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File: 15 KB, 976x192, fall 2011.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.3622469 [Reply] [Original]

Collegefags post your fall 2011 quarter or semester schedule.

Hard mode: Not lying.

Do your worst. My body is ready.

>> No.3622486


ap stat
forensic science
ap calc ab

>> No.3622480
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>> No.3622493

>not taking 21+ credits per semester

OP confirmed for subhuman

>> No.3622501

normalfags get the fuck out

>> No.3622504


not OP here (lol OP is a weeabo), but I average about 15 credits a semester... I had so many credits from AP exams I can take whatever I want AND finish at a leisurely pace. Shit is so cash.

>> No.3622509
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General Physics 1
General Chemistry 1
Statistics for Life Science
Fossil Record
Calculus 1

>biotard here
>haters gonna hate

>> No.3622511
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Because yeah, nigga; I'm on.

4211 is Partial Diff. Equations.
4201 is Adv. Calculus / Real Analysis.
2011W is History of Math.
2501 is Prob and Stats. I'm going to switch this to another version of Prob and Stats, a more intensive version.
RUSS 1010 is, well .. Russian.

>> No.3622515

Is 3 classes normal for a graduate student?
Sage because these threads are retarded, but you are entitled to them.

>> No.3622519

Modular Forms
Manifold Theory
Analysis (measure theoretic)
Advanced Logic (The incompleteness theorems, ect)

not really psyched about logic, but my college isn't offering algebraic geometry or algebraic number theory this semester.

>> No.3622520

First year computer science. Not taking introductory CS courses as I already have credit for them through AP.

Linear Algebra and Vector Geometry
Calc I
Stats I
Data Structures and Algorithms
Intro to Psychology Part A

Calc II
Stats II
Programming Practices
Intro to Psychology Part B

>> No.3622525


>> No.3622530


nope, senior

>> No.3622531

highschool fag here i'm so pissed i'll have to do intro courses because i don't have ap credit

>> No.3622536


Even as a senior, these are my prospective classes as a Math undergrad:

Abstract Algebra II, Euclidean Geometry, Differential Geometry and Complex Variables.

>> No.3622537

Yeah, lame-ass grad student at a public school here checking in, but super-glad because I ditched teaching public school kids (6 to 12th grade, yeah I did every single one) math to go back to school

Algebra II
Real Analysis
Theoretical Numerical Analysis

oughtta be fun, I know it ain't hard but I can't wait to get back to school!!

>> No.3622538

Of course, I don't mean this upcoming fall; I mean Spring 2012.

I'm >>3622511

>> No.3622539


Why not just study independently and get your school to order the exam for you? I mean the hardest thing on AP CS A is determining the output of recursive functions.

>> No.3622540

Really interesting classes and that looks like a nice schedule but

>> No.3622543
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Year 1 Greek
Introduction to Sociology
Property Rights in Politics, Markets and Law
Introduction to Economic Analysis


>> No.3622554

my school fucking canceled ap cs
they put GAME DESIGN instead

>> No.3622557


What's wrong with Russian? =( At least I'm not a weeaboo like OP.

>> No.3622564

Experimental aerodynamics
Aerodynamics 2
Aerospace structures 2
Airplane stability & control
Electrical engineering 1
Intro to machine design

>> No.3622571

C++ Programming
Web Design
Intro to Political Science
Intermediate Algebra

All online because spending gas and time on lectures is for chumps.

>> No.3622570


Yes, but most schools will still order the exam for you even if they don't teach the class meant to prepare you for the exam. If they're unwilling to do this, change schools.

Out of curiosity, how much do you know already? If you program on your own, there's a good chance you already know the majority of what's on the exam anyway.

Also, consider just challenging the courses for credit once you get to university.

>> No.3622573

>What's wrong with Russian?
absolutely nothing the OP just said "do your worst" and i had to come up with something snarky

pretend i posted something like "studying russian in 2011 and not korean" with a costanza

>> No.3622576
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Fall Term:
Techniques of Classical and Linear Algebra
Applied Calculus 1
Physics 1: Mechanics
Computer Programming For Scientists and Engineers
Critical Thinking

Winter Term:
Applied Calculus 2
Design in Engineering
Introduction to Computer and Electrical Engineering
Introduction to Statics
Introduction to Thermal

Oh boy, I sure am looking forward to this.

