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3854615 No.3854615 [Reply] [Original]

Hello there, /sci/. We're all familiar with the fact that the overwhelming majority of Scientists accept evolution as Scientific fact. But still, I believe the theory is marginally lacking. Through excessive, and thorough analysis of data (basically doing intensive reading) I've deduced that life should have also taken hold elsewhere other than Terra. Life is capable of conjuring up the most innovative, and cunning ways to adapt to even the most hostile environments. Why hasn't it managed to colonize even the threshold of space? Or the depths of a black hole? Scientists have managed to send microbes into space, and they've returned unscathed. They've also sent chimps, and other species that have endured the hostile endeavor. So, in accordance with the so called "principles of nature", why hasn't evolution taken place? Why hasn't a species of Raccoon capable of thriving without oxygen, arisen?

>> No.3854630

What do you mean? We are animals, and I'm pretty sure evolutionary pressure got us off the ground.

>> No.3854626
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Because evolution is bullshit, but seems to fit better than anything else we have got so its accepted.

Personally it makes more sense if we were some sort of alien experiment but that idea just gets herp derped.

>> No.3854635
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>> No.3854636

The answer is simple - They didn't need to evolve to survive.
Why is Earth the only planet with life? I don't know, to be honest. I guess that the chance of abiogenesis happening is just that low.

>> No.3854653

Your guess is flawed to a limited extent. Abiogenesis occurred on Earth, almost the precise moment Earth was capable of sustaining microbial life.

>> No.3854655

there is a hard limit on the amount of flatulence a animal can store to use for propulsion once out of the atmosphere, thus it was never possible to get there.

>> No.3854658

Evolution is a fact. Change over time is a fact. Gravity is a fact.

If you have a problem with the theory, come up with something better, or kindly shut the fuck up.

>> No.3854663

Same reason no animal has evolved wheels; it's extremely unlikely to come about incrementally. Half a wheel isn't useful, but half an eye is. Same goes for half a rocket engine. Still, there are microbes that may survive inteplanetary transit on an asteroid.

>> No.3854670

If abiogenesis happened elsewhere, we would ask ourselves this question anyway.

>> No.3854676

Don't mean to be argumentative, but for flatulence to be utilized as some sort of "propulsion" system, the expulsion of gases through the rectum would need to be some form of oxidizer propellant, to produce gargantuan volumes of extremely hot gas. In addition to that, it'd simultaneously need to function as a fuel propellant. So, that theory can be dismissed as illogical in the frameworks of reality.

>> No.3854712

That's because God created Heaven and Earth.

>> No.3854728

Perhaps I'm easily amused but that gave me a laugh.

>> No.3854741

Natural selection occurs to improve chances of the survival of life.
Part of this natural selection involves intelligence, which humans evolved with.
This intelligence allowed us to develop technology which evolves faster than natural selection (natural evolution).
It is the evolution of technology that allows animals to fill the niche of flying around outer space.

We are those animals. We fly through space with our machines.

You may ask "how is this evolutionary?" Evolution occurs to increase the chances of life's survival. Our strive to conquer outer space is out of fascination and also to further secure our human survival (inhabiting space and other planets, boosting the economy with space tourism, etc)

Intelligence leading to technology is, you could say, nature's way of evolving creatures to inhabit outer space.

>> No.3854755

The Vajra from Macross Frontier say otherwise.

Inb4 anime, it's possible.

>> No.3854814

For all we know, life might have formed in a gas cloud somewhere. Space dolphins man. Douglas Adams was right.

>> No.3854841

How do you know animals are NOT flying around in outer space?

>> No.3854924


>> No.3855050

Gravity is not a fact. There was some guy proposing a theory recently of the effects of what we call gravity being effects of entropy.
Tesla had a theory that things don't "attract each other" but it's the aether's pressure which causes the effect.

>> No.3855053


You have been misinformed. Gravitation is a fact.

What causes gravity is a mystery.

>> No.3855094
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Stop feeding the troll

>> No.3855124


take a statistics course; nothing is fact, only theories with different degrees of confidence. gravity is a theory with a high confidence.

>> No.3855134


nor is what causes gravity a mystery -- its the the force a mass exerts on another. Theories propose this force consists of gravitons communicating between particles with mass. There is lots of research on this, look it up.

>> No.3855136
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Why is it that every time I see the "why" question, probability that the one who asked it is a gigantic retarded faggot is ~90%?
Oh, shit.

>> No.3855137


No, gravitation is a law and that has never been disproven. It is taken as a fact, that's how science works.