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16114354 No.16114354 [Reply] [Original]

Why is the IQ of college students today so much lower than it was in the past?

>> No.16114417

Flynn effect

>> No.16114428

>not even smarter than the average person
bleak. These institutions should be shut down. We are well beyond the point of their usefulness.

>> No.16114429

more college students than ever

>> No.16114455

nigs and cunts, simple as

>> No.16114456

School and College years have no right to be as long as they are. Anything they teach you can be crammed at a quarter of the time by the average iq person if you cut out the bullshit.

>> No.16114460

They are just daycares at this point.

>> No.16114466

They don't need to be smarter than average they just have to be educated that's the whole point of the institution.

>> No.16114471

School districts across the country are eliminating programs for the intellectually superior students because it makes the dumb ones feel dumb, which is the worst thing possible. They won't be happy until they manage to pull all of the intelligent students down to the level of the pavement ape.

>> No.16114494

If I could go back in time, I'd take all the easiest classes possible instead of the honors stuff and just chill my way through HS.

>> No.16114513

Universities want more money, not ambitious and intelligent youth, so they lower the standards. Thus more people pay more money for lower quality education $$$

>> No.16114517

High school doesn't matter unless you ace those honors classes and get a scholarship to a college that actually can get you into whatever field you want.

>> No.16114518


>> No.16114528

I got into a nice college and have good now, but I feel like those classes had less to do with it than I thought at the time and are more of a headache than they are worth. All of schooling is a monumental waste of time from a practical standpoint. The vast majority of people don't need it and the few industries that would benefit from specialized education can just have their own testing and leave it to mostly independent study.

>> No.16114531

*good job now

>> No.16114534

Because they let anyone in.
I remember doing peep reviews of papers and came across multiple that didn't use paragraphs. One giant four page block of text. In college. The prof yelled at me for marking them as zero. He to me university policy was that if someone paid and showed up he wasn't allowed to fail them.

>> No.16114535

As the labor pool of people with university credentials grows, the demand for their labor will shrink
>hurrrrrr i can do some math that a computer can do a million times faster
>why can't i find a job that pays more than minimum wage?

>> No.16114659

Just look at your picture, OP.

>> No.16114720

People who ignore history are doomed to repeat it.
This has all happened before.

>> No.16114727

flynn effect is the opposite

>> No.16114729

It's weird because I studied math and I'm constantly getting bothered by employers. I don't care man I'm fucking autistic I want to go to academia because it's safer for my autism.

>> No.16115656

The Nnylf or N-effect

>> No.16115659

small hats

>> No.16115665
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>Why is the IQ of college students today so much lower than it was in the past?

Unknowable... If there was only some hint... some common thread... it is just impossible to figure out

>> No.16115668

>employers can't count on grads to be smarter than average
Oh gosh, I guess they might have to start training and developing their employees and have to offer raises and advancement to keep them. How terrible!

>> No.16115697

blacks, women and dei rules
be the underlying cause as it may
math students have higher iq than gender studies students and blacks are accepted preferentially relative to their academic scores

>> No.16115716

you can dress it up in a theory of your liking, you can say it's this or that phenomena, that it's racial, that it's the jews, but that is only a projection of what is actually happening, which is a natural process. civilizations will at certain points, when close to technological revolution, undergo amplification of both knowledge and stupidity, the result of which is the harvest of pure condensed knowledge, redistributed to a small new elite. the political stuff is just a mirage.

>> No.16115760

per capita?

>> No.16115768

>decades ago
>you only goto college if you want a job that requires a degree
>engineer, doctor, accountant ect.

>boomers completely break hiring standards
>every entery level job requires college
>dumber people that don't want big brain jobs goto college
>average college student IQ drops

>> No.16115827

The photo in the article explains it.

>> No.16116044

It's the right length, just the wrong focus. Every program suffers from an unbelievable amount of core curriculum and elective bloat. The average 120 credit bachelor's degree only spends about 30-40 hours on actual Major-related classes (50-60 for hardcore shit like math, physics, engineering, etc.), and I've seen programs at accredited universities as low as 20-25, which is bordering on fucking Minor territory. Meanwhile all of these degrees will require 80-90 hours of gen eds and bullshit elective classes that only exist to justify the existence of some of the hang-on departments.

You could whittle down cores to one each of:
Math, Philosophy, Natural Science, Social Science, Rhetoric, Literature, History
and 2-3 electives. That'd be 30-40 credits, and the other 80-90 could all be major coursework. You'd be able to spend more time covering the knowledge and skills that students in a Major want and need to learn. Imagine how much more prepared students in a Computer Science or Physics or Engineering or Biology program would be if you were doing 20-25 courses in your Major area over the course of four years instead of 10-15.

>> No.16116062

Meanwhile people literally failing high school coursework with double digit IQ end up in undergrad programs.

For some people, 5 semesters after their AP coursework is overkill. For others, 5 decades could not raise them to the level their program should require. There's no (acceptable) solution.

>> No.16116094

Why is Sierra Leone the highest IQ country in Africa?

>> No.16116112

The browner people get, the lower IQ drops. Huh.

>> No.16116143
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>> No.16116145

It's called "standardized testing" and it successfully eliminated the majority of students who weren't cut out for college before they wasted 4-5 years and tens of thousands of dollars on it.

>> No.16116253

Because colleges in the past promoted and fostered independent thought and learning. Not woke brainwashing.

>> No.16116548

It's all so tiresome. Tiresome to see, understand. Tiresome to watch. Tiresome to try to explain.

The financial system has been corrupted by well intentioned nonsense. Everything that has happened since the 50s/60s has been things meant to keep what was put in place viable, even though such things can never be viable without free infinite resources. Despite the obvious that many burdensome money programs have had no positive effect. Perhaps even in spite of such reality.

College was turned into a profit mill, same as housing (Housing should NEVER be a profit investment scheme - such activity means a society is heading for unavoidable disaster.)

It all comes down to bloating the GDP to bloat the inflation figures to bloat the profit number to bloat the tax base to attempt to pay for things that simply cannot be paid for. Remove welfare of all forms including Social Security Retirement and all of these problems go away in a decade.
No nation in history has ever survived the behavioral, social, and financial sinkhole that comes from well-wisher easy money welfare programs on top of using unceasing immigration to fill gaps and keep costs low.
Minimum Wage is a thing in particular which is both cause and effect of all of this. We got our $15/hr, now it's nowhere near enough so it needs to be $20. And next decade it has to be $30. Or 50. Wit hthe rate things are moving, your kids will flip burgers and stock shelves for $100 an hour and they still wont be able to provide a family of four without welfare and living poor.

