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File: 82 KB, 1024x682, Autism-Puzzle-Piece--1024x682.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16048558 No.16048558 [Reply] [Original]

Post psychological theories you believe were sourced from the game of telephone known as The Replication Crisis. I'll start with Autism. I believe autism used to have a meaningful distinction, but over time through shady plagiarism in papers and extra "aspects" being tacked on by equally shady people, it became the "m'tism's a spectr'm" epidemic we currently have surrounding us.
>No evidence required
>All theories are permitted

>> No.16048563

One of the shady aspects is the symptom of being averse to being touched. You can easily imagine the potential for abuse: a child is molested by his kindergarten teacher, who uses his resulting aversion to being touched to cover it up and have him diagnosed, condemning him to a life of learned helplessness and abusive psychiatry.

>> No.16048568

I wholeheartedly agree. What do you think about how, in the last 6 or so years, they've been trying to use social engineering through TikTok and other socmed sites and apps to convince modern youth that any modicum of personal uniqueness is autism? I feel that's contributed more to the modern perception of the "illness" being seen as a spectrum than even the RC

>> No.16048577

I stopped using those kinds of social media exactly 6 years ago. What I do follow is stuff like that Yale psychiatrist giving her expert opinion on Trump without his consent to be treated and various people speculating about Putin having the 'tism. Soviet level mean girls shit is making a comeback.

>> No.16048618


>> No.16048626

>Replication Crisis
>more than 50% of scientific conclusions are false
I'm at the point where I just assume the opposite of every claim that has a scientific paper attached to it that I haven't independently verified
It's crazy that you're actually more likely to be correct by believing the opposite of whatever science(tm) says

>> No.16048633

>I believe autism used to have a meaningful distinction
The only definition of autism that has any value at all is essentially
>high functioning retardation

>> No.16048651

if claim is false, it doesnt mean that the opposite claim is true

>> No.16048659


>> No.16048664

Thank you. This piques my curiosity greatly.

>> No.16048667

That's precisely what I meant

>> No.16048701

>if claim is false, it doesnt mean that the opposite claim is true
Correct, but when talking about relative probabilites, I know you are more likely to be wrong than right, which means the complement is more likely than the conclusion

>> No.16049647

good link

>> No.16050864

Autism has become just a polite way for a psychiatrist to say "narcissistic personality disorder" without scaring away business. Back in the 20th century only rich people could afford psychiatrists and autism was a severe condition on par with Down's syndrome, but once everyone was required to have health insurance psychiatrists are now "free" and so they've altered their practices to attract as much trade as possible.
One group of people thats particularly attracted to the prospect of sitting in an office and talking about themselves to anyone who will listen is people with narcissistic personality disorder and if the doctor tell them what they want to hear, that they're a unique special snowflake, then they'll keep on coming back every week, insuring a steady income for the doctor

>> No.16052000

>Post psychological theories you believe were sourced from the game of telephone known as The Replication Crisis
All "scientific" theories are sourced The Replication Crisis

>> No.16053571


>> No.16055052
File: 177 KB, 745x997, replication crisis journal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it amazing that the replication crisis has gone on for so long and soiynetists don't even seem to care. seems like they're perfectly content knowing that science is full of fraud and fakery.

>> No.16055781

They like knowing that they can tell lies and get away with it. It means they're not going to be held responsible for their careers of failure and incompetence

>> No.16057168

>I got my diagnosis!!!
>I'm officially a doctor certified special snowflake now!!!

>> No.16057741

people really are like that, they want and get excited by being diagnosed as have an enfeebled, sickened brain

>> No.16058115

>they're perfectly content knowing that science is full of fraud and fakery
Scientist is just a job. They show up everyday to act busy and get a paycheck. It's no different to how a walmart employee is perfectly content knowing that walmart is full of platic crap made in china.

>> No.16059079

Scyentists enjoy the lying and dishonesty, they're enthusiastic about it

>> No.16060423

They hate truth and they hate science. They like their fantasy world fabricated from lies

>> No.16061077

>I believe autism used to have a meaningful distinction
That meaningful distinction is mental retardation on par with Down's syndrome, minus the obvious physical indicators

>> No.16062064

They're like that because they're frauds and fakers

>> No.16063632

Since the fraudsters got ahead, they got all the important positions and ensure their fraud will not come back to bite them. Investigations are routinely terminated whie they get the promotions.

As usual, nice guys finish last.

>> No.16064475

Its their chosen profession

>> No.16065647

"profess" is a verb that means "to lie"

>> No.16066920

thats a fairly safe assumption

>> No.16067374 [DELETED] 
File: 677 KB, 223x255, 1709887412480.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16067445

the baffling and unintentionally revealing thing being grown adults (I know one - 30-yo woman) who go seeking that covered I'm Special™ autism diagnosis, in many cases going to multiple docs till they get it. gotta get up another rung on the victim ladder I guess

>> No.16068619

they abuse their diagnosis to use it as an excuse for their nauseating personalities instead of trying to improve themselves.
its like a fatty getting a doctor to tell them its not their fault they're fat so they can continue to stuff their face guilt free

>> No.16068626

Of course they are. Soientists actually think science is objective, they refuse to accept that all science is just a power play between different political theses.

>> No.16069206

>but over time through shady plagiarism in papers and extra "aspects" being tacked on by equally shady people, it became the "m'tism's a spectr'm" epidemic we currently have surrounding us.
Autism is insurance fraud, largely. It's also special snowflake syndrom and an extremely convenient diagnosis for hospitals to cover up cerebral palsy because the hospitals would otherwise have to cover for that.

If you want to dig into shady plagarism and poorly done research, get acquainted with Alzheimer's research. It's a shit show.

>> No.16070041

Autism is also an excuse for single mothers to demand extra welfare gibes from the government

>> No.16071138

Doctors give those single mothers that excuse because doing so is an excuse for them to demand more money for the single mothers' free government subsidized health insurance