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16129302 No.16129302[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Do babies really scream during abortions?

>> No.16129315

Would you scream if someone were ripping you limb from limb with pliers?

>> No.16129322

Hopefully if it came to that, who ever ripped me apart would lose more than just their license.

>> No.16129339


>> No.16129381
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They definitely scream during circumcisions

>> No.16129383
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>> No.16129404

>Do babies really scream during abortions?
No lmao. That headline is insane.

>> No.16129415

How late do burgers do abortions wtf?

>> No.16129422

93% of abortions happen before 13 weeks.

>> No.16129426

How are they screaming at 13 weeks? And what do you mean 93%?

>> No.16129428

>How are they screaming at 13 weeks?
They aren't, the headline is bullshit.
>And what do you mean 93%?
93% of all abortions that occur.

>> No.16129518

there are some cases of very late abortion where the fetus can move and pretty much you can see the shapes of the human already. bet ya it might have a 10% chance of survive if delivered. it gets too big so they have kill and destroy the it before they can take it out of the mother.
I saw those images and pretty much those are just murder but legal but I will spare you the links to those images.

>> No.16129528

>How are they screaming at 13 weeks?
same way they do at 40 weeks

>> No.16129964

babies are viable for survival outside the womb at 15 weeks or possibly even earlier

>> No.16129980

The start of the third trimester in most places but it does vary some state to state.
Which obviously means 7% happen after 13 weeks, in most places up to 24/25 weeks into the pregnancy.

>> No.16129993

So, that's where all those crazy theory about adrenochrome come from?

>> No.16130001
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>> No.16130003

I ripped your mom apart last night and while she did scream, she gave me a kis afterwards.

>> No.16130006

this is some dark shit

>> No.16130014

S-shalom, fellow anon?!

>> No.16130248

>in most places up to 24/25 weeks into the pregnancy.
Yeah, so about up to the point where the fetus starts to develop anything resembling personhood.

>> No.16130254
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as late as 20th trimester, if necessary

>> No.16130925

The same people who screech about "babies aren't human until x number of weeks" will also tell you that artificial wombs will be growing babies without mothers any day now.
Which is it? Are babies viable virtually from the moment of conception or are mothers a necessity? If its the former then abortion is clearly murderous, if its the later then its still murderous

>> No.16131009

Found out that in murica you can abort 8 month old babies. Sick shit.

>> No.16131013

Depends if you have had enough time develop a mouth, lungs and a nervous system.

>> No.16131018

The 'viability' meme was always a generic infanticide cope. If you could solve the artificial womb circulation transition, all abortions would be illegal for the burgers instantly, from conception.

Way easier for the (who is it there, catholics?) to just complain about it instead of funding the research tho

>> No.16131020


you can abort them pretty much up to birth, my older sister died like that because she was infected and starting to infect my mom so they had to cut her up inside and drag her out. Mom wasn't happy about it but lived. She always cooks her meat well done now.

>> No.16131025

You people go from one extreme to other. Either you cant abort or you can kill a baby when you feel like it.

>> No.16131027

They're like 50 different little countries all trying to one-up each other

>> No.16131049

>20th trimester
20/3rds of the way through the pregnancy?

>> No.16131057

Ever heard of retroabortion

>> No.16131177

Like with an atari?

>> No.16131233

Without intervention, it would obviously have full personality and life within a couple years. That it doesn't at the time means nothing. I would say the difference between 25+ weeks and before is not 'personhood' but instead starting to look more like a birthed baby, which people are uncomfortable with since it puts them face to face with what they're doing or allowing- although many are quite pleased doing it and genuinely hate the things on some unhinged ideological grounds, they would advocate no limits and some would advocate freedom to infanticide after birth if it were socially acceptable.

Just say you are ok with killing babies and leave it at that. Nothing wrong with that if you believe morality hinges on consensus, if you admit what it is and don't try to delude yourself. It's just prioritising one person over another. Since one of the people has no power and no connection with anyone except maybe the parents and their families, in abstract future sort of way, the decision is more one-sided and relatively easy to make compared to say a 2yo child. Of course, there's a big legal difference between the two as well.

