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/sci/ - Science & Math

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16093018 No.16093018 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone read this book?

The solution to the Fermi Paradox in this book suggest that it is dangerous to send signals out into the universe.

If you think about it, you can't see any aliens. There has to be a reason for that.

>> No.16093020

It's a scifi book anon

>> No.16093057

Sci-fi , or really any fiction books is utterly a waste of time. Reading Non fiction expands your knowledge base.

>> No.16093061

most scify is retarded when it comes to science/future. makes retarded assumptions because chimps. but it sells

>> No.16093082

I was entertained. But those books have even more bullshit in them than you'd think. It's not a good introduction to the topic.

>> No.16093084

Can someone summarize the scientific concepts addressed in these books?
I hear nothing but good things about it but I also know that normies are highly impressionable and are impressed even by stupid baby-tier philosophical concepts like free will vs determinism.
I want to know so I don't waste my time

>> No.16093091
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book 1 has nano wire and proton fuckery, great book
book 2 is some cold war shit about trying to stop an alien invasion, it's okay
book 3 is the author going full stephen king and getting high on his own farts with way too many ideas and concepts

>> No.16093093

Theres nothing scientific about these books, they are science fiction so still fiction.
Want a summary of the plot? Just go on youtube.
Basic plot is the universe is full of aliens that are hiding because anyone who gets noticed gets destroyed by a few of the hyper-powerful races

>> No.16093120
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popsci is for low iq brainlets
go to >>>/lit/ if you want to discuss that faggotry

>> No.16093133
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>If you think about it, you can't see any aliens. There has to be a reason for that.
If you think about it. It doesn't make sense that we are here in this state at all. You just accept it because you never thought about what would make sense in an inevitable infinite existence. Nothing of it makes sense, except for one thing: The time period we are living in. Now is when we transcend humanity. Earths history is millions of years where nothing happened. Yet we are here in this point when everything happens.

>> No.16093141

how do you know it's not the anthropic principle illusion? whenever it would have happened, people from that time would think "how suspicious, it happening exactly when I'm here"

>> No.16093144

One of my friends recommended me book #1. She thought I'd be interested but I never got time to look into it because it sounded like three body problem of physics, which I already knew. Hmm

>> No.16093161

Yes, its weird to exist precisely at the time when electrification happened. Some of my grandparents grew up without electricity as did all their ancestors for hundreds of millions of years since we were lobsters

>> No.16093162

>proton fuckery
I think that idea is kind of good because it could be something that would be possible at our next scientific level. Interaction with sub layer reality. What quantum computers tap into barely. Is my idea of it.

>> No.16093167

>r it would have happened, people from that time would think
we live in unusual times

>> No.16093174

Because nothing happened at other times. If you have any idea of how vast the time scales are. The probability of us being here and how we are doesn't make any sense.

>> No.16093179

i personally didnt experience electrification but i was born when there wasnt an internet, if the internet remains a thing for the next 100 million years, why was i alive at the origin?
The guys that invented fire might have thought something similar

>> No.16093181

Far beyond death. Far beyond breath. Speechlessness.

>> No.16093186

Exactly. When I was a kid we didn't have cell phones. And within our lives the singularity will happen. Probably.

>> No.16093203
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The Dark Forest is going to get changed into a Maid Cafe because the maid is going to extinct all the aliens.

>> No.16093916

For some people, reading nonfiction can actually make them more narrow minded.

>> No.16094874

The numbers 32777 + 21000 (+ 5000) is a solution to the three body problem.
Prove me wrong.

>> No.16094877

> There has to be a reason for that.
Yeah. The most obvious being there are no aliens.

>> No.16094889
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>> No.16095558

So is the high end before or after the singularity?
Your point was likely that it would stop before the singularity. But that you didn't consider the other option may say something. Hmm.

>> No.16095566


>> No.16096613


>> No.16096628

do you actually know what a singularity is? obviously not because otherwise you'd realise just how much like a retard you sound.

>> No.16096649

>t. never heard of dysgenics

>> No.16096659
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We are very possibly the first.
When you research history of life on Earth - it seems to have required very specific circumstances to form (abundance of heavy elements, molten core, magnetic field, alkaline hydrothermal vents), and even once it spontaneously arose, it remained single-celled for over 2 billion years. That life existed as single-cells for 80% of the history of life on Earth tells us that multicellular life is not guaranteed - it might be even more difficult and unlikely than the formation of life itself.
Even once complex, multicellular life arose, it took another 500 million years for human intelligence to arise.
Consider pic related, all the elements required for life. According to our current cosmological model, these elements didn't exist in the early universe. Generations of stars formed, fused hydrogen through helium through iron, then exploded and scattered these elements which, eventually, became part of our early solar system.
As well as these elements, we require much heavier elements like gold and titanium for our high-technology, space-faring society, produced only in neutron stars we think.

We are very possibly the first intelligence to arise in the universe. Our emergence was not guaranteed.

>> No.16096672
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>> No.16096736
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>if you send your signals out into the galaxy, bad guys will show up to steal your shit
>but the bad guys have such advanced tech that they wouldn't even need to steal shit from another civilization
Babby Chang's first attempt at a Lovecraft ripoff.


>> No.16096764

>>if you send your signals out into the galaxy, bad guys will show up to steal your shit
No, they wipe you out ad a precaution so that you can't wipe them out.

>> No.16096792

The real solution is that traversing the universe is impossible. We are currently at peak technological progress achievable in this universe and we can't even make it to the moon reliably.

Fermi paradox arises from idiots who think science fiction is real and who don't understand technology. The same idiots who think Musk putting Arduinos in people's skull is some sort of cyberpunk future.

>> No.16096804

>the United States should preemptively nuke the Sentinelese because someday they might make their own nukes out of sticks and mud
Dumb story...and again, Lovecraft did it better.

>> No.16096815

If you're so far away from them that by the time your nukes even reached them they could have advanced enough to make their own nukes and launch them at you, then yes. Strike first.

>> No.16096974
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>that /lit/fag who fell for a weak space opera premise

>> No.16097004

The very concept of relativistic distance shitclowns the premise. Game theory destroys the premise.

If you're a necessatist with respect to abiogenesis it's the weakest cope to come up with.

>> No.16097021

why does America preemptively invade all kinds of countries if it has so many resources?
exactly what would happen in space