>avg IQ has plunged
When a major business in the financial system needs 10 million new applicants every year to keep the books black they'll take every bleeding heart dumb enough to sign a contract for anything.
Don't forget how your credit rate went up to subsidize people who can't manage to make a $40 payment on time every month.

All effects and symptoms. Such a big multi dimensional spiral-web of downflowing shit.

>> No.16116626

>Remove welfare of all forms including Social Security Retirement and all of these problems go away in a decade.
I would've started with ceasing big business subsidies and/or bailouts tee bee aytch. That sucks up more tax dollars than any poor-person subsidies. Remember that poor people pay taxes twice - the first time is when their bosses profit, the second is when the government comes in for scraps.

>> No.16116769

Universities realized that as long as they still turn out grain at the top level, they can also churn out as much chaff as they want. And the chaff still makes them money, so you may as well lower your standards.

>> No.16117060
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>Remove welfare of all forms including Social Security Retirement

NO, Social Security is OK... BUT welfare for people that made stupid life choices is suicide for a society, it literally reinforces the idea that the more pathetic a person is the more welfare they should receive.

>> No.16117092

If only intelligent people who can see through the bullshit could group together and establish an independent nation that is free of all the nonsense.

>> No.16117152

What is it dropping to?

>> No.16117154

Social security is not OK. Not mathematically, not morally, not socially.

Sorry boomerniggers, you have to STOP PRINTING

>> No.16117171

All the exams are filled with logic and there isn't any opportunity for creativity in an exam, you should follow only what your teacher wants.

The education is for the elite, you should pay and not all can do that.

>> No.16117339
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>Social security is not OK. Not mathematically, not morally, not socially.

Dude the Govt has been FORCING the TAKING of money from working people for decades SPECIFICALLY guaranteeing them that they would then be taken care AFTER working their entire life until they are old.
Social Security is not WELFARE!!, people were FORCED to contribute with the guarantee that they would be taken care of.

>> No.16117428

Social security is not OK. It is a ponzie scheme. Population has to grow at a set rate, and income has to grow at a set rate for SSR to be solvent.

You can't pay for 40 million people's retirement checks from the miniscule SSR taxes taken out of 40 million people's paychecks. You need 120 million people to cover those 40.
But then, 40 years later you have 80 million people who need to be payed for. You can't cover that with the miniscule paycheck taxes from 160 million people.

It's broken by design. And I've not even gone into how an index'd growth fund would end up paying for itself (but we cant have that, because people are shit and will rob it!)

End all social welfares. All. And the nightmare stops.

>> No.16117434

>Hurr durr technological revolution is JUST around the corner guys!!!
Sure bro

>> No.16117436

Access and ease of enrollment. Are they only measuring graduates? Are they distinguishing between public and private schools? Accounting for decreasing percentage in stem and increasing in basket weaving majors?

>> No.16117470

Simple thing: IQ is based on average intelligence (that being 100). Because the general education improved over time, the average college now isn't that huge of a leap smarter than the avg person

>> No.16117820

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion policy has allowed dregs of society into institutions they should never have been allowed in.

>> No.16117830

Great deal of these policies are born from the need to maintain social cohesion and placating unwanted minorities, half of whom who shouldn't even be in this country.
Begin mass deportations, get rid of nignogs whatever mystery meat 'mutts' from the federal government that shouldn't even be there (nobody in the whole world world likes them anyway), and cancel all DEI policies.
Bring back meritocracy, suspend or expel those that fail to live up to standards meant for us.
It's all about placating freaks who shouldn't even be here.

>> No.16117840

The good portion of public and even private universities around the country have effectively become social welfare institutions.

>> No.16117850

We had such a nation, and we will have it again.

>> No.16118446
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Nazi Germany proved how difficult that is to achieve. If you try the jews will bring all of their goylem slaved from around the world to try and stop you.

>> No.16119974 [DELETED] 
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>> No.16120540 [DELETED] 

The answer is a single word that starts with N

>> No.16120714

The true purposes of education are:
-indocrination into Globohomo
-create useful idiots by making them think they are infallible, because they have a piece of paper that says they're smart
-get them into debt
-give them something to lose
-most importantly, get semi-intelligent people to waste their most fertile years, after which their labor will be used to help idiots breed. This effect is most pronounced in women.

>> No.16120745

>Why is the IQ of college students today so much lower than it was in the past?

Obama's DEI working it's magic.

>> No.16120748

Your picture explains why very succinctly.

>> No.16120786

dysgenic breeding + dysgenic immigration + politicians forcing higher % of population into education

>> No.16120800

What's funny is even in all of this shit show of $$$ education. ¢¢jobs. $$$SSI. -$-$-$Debt. It is still feasible to make a huge change to help everyone.

And just FYI the US dollar was never backed by gold. 1859- 300million gold by 1863 1.5billion paper currency in circulation. But we still have people saying "the dollar use to be strong because it was backed by the gold standard" and most people don't even know the national debt was paid off in 1835. With property tax. "Our dollar would be stronger is the debt wasn't there".. Rick and Morty season 3 episode 1 *APRIL FOOLS* ROFLMFAO. Oh god it so hilarious cause it's traumatizing. And there's talk about reinstating the gold standard.

>> No.16120850

Yeah, good look getting them to pay more for shittier candidates.

>> No.16121449 [DELETED] 

>rick and morty watcher presumes he is an expert in financial policy
is there anything that rick and morty fans aren't experts in?

>> No.16121849

>the US dollar was never backed by gold. 1859- 300million gold by 1863 1.5billion paper currency in circulation.
Is this true?

>> No.16123097

The dollar's value was defined in terms of weight of gold until 1934, when FDR made it illegal to own gold. However even when the dollar was gold denominated, the government would just announce "today the dollar is worth 20% less gold than it was yesterday because we want to print more money and use it to enrich ourselves and our patrons"

>> No.16123816 [DELETED] 
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What really funny about that is that /sci/ is packed to gills with university students who are constantly bragging about their supposedly massive IQs, when the truth is that they're the dumbest class of college students in all of recorded history

>> No.16124907 [DELETED] 

>when the truth is that they're the dumbest class of college students in all of recorded history
Thats why they're so prone to saying dumb stuff

>> No.16125062

This. I'd argue outside medicine and stem they've been a bay sitting operation since at least 2015. Possibly 2010 depending on the institute.

