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File: 116 KB, 1488x1488, astrosoyentist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16175962 No.16175962[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Astronaut recognition edition

previous >>16173012

>> No.16175975

this isn't destroying the general, nobody cares about the edition or picture as long as it follows the guidelines
its for clarity and consistency, nothing else
keep seething fag

>> No.16175976


>> No.16175978

Did they fix the ice in the tanks problem for IFT4? I feel that is why Elon is so jaded on his timeline and why they havent submitted the mishap report to the FAA. It was his decision to do the whole ice thing, and now to fix it they have to produce whole new plumbing for the engines.

>> No.16175980

Mods should perma ban this stupid fucking thread/topic from /sci/

>> No.16175982

>ice in the tanks

>> No.16175983

>bizarre political image meme for OP

>> No.16175984

keek dilate

>> No.16175985

You're the only person on the entire planet who thinks this was the issue

>> No.16175987

you can tell the faggot doing the autistic threadsplitting shit is from /pol/

>> No.16175988
File: 1.44 MB, 498x280, starliner-spin-1980958468.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

place your bets now, will starliner be launching on the 21st?

>> No.16175994

Gaslighting extroadinaire.
This is like the whole 17 launches thing all over again. Ice in the tanks is obviously the issue and internally known by NASA

>> No.16175995


>> No.16176000

there is someone who is either baiting or seething


from previous thread

>> No.16176002

Cute opinion. Did a youtuber give it to you?

>> No.16176003

What else clogged the engine intakes?
Reminder that the plumbing is known enough to tell that there is no common filter.
The engines are common only in the tank.
What could have realistically been inside the tank to clog like 10 engine inlets at once?

>> No.16176006

>clogged intake
cool, another schizo theory

>> No.16176008

You're overfitting. I posted stfu yall stupid because I'm sick of retards concern trolling comparing Falcon 9 landings at sea to chopstick catches while not even knowing if they're always aiming for the center.

>> No.16176010

your level of projection is insane. I know you watch 'what about it'

>> No.16176011

Who said it was clogged intakes??
SpaceX hasn't made their data public
>Inb4 it came to be in a dream

>> No.16176012

>clogged intake
That's the official SpaceX statement. Your diagusting newfaggotry is showing.

>> No.16176013

>Who said it was clogged intakes??
>SpaceX hasn't made their data public
Refer to this >>16176012 niggerfag
Then jump off a building hurriedly

>> No.16176016

Link the official statement?

>> No.16176018
File: 156 KB, 1024x731, 1024px-Apollo_11_LLRV_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I knew this thread was gonna blow. I'm bailing, see you guys in a hundred posts or so

>> No.16176020
File: 75 KB, 1000x667, 1700644236226888.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That's the official SpaceX statement.

>> No.16176026
File: 140 KB, 1080x654, IMG_20240514_222817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's CRAZY
You're that new how fucking embarrassing

>> No.16176027
File: 140 KB, 1430x673, astronaut apollo nixon waxwork k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine the smell

>> No.16176028

>A question
>blah blah blah irrelevant bullshit trying to make people feel bad
>BlAmE eLoN
They addressed the engine clogging issue by adding bigger filter baskets over the intakes. Here your you, retard.

>> No.16176029

ok, retard

>> No.16176033

not spoonfeeding any further

>> No.16176036

Thank you :3

>> No.16176037

Buddy, they are probably trolling. These are the first people to claim we are trolling, but they blatantly deny (or don't know) facts like this. It's unfortunate that there are idiots like this around because they make us all look bad, but they are most of the posters on /sfg/

>> No.16176039

Youre such an idiot. LOOK WITH YOUR EYES at what happened to IFT3. They CLEARLY didnt solve the issue.

>> No.16176041

I see you're still mad they banned r/The_Donald

>> No.16176044

IFT-3 was totally different. Unlikely the same issue.
For all 3 flights the pre SpaceX statement speculation has always missed the mark entirely.

>> No.16176045

What the fuck they look like dolls

>> No.16176048

Go back to the youtube comment section, concern trolling retard

>> No.16176049

Elon is jaded because he's a lonely 50 years old man.
Braun was married and lived a happy life.

>> No.16176050

look at the filename bro

>> No.16176051

I can tell you what IFT-3 wasn't: a problem caused by the engines.

