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File: 23 KB, 288x499, why8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3068500 No.3068500 [Reply] [Original]

>using lightyears as a time unit

>> No.3068505

>thinking anyone ever uses lightyears as a unit for anything

>> No.3068512

They do in entertainment.

>> No.3068514

I make about one light year after taxes.

>> No.3068518

my cock is <span class="math">8.054\times10^{-18}~[/spoiler] lightyears long

>> No.3068523

OP is a whiny little bitch who is just mad he has never made good distance on the Kessel run.

>> No.3068525

I thought that was parsecs
Anyway, George said it was intentional

>> No.3068528
File: 14 KB, 329x240, Han_DEALWITHIT_Solo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>using Parsec as a time unit

>> No.3068552

He also said that Star Wars was always meant to start in the middle and be a multi-movie epic, that it would take at least three trilogies to tell (including a sequel trilogy to the original), and that the prequels would be good movies.

>> No.3068565

He was using parsecs so people would know how far he travelled, the less you travel the closer to the galactic core you were, the closer to the galactic core you were the more dangerous it was, the more dangerous it was the more baddass you were for coming out unscathed

>> No.3068592

Yeah... That sounds like after-the-fact justification. Just saying.

>> No.3068606

Sounds more like you can't infer. Enjoy your autism

>> No.3068615

>"That's bullshit he made up on the spot"
>look at http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Kessel_Run

Well fuck.

>> No.3068626

Except he said it in reference to the falcons speed, not badassnes.

>> No.3068694

Regardless of whether it's "obvious false boasting", that doesn't justify it being absurdly nonsensical.

The fact that they changed it in later adaptations shows that they were embarassed of the error.

>> No.3068698

Wait, what did they change it to?

>> No.3068717

Except that it was in reference to the falcons nimbleness and

>> No.3068749

I hear they're working on a 3D Super-Special Edition, where Greedo's shot ricochets around the room and back into his own chest, and then Han Solo says, "See Chewie? That's why I don't carry a blaster."

>> No.3068782


It's also speed because it meant he weaved around black holes. Gotta be fast to deal with black holes.

>> No.3068795


"weaving" around black holes may save you some time, but not distance.
the shortest path between two points is a straight line, any weaving will prolong the distance traveled (but perhaps decrease the traveling time)

>> No.3068801

That was made up in fanfiction (oh, sorry "Extended Universe" fiction) years later.

>> No.3068815


No, the saved distance is because the run normally steers long clear of the fucking black holes.

The black holes are a shortcut. A shortcut that devours slow people.

>> No.3068830


but speed would be adverse in this situation, when going through a hostile situation haste is of the devil, you want to go slowly but surly, speed will make no difference.

a fuck, i'm debating about starwars and i don't even like this fucking movie, fuck it, you win.

>> No.3068867

>when going through a hostile situation haste is of the devil, you want to go slowly but surly
I want some of what you're smoking.

When you fly by a black hole, its own gravity should provide you with the speed you need to escape its gravity (i.e. you shouldn't get "sucked in" unless some other force is slowing you down, or you make a perfect bee-line for it and crash directly into the event horizon). So the last thing you'd want is to deliberately decelerate yourself so you can keep it slow.