>> No.3622582 [DELETED] 

No face can describe mfw i realized i'm taking 45 credits in the first 2 quarters.

>> No.3622585 [DELETED] 

UIUC, CS major here

Phys 211 (Mechanics)
Math 241 (Calc 3)
CS125 (introductory CS course, will likely proficiency test out of)
Math 198 (Complex geometry, honors course, some heavy shit)

>> No.3622578

first year engineer undeclared

linear algebra
calc 1
general chem
engineering design
intro to programming

calc 2
statics and dynamics
EE principles
properties or solids, liquids and gases

>> No.3622589

You don't need a class to learn any of those things. So even paying for those classes is a waste.

>> No.3622591

Mechanical engineering

Intermediate fluid mechanics
Applied stress analysis
Heat transfer

>> No.3622596

I know a bunch of programming languages somewhat but c++ the best
is ap cs java? well as long as it is an imperative language there really isn't a barrier to me taking it. I'll have to see if my school will be willing to order the exam
My parents are also a problem. they flipped a shit when I said I wanted to take an online community college course over the year in c++ data structures despite me doing absolutely fine in an intro to c++ course over the summer. I don't think they would react well to me wanting to do ap test

>> No.3622600

UIUC, first year CS major here

Phys 211 (Mechanics)
Math 241 (Calc 3)
CS125 (introductory CS course, will likely proficiency test out of)
Math 198 (Complex geometry, honors course, some heavy shit)

>> No.3622598


Didn't mean to hit return on that last course. It's:
Introduction to Thermal Sciences

One course.

>> No.3622606


I'm actually afraid of being the only non-white guy in the Russian class. :( That would suck a lot.

>> No.3622621

Am I the only person in here who takes a shitload of humanities courses alongside the technical ones for my degree? I'm a CS major and Math minor, but I'm taking upper level art history and literature classes. (yes, there are hot girls in these classes)


>> No.3622622
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freshman EE here

feels normal man

>> No.3622626
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>> No.3622629


Holy shit, how did you get references? From old professors? Did they remember you?

>> No.3622632
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Accepted to pharmacy school. 4 more years ahead of me for my PharmD.


>> No.3622635

>intro to the christian faith
>EE major


>> No.3622641
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Eh...boring classes this quarter.

>> No.3622643


Yes, it is in java. Its not a hard exam at all though. I screwed up one of the long answer questions big time, and I still got a 5. One thing you should do is make sure you familiarize yourself with the case study that will be on the exam (it was called grid world last year, it may change this year, but not necessarily). An AP prep book will cover everything else, as nothing else changes from year to year, be sure to buy one with sample multiple choice questions though. For preparing for the long answer, they release all the old questions on the college board website (not the multiple choice questions though) Also, you don't need parental permission to take an AP exam, so as long as you can make up some sort of excuse to be studying, you shouldn't have a problem.

>> No.3622645

Thank you for showing us the bottom half of your image.

>> No.3622656


Is pre-calculus really a university level thing in the US? Where I live just about everyone going into university takes it in high school.

>> No.3622655

>in an intro fluffy engineering class worth no hours
>TA leading the class asks if they had ever heard any interesting stories about engineers/engineering

>Russian international student raises his hand, then begins a story
>When he was a little boy he built a snow castle with his father
>he and his father climbed up a tree and shot fireworks at the snow castle
>he continues to describe homemade match-box fireworks and gasoline spills igniting at the same time causing lots of fire

such is life in mother russia

>> No.3622652

yeah we're all required to take introduction to the christian faith in my university, as well as the christian faith later on if you're taking a bachelor's and such

>> No.3622650

There are universities that actually teach Java? What the fuck. Everything hear is in C or C++. Mostly C though.

>> No.3622661
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>Intro to Christian Faith

>> No.3622658


Durp, I'm a little tired

>> No.3622663

Same here. All of the primary classes for Comp. Sci. majors are in C++. I think there's a few Java classes, but those are electives.

>> No.3622674

No, it isn't. Well, it depends.