>> No.16125066

If accurate its probably got so little welfare or charity that literal natural selection will be operating. The dumbs get killed first leaving majority middle IQ.

>> No.16125083
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>College was turned into a profit mill, same as housing
Society was "built on capitalism" so everything is going to follow the capitalist model: to make everything as profitable as possible on an industrialized level of production.
This doesn't necessarily have to do with IQ, but government grants have only exacerbated the problem.
>the college needs to spend money on quality education
>but they get free millions absolutely guaranteed with govt assistant
>they all do
>free money means no need for competition, it all leads to stagnation
Now you have 3x more non-professor academic staff than professors, hitherto unseen levels of bloat.
This is all a problem, not the problem OP discussed. That is that IQ is falling globally across all races and economic factors. There's only one thing that could be causing it, and it's smartphones. Those pocket internet supercomputers have wrecked people's
>attention spans
always entertainment right there
>memory retention
don't need to remember shit just look it up
>problem solving
don't need to think things just look them up
have to do all that shit online, can't talk to people because that's ick
And then there's minor shit like basic geographic navigation (i got maps apps bro) and the ability to type coherently.
Back in my day people used to type "brb" or "lol" because you were playing an MMO and nobody had time to type "i'll be back soon" or "that was fairly amusing". Now everything is these acronyms or monosyllable. There's that book "The Shallows." I haven't read it yet but it talks about the cognitive aspect. That's probably your smoking gun.

>> No.16125093



750k lbs of gold.

750,000 pounds. 1 pound =16 ounces.
750,000×16 =12,000,000 Oz.
1Oz= 28 grams.
1 troy ounce is/was 31.1

1 troy ounce was $30 from 1800-1970.
10,803,857×30= $324,115,750.

And the main reason 1.5billion was in circulation was confederate money. And the government laundering it out for USD.


Since they didn't want confederate cash to continue and didn't want to cripple the economy.

>> No.16125163

What? The gold standard was established in 1870. The government wanted to get rid of the gold standard in the 1920s. And finalized no more gold standard in 1971. Because they got tired of others countries buying gold low. And selling gold high.

USA was that kid in school that would buy/sell a piece of gun for a nickel in January. You buy 1,000 pieces. And buy and sell piece of gun for a dime in May. And you sell it back. Then he sells it for a nickel again in August. And you buy 3,000. That's why.

>> No.16125747

College is the new high school, having a bachelor's degree is the new high school diploma

why? money

>> No.16125768

The Flynn effect is such horse shit.

That one 2013 study alone suggested we’ve dropped like 15~ IQ points since the Victorian period due to dwindling reaction times alone.

White people have gotten significantly stupider.

How the hell did Flynn ever pass it off?

>> No.16125785

“College students once stood out from the pack on IQ tests. Today, they're about average. A recent meta-analysis found that undergraduates' IQs have steadily fallen from roughly 119 in 1939 to a mean of 102 in 2022, just slightly above the population average of 100“

What the fuck is happening to our brains

>> No.16126364 [DELETED] 

college is for midwits, high iq people don't waste their time on it

>> No.16126374

It started being whoever could pay can get in instead of whoever was the smartest

>> No.16126375

If you must ask then you are probably contributing to the decline.

>> No.16126380

>What the fuck is happening to our brains
What the fuck is happening to our quality filters

>> No.16126397
File: 681 KB, 275x207, sure.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had given up hope that there were was any form of intelligence on this board. Your post has renewed my will to live and I will not kys myself. checkmate atheists

>> No.16126400

I never formally attended university because you could attend lectures for a very long time before anyone noticed you weren't enrolled

>> No.16127667 [DELETED] 

>semi-intelligent people
choose one

>> No.16127870


When and where ?

>> No.16127907

>checkmate atheists
I thought you were an atheist. I didn't take you as someone who would worship jew on a stick.

>> No.16128005

Because college is catch-all term for post-secondary education. People learning a skill like education, nursing, or engineering, that should really be taught at a vocational or technical college, are walking on the same campus as people studying the liberal arts like math, physics, philosophy, literature, etc.

>> No.16128028

In a way these were always the biggest fools, but never as much as today. But reasons are boring and mundane, life is easy, smartphones and other devices largely make thinking optional.

>> No.16128054

>average people go to college
>college students become average

>> No.16128178
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Genotypic IQ may be lowering, although there is some conjecture, but IQ, in a holistic sense, is climbing due to environmental improvements. There is some evidence that it has stopped and is plummeting, which is scary to think about, of course. I'm in favour of genetic editing to produce superior, transcendent beings; imagine if the average IQ was 140 or 150. Elon Musk's a retard, fiddling around with metal, computation, and wires. He should be funding gene editing, but hey, he isn't going to make a profit from that endeavour, really. I doubt people are going to be interested in paying to improve their embryos, I'd say. Ethicists are likely quite perturbed by such an endeavour too, as they are with cloning, and for good reason, I will add. But I wouldn't say that they translate well. I'm deeply despondent about the future; I think the glory days are over, I really do. Liberalism has evolved into something masquerading as the principles of the Enlightenment. Liberalism is the doctrine of the lazy, inconsiderate, and perpetually hedonistic. Radical individualism will be the end of us, really. People, "enriched" by liberal ethics, are simply content to slough down into their lowest possible form. As of late, I've really developed an interest in virtue ethics.

If Kant, for example, were to travel to the modern day, what would he think? Would he feel some regret? like many men before him and during him, believed in the potentiality of man.

Very sad, it is. Men before our time had such care for the future, so much so that they would begin to construct sheer structures that would be, in their time, the epitome of civilizational excellence and rigour, structures that they wouldn't even see actualized, as they'd surely die beforehand. They'd build them for those who would live beyond them and bask in their glory.

The eternal boomer will always be upon us.

>> No.16128244
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thanks for the book recommendation.

>> No.16128350

because white men realized that college is a scam and it was never about getting smarter
nowadays women, niggers and faggots are the ones getting into college while white men decided to move to trade school and start working instead of getting on debt with that shitty education

>> No.16128379

Floyd effect

>> No.16128507

It's honestly scary, like in recent years with Iraq for example. An entire nation brainwashed to go die for Israel.