>> No.16176052

here we go with the troll accusations. KYS.
It was the exact same issue buster. Booster and Starship experienced engine RUDS which caused loss of vehicle. Booster didnt even complete the boostback and only lit 5 engfines for landing at most. Ship lost all pressure in the tanks due to engine RUD (which caused the spin) which is why the RCS didnt work.

>> No.16176055

I swear the only people who think that it was engine problems are involved with Blue Origin and can't stop projecting about it.

>> No.16176057
File: 36 KB, 685x514, astronaut apollo nixon waxwork f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop spoiling my ruse cruise you nogger

>> No.16176058

You watch pressure fed astronaut, don't you?

>> No.16176060
File: 264 KB, 751x1078, Contribution.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i find it refreshing to know that a least some people are still making high quality funny shoops for 4chan. you should have a look at the posting guidelines in the site FAQ sometime
>Our definition of "positive contribution" is the submission of
>substantial, helpful, friendly, and humorous posts to the
>boards, along with the uploading of quality images and
so OP post is what 4chan considers a positive contribution by 4chan standards while your angry shitpost is not

>bizarre political image meme
twum is board culture, you only presume its political because you're projecting your own obsession with politics onto OP or whoever made the pic

>> No.16176061

i watched it live and am a spacex fan. doesnt mean i have to be blindly uncritcial like a chink.

>> No.16176063

Define gaslighting right now I dare you (dont google it)

>> No.16176064

lighting the gas

>> No.16176065

Reminder that it's never the shit the armchair speculatooors get worked up about.
Rockets can fail in one million different ways and given you have no insight it's unlikely you're even close to the truth.

>> No.16176070
File: 474 KB, 1046x1363, 1692485048713008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forget the trivial plumbing issue and think for a moment why they cancelled the stack.

>> No.16176074

So what happened after the freak electrical fire burned out the side of the ship? Have they written it off yet? Imagine you're on Mars and THAT happens

>> No.16176075


>> No.16176076

Fixing the electrical issue on the ship probably that caused the fire on the other one.

>> No.16176078

what's so bad about that? just send up someone who knows how to fix wires and youre good to go.

>> No.16176080

It's stainless it held up perfectly.
Imagine that happening to your seedon feedber rocket LMAOO

>> No.16176081

>tell me you never fixed a wire without telling me you never fixed a wire before

>> No.16176082

Wrong. Electrical fire occured about 8 hours before the stack attempt. They tried to attach chopsticks to the Ship and failed.

>> No.16176086

They couldnt risk another electrocal fire. It was caused by aurora borealis

>> No.16176088

How many boosters and starships have they already manufactured? Does it seem dumb to anyone else to manufacture a whole bunch of untested vehicles that will need to be torn down and rebuilt after the inevitable problems are discovered during the test phase? aircraft manufacturers rarely seem to build more than 2 or 3 prototype vehicles before at least preliminary flight testing is done and the biggest problems with the design have been discovered

>> No.16176093

Go to X and type in Ringworms

>> No.16176097

Then you should stop thinking that all problems are because of engines, because rockets are a lot more complicated than just engine systems. Watching the IFT-3 stream of Starship in orbit, it looks more like one of the roll control valves froze shut after being used to try and correct for roll earlier in the flight. The system is ultimately a cold gas thruster, regardless of the temperature of the ullage gas in use, and gas expansion rapidly drops the temperature.

>> No.16176100

they are testing and iterating upon the mass manufacturing system simultaneously, it doesn't matter if they get scrapped if they learn something doing them (either for iterating the ship/booster or iterating the manufacturing system)
the point is to build a factory that churns out multiple ships a week or something

>> No.16176104
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>> No.16176108
File: 27 KB, 535x333, WE GAAN!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Astronaut recognition edition

>> No.16176116

>yeah just chuck 'er in the back of the truck

>> No.16176120

This has to be against some law

>> No.16176123
File: 137 KB, 1041x694, nasa-crawlers-the-low-speed-start-of-the-journey-to-the-stars_3-637418300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>want to transport a launch tower? that'll be 4.5 billion plus a road made out of aerospace grade imported river rock

>> No.16176125
File: 183 KB, 1917x1084, 010583.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its over

>> No.16176127
File: 83 KB, 1907x934, 010584.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16176130

The fire burned all that???