For the hard sciences, you're expected to know Precalc by the time you take it in University. You usually take it in HS.

For other majors, Precalc may act as a required class.

>> No.3622678


My university teaches the really basic stuff in Java, but everything after a few second year courses are in other languages. There's nothing wrong with starting with Java if its taught the right way.

>> No.3622679

here? yeah. an EE student in my intro. to engineering class is taking intermediate ALGEBRA, instead of pre-calc

>> No.3622689


Java and C at my school (near D.C.), mostly because a lot of the students go into Defense contractors, which use Java more than C++.

The grand total of languages I've done programming in so far (two years experience) is: Javascript, Python, Java, C, perl, assembly, and a couple others for one-off projects...

and of course Matlab *shudder*

>> No.3622690


What universities are you fucking talking about? Most universities either offer Python or Java as the introductory programming language. C and C++ are usually only taught to CS, EE, and CmpE majors.

>> No.3622693

Senior at high-school here:

1st semester:
Honors Multivariable Calculus
Honors Organic and Biochemistry
Honors Speech and Debate
AP Chemistry
AP English

2nd semester:
Honors Linear Algebra
Honors Organic and Biochemistry
AP US Government and Politics
AP Chemistry
AP English

>> No.3622698

"How dare you expand you knowledge by learning another language!" et cetera et cetara.

>> No.3622711

>There's nothing wrong with starting with Java if its taught the right way.

Maybe. I still don't think it's ideal.

Didn't know that.

>> No.3622716



I think anyone going without being able to have got a C in at least a normal calculus class (not necessarily honors or AP) probably isn't clever enough to go to university.

>> No.3622720

Circuit analysis
Digital Systems
Programming Fundamentals
Advanced Engineering Mathematics
Calc III

Signals and Systems
Intro to Electronics
Computer Organization
Communication and Design

>> No.3622721

It depends. I took it as a Junior in high school.

>> No.3622816
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23 credits:
Honors Abstract Algebra I (3)
Quantum Mechanics and Atomic Physics (3)
Classical Mechanics I (3)
Electromagnetism I (3)
Japanese 201 (4)
Digital System Design (3)
Design and Analysis of Computer Algorithms (4)

>five days a week
wow that sucks

>> No.3622850

I wish my high school had offered all that cool stuff.

>> No.3623005
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Structure and Modeling in Chemistry
Applied Calc 1
Techniques of Classical and Linear Algebra
Intro to Thermal Sciences
Physics 1: Mechanics

All intro courses but I remain terrified of being overwhelmed by the courseload. I've spent my years in the public school system avoiding all work and procrastinating what little I actually did to the last possible moment. Trite situation, yes, but I've essentially spent the last 5 years devoid of academic or really any responsibility. I just know acquainting myself with the depressing uni grind is going to be really fucking hard, especially because I'm entering the situation with so little motivation and a vague understanding of the career I'm pursuing.

Also fuck my university because required textbooks are only being offered in physical copies and I can't find pdfs online. Are course administrators just unaware how much lugging shit around sucks?

>> No.3623014

U of Manitoba?

>> No.3623023 [DELETED] 
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>mfw fags taking a foreign language

Seriously, what kind of shit university forces you to learn a foreign language for engineering?

>> No.3623029


Look, uni is nowhere near as bad as you are describing. I was exactly like you in high school - never did any work, slept every day, never studied, and then proceeded to still get pretty decent grades; basically all As. Once I got to uni though, knowing I needed to apply myself, I had no problem studying every day and doing the necessary course work. Make yourself enjoy your studies, be amazed by the wonder of learning and don't imprint the idea in your mind that studying is a grind - studying is how you learn, how you become well versed with knowledge.

On topic, this semester I have:

Cell structure and Function
General Chemistry 1
Calc II
Physics: Electromagnetism and Optics

Nothing too bad, just a large load of work.

>> No.3623037

I see all these people bragging about taking 21 credits and what not. At my school if you want to take more than 12 credits per semester, you have to write a letter of intent to the dean of students and get your extra class approved. They also don't let you work more than 20 hours a week at a job. That is because unlike the day care center for young adults that you fools call schools, my school is actually academically rigorous.