>> No.16128508
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>> No.16129847 [DELETED] 

If the average college graduate is average intelligence that means half of all college graduates are of below average intelligence

>> No.16130165

This eerily matches up with that one study from 2013 regarding the Victorians.

— ‘The Victorian era was marked by an explosion of innovation and genius, per capita rates of which appear to have declined subsequently. The presence of dysgenic fertility for IQ amongst Western nations, starting in the 19th century, suggests that these trends might be related to declining IQ. This is because high-IQ people are more productive and more creative. We tested the hypothesis that the Victorians were cleverer than modern populations, using high-quality instruments, namely measures of simple visual reaction time in a meta-analytic study. Simple reaction time measures correlate substantially with measures of general intelligence (g) and are considered elementary measures of cognition. In this study we used the data on the secular slowing of simple reaction time described in a meta-analysis of 14 age-matched studies from Western countries conducted between 1889 and 2004 to estimate the decline in g that may have resulted from the presence of dysgenic fertility. Using psychometric meta-analysis we computed the true correlation between simple reaction time and g, yielding a decline of − 1.16 IQ points per decade or − 13.35 IQ points since Victorian times. These findings strongly indicate that with respect to g the Victorians were substantially cleverer than modern Western populations.’

Just how deep does the dumb barrel go?

>> No.16130628

Yes, the average person now goes to college. That's what I said.

>> No.16131158 [DELETED] 

More than 1/3 of college graduates have an IQ below 85

>> No.16131684
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here's an example of a modern Harvard student

>> No.16131694
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Lmao maybe compared to last year. People like you should be the last to talk about IQ.

>> No.16131716

Affirmative Action

>> No.16131719
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>> No.16131722
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First the lowered standards for high school so more people can graduate. Now they lower standards for college so more people can graduate.

>> No.16132238
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Sheboon was mad that the old White lady did not spend enough time praising her for showing up to almost every class so she could earn her racial-injustice degree!

>> No.16132315

There are virtually no admissions standards anymore, so colleges get flooded with millions of students who can barely read, write, or do basic arithmetic or exhibit any critical thinking abilities. I had a student in one of my service courses this Spring who spent five minutes arguing with me that 4 x 9 = 49.

The massive boost in enrollment has been great for administrators wanting to cash in, but it's been a fucking disaster for the quality and value of college education.

>> No.16132321
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Forced idiocracy, establishing a new world order isn't possible if your population isn't mentally retarded and completely subservient

>> No.16132323

anon, we literally give college degrees to people with fucking down syndrome or nonverbal autism now.

>> No.16132684

Bro, this article is satire. It's spot on but the chick is fiction.

>> No.16132687

This was such a pathetic moment and that microphone definitely stunk after that.

>> No.16132689

The left is leading the fight in abolishing education! Good! Self-educate or get fucked!

>> No.16132690


>> No.16132724

Go pay someone to teach you how to respond to the future.

>> No.16133139
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Leftists, niggers, women voters, etc

>> No.16133261

I've seen a bunch of news stories where people say math is racist because blacks and browns aren't passing at the same rate.

>> No.16133334

Math is racist because it shows different crime rates amongst different peoples silly ;^)

>> No.16134138 [DELETED] 

Yona is jewish

>> No.16134172
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Not one student is up to the tested standard.
How do liberal progressives solve this problem?
Solution: Lower the testing standard!

>> No.16134959

Math is racist.


>> No.16134968

They made a huge mistake in regard to their diamond trade, one that Rwanda did not make(cutting a 50% deal with them)

>> No.16135007
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>believing the [WS] IQ scam

>muh SAT
Even a retarded chatbot with ZERO intelligence is a top performer in the joke known as the SAT.
I used to be proud of my SAT score until I saw this

>> No.16135008
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>only Christcucks recognize God

>> No.16135010
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>> No.16135074

>Chatgpt gets a low SAT score
Uh okay?

>> No.16135526
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>> No.16135878

>They'd build them for those who would live beyond them and bask in their glory.
“I don’t care, I’ll be dead by then” is honestly one of the most sickening sayings around. Humans don’t care for the future and never have.

>> No.16136732
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>> No.16136926
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>> No.16138279 [DELETED] 

How come high IQ kids stopped going to college?

>> No.16138387

Because the colleges wanted more low-IQ students, so they could get more money, and in order to keep them they had to lower academic standards.

>> No.16138439 [DELETED] 
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>> No.16138990

How many people on /sci/ can't read?
reply to this post if you're one of them

>> No.16139001

Everything not related to STEM in colleges must be declared illegal, and the military must hunt and kill anyone involved in woke/socialist activities. Any kind of protest against cleaning education must be dealt with extreme brutality.

>> No.16139005
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Public education is a huge waste of time and money, it needs to be abolished. Any misbehaving juveniles must suffer severe corporal punishment. If niggers get cracked the most so be it, they deserve it.

>> No.16139077
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>> No.16139094

You guys have been talking about psuedo science for almost three days. IQ isn't really real, and it's just proximity to resources in a developmental age.
There are more people in college these days because it's pretty much necessary to escape the debt trap of our country (by entering another debt trap)

>> No.16139099

There's an education crisis in most schools in America, not just predominantly minority schools. Not to mention, many rightoids believe that even more public funding should be taken away from schools.
Also a dumbass. It needs to be reformed, not abolished. It clearly works in other places and has only began to worsen as costs are cut (larger classrooms, poor food/nutrition, low student to teacher ratio, etc) .

>> No.16139914

>it's pretty much necessary to escape the debt trap of our country
nice victim complex. you're just too lame to admit that you went to college because you're lazy and didn't want to get a job. and your daddy pays for your schooling, you're not in any debt. you're just an entitled lazy little bitch

>> No.16141352

>-create useful idiots by making them think they are infallible, because they have a piece of paper that says they're smart
Too many "trust le experts" who solely repeat what they're taught unquestionably.

>> No.16141363

>they deserve it.
its the only way they can learn to be civilized

>> No.16141409

I went there in the 80s and impregnated over half of the population

>> No.16141414

Making school a participation rather than merit based system. Also niggers uniroincally.

>> No.16141566

what kind of propaganda is this? you're one of those anti exam people aren't you

>> No.16141570

Everyone's allowed to go to college so the average IQ of the population becomes the average IQ of college kids. And the US is filled with a bunch of niggers and spics.

>> No.16141574

GPT4 uses a python workspace to do more complex calculations these days. It's surprisingly proficient and will continue to improve.

