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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3246340 No.3246340 [Reply] [Original]

What is the science of keeping everyone in chains and stuck in the dungeon of indentured servitude?

For real, I'm ambitious, no matter how ambitious, the only way to get out of this shit hole is to work 9-5 slave jobs and even then you get no where (Barely enough pay to live)

The odds are always stacked against the extremely impoverished (Myself, family pulls in less than 1.2k a month). Any ideas?

>> No.3246351

university is always a good start.

>> No.3246369


>> No.3246378


Overthrow the system. Not even trollin'.

It's seriously gone to shit. We have governments by corporate proxy these days. Overthrow it and set fire to the rubble.

>> No.3246384

I hear if you take your money it will become more money. At least that's what the rich people do.

>> No.3246390

rich person here. this shit is so cash.

>> No.3246426

That's my life goal.

I couldn't give a fuck if I have to sacrifice myself and my reputation to stand out vs the system. AT the moment it appears to everyone that I'm crazy.

They really don't understand..

>> No.3246434

>That feel when you agree with OP but soon the libertarian vultures will descend on this thread and stick up for the inequality we suffer from

>> No.3246469

>mfw I plan to go into engineering focusing on automated systems just so I can push automation, put people out of work, and see how well the economic system hangs on

>don't even give a fuck about getting rich, I'll give away whole systems with the extra profit if I have to

>> No.3246523
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>mfw i went into software engineering to write software for the machines engineers will be making
>mfw fuck the system, fucking slavery and everyone is too bitch to stand up

>> No.3246599

Basically what I see you saying is that the machine will save human race from work and missery. But imagine what people would then spend their time doing and you'll realize that this 'triumph' will only lead to one two things - destruction of the working class (and thus lots of people out of work) or the freedom of expression not yet seen on this earth - we would be building new ideas daily.

>> No.3246613

Lack of prosperity in first world countries isn't really a sign of decline, but a return to normalcy.

You've got to remember the only reason an American could afford a house, three cars, and a small vacation property during 1950's America doing nothing but riveting was because the rest of the world lie in ruin after World War II.

Couple the fact that the world population has doubled since then and that the rest of the world is catching up in terms of manufacturing will only result in a general decline in the standard of living among first world countries.

That being said, it's still way better than it could be, think about how many rural Chinese or Indian peasants would kill for a stable 9-5 job in a first world country that could afford them a decent house and a car.

>> No.3246629
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ITT: children who don't know shit about the real world.

ITT: 21st Century first-worlder's bitching about how bad their life is

ITT: Whiners with no historical or global perspective, settling into their comfy chairs and venting their spleen on the global information network about the few that have more baubles than they do.

Not everyone gets to be an astronaut. Deal.

>> No.3246639

>For real, I'm ambitious, no matter how ambitious, the only way to get out of this shit hole is to work 9-5 slave jobs and even then you get no where (Barely enough pay to live)

That is the opposite of the way to get out of it. That's called "maintaining the status quo". If you want to get out of poverty, you need
1- The right idea: Invent something, or write a really good book
2- The right connections: Be born to the right family and go to the right schools and poverty will be difficult to achieve (granted this one might be tricky to arrange after the fact)
3- Synchronicity, aka, the right timing: Be in the right place at the right time. Don't rely on this method exclusively.

Hard work certainly helps, but working smart helps a whole lot more.

>> No.3246643


The Future of America

>> No.3246650


But that's not a video of Brazil.

>> No.3246653

yeah because it's really shit having a job, and earning a salary.I really feel for you.

>> No.3246654

Get a useful degree, like engineering or nursing. Pay for it with loans (so make sure you won't drop out).

Get a job, make money, suddenly no longer in poverty.

>> No.3246657

ITT: narcissistic people jelly that some people have more stuffs than them

Seriously bro, happiness comes from inner growth and socializing, not money.

>> No.3246661


We'll see if you still think that once you've left home and have to work for a living. PROTIP: It fucking sucks.

>> No.3246669

It is, actually. I currently can't find a job. But I know im gonna have to take the first one I get offered, and I know I'm likely gonna hate it. It's not going to be what I want to do with my life, because that is unattainable and unsustainable. Very few people are truly happy with what they do, the rest just begin to hate life, get depressed, get fat, and pop out kids so the cycle can repeat itself. Fuck. That.

