that control it.

>> No.5322181

>Well your genes are going to be wiped off the map.
Woopdidoo. That's such a big problem woe is me. At times like this I just don't feel I can relate to mankind.

>> No.5322189

Might aswell go and blame Jesus for making her pregnant.

>> No.5322202


Don't listen to these whores OP, they are females trying to downplay the absolute horrific breach of trust, the disgusting betrayal. Truly revolting.

>> No.5322206
File: 659 KB, 2048x1365, ttubas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what are the chances of having a BLACK baby when both of the parents are white?

what's the scientific/biological explanation of this happens?

>> No.5322209

Are you fucking retarded bro?
First of all she cheated.
Secondly she did not get an abortion to get rid of the fake baby.
Third she married OP who is now cuckold.
Fourth she expects him to take care of it and even told him she did not ever want a paternity test.

Seriously you must be a woman, fuck you and die you worthless feminist whore cunt.
You think you empower women by making them hate men and fucking up their lives?

>> No.5322213

It can't happen. It's impossible.
0%. Zero percent.

>> No.5322226


>> No.5322232

It happens.

Most often, it happens because of recessive genes, but sometimes it's a mutation.

Mostly this happens with people who identify as white, but have recent black ancestors, but it can seem to come out of nowhere.

>> No.5322231

Possible but extremely rare. Especially if both parents are ethnically black but don't produce any melatonin (i.e., they're albinos). But no, it can happen even to ethnically white parents.

>> No.5322242

Sorry, that should say "Especially possible [...]".

>> No.5322244

Not it can't. Unless the white parents had some negro as an ancestor it's scientifically impossible.
Give me one evidence in the real world of two white parents making a black baby. A youtube video, an image, anything. You can't because it has never happened before.

>> No.5322254

>First of all she cheated.
This is the only problem. But you're making a bigger deal out of it than I would. She could have gotten drunk on a company-party or something. Of course there will be other men to "take advantage" of the situation. I'm not in the same seat. If I get drunk girls don't line up to suck my dick.
>Secondly she did not get an abortion to get rid of the fake baby.
In my scenario she didn't know. I wouldn't like her as a person if she knew all along and just decided "I'm going to have this strangers baby, best this guy don't know."

That's not a decision you make without it somehow is being reflected in character. It's pretty reckless.

>Fourth she expects him to take care of it and even told him she did not ever want a paternity test.
That's dishonest. I don't like that. I'm just saying that if she'd agree to take one, and it turns out it's not my child. The cheating part is a bigger deal than that it's not my child. Only thing that bothers me is if we have a divorce. I don't have a chance to keep the child I think.

He's married for a reason. If it's because he's getting old and desperate, yeah I would rather be alone then.

Revitaligo. A real affliction..

>> No.5322255

>Unless the white parents had some negro as an ancestor it's scientifically impossible.
>white parents had some negro as an ancesto
That's by far the most common mechanism of it happening, but he mentioned that. He also said that it can happen with a mutation, which I think is accurate.

And yes I can provide evidence: http://www.guardian.co.uk/theguardian/2003/mar/17/features11.g2

>> No.5322261

>Unless the white parents had some negro as an ancestor it's scientifically impossible.
Don't we all though?

>> No.5322265

As in black african. Modern europeans (with no black africans) have already eliminated all the useless black genes from their genomes.
Unless its a random genetic mutation, white parents cannot make black babies.

>> No.5322266

>Give me one evidence in the real world
>so I can deny that it's real

>Unless the white parents had some negro as an ancestor it's scientifically impossible.
First of all, there are always mutations, which is how races come to exist in the first place.

Secondly, this "some negro as an ancestor" is idiotic. All humanity comes from a common ancestor, and there are no pure races. Recessive genes can hide for a LONG time before being expressed.

>> No.5322272

>Woman cheats
Lulz she was probably just drunk let it go
>Man cheats
Yiou must divorse him adn take half of his money and force him to pay child support
Being drunk is no excuse

>> No.5322273

So how can we know that all modern Europeans have eliminated these genes?

>> No.5322276

> 10-15% of families are cuckold

Just a minor correction. This is the statistics of paternity tests showing child not being fathers. People getting a paternity test is some serious pre-selection and does not reflect population as a whole.