>> No.3623103
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Names of professors and buildings blacked out to protect the innocent and the professors.

Comments on classes:

I don't know why the fuck they make me take multivariable 1, since it's just partial derivatives and shit, which I had to know pretty well to get through physics and diff eq. All the good stuff in multivar is in the second term anyway. They really ought to let me take a test for that or something.

Yes, I know, religious studies class, blah blah blah. I needed it for gen ed (I'm a transfer student so I got royally fucked over on my gen ed credits) and I took that particular class to shut my grandmother the fuck up. Her words when told I was going to take it "Well maybe you'll meet a nice Jewish girl". It's a weird thing since she knows I'm an atheist, and I'm pretty sure she is, too. <span class="math"> Tradition! [/spoiler]

>> No.3623110

You're a Jew? Why not abandon it entirely like all other smart Jews?

>> No.3623119
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freshman fag reporting in

>> No.3623121

>oh fuck i have to take a language this is such bullshit
>take arabic because herp derp family heritage

job offers. job offers everywhere

>> No.3623125

lack of pic related. gotta do some add-drop froms.

>> No.3623147


I haven't been to a synagogue for a religious service since my second cousin's bar mitzvah like 15 years ago. I don't really see how I could be much less active in being a Jew. I mean, some family traditions survive, but I certainly don't really do anything overtly Jewish other than complain a lot and occasionally swear in yiddish. Despite my lineage technically qualifying me for all the normal Jewish shit, I don't really see how I was ever really in any way involved enough to be able to abandon it.

>> No.3623171

I see. My dad was a full-blooded practicing Jew (lived in Jerusalem for a few years) until he was 16 or so, at which point he studied other religions and eventually became an atheist. To his family's dismay, he married a goy and basically never looked back. Not sure what I would have done in that situation.

>> No.3623193


wtf there's a class called virtuosity??

>> No.3623198

Spaceflight Dynamics
Statistical Orbit Determination
Modern Control Theory

First course is mostly redundant so it shouldn't be too tough of a semester.

>> No.3623208

My fucking school is such bullshit, I can't get into a course that I FUCKING NEED to graduate on time. No, they won't budge.

I'm already a 23 year old sophomore, I don't want to do a 5 year bachelors...

>> No.3623218
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>> No.3623233


Yeah, I can understand that that would be tough. Fortunately that decision was made for me a couple generations back. My grandparents come from really strict orthodox families, and they just kinda didn't much care. So they left Ohio (where all the rest of my mother's side of the family lives today) and moved to the west coast where they raised my mother and uncle as reform (Or as my great aunt would say: atheists with a sense of tradition) and then they stopped giving a shit entirely by the time they reached adulthood. My mom married a goy (though because judaism is apparently carried on the X chromosome, this doesn't affect my status at all) and thus I came to be. What little contact I have with my maternal family outside of my grandparents and uncle is mostly resigned acceptance of the fact that I have never and likely will never be religious and attempts to guilt me into going to grad school at ohio state (so that they might pressure me harder to come to synagogue, I imagine). I still am interested in it to an extent, as it is my cultural heritage and that carries some weight for me, but it's very doubtful that I'll ever be practicing.

As a side note, when you say your father married a goy, you should probably say your father married a shiksa or a goya (preferably the former unless you want to insult your mother) as goy is masculine. I don't know if you care at all, but that kind of thing will get you mercilessly teased in certain circles.

>> No.3623246

Quantum Mechanics 2
Condensed Matter Physics
Microwave Circuits
Research course
Design Project

>> No.3623293
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Greek is god tier even if your other classes sound meh

>> No.3623307

My semester schedule is;
Analysis 3
Topics in Advanced Mathematics 3
Partial Differential Equations 3
Dynamical Systems and Chaos 3
Operations Research 3

>> No.3623336

They're mostly major requirements. I'm polisci. Just getting these out of the way early.

Is that some Prokhor Zakharov?

>> No.3623338

CSE 1001
MATH 1371
PHIL 1004W
PHYS 1301W
WRIT 1301

None of my classes start before 9 AM. Feels good man.

>> No.3623477

Cisco I
Cisco II
Data Structures
Linear Algebra

and work on top of all else.