>> No.3246666

>earn income
>save money
>keep earning income
>use the money you invested to make more money
>keep investing everything

there are no surefire shortcuts, that's the only way to do it.

>> No.3246671

I have to agree with this. But I'm still studying to become a god-tier income Lawyer

>> No.3246672

>investing in stocks
I seriously hope you guys don't do this.

>> No.3246680

i work a summer internship $16/hour fixing computers, 30 hours a week, monday-thurs. I'm on merit aid as well as student loans because my parents were rich enough to not get aid but not to actually pay for my college whatsoever (they give 2000 a year). i live on campus and will for the next 4 years. i never plan on going home. im going to graduate 20k in debt.

stop hating rich people when there are plenty of rich people who are depressed. working out and socializing has made me far happier than any well paying job would.

>> No.3246682

>thinks stocks are the only kind of investment


>> No.3246686

who said anything about stocks bro?

>> No.3246687

not the guy you were responding to, but my uncle made a bucket of money off baidu

>> No.3246695
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Here's an idea. Tax the rich to pay for a free college education system like it's done in Europe.

Or you could keep rationalizing that the rich and the financially corrupted political system are not problems.

>> No.3246720

Hahaha as if Americans will ever be that rational and not scream SOCIALISM IS THE DEVIL at every intelligent word you say.

If americans didn't get all of their opinions from the media(not just foxnews, fucking basically every news show on air). It's like whenever someone finds out that you don't have the same opinion as they have which they just copied and pasted from tv to their arguments, they freak the fuck out.

I started that last paragraph with a purpose but I kind of forget it now. I think it was something along the lines of...if americans weren't so goddamned stupid, we might actually be able to make intelligent decisions.

American here, btw.

>> No.3246724

I would say that it's more of a "tax based loan" than tax rich -> free education for everyone.
We know that educated population is good for the nation and the economy, so we maximize the amount of people that can attend higher schools. They can go and study without worrying about the costs, meaning that they can study without the need to work.

Once they graduate and start working they pay back the society with tax.

>> No.3246726


The fuck makes you think I hate rich people? People are just people. It's work I hate, as does anyone who is forced into it by the need for food, shelter and internets.

>> No.3246733

>If people weren't idiots

Yeah, we can dream. Sadly here on Earth, the smart will always exploit the honest and hard working, and that's just the way it is.

>> No.3246736

There should be a class taught in every highschool called "how to not be a fucking idiot" aka "how to form opinions". It would detail exactly why believing something just because someone told you it's right is fucking retarded. It would then inform you how to be investigative when forming opinions.

>> No.3246750


That class is called "critical thinking", and its widely taught at private schools. For some strange reason, our benevolent rulers don't think the public school proles need to waste their time with it.

>> No.3246773
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Oh, you guys have no idea how much I've wanted to become a revolutionary mastermind, tearing down the system of the world from the shadows. But, I'm not intelligent enough to do that. I'd just end up in jail having changed nothing. Such goddamn cases.

>> No.3246776

Instead of actually teaching it in public schools, they just say that "the curriculum promotes critical thinking" and that's that. Even if it actually doesn't.

I personally think it should be taught as a philosophy class, mixed with a little bit of intro logic. If I had learned about that shit in highschool I could've saved myself so much embarrassment from having retarded opinions on things.

>> No.3246796


Public schooling in the West is generally fucked up. It's about training people to be good workers and good consumers, not about actually learning anything interesting (they reserve that for university because hey, rich kids go to universities too). Still, that's what happens when you put the merchant class in charge of everything.

Still, while its shitty, liberalism isn't the worst possible system so I guess we should be glad for that. And there's always homeschooling: No kid of mine is going near a public school that's for damn sure.

>> No.3246827

In the East it's not much better, especially in Asian countries. Yes, they focus on actual intelligence which is good, but the systems they have in place are just as fucked as ours.

>> No.3246831

>Even if it actually doesn't.

What better way to promote real critical thinking?

>> No.3246838


>> No.3246839


Not that fag, but actually teaching it might be a good start.

>> No.3246847

You can only complain if you are too poor to attend even a community college which im not sure is possible as you should get aid. Also stop being a dumabss and get scholarships.