That said OP should get a paternity test. Very small chance that you are actually a father and if you leave it open like this then nothing good will come out of it anyway.

>> No.5322277

You speak like you've never been drunk. I've been drunk, I don't black out. I know exactly what I'm doing and how little judgement I have.

I agree that it's fucked up how un-equal the divorce system is in most places.

>> No.5322283

I read it on a post on Stormfront, so it must be true.

White people have 96% genes in common with the chimpanzee.

Black people hve 96% genes in common with the chimpanzee.

White people and black people have 0% genes in common with each other.


>> No.5322285

What a terrible story, if I had a black kid, I'd have killed it immediately.

>> No.5322286

My point is that if you are going to say that women cheating while drunk is ok then it must be the equal right of men to cheat while drunk.

>> No.5322300

Are you even male?
How would she not know she was pregnant?
If she fucked a dude without contraception she'd immediately know that there's a strong chance of pregnancy. That goes without saying.
So your 'scenario' is batshit retarded.

>> No.5322305

We did a Punnet square in bio I about blue eyes a week ago.
Unless their is something I'm missing, you're fucked buddy.

>> No.5322306

OP you better post results, especially if it turns out you're not the father.

I haven't had a good BITCHES AND WHORES thread in a while.

>> No.5322332

>if you are going to say that women cheating while drunk is ok
That's not exactly what I meant. I'm just saying that she's more in danger of "unintentional sex" than I am.

And with me not caring much about genes, or my genes specifically. Since I have a unique breed of cancer which has a 100% hit rate one generation ago and 88% hit rate this generation. I don't really see the issue with my son or daughter not going through this.

It's never really life threatening since it's so easy to deal with, it's only in my family, there's only two types. And with the information I've given you now you could probably find me if I gave you the name of it and you got hold of Swedens medical records.

I think the way a person is raised is more important. It's pretty obvious in my family. We're not very similar in many ways, but in certain crude ways we're identical. And my youngest brother is like a carbon copy of me, and I can see just why. We have the same story.

I'm male yes. And I guess the chances are slim but they're still there. Much like with OP's child having brown eyes while both parents have Blue.

>> No.5322350

Except not. This statistic was discovered in a study which was not directly concerned with paternity(Think it had to do with heritable disease.).

>> No.5322370

My problem is with your attitude that female cheating somehow more acceptable not in your genes. If they are more likely to cheat, then they must naturally be more aware of their mental state.

Personally i would be okay (especially in your situation) to raise other persons child as mine by adopting but my wife cheating is entirely different matter.

>> No.5322386


That explains everything.

>> No.5322402

I have no problem with having a child with another person because of my condition. It's not a big deal once treated. But if she is with another child than mine that's just how it is.

This is something I'd never tell my future wife though. Because if we start doing this eventually we will try and find two superb subjects to have a child and combine them and raise it as our own.

Well, we're gonna have to agree to disagree I guess. But just to be clear:
Reason why female cheating is more acceptable:
Society let men take the lead romantically (this is not in mens favor, I'd prefer it the other way around). It may not be fair but that's how it is. Women are the ones who choses if anything happens though, and with stuff such as alcohol being socially acceptable and almost compulsory. There's the possibility that she might have done things she didn't really feel was right afterwards.

Straight up cheating is wrong. Women just have more plausible excuses.

Oh fuck off. My view isn't common here either.

>> No.5322422

Inherited characteristics have been known and proven to skip generations, dont worry.
Look out for other similarities though, i'd say there is an 87% probability of the child being yours

>> No.5322434

>Society let men... ..el was right afterwards.
>Women just have more plausible excuses.
But this is just wrong
A drunk woman saying yes to a man is in anyway different from a drunken man that goes asking for sex.
If that were the case it just implies that women are incapable of controlling themselves.
I agree that there are more chances for a woman to get sex than man but that is just a reason why women should control themselves more.

>> No.5322444

That's not how it works with eye colors. Both parents having blue eyes implies that the likelihood for the child having brown eyes is 1% or less. Fuck off with your disinformation.