Trying to explain abortion any other way falls flat since it's just making up excuses. The simply fact is the mother, or someone else (often the father), finds it inconvenient and unwanted. That's where it begins and ends.

>> No.16131238

if she gave you a kys
why aren't you dead yet?

>> No.16131296

>If its the former then abortion is clearly murderous, if its the later then its still murderous

>> No.16131582

Damn how do I sign up.
I get to kill babies AND hear their screams?

Do I get free blender use too?

>> No.16131593

Viability is irrelavent. Anyone who ever considered it to be important is low iq. Also, the human/not human debate is pointless since not everyone is using the same meaning of the word human.

>> No.16131608

Headline writer was a retard who can't tell the difference between "cord" and "chord".

>> No.16131609 [DELETED] 


>> No.16131610

You have to be 18 or older to use this website.

>> No.16131725

there isn't a more evil thing than this piece of shit woman.
whoever allow and practice this late abortion stuffs need to be given the death penalty.

>> No.16131780

why are rightoids so mentally ill?

>> No.16131945

>That it doesn't at the time means nothing. I would say the difference between 25+ weeks and before is not 'personhood' but instead starting to look more like a birthed baby
No, 20-25 weeks is when a fetus starts to develop a conscious experience, a conscious experience being how most people define human life. This is why we consider brain death to be actual moment of death, even if the heart has already stopped.
>Just say you are ok with killing babies and leave it at that.
I'm not ok with killing babies, so why would I say that?

>> No.16131986


>> No.16132037

>there isn't a more evil thing than this piece of shit woman.
There's plenty. You, for instance, wishing death on her over deliberate misinformation.

>> No.16132038

They have to endure living around leftists who destroy everything they touch.

>> No.16132047

Yes, leftists are always to blame, aren't they? Because conservatives have no agency. It's leftists who destroyed the conservative sense of shame, or their sense of compassion, or their honesty, or good faith. Conservatives are just meat automatons running on simple instructions, and it's up to leftists to work around them without introducing too many errors in the programming.

>> No.16132209

Poland: Tens of Thousands of People Protest Against Planned Legalization of Abortion.
The mainstream media refuses to cover this story

>> No.16132515
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>> No.16132811

Anyway a quick google search reveals that this was covered by AP News and the Washington Post. Maybe you'd get more results in Polish because not many people outside of Poland have reason to care, you know?
>hmmm, today I will make up strawmen of loose women using abortion as an anticonceptive to brush over the reality of abortion because I think women should somehow "suffer consequences" for having sex
real incel energy

>> No.16132940

sup reddit

>> No.16132952

I think americans permit abortions upto 24 weeks after birth

>> No.16132953

I think - faggots - are here on sci posting - under your IP

>> No.16132966

Hating women is infinitely more reddit than whatever you think is

>> No.16133137
File: 79 KB, 1024x484, women are retarded.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mental illness is the trait of leftists, retard. Go ahead and call me rightoid for informing you of this though, blow my fat black cock if so.

>> No.16133166

>anti-abortionists don't actually care about children, they just want to stop women from having sex because it upsets them
Checks out.

>> No.16133178

No they would drown if they did
And they probably wouldn't be ready for that by the time they're aborted IDK the American thing

>> No.16133232

Please explain what you mean by "the reality of abortion".

>> No.16133242
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>> No.16133312

Based psycho doc. You are literally getting paid for killing babies kek.

>> No.16133347

Read any abortion thread on reddit and count how many man copy and paste the "Your Body Your Choice" answer

>> No.16134133

Thank you science for inventing the wonderful and beneficial process of murdering unborn babies. You're so beneficial and wonderful, what would we do without you?

>> No.16134236

>Mental illness is the trait of leftists
The only conclusion then is that you are clearly a leftist

>> No.16134240

This thread is honestly an embarrassment on a board that's allegedly about "science".