Plenty of rich people come from shitty community colleges just as me haha

>> No.3246857


Yes, talent goes a long way. It's not the kind of thing you can acquire, though: It's more like being born rich, its a cheatcode for life.

>> No.3246882

>Has read about the real world in books
>Thinks he knows what it's like.

>> No.3246895
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>> No.3246900

>He thinks his own limited experiences of the world somehow make him an expert

No-one knows what the world is "really" like, its just too fucking complex. All we can know is our own conception of the world, and what we've puzzled out from our own brief time on it. If you think OP is a naive moron, point out some reasons instead of just >HURR IMPLYING

>> No.3246901

My goal for the near future...

Get a shitty job that I can tolerate mostly. Make enough money to live in my own apartment, able to eat semi-healthily, and get a dog eventually. Save a few hundred a month, and have some spare cash for beer/parties/going out/whatever.

Why is this so hard to accomplish? =(

>> No.3246927


Because it isn't? That's aiming pretty low, dude. The real problem for most guys is that they meet some bitch who agrees to fuck them, and next thing you know you;re working every hour god sends to feed your kids and keep your fat wife in tampons.

Castration is the key. Are you man enough to give Darwin the finger?

>> No.3246936

>Thinks an argument framed from generality disperses reality engagement.

>> No.3246952

>zero contribution

Oh yeah, I somehow forgot how pointless talking to you was. Did you change your trip, or is my filter acting up again?

>> No.3246955

No, but I am a pulling out master. So I think I'm good on that front. I don't want kids until im in my thirties at the earliest.

>> No.3246966

>Thinks he knows how to properly filter reality
>Eugencist at work

>> No.3246967


Yeah, THAT'LL work. I bet you believe the woman when she says she on the pill, too?

>> No.3246971


Not reality, just your shitty posts. And done!

>> No.3246975

Oh dear god no. I always use a condom unless im in a committed relationship. But I've only had one of those ever and zero kids so far.

>> No.3246978
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Oh no, I have been ignored by the ignorant, on the internet no less.


>> No.3246989

>$1200 a month

I'm a student, working a summer job and I get paid more than you. Maybe you should be a janitor.

>> No.3246991


1- Condoms aren't completely reliable
2- Women aren't monogamous, and aren't above fucking one guy and then getting another to raise the kid

>> No.3246998

Silly OP, economics isn't a real science!

>> No.3247028


My mother lives on her own and has an IQ of ~95 at the most. I'm 19 now and studying all day and night because working isn't worth the time because I have to leave this fuckwit slavery dungeon. I congratulate you on being able to make $1200 a month, but why do you worship money so much?

I'm also born without a father to raise me. My mother has medical issues and lives off her disability checks. I bet it feels good to rag on people who were born less fortunate than you.

TL;DR my situation gives me more ambition and motivation than you could muster in your entire existence.

>> No.3247029
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>those PSAs

oh fuck no no no

>> No.3247059
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>> No.3247067


You seem mad. Being poor sucks, but don't let it twist you into some kind of hateful retard.

>> No.3247087
File: 46 KB, 344x226, TheMoreYouKnow.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/sci/ is full of ignorant people

>> No.3249764

Don't be lazy - study your ass of. People who earn money from studying worked the hardest of them all.

>> No.3249782

finally someone who is one the same page

>> No.3249797

Lets discuss of technological weapons we can realistically create
The Greeks conquered their peninsula because they had copper weapons as opposed to their technologically inferior adversaries. There is no reason why this should not be an achievable goal.
Stop dreaming and lets get this ball rolling

>> No.3249807

You say what now?

>> No.3249809

you know overthrowing the government and all that good stuff
I'm thinking the key here is coming up with the best armor possible
Any suggestions?

>> No.3249828

ok maybe I got carried away
I'm just trying to be optimistic

>> No.3249829

diamond, the hardest metal

>> No.3249830

imma let you finish, but Enclave have had the best armour of all time. Of all time!

>> No.3249840

If you were smart you shouldn't be complaining.

It's dumb people who live like this.

>> No.3249850

I'm smart and I'm scared I might not going to be able to find a job when I graduate
I hope its not as bad as people say

>> No.3249964

Shitty uni + valuable course or Great Uni in a shittier course like Political Science for example - which one wins, /sci/?