>> No.5322449

>plausible excuses

Well you're assuming a fully conscious mental state.
>In my scenario she didn't know. I wouldn't like her as a person if she knew all along and just decided "I'm going to have this strangers baby, best this guy don't know."

>That's not a decision you make without it somehow is being reflected in character. It's pretty reckless.

That's what I said. I wouldn't marry a person that acts like that.

>> No.5322454


It's more than that but you're on the right side of wrong/right.

>> No.5322470


Brown plus brown can give brown brown or blue

bb + bb -> bb

Blue plus blue can give blue

>> No.5322474

>Well you're assuming a fully conscious mental state.
Women have fully conscious mental state before they start drinking, if they drink too much to loose this they clearly can't control themselves and should drink less. They are fully responsible for cheating and being drunk is no excuse.
It's no different than a man getting drunk and seeking women, either you accept that both sexes are not responsible for their actions when drunk or you don't but you can't make it so that one sex is while the other is not.

>> No.5322485

I just read the first 20 posts, and decided /sci/ is full of retards.


>> No.5322489

Aren't blue eyes a recessive gene? So if two parents with blue eyes have kids, it's a 100% chance the baby will have blue eyes?

>> No.5322494

Yes not quite 100 but close, close enough to do a paternity test

>> No.5322495

Multiple genes control eye color, it's not a simple as a single repressive gene.

However, although possible, it's still extremely unlikely that it's his kid.

>> No.5322518

Recessive genes can skip, dominant genes can't... because they dominate...

Also, none of this is exact. Traits are caused by multiple genes, even interactions between products of multiple genes.

>> No.5322523
File: 474 KB, 188x174, 1354204817510.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What will you do, OP?

>> No.5322552

from my knowledge, it doesn't seem like the kid's yours. the allele for brown eyes is dominant over the allele for blue. if you let B be brown eyes and b be blue, then

her genotype is x^b x^b, yours is x^b y
if you do a punnett square to see the possible outcomes for your children, it's 50% chance of having a male with blue eyes, and 50% of a girl with blue eyes. but this is with my limited knowledge, it might not be so simple

>> No.5322627

this for simple heredity, aka trait is only controlled by one locus. This is most likely a multi loci gene as are most of our other features such as hair and skin tone.

>> No.5322736

ooh, someone's touchy. Relax, /sci/, it's only a vagina.

Also, OP, get the goddamn paternity test, when I had my child, it was a mutual suggestion between both me and my husband to get one. Only people who have something to hide get defensive when asked to prove their honesty, "it's possible by a slim margin to have brown eyes out of blue eyed parents" aside.

>> No.5322745

>Reason why female cheating is more acceptable:

Well, it would be more acceptable for you, but in the end the partner of the cheating woman would be the one who decides that, unfortunately, with so many betas and deseperate faggots, I know a lot of men would tolerate cheating wifes and even raising another man's child. That's why women are losing respect for our gender.

>> No.5322751

>Basically if the female and the male have blue eyes, the child must have blue eyes as well

yes, because other men don't have blue eyes.

>> No.5322761

And besides that, I have had drunken girls trying to kiss me on parties without me doing anything.

>> No.5322764

you need to learn reading comprehension and logic

>> No.5322780

>Basically if the female and the male have blue eyes, the child must have blue eyes as well. If this is the case then the male parent can be confident the child is his.

forgot to quote the next sentence.

>> No.5322782

ok, now your comment makes sense.
my apologies

>> No.5322787

Am I the only one to point out that a baby's eyes can change colour after birth? It sometimes can occur almost a year and a half later, so it's not necessarily the baby's true eye colour.

>> No.5322788

If the baby has really dark brown eyes, the chance the baby is yours is nearly 0%.
If the baby has lighter brown eyes or with hints of other colors, the chance the baby is yours is still around 1%.

>> No.5322789

its too fucking late.


he is gonna be supporting that child whether he likes it or not.

oh yeah, unless he wants to rot away in debtors prison

>> No.5322812

Why are the laws in america so unfair to men?

>tfw a woman can sue you for raping her without any evidence and you can go to prison

>> No.5322813

If you love her whats the big deal?