>> No.16134549

The jewish doctor """accidentally""" did this in order to collect that baby's blood for their evil jewish blood libel ritual.

Look it up.

>> No.16134833

>Mental illness is the trait of leftists
How would you even measure this? Conservatives don't believe in psychology, so obviously they wouldn't get evaluated for mental illness.

>> No.16134849

Mental illness doesn't exist, it's just human behavior categorized and turned into pathology. Everything about diagnosing mental illness is completely subjective and thus meaningless. If you have a broken arm, you get an x-ray to see that your arm is broken. If you have a tumor you can extract a sample and test whether it's cancerous. If you have depression, it's because a person subjectively decided to label you that way.

>> No.16134922

someone would've made Black Metal songs with them already if they did

>> No.16134989

>mental illness is completely subjective and thus meaningless
This is nonsense, btw. Subjective experience is an extremely important part of diagnosing all illness, not just mental illness. Physical pain is 100% subjective.

>> No.16134997

>arm hurts badly
>tell doctor how badly it hurts
>doctor examines arm
>"Based on what you're telling me about this, and based on what I can observe, I believe your arm may be broken."
>doctor orders an x-ray
>broken bone is objectively observed
>treatment is applied accordingly

>feel sad and lethargic
>tell psychiatrist how sad and lethargic you feel
>psychiatrist arbitrarily decides whether what you're feeling qualifies as depression
>no objective testing done
>psychiatrist prescribes antidepressant

Psychiatry isn't real medicine.

>> No.16135000

>psychiatrist arbitrarily decides whether what you're feeling qualifies as depression
Subjectivity isn't arbitrary, retard. Look more into what those words actually mean.

>> No.16135002

>ears are ringing
>tell doctor my ears are ringing
>sends you to ENT to get ears tested
>ENT sends you for MRI
>nothing found on any test
>ears are still ringing
>"looks like you have tinnitus"


the idea that a condition doesn't exist because the experience of having it is "subjective" is retarded beyond belief.

>> No.16135003

>Subjectivity isn't arbitrary
Correct, but psychiatric diagnosis is both.

>> No.16135004

>Psychiatry isn't real medicine.
Paranoid schizophrenia is just a subjective description of alternate human psychology?

>> No.16135009

>last week I felt like killing myself
>but this week I feel AMAZING I'm starting five businesses and writing a novel and digging a herb garden and I haven't slept in 3 days"
Doctor: "I think you may have bipolar disorder

>> No.16135013

Yes. Same with things like psychopathy and sociopathy. It's especially telling in how they have self-confirming diagnostic loops which prevent even considering that someone's behavior might improve. For example, if you're diagnosed a sociopath and then start to treat people with more empathy they'll just say that sociopaths are excellent manipulators and your apparent improvement only proves further how devious you are in your sociopathy. Psychiatry isn't real medicine, it's a scam used to label people as an excuse to chemically lobotomize them for profit.

>> No.16135014

Kek this is exactly how it went for me. Thankfully mine is mild which I can only hear in total silence so it did not have any impact on my studies.

>> No.16135015

Lol. I remember being in middle school.

>> No.16135027
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>walk into surgery room
>"well, we've decided subjectivity in medicine is meaningless, so we're not going to give you any lidocaine. have fun!

>> No.16135030

Used to be any time prior to last year when we had a big court case saying a prior court case was wrong to allow it under pretty much any and all circumstances for any reason. Literally, I’m pretty sure kids were born but because the DA couldn’t prove the umbilical cord was completely out yet… so no murder charges came.
Now it varies by state, but because states were barred from enforcing any abortion restrictions, pretty much all the laws are outdated unless a single party controls the state and they were able to update the law this past year. It’s a complete cluster-fuck. It wasn’t too common, but it is well known that 6, 7, 8, and 9 month full term fetuses were aborted. Literally they could have just delivered a baby, but fuck that, they decided it should be dismembered and count the body parts was the better option. It was bad, but it was also mostly crackbaby niggers, so….