>> No.16141579

Lol, most college people seem to be Satan. That's weird and hard to understand. But, if you start to look at the names to places. You might discover something interesting. He's a self replicating god of torture and slavery. He puts symbols on the front door of the stores where he works. I'm not sure how else to say that. This suggests this entire reality has a purpose which we aren't aware of. But, because of the nature of sex. We also have a strong theory here that we are being used for slavery. He's stealing from us. If you don't have sex, you got scammed by the Lord.

>> No.16141792
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>> No.16143451


>> No.16144656
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>> No.16145807

>Go to college
>experience IQ loss as a result
can science explain why this is happening?
why does going to college make ppl dumber?

>> No.16145809


>> No.16145824

Don't fall for the bait

>> No.16146448

Whats your explanation for why college students are so low IQ?

>> No.16147644
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>> No.16147737

Consider the fact that 100iq is defined as average. Also consider the Flynn effect. IQ in Europe and America has been going up since the industrial revolution. African nations are not old or developed enough to know for sure the limits of their intelligence. Also, African Americans exist disproportionately in poverty compared to other races. It's possible Africans have useful intelligence in the proper cultural and societal conditions.

>> No.16148313

>African Americans exist disproportionately in poverty compared to other races.
African Americans are the wealthiest, most successful and most long lived people of African origin anywhere on the planet in all of recorded history.

>> No.16148452

This is true, but an intellectually dishonest point to make. We know people in poverty tend to be less intelligent and educated on average. This is true for all races.
Don't you want to be optimistic? They aren't going away.

>> No.16148470
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>African nations are not old or developed enough to know for sure the limits of their intelligence

The endless excuses for African intelligence and social failures.
Hint: it is NOT modern 'racism' and poverty that explains it.

>> No.16148549

>Ancient opinions
Yeah, back in the day everybody thought their race was the special God chosen race superior to all others.
>The endless excuses for African intelligence and social failures.
Some African Americans have achieved success and become contributors to western society. Therefore Africans are not incapable and their failure demands alternative explanations. That explanation is simply that vertical social mobility is very hard to achieve.
The intelligence of African Americans is useful.

>> No.16148608

IQ only measures a certain kind of intelligence. Asians have the highest IQ. Whites, if a study was done, would be found to have the highest EQ (emotional intelligence), while blacks would probably be found to have the highest KQ (kinesthetic intelligence).

>> No.16148612

>Asians have the highest IQ.
how did they manage this? did they kill any dumb kid they had?

>> No.16148725

muh heckin inclusivity allows (((them)))

>> No.16148880

Simple statistics. As more people attend, it brings down the IQ average simply by numbers. Now, any asshole can attend college as long as they have money which is now guaranteed by the government. Back in the day, you could only attend college if you were smart and had money of your own. And you can't be a dumbass to obtain said money unless you're from money.

>> No.16148896

Ugh huh. yu see dis is dee opprezzun seestem dat is hollin' back deez bryt black sientist stoodentz,
deez seestem is run by whytee peepo. dey stoppin' the black comoonatee frum getttin' a long in lyf fo reelz. Huh ugh.

>> No.16148904

>The intelligence of African Americans is useful.
Yeah, those strong black backs help jews earn more.

>> No.16149533
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>> No.16149601
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>> No.16149690

Just a normal process of degradation since there is less filtering.
>everybody gets in so student loaners can make money
>entire new majors like "gender studies" have been added that have no entry requirement or way to fail
>professors get sued or kicked out if they fail students
>universities would rather drop standards than kick out people

>> No.16149692


>> No.16149693

>government and companies want more graduates
>universities say this is all we have
>universities are asked to adjust (aka lower) the bars to make more "elites"
By this method you can create as many engineers as the economy demands.
It's like a wartime draft. First the young and fit. Then the less young and less fit. Then the old and weak to man garrisons. etc.

>> No.16149702
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>> No.16149766

Guys what IQ do you need for a chemistry PhD?

>> No.16150128

the government is TAKING less money than it GIVES BACK

it should NOT be my RESPONSIBILITY to pay for boomer's PONZI SCHEME just because they VOTED AGAINST MY FUTURE

>> No.16150143

Sorry, but the boomers wanted it decades ago so now you are stuck. have fun paying back their reverse mortgage btw lmao

>> No.16150799
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Ya dang wipper snapper...
I must have put in near $75,000 in Social Security...
they OWE me the $456,000 they have paid me so far...
your turn will come young man

>> No.16151864

But this is totally not related to black people at all, certainly. Nope, couldn’t possibly be.

>> No.16151887

Snyeed effect

>> No.16151900

According to various studies, the average IQ of college students has been declining over the years. A meta-analysis conducted by researchers found that the average IQ of undergraduates has fallen from around 119 in 1939 to 102 in 2022, which is just slightly above the population average of 100.

Another study suggests that the average IQ of college students has decreased by 17 points since 1939. This decline is attributed to various factors, including changes in education, demographics, and societal trends.

It’s also worth noting that IQ scores vary across different college majors. A study found that the more female-dominated a college major is, the lower the average IQ of the students studying in that major. Additionally, research has shown that having a high IQ is no guarantee of graduating from college, as even students with high IQ scores can still drop out.

Overall, while there is some debate about the exact causes and implications of the IQ drop, the available data suggests that the average IQ of college students has indeed been declining over time

>> No.16151995

Yep. Victorians were smarter too.

>> No.16152027

College exists to sustain the status quo.. learning doesn't happen at college. You LEARN how to take tests and commit to arbitrary information, proving to future employers you can complete tasks even if you don't understand.

Elon musk has said this himself. College is literally to weed out people for the work force.

>> No.16152624

This is very upsetting

>> No.16152660

This. Old cunt here. Did a BSc degree back in the 80's when it was still worth something. Just passing required hard work and only the very top students got A grades. A significant number of students failed papers and would have to do it again or change their course. Profs were hard assed cunts who would mark you down for the most trivial of mistakes. But to their credit they forced you to learn the material, it was well structured and made internal sense. So at the end you knew what you talking about.

