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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 20 KB, 300x193, dmt2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.3661986 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /sci/lons, what is the purpose of DMT?

>> No.3661992 [DELETED] 

to get you in jail

>> No.3661991

Smoking, of course.

>> No.3661990

Catalyst for very butthurt conversations on drug use

>> No.3661995

DMT is commonly found throughout all forms of complex life, and especially in grasses.

Your body naturally produces it to dream.

>> No.3662007

to transcend reality and see infinite truth

>> No.3662035

> you can't travel at the speed of light
> only a fraction of it, 0.999...
> 0.999... = 1
> you can travel at the speed of light

>> No.3662036

Not proven, but a plausible explanation.

>> No.3662037
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>DMT is commonly found throughout all forms of complex life, and especially in grasses.
Already knew that, thanks.
>Your body naturally produces it to dream.
Cool, well I guess we don't need to take this thread anywhere else then, everything's answered!
Oh wait, that didn't fucking help at all

>> No.3662043

gift from our distant ancestors in the form of a predictably comforting death experience(in most circumstances). fuck knows how it became a part of our genome, AFAIK

>> No.3662074

So no one here knows then?

>> No.3662097

It produces a state of pure creativity where the mind is free from the limits of the physical world and can transcend into its own fractal pattern of consciousness. In plants it's there to enforce the common consciousness of the world and its dreamlike state that we all live in. It also gives them the power of fractals.

>> No.3662109
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If this is the case, why don't you faggots spend more time researching this shit and trying to figure out what it's deal is, instead of bitching about what courses to take and whether or not .9999...=1?

The fact that this chemical is found throughout in nature should be a bell indicating that we should know what it is.
The fact that our brain has RECEPTORS for it should be a bell.
The fact that it's a powerful hallucinogen should REALLY get you going.

And yet, you just talk about niggers and basic chemistry/physics.

Do you just like feeling like you know everything, or do you actually want to find things out?

>> No.3662145

enlight us then, OP.

also i take shrooms

>> No.3662154

OP the reason we don't know much about it is because, if I'm not mistaken, its a schedule 1 drug which means it serves no medicinal purpose and is supposedly not allowed to be researched.

>> No.3662165

the fuck do you want us to do? The only university who would even touch this stuff is probably John Hopkins University, and I doubt anybody on /sci/ studies there and even if that were the case would take the time to fins the purpose of a hallucinogenic substance when there is tons of other things to find out about it. Nobody fucking knows what its "purpose" is, the same with THC, nobody knows the purpose of THC it's just produced by cannabis plants and creates an altered state of mind when consumed.
You are on 4chan, if you really want to learn about chemistry, go take a fucking class or read a book you uncultured swine. Some guy actually tried to be a bit helpful by stating that it induces dreams but you shat over him because his answer want specific enough for your oh so very, very, very specific question.

>> No.3662174

No it means it can't be used unless it is for medical or research use.

>> No.3662184

I do too, high five!
Also, I don't fucking know, that's why I wanted to see if any of you guys knew.
Personally, I agree with these guys:
But obviously there's no evidence whatsoever so I'm still searching.
Well this guy, Rick Straussman did a serious study on it for a couple years back in the early 90's, and he didn't find much of anything, other than the fact that people got reaaaally high.
And it was a schedule 1 drug then as it is now.
In some countries it's legal, and in Canada here, it's schedule 3.

The reason it's illegal is that when people ingest it pure, it's harmless.
But when people ingest dmt that's extracted with impurities/done wrong, it can fuck them up.
Also, the power of the hallucinogens could turn someone crazy.

>> No.3662195
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Forgot pic

>> No.3662205

>questions purity of drugs sold on the street

>> No.3662226

>Implying I don't read about it all the time.
>Implying my question wasn't straightforward and specific.
>Implying I'm not indirectly asking if anybody has any interesting links, articles, videos, pictures they have/know of on the subject.

And as for that guy you talked about, he basically said the equivalent of 'Your body needs food so you can stop feeling hungry'.

>> No.3662258

oh man, I've heard this book is just a bunch of garble and that straussman is a hack with no real authority in the scientific community

>> No.3662270


Wow. that's so fucking stupid.

I mean really what person with a half decent knowledge of science doesn't know that being hungry is a natural response by the body that became common in animals because animals that were able to recognize when they needed to eat more were more likely to survive to reproduce, passing on the genes that code for that.

>> No.3662276

>Implying I don't read about it all the time.
Oh the spirit molecule huh? And I guess you've wached a whole bunch of documentaries too eh? Read up on some Terrence McKenna and Alex Grey?

>Implying my question wasn't straightforward and specific.
No, it wasn't. It was like asking what the purpose of iron is.
>in the human body? in nature? in the grand scheme of things?

>Implying I'm not indirectly asking if anybody has any interesting links, articles, videos, pictures they have/know of on the subject.
Then ask about that! Isn't it obvious that that didn't really come across when nobody did ANY of those things?

>And as for that guy you talked about, he basically said the equivalent of 'Your body needs food so you can stop feeling hungry'.
No, he answered the question in relation to its purpose in the human body.

>> No.3662289

I was extremely disappointed, but the trip reports were awesome. Worth it for that.

>> No.3662311
File: 86 KB, 650x435, 1301784361070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me google that for you faggot op.

"It could also be a simple coincidence that humans have small amounts of DMT. The chemical structure of DMT is very similar to tryptamine, which is one of the 20 amino acids. Our cells have an amazingly complex biochemistry, with thousands of chemical reactions occurring simultaneously. It is very easy to imagine that a tryptamine molecule would become methylated once in awhile just by chance."

I spent a whole 30 fucking seconds.

>> No.3662358

No, the hunger feeling is just a response telling your body that you need food.
Your body needs food so it can convert energy from something to keep you going SO you can do all these things.
Well I wouldn't know about his authority in the field, but yes, he just talks a lot about what he 'thinks' it is.
But there are facts about dmt in there that I found useful to know.
Not like it helps me answering my own questions, it actually just left me with more.
>Oh the spirit molecule huh? And I guess you've wached a whole bunch of documentaries too eh? Read up on some Terrence McKenna and Alex Grey?
Yea yea, typical entry level stonerfag.
No, I've watched random videos here and there and read different articles here and there, but I've just picked up superfluous information and anecdotes.
>in the human body? in nature? in the grand scheme of things?
Well obviously all of those, seeing as how we don't have the answer for any of those.
>Then ask about that! Isn't it obvious that that didn't really come across when nobody did ANY of those things?
Fair enough, I wont assume things next time I make a thread about...whatever.
>No, he answered the question in relation to its purpose in the human body.
Yes, but it didn't actually answer anything.
Why would you get hungry in the first place, etc.

>CAPTCHA: Nagas Reeeks

>> No.3662407 [DELETED] 

Link please?

>> No.3662480


Exactly. those who don't realize they need to eat are more likely to die, and therefore not pass on their genes, and those who feel hunger are more likely to survive and pass on their genes.

Remember it's trait aids survivability so it becomes common, not we have trait because it aids survival.

>> No.3662487

>Well obviously all of those, seeing as how we don't have the answer for any of those.
You just answered your question right here. Good job!

>Yes, but it didn't actually answer anything. Why would you get hungry in the first place, etc.
It answered the question, what is the purpose of DMT in the body? It's one of the few theories on why the body produces the substance (if it even does so). Now, if you want to get into why we dream while we sleep, that's a whole other unsolved mystery with crazy far out theories. We haven't figured everything out yet, don't expect us to know everything just because we're "smart".

It may be that it's used by the body to produce dreams, it may be released in near death situations to ease the mind or something, it may be part of the way the brain translates sensory data into images or it may just be present in our brains by coincidence. Either way, nobody on this planet has any concrete knowledge on DMTs role in nature or whether it is important at all to the organisms that contain it. For that we need to study it much much more which unfortunately is hard since it's illegal and hard to gain permission to research. Maybe in the future when society realizes how harmless most hallucinogens are we can start studying its effects, but right now we have no clue whatsoever.

>> No.3662531
File: 21 KB, 320x408, 1313159154176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"The highest amount of serotonin in the body are found in the pineal. Serotonin can be converted to tryptamine (DMT is N-dimethyltryptamine). The pineal appears to have this ability. Methyltransferases, enzymes that convert serotonin, melatonin, or tryptamine into psychedelic compounds, reside in unusually high concentrations in the pineal. Finally, the pineal produces the potentially mind-altering substances, beta-carbolines. Beta-carbolines inhibit the breakdown of DMT by the body's MAOs. These compounds enhance and prolong the effects of DMT."

Well I think we can rule out your source for now, asshole.
Ok, I'll give you the benifit of the doubt and assume you are just looking at this at a different angle than me.
Those things you speak of are all achievable once your body has converted the the energy from the food you have consumed, therefore making your answer superfluous in terms of what the question is.
See, I'm asking what it's ultimate purpose is, not what should be/can be done once with it once that 'goal is achieved.
Know what I mean?
Fine, I don't know if we have the answer or not, that's why I bring this subject to you guys.

On a similar note to your second paragraph, I did read somewhere that DMT helps repair your CNS in some way every night...

>> No.3662544


Hypothesis: When in a NDE, the not being stressed is more survivable then dying of shock.

2nd hypothesis: DMT isn't detrimental to survival, so it isn't weeded out. Genetic Drift causes it to become more common in the populace, it never gets selected against, so it never gets eliminated.

>> No.3662552


I'm looking at why it's common through the lens of an evolutionary biologist, you're probably looking at it the way another field does though.