>> No.16135035

>I am illiterate.
Thanks for letting us know.

>> No.16135036

>no arguments
I accept your concession.

>> No.16135037

Spoken like someone who has never actually interacted with unmedicated schizophrenics, or been the victim of malignant sociopaths and narcissists.

>> No.16135038

A psychiatrist probably told him he was narcissistic before and he couldn't accept it, so he formed a worldview around psychiatrists being wrong. Pretty common behavior in narcissistics.

>> No.16135039
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Picrel can be true, and mental illnesse can truly exist, at the same time. The two are not mutually exclusive.

>> No.16135040

I've never visited a psychiatrist because they're pseudoscientific quacks that don't practice real medicine.

>> No.16135042

Shit you're almost certainly right, given where we are. That or he used some self-assessment tools and got the same result.
Protip "mental illness isn't real because it's subjective" dude, humility is empowering. Try it some time.

>> No.16135045
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>20 years of peak psychiatry has resulted in a 30% increase of suicide in the US
Yeah, there couldn't be anything else driving suicide rates. Psychiatry is the only option.

>> No.16135046
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Your narcissistic grandiosity makes you think you and you alone can correctly identify true and valid expertise on mental disorder. Forget the countless people who have devoted their lifetimes to the cause, literally not one of them had worthwhile ideas or perspective or experience, because anon right here has got it all figured out. And what's the secret?
>your standards are, like, totally subjective and thus invalid bro
Wow. It was so simple all along. We just needed to push reductionism that one step more retarded!
Please tell me what you think OBJECTIVE assessment of mental health would look like. Please. Tell us how one subject can assess another subjects' subjective experience of life/reality in a completely objective way. Enlighten us.

>> No.16135047
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I think the point isn't that "psychiatry had caused these suicides", it's more "despite supposedly having all time high numbers of mental health 'experts' they haven't stopped us from killing ourselves at record rates. So have psychiatrists been asleep at their posts or what? They must account for their failure, no?

>> No.16135049

He's not saying psychiatry caused the suicide increase, he's saying psychiatry has done nothing to stop or slow the increase in suicides despite how widely accepted and utilized psychiatric services and medications have been in the past 2 decades.

>> No.16135054

>armchair psychology diagnosis
You're only showing how embarrassing this entire pseudoscience is.
>Please tell me what you think OBJECTIVE assessment of mental health would look like.
No such thing is possible. Psychiatry is pseudoscience.

>> No.16135057

>it's more "despite supposedly having all time high numbers of mental health 'experts' they haven't stopped us from killing ourselves at record rates
No one claimed psychiatry was perfect or omnipotent. Cancer treatment is better than ever before in history, but that doesn't stop it from being the #1 cause of death globally. We've known smoking causes cancer for 80 years, and more people still die from lung cancer than any other form of cancer.
>he's saying psychiatry has done nothing to stop or slow the increase in suicides
How do you know? Maybe it would be far worse without psychiatry.

>> No.16135061

>Maybe it would be far worse without psychiatry.
Then perhaps psychiatry could study and account for this instead of remaining deafeningly silent on the issue.

>> No.16135062
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Fair rebuttals, I don't follow the contrary argument just clarifying what I thought their point was in that instance. I don't know much of psychiatry have a close relative with bipolar on lithium for decades, my guess is it's like all medicines and sciences with some rough patches but more or less having a grip on what the hell it's talking about.
I'm sure someone who knows psychiatry a little can tell me that it does generate useful predictors of behaviour from people, given a little knowledge about them. If it can generate and test hypotheses then it's scientific, even if you don't like the way it's conducted.

>> No.16135063
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>Cancer treatment is better than ever before in history, but that doesn't stop it from being the #1 cause of death globally.
NTA, but this is a real bad example when you consider that the rate of cancer deaths DECLINED by 32% between 1991 and 2019: https://www.cancer.org/research/acs-research-news/facts-and-figures-2022.html

>> No.16135070
File: 209 KB, 1056x660, 1695724520314295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah it's almost like we've taken enormous steps to reduce cancer causing agents across populations, and virtually zero steps toward any broad improvement in mental health across populations.