>> No.5322820

I don't think this is true, I think it has something to do with how blue eyes are rarer than brown, just how green and gray are attractive. Same goes with blonde hair

>> No.5322832


Because she is purposefully leading you to believe that that is your child. That's a pretty terrible thing to do and would make me never trust her again.

>> No.5322841

And it probably means she doesn't love you back.

>> No.5322847


I'll put it this way, you flat pack exporting faggot, if my girlfriend cheated on me and tried to make me raise someone else's kid I'd kick her to death in front of the real dad and the spawn.

How does that make you feel?

>> No.5322870

Get a lock of the kid's hair and get it tested.

Really, it's simple. That, or his/her saliva in a cup. Hair should be fine.

>> No.5322875
File: 40 KB, 385x360, 1351303791417.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5322878

Actually the scientifically proven reason is because lighter eye colors allow for easier identification of pup dilation, which in turn makes it easier to tell if someone likes you.

>> No.5322888


I'm not that dude, but it makes me feel like there's a reason you'll never get laid.

>> No.5322889
File: 97 KB, 634x633, 1307429286173.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw thinking about OP's fw

>> No.5322931

Get the test regardless OP.

If I get some skank pregnant and the baby looks exactly like me I'm going to get one done anyway.

>> No.5322951 [DELETED] 


>> No.5322961

Even if someone who had brown eyes dilated their puppy in front of me I'd take it as a sign they're turned on.

>> No.5322993

pupil* dilation

>> No.5323007

I was born with blue eyes but I have brown eyes now. Babies true eye colors show after like a year from birth.

>> No.5323017

All babies are born with blue eyes. Blue is the color of the iris with no pigmentation. The pigmentation develops later, thus turning your eyes brown.

>> No.5323041

that may have been a factor in selection for the trait, increasing the allele frequency, but that's not what caused the mutation

>> No.5323046

DUDE how could you cheat on your wife? She's going to find out soon enough

>> No.5323050
File: 10 KB, 158x114, 1354070173911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MFW reading this thread. Even in high school biology we learned that eye color is an inherited trait influenced by more than one gene. We also learned about epigenetics and the fact that the difference in eye colour is determined by epigenetic factors.

TLDR: No you should not be panicking.

>> No.5323066

That's not what I/we was/were referring to. I/we was/were talking about why such eyes are found attractive, not how they came into being. Sorry, thanks for playing.

>> No.5323524

Confused. It's only life.

>> No.5323534

OP, it's possible.

>> No.5323561

OP, most phenotypes (gene expressions) are controlled by more that one gene. This is especially true of eye skin pigmentation (I would worry if your babby came out melanin enhanced though). On top of that, and this is something I don't understand and may or may not play a role in eye color, but epigenetic events such as acetylation and methylation of specific gene sites can prevent genes that would otherwise produce a phenotype from being expressed. This is on top of everything else I don't know about genetics etc, it's complicated. In short, swipe a babby hair and have it tested because that is the only way you could ever be sure. Whatever you do, do not confront the mother about this because you can make yourself look very foolish. Post results too pls.

>> No.5323892

To be fair, eye color is a hell of a lot more complex. If there are any immediate relatives with brown eyes it might have been from them. Otherwise, I'd still get a paternity test. Better safe than sorry

>> No.5323922
File: 7 KB, 299x291, 1340398152377.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP Here's what you do

Confront her. Tell her that since you have blue eyes, and she has blue eyes, your child MUST have blue eyes.

Get her to confess to cheating.

>> No.5323938

>women cheating is more socially acceptable than men cheating
>that's what unredeemably betas actually say to themselves when they cry to sleep at night
You are so pathetic you almost justify the actions of that whore wife of yours.

>> No.5323941

That's stupid when he can have a DNA test without her knowing.

>> No.5323988 [DELETED] 


You can have a DNA test done on anyone without their knowing. All you need is some DNA.

Did this to a guy claiming to be my grandma's brother(who died in WW2)'s son.

Turns out he wasn't.

>> No.5324022

Is it legal to identify foreign DNA without authorization?

>> No.5324040

/sci/ got trolled hard tonight.

Successful/10. Good show, OP.