25 years later, for various reasons, I did a post grad diploma.. Again in science. Same University. The change was astronomical. Firstly most of the course was hastily thrown together material that had no or little structure. Some of it was so easy I kept looking for trick questions, thinking no way a tertiary paper could have assignments that seemed to be more akin to high school standards. It took barely any effort to get B+ or an A, even for an old cunt like me who had been out of the learning system for a long time. I couldn't understand how anyone could fail to pass the course unless they literally submitted nothing and didn't show up to the exam.. Being naive and having ignored much of the world for the past two decades I couldn't figure out what was going on. Of course later I found out that many general degrees and diplomas had become almost worthless, handed out like candy. I actually did speak to a few profs about this, and was stunned when they told me they basically couldn't fail a student. Then for the most part my fellow "students" that I had met were...well, many of them were just fucking idiots.

Also I wasn't impressed by the modern Profs. Most of them struck me as whimsical twats who didn't understand their own subjects particularly well. Not like the battle-harded grumpy assholes of the 1980s who nonetheless knew their shit.

>> No.16153199

Lol black people

>> No.16153924

Lol white people

>> No.16154155

Needs to be reformed is something I agree upon, yet what makes me concerned is how no one is bringing up the absolute shitstorm that credentialism has rendered. Combining profitability with credentialism has been a disatser. Also, the existing Prussian legacy of industrialized public schooling has been a disaster for the average joe, but an absolute blessing for the elite. What /sci/ fags don’t understand is that the elite will never allow prosperity for the commoner even if deviations of higher than avg IQ individuals happen to emerge from the collective masses. The entire world was been built on rent-seeking, there needs to be an elite to maintain the system in its shape, you may honorably join them but on a number of conditions. The elite despises /sci/ niggers and sees them as their most vital working ants in order to saturate findings for themselves, which they do by awarding /sci/ tards the Nobel Prize so that they can feel good about themselves. IQ is a meme, all you need is rent-seeking. If you wish to escape a life of uncertainty, you must join the elite. The middle class doesn’t exist, it’s the elite and their labor masses, and it will always remain like this, period.

>> No.16154160

IQ is what they use to harvest your energy…you don’t know how it works.

>> No.16154731


>> No.16155477


>> No.16156121

I used to love how hard science classes were back then, you really felt like you were accomplishing something just by passing.

>> No.16156193

>Some African Americans have achieved success and become contributors to western society. Therefore Africans are not incapable and their failure demands alternative explanations.

everyone has biases, but it's still important to check and examine from time to time. you're suggesting that others should judge black Americans by their most influential and successful. after generalizing the abilities of the top performers to the group, we are supposed to conclude that they're all reasonably competent.

part of the problem is this assumption, evident even with (you), that races are all equal in ability and culture - while lowering the bar for blacks as much as can be. judging a group on their best is a plea to ignore their bad qualities. any group can have a few diligent shrewd and hard working people. not only is this not representative of the group, but it's intentionally narrow in scope to give a non representative sample. maybe there is something to hide about the content of their character.

sure, there are exceptions. not enough to balance all the ugliness and decay blacks bring. their crime and violence make it hard for businesses to stay in the communities they move to. they lead in intra- and inter-racial homicide and its not even close. alternating between welfare and prison gibs is a permanent strain on the public budget. cause somebody's gotta pay. despite aggressive affirmative action and university race quotas, many get into drugs / crime anyway.

they have the highest rates of homicide. STDs, spousal abuse, cigarettes, narcissism, obesity, medicaid/ebt/subsidized housing, etc.

for things to get better, a lot needs to happen. the welfare has to end, and they need to be independent again. the first step to fixing a mistake is accepting responsibility. making excuses or dismissing their problems is cowardshit, especially since they're dragging everything else down too

>> No.16157185

>despite aggressive affirmative action and university race quotas
those kind of gibes is what makes negroes so violent, they weren't half as bad before those gibes existed.

>> No.16157211

Social media.

>> No.16157214

We learn from history that we do not learn from history

>> No.16157235

Black children with families that make over 300k a year score worse on the sat than white children whose families make under 10,000

>> No.16158201

The social problems in our country that led to degradation of quality has many origins, but the most important part of it all is that America still practices the social dynamics of the 19th century as a pioneering nation.
Russia also has similar issues.
First order of business is mass deportations and expulsion of purposefully bussed in foreign demographics, but in the long term, both sides who are absolutely at each other's throats should reconcile the fact that it's not always practical to practice a pioneering settler mentality for an advanced nation supposedly capable of leading the world.
The Profs. in the 80s were all WW2, Korea, and Vietnam vets, but now we have a cadre of faculty who are essentially more interested in their social status as tenured professors and meeting metrics required by others instead of quality and excellence.
There's also the fact that due to the needs of the Cold War, people decided to practice a national security and military industrial complex centered dynamic that is highly dysgenic in the long term. If a war is to waged, people need to set up a definitive plan to achieve victory outright instead of dragging it out for whole generation's lifetime.
If you combine this together with the fact that people are still socially practicing dynamics that was in existence from 19th century, that means everyone is basically being taught the same way nogs were taught in plantation schools.
People are not being taught by faculty members who would be proud and reward pupils who exceed them. People are being taught by those who might regard those who exceed them as a threat, the same way non-conformists and nogs who are too smart in plantation schools would be punished or at least subtly discouraged.
We have problems with elective bloat, where three or even five elective classes could have been taught in a single course in the 80s. Universities have become degree mills because people now prioritize churning out mediocre drones.

>> No.16158211

Basically, universities are now encouraged to be degree mills, or perish. Only very exclusive institutions will be granted the leeway to have dedicated faculty who are actually interested in teaching and handing down knowledge to their students. The fact that corrupted, deceptive administration figures and policy makers in our colleges have become delusional in their bubble and continue to reinforce absolutely self-destructive policies such as diversity, equity, and inclusion or sexual obscurantism trying to legitimatize lgbtqwhatever++++ is a symptom of an older issue that is weighing down both US and Russia (and to certain degree, western EU and especially UK - AUS - NZ - CA).
The tenured faculty pushing for those policies are also the ones who inspire others to push for watering down quality in favor of passing along general knowledge, instead of intense, dedicated education and instructions people understood to the norm up until the 80s. Since people practice the same dynamic of wanting to maintain the kind of social atmosphere as they practiced from the 19th century, the 'logical' end solution is to lie through their teeth, welcome more compliant DEI hires, water down the curriculum in favor of quantity as opposed to quality, etc etc.
This also winds up pushing out faculty who are actually dedicated to teaching and are interested in substantial investment in their students, because it has become unprofitable and against the overall agenda at play.
Long story short, unless people are willing to eventually peel themselves away one way or another from the older dynamic, longer the problems will persist. It doesn't even matter if Trump makes a comeback in 2025 to retake the WH, if the people backing the effort are just the other side of the same coin with heavy cope in their minds and are being hypocrites, then the problems will keep persisting.