>> No.16135075

Why would we want to increase the presence of such an ineffective practice in schools? You're putting the cart way before the horse here.

>> No.16135076

You are too stupid to be real, but you managed to bait me for several posts now, so I'll award you a 6/10.

>> No.16135083
File: 429 KB, 1920x1280, 1709393344104376.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yeah it's almost like we've taken enormous steps to reduce cancer causing agents across populations,
But that's not it at all. Lifetime cancer incidence is at all time highs, for all sorts of reasons. It's that treatment is getting better and better. Turns out, making a global effort across ALL borders and non stop funding for 70+ years yields results.
Medical technology is fucking INSANE at the cutting edge, most of you have no idea. The trick is somehow scaling it now. They hope AI figures it out for them.
Consider Picrel.
Depending on your inputs, the short, sharp wave can me MUCH better overall. Quick disruption, supply chains intact, no incursion of tens of trillions of debt, widespread natural immunity.

>> No.16135088

>But that's not it at all.
Of course it is. The idea that we haven't reduced cancer causing agents in public consumption is laughably retarded. We've practically eliminated lead and DDTs. Smoking is at all time lows. People are also finding their cancers earlier, because we understand more about early detection. People are getting types of cancer that are more easily treated.
>It's that treatment is getting better and better.
That's part of it, obviously, it's hardly the only variable.

>> No.16135089

It seemed like you were saying Republicans opposing mental health services in schools is the reason psychiatry isn't preventing the significant rise in suicides across society, as if it's just a funding problem even though psychiatry is bigger than ever and still not doing anything to help anyone.

>> No.16135092

>It seemed like you were saying Republicans opposing mental health services in schools is the reason psychiatry isn't preventing the significant rise in suicides across society
Read what I wrote in my post. The image is an example, not the sole determinant. Happy to help.

>> No.16135093

>The idea that we haven't reduced cancer causing agents in public consumption is laughably retarded
I'm not denying that may be playing a part, but the real bulk of cancer occurs in older people and as we live longer otherwise, we develop more cancers. Simple as.

>> No.16135095

Lack of psychiatry is not the reason mental health isn't improving. Psychiatry is bigger than ever and mental health isn't improving, that's a clear failure of psychiatry.

>> No.16135108

>Lack of psychiatry is not the reason mental health isn't improving.
Yes, that's what I wrote. I wrote that there are many other variables that can be causing mental health problems besides lack of psychiatry.

Jesus Christ, it's impossible to have a conversation with you because your brain is stuck in a loop.

>> No.16135117

Psychiatry says that mental illnesses are genetic and simply happen and can only be managed and never prevented, so your comparison to reducing cancer-causing agents is invalid and that's why I ignored it. Psychiatry doesn't propose that people are depressed due to a lack of purpose and meaning in our soulless modern lives, it proposes that people are depressed because their brain is broken and produces the wrong ratio of chemicals which need to be re-balanced with medication.

>> No.16135130
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>Psychiatry says that mental illnesses are genetic and simply happen and can only be managed and never prevented
That's your claim. Is that the claim of psychiatry? That's not the impression I have. Where did you get that stance from? Is that the stance of "the field" or of one particular school of thought?

>> No.16135153
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Pic related: https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/depression/symptoms-causes/syc-20356007
Depression is largely seen as something you already have which merely lays dormant until it's triggered, not as a condition you develop in reaction to your surroundings. It's a condition to be managed, not prevented.

>> No.16135194

>Depression is largely seen as something you already have which merely lays dormant until it's triggered
It doesn't say this in any way shape or form.

>> No.16135209

>No, 20-25 weeks is when a fetus starts to develop a conscious experience
And you can provide us a detailed description of your conscious experience at that time along with verified eyewitness reports that you were conscious, right?

