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16047720 No.16047720 [Reply] [Original]

Is it true that c++ is being replaced by rust because of security concerns?

>> No.16047734

No, security reason relates more to "pronoun allignment" than actual safety. Nothing is memory safe, you literally have to go into "unsafe" mode just to do anything.
Fucking retarded, just don't be a fucking idiot.
The larger concern is in terms of network security... networks don't use Rust.
Now get back to using fortran.

>> No.16048262

C++ here no I am not;

>> No.16048330


>> No.16048357

>nocode reveals himself

>> No.16048380

>C/C++: OK, here's the computer, don't be a retard with it
>90% of other languages: OK retard, here's your computer (lol)
at some point you have to ask who the real problem is

>> No.16048540

I have never even heard of rust until this thread. It looks like something someone with pronouns in their twitter bio would use t b h

>> No.16048552

It's all about manipulation and control.
It's classic behaviors of pedophiles.

>> No.16048553

Not really. Rust advocates are loud but most entities that use C aren't looking to change any time soon. Most Rust development isn't even true development. They take C/C++ code and use a transliterator to convert it to Rust code, which they then declare to be safer. The goal is to convert as much publicly accessible C code as possible into Rust through these automated processes and then declare that most of the world's infrastructure runs on Rust.
For anything where performance is important, they're able to match the speed of C only by using unsafe code blocks in Rust, which invalidates the purported purpose of using Rust instead of C.

>> No.16048575

This, I am a good programmer so I don't need a language to hold my h
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

>> No.16048587

Love how much Biden is making codemonkeys like you seethe

>> No.16048639

What do you mean? Do you think it's right to replace it with Rust?

>> No.16048679

>I have never even heard of rust until this thread.
Bodhi reveals his magnificent knowledge of computer science again, lmao

>> No.16048875

Pseud. Rust has been on coders radar for at least five years due to its explosive growth in use and power.

>> No.16048884

> For anything where performance is important, they're able to match the speed of C only by using unsafe code blocks in Rust
That's just not true. Rust generates native code with the same performance as C. Its backend complier is LLVM. You only use unsafe code blocks to interface with legacy libraries or to do some really weird low-level hackery, which should never be needed in 99.999% of all real-world programs.

>> No.16048933
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no it's just a bunch of mutt cultural imperialism that should be ignored. They think that programming is just like the music industry and that you can just shove postmodernist schizophrenia in it without anyone noticing.

>> No.16049102

>security concerns
To say that the borrow checker magically makes your program "safe" or "safer than the equivalent C++ program in a scale large enough to justify using Rust" is just myopic. Buffer overflows are a solved problem. You don't need a shiny new shitty cargo cult language for that, there exist static analysis tools specialized for security.

And even if there weren't, the scale of vulnerabilities caused by "not using Rust" in the grand scheme of things (i.e. in terms of software development) is negligible! You aren't making OpenSSL any day sooner, so Rust won't magically make your code safer. Did you know Microsoft is to thank for there even existing formal practices for developing secure software? Yeah, who would've thought!

In fact, using an untrusted experimental (it's still experimental, cry about it you trannies) language puts you at risk by merit of you not being proficient with the language. Yes, C++ is huge and complex, but nobody is saying you have to use all of it. Rust, like many other onions languages is trying to push away from the traditional way of problem-solving set in stone by actual fucking professionals for the last 30 years because of vague statements regarding boilerplate and code smells. Who the fuck are you to decide what is and what isn't a code smell, when you advise people from not using the return keyword? Fuck your expressions!

But, whatever, this is /sci/, so let's stick to academia: don't use rust*. There is no reason to use Rust when writing a paper if all you're coding is a couple of 100 LOC files of code that generates data or processes an image. There are no safety concerns there.


>> No.16049104

Rust enforces "write once, never modify" type of programming which makes it unsuitable for volatile software like web servers and desktop GUI applications. Changed your mind about where you keep this thing regarding a module of several structs? Good luck squeezing it in some other place and adding lifetime annotations that work in all but one function that renders your whole code useless. Oh well, at least you'll never dereference a null pointer!

Its ownership rules and lifetime rules are a neat idea on paper, but any hipstery language theory crap causes headaches in practice. This isn't a testament on how bad programmers are. Javascript suffers from the same thing, despite not being a "big idea language". There's a reason why industry uses Java, Python and C++. Academics are out of touch with reality and don't know how to write software. A lone 100 line long source file isn't software. Scaling is important. Rust codebases do not scale.

Want to do any meaningful low level programming? You know, things a systems language should do? Say goodbye to Rust's static conveinece tool thingamabob. What does that leave you with? An ugly rapebaby of C++ and Kotlin, basically. Wow, you can do pattern matching, I'm so impressed!

Want to do not-so-low-level programming? Good fucking luck asshole, because you need library X which is a line-for-line rewrite of an existing C library, so any time you call X::foo, you need to wrap that motherfucker in an unsafe call. Clean code my ass.

What a fucking joke of a language. No wonder it's trannies that shill it the most.


>> No.16049113

I'm more of a Haskell guy myself

>> No.16049115

>a reason why industry uses Java, Python and C++
Found the Pajeet. The actual FAANG industry has switched to Rust for practically all new codebases.
>enforces "write once, never modify"
Write it correctly then so it can be extended later, numbnuts. Lifetimes enforce correctness. Pajeets like you are the reason C++ projects segfault and otherwise produce the most bizarre bugs whenever you try to extend them non-trivially. They weren't written correctly in the first place.

Fuck off, Pajeet.

>> No.16049119

I havent worked int he industry on over 20 years buddy. I am a wealthy currency trader. Why would I care