>> No.16158949

Actually terrifying holy shit

>> No.16159634

The imperial examinations that was in place for centuries in china and korea rewarding intelligence with uppard movility and the philosophy of pen and sword of the japanese in a similar period had an eugenic effect in their nations. A scholar could feed more children than a peasant father.

>> No.16159661

Some time ago I bought a big, old, used mathematics textbook for almost nothing. It was from 1972, the 13th edition. It included precalculus, calculus and some linear algebra. All theorems had great demonstrations and there were more than thousand exercises in total. This was the basic first year textbook for all hard sciences and engineering in my country back in the 50s and 60s.
It is stupid how much more slow, steep this book is compared with my modern equivalent without taking into account just how much more content there were.
Kids today just don't study. There see no point in earning grades as they are already given into them (I don't care about this guy but I concur with his main point):
Seriously my high-school graduated father has more knowledge than some college graduates. It's insane how much higher education has degraded.

>> No.16159998

Dude stop lying, you’re not making the world a better place. Blacks are animal-people with retard level intelligence, on average. Why do you think Jews push negroidism so hard??!

>> No.16160012

Considering how many more Asians have existed than Europeans and considering how hard Europeans have brutally mogged Asians in EVERY intellectual pursuit, you have to question the IQ testing and its limitations. Maybe this has to do with who takes the tests or what the tests are measuring or what they are not measuring. In terms of EQ the Jews mog everyone, which is how they are able to manipulate and parasite.

>> No.16160025

>Considering how many more Asians have existed than Europeans and considering how hard Europeans have brutally mogged Asians in EVERY intellectual pursuit
>you have to question the IQ testing and its limitations
>Blacks are animal-people with retard level intelligence, on average

Got it, so acephalic stormfronters would like to use IQ tests to bash browns and blacks, and simultaneously discredit them for placing asians and "jews" above them.

You inconsistency is almost admirable - I feel a moderate amount of pity for all of you, and for whatever tragedy in your lives that led you to such absolutely incomprehensible worldviews.

>> No.16160112

So you’re saying Africans are intelligent and European’s didn’t invent or create 90% of everything?

>> No.16160656

Asians, even with their “higher average IQs”, struggle to diverge in their conformist thinking patterns. White people may just be more creative because they’re naturally more…stubborn? Inquisitive? I don’t know.

>> No.16160678
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Sublime strawman - simply sublime, my friend.

You display a phenomenal, almost manicheist ability to collapse any issue into either
* "blackie bad, whitey good :)"
* "you say blackie good, you bad :)"
It is almost superb - reminds me a little of picrel.

>So you’re saying Africans are intelligent and European’s didn’t invent or create 90% of everything?
No, WHERE in my post did I say anything even remotely like what you wrote?
Here's what I am, in fact, saying:
1. Some people like to use IQ tests to claim blacks and browns are inferior
2. The same people do not like being confronted with the fact that Asians and Jews typically score higher than whites
3. 2. happens because accepting it would undermine their thesis that IQ tests prove white superiority - doing so, in their (your) simple minds, would mean they (you) have to accept that asians and jews are superior - since they're willing to stake their sense of self-worth and ideology on a test originally designed to screen for mental disability in young students - NOT to identify talent or genius

From 2. and 3. usually derives a defense like the one you just wrote
>So you’re saying [...] European’s didn’t invent or create 90% of everything?
Which is simplifying history, and forgetting that
* "white" people were NEVER a monolith,
* that "Europeans" doesn't really mean anything - in the US, lynchings and riots didn't just target black people; there are many instances of anti-irish, italian and german sentiment across its history
* you are taking credit for the achievements of people who would view you as an underclass savage, and with whom you have little in common

>> No.16160717

>In terms of EQ the Jews mog everyone
This is only true if you do not know their game.

>> No.16160727

There's some truth to this. Both Korea and Japan ran roughly parallel to Western Europe in terms of literacy rates, if not even earlier due to the imperial examination system.
A lot of the public education system as well as bureaucratic mechanism that we take for granted were refined by East Asia a bit earlier than the present day West.
Europe went through a period of 'dark ages' that really did set everyone back by at least a few hundred years. The brutality of the barbarian invasion period meant that it took until early 11th century for people to regain the vigor and optimism necessary for everyone to start thinking beyond what is essentially subsistence and survival level of social dynamic.

>> No.16160803

Hits the mark, unfortunately. You can take care of yourself without resorting to simplifying your thinking to that degree. More importantly, if you are young, don't consort with people you shouldn't and focus on learning from those you should.
issues will resolve themselves in due time, no need for kids to get involved needlessly.

>> No.16162362
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jews are low IQ

>> No.16162507

Israeli jews are cannon fodder, sure.

>> No.16162528

Do you have a ISSN or title of the book? I would appreciate it if you can link it ITT.

>> No.16162878

I'm a spaniard so it's a book in spanish. The whole thing was put out for free by the family of the late professor. I I bought an old used copy a little before for something like 6$ and it is way better than buying 3 modern textbok for 100$ that have less information and exercises.


>> No.16162913

Yep, the books back in the day were much more dense. I would love to see our public education system and universities not only restoring standards, but improving on the previous materials to cover everything that gets censored.
The latter part is going to be a challenge.

>> No.16163514

Correction: ISBN

>> No.16163553

There are plenty of smart women out there.

>> No.16164242

snigger effect.

>> No.16164939

no there aren't. women are low IQ

>> No.16164942

>or maybe you're just retarded

>> No.16166240

they don't study because they spend all day on the goyphone, playing video games (a children's hobby with college aged people should have long since outgrown) and masturbating instead.
spain was based in the 70s because franco was still running the show instead of a bunch of communist sissies

>> No.16166827
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what a chad, the whole of western Europe would've been overrun by the USSR if it hadn't been for his efforts.

>> No.16167253

lol black people

>> No.16167266

My school gave a 10% bonus multiplier toward your GPA for all honors classes. So if you got an A, it would add 4.4 instead of 4.0 to your average. It really helped me out getting into college.

>> No.16167511

A nice and melancholic analysis, Anon.
Behold, the fruits of diversity.

>> No.16167949

Not only them, but also all the people who lazily accept reduced quality education which is designed to cater to negroes.
>paying full price for a cut rate education
and meanwhile the negroes get the same thing and don't pay a penny for it

>> No.16168193
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>Some African Americans have achieved success and become contributors to western society. Therefore Africans are not incapable and their failure demands alternative explanations. That explanation is simply that vertical social mobility is very hard to achieve.
>The intelligence of African Americans is useful.

>> No.16169436
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that one example in the high end of the gaussian didn't get there on merit, they were placed there by dei

>> No.16169717
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>> No.16169824
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>> No.16169829
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>> No.16169832

Elite universities are hedge funds attached to real-estate empires run by right-wing billionaires with lucrative research arms enmeshed with the military-surveillance state and a side hustle in education that make their vast holdings tax free.

>> No.16170727

lol white people

>> No.16170740

>Not black
>Not jewish
>Not wahmen
Yeah, I can see the problem here.

>> No.16170837

The more accessible the colleges become, the more midwits get into them.

>> No.16170851

If there were, there'd be no such thing as a "woman moment" or anything similar.

>> No.16170866

>Just how deep does the dumb barrel go?
Bottomless pit. Reproduction has not been guided wisely.

>> No.16170868

>4 x 9 = 49
That kid is a future programmer. Concatenation exists, although it fails to appreciate the utility of the concept.

>> No.16170879

110 minimum, 130 recommended

>> No.16170890

>struggle to diverge in their conformist thinking patterns.
Asians on average are cripplingly stupid. The vast majority are Chinese and Indian, which requires no additional substantiation. The Middle East can easily be written off too. South Asia is just beyond abhorrent and it's an embarrassment to the West that they even allowed outsourcing to make them rich. If there's anything that Westerners need to get rid of, it's the idea of using slave labor. They just end up making the slaves rich and now the slaves revolt on a geopolitical level.

When people tout intelligent Asians it's almost always East Asia, namely South Korea and Japan. They brute forced the grind and made it head and shoulders above the squalor that is the Asian gene pool. Did not fix the issues with collectivism though, they'd benefit a bit more if there were more self interest.

>> No.16170912

i get a strong impulse to kill the gorilla on the right

>> No.16171789
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Whats most important is that you have a strong desire to fuck dogs

>> No.16172958

If the average IQ of college grads is 100 IQ then that means that over 1/3 of college grads have IQ below 85.
Do we have any 85 IQ college grads with us here on /sci/ currently?

>> No.16172968

That's not what that means or implies and it isn't the case, shitposter

>> No.16173154

So long as people on either side of the isle are unable to slowly, but surely remove themselves from dangerously dysgenic socio-political dynamic stemming from the 18th century, the problems will simply continue in different forms.
Both sides have gone pretty schizophrenic in the last several years. They have become complete degenerates.

>> No.16173156

Euclid is no longer required

>> No.16173157

Point taken.

>> No.16173172

Imagine the world we would have had if WW1 and WW2 didn't happen.

>> No.16173178

Euclid is one thing. I wonder what areas of science and mathematics were removed to dumb down the masses?

>> No.16174617


>> No.16174925

I have an Indian roommate for summer classes that couldn't open the window to our room after I left because he didn't know how to unlatch the locks. I have an Indian suitemate who soaked his Nike's upside-down in a trash can to "soften up the leather" so they would be more comfortable. Neither of them turn off lights after leaving a room, be it the dorm rooms or the bathroom. Both of them bathe at night rather than in the morning. Both of them play the most abhorrent synth trance music with black rap lyric samples sporadically thrown in. Neither of them attend their classes. And, yes, they both stink.

They are both being fully-funded with scholarships to meet my university's diversity quota.

>> No.16175337

Let me guess, University of Toronto?

>> No.16175468

You need to be more specific, faggot.

>> No.16175482

college is way more accesible now

>> No.16175486

>high IQ is when you build massive useless structures to flaunt your wealth and dick size while the homeless die of starvation
yeah i'll take the modern world thank you very much

>> No.16175491

>wearing a black square on their heads
More inductees to the cult of saturn...

>> No.16175497

you need like 106 for technical complexity.

>> No.16176498

thats beyond the range of most college science students

>> No.16176505

it isn't bait you retarded fucking mud monkey, it's reality

>> No.16177573
File: 411 KB, 2000x1333, this bitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you can't says dat!!
>dats racist!! and sexist!!!

>> No.16177897

satire, and pretty decent satire at that

>> No.16178908

nope, that was written in earnest

>> No.16178959

it was just a matter of time once they realized the potential of the student loan scam

>> No.16179557

how do people with no jobs, no credit history and no collateral get six figure loans?

>> No.16179862

>IQ isn't really real

>> No.16180971

All through the magic of jewish usury

>> No.16181956

Its really more currency debasement than usury, the loans are powered by the money printer.

>> No.16183051

Mexicans on college campuses are all the same way, they're filthy and they don't go to class. they aren't there to learn, they're only there to get housed and fed for free

>> No.16183147

>Anything they teach you can be crammed at a quarter of the time
Basically Cram Schools like in Japan?

>> No.16183909

also if you mention what they're doing you get accused to racism and subjected to le cancel culture. they're not there just to hang out either, a lot of them are selling drugs or engaging in petty theft.

>> No.16185119

right, but they need all that extra time to teach you about the holocaust and the six million genders

>> No.16185888

…And the evils of Christianity

>> No.16187091

I should have majored in holocaust studies since I had 4+ years of that crap in highschool, jr high and elementary school, I probably could've graduated in under 2 years.

>> No.16187218

It started to go down because we started to appease Israeli scholars

>> No.16187231
File: 47 KB, 593x424, IMG_8234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Simple as

>> No.16188498

School also makes you gay these days. Whatever time isn't devoted to holocaust brainwashing propaganda, is spent on promoting homosexuality

>> No.16188537

I like image they selected to go along with the article lol

>> No.16188725

they let anyone in, and step over applicants that are intelligent because they aren't the right race

>> No.16189082

so they don't let anyone in, they discriminate against straight white males

>> No.16189102

Because I left

>> No.16190147

They keep out high IQs intentionally because the high IQ always are too smart to accept the brainwashing and that interferes with brainwashing the NPCs. College is for dumb, gullible people

>> No.16190161

Curious, the IQ is roughly correlated with economic development. Almost as if IQ is a measure of personal knowledge and not objective intelligence!

>> No.16190227

Like you? The fuck do you do? What makes you so intelligent? What have you done?