>> No.16135230

Jews completely ruined society and invented "depression" to explain away the feeling of melancholy you feel, even though it's a direct result of you understanding things are not right at all.

>> No.16135537

You never heard of that abortion clinic where they were using scissors to snip the necks of the babies and just leave them crying in a trash can? Abortion doctors are some of the most evil "people" alive.

>> No.16135540

This shit goes down in every abortion clinic. Pure evil.

>> No.16135548

>50% of US males are circumcised because of the jew

It might seem abstract but 18 years from now the babies that are being circumcised will be old enough to post here. This shit makes me want to kill myself for ever being part of this society.

>> No.16135643
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>clinic run by Dr. Kermit

>> No.16135646

>Do babies really scream during abortions?
No because only fetuses are aborted, not babies.

>> No.16135647
File: 9 KB, 224x224, STFU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is not a result of an abortion, that baby was born. Irrelevant to the thread.

>> No.16135699

I only skimmed the last half of the thread but mental illness is obviously real and you people prove it.

>> No.16135712

Christians believe life begins at conception
Jews believe it begins at birth
Abortion is jewish morality
Captcha: ankh

>> No.16135718

They're so fucking evil

>> No.16135775

That's probably why they (used to? still do?) eat it. Evil.

>> No.16135778

>you can abort them pretty much up to birth
You can kill people of any age. No shit.

>> No.16135783

Christianity is Jewish morality, idiot

>> No.16135842

>they killed them then left them crying
Something doesn't add up here.

>> No.16135846

>Illegal clinic run by unlicensed doctor preying on desperate women past the legal period
There are also nursing homes where the staff get away with killing the elderly due to lack of oversight, I guess nursing homes are now to be condemned entirely

>> No.16135859

>I guess nursing homes are now to be condemned entirely
Unironically, yes. The staff of every nursing home abuses their patients whenever they can get away with it.

>> No.16135863

Jewish morality comes from the Talmud, which is not something Christians follow. Nor do Jews follow the New Testament.

>> No.16135902

Did you just post a self portrait?

>> No.16135904

no they don't. that's probably why she lost her licence from saying dumb shit.

>> No.16135907

Where in the New Testament is the beginning of life defined?

>> No.16135909

ask the murder-supporters this:
>were you ever in your mother's womb?
>for how long?
9 months
>so you, YOU, were in your mother's womb... for 9 months.

>> No.16135915

She did not, in fact. She didn't even say that. They used an error in her application to renew to immediately suspend of her licence (this was in Alabama) and then she was basically litigated into bankruptcy. Your first mistake was taking some reactionary tabloid's headline at face value.

>> No.16135924

I'm in your mother's womb twice a day

>> No.16135925
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It doesn't, and neither does the Old Testament. Instead, both the Old and New Testaments have plenty of references to the idea that God knows people since before their birth, as well as passages that talk about a baby leaping for joy in the womb. On the other hand, the Talmud is very specific about when someone becomes a person:

>Let us first establish the time that a fetus legally acquires the status equal to an adult human being. The Talmud states in part that if the “greater part was already born, one may not touch it, for one may not set aside one person’s life for that of another.” Thus the act of birth changes the status of the fetus from a nonperson to a person (nefesh).

You really need to learn to separate Christianity from Talmudic Judaism. They both have roots in the Old Testament, but they diverge significantly. See also pic related, which goes over the difference between the Hebrews of the Old Testament and the Talmud-following Jews known as pharisees who form the Judaism of today.

>> No.16135955

true, mb for not actually looking before posting im kinda retarded like that ngl

>> No.16135963

Depends. People pushing 3rd trimester abortion are literally murdering. 3rd trimester is when babies are literally about to be born. If a woman says just before the baby comes out of the birth canal, that she wants abortion, the 3rd trimester laws in place for certain states will allow for murder of the baby

>> No.16135965

>People pushing 3rd trimester abortion are literally murdering.
Ditto for 1st and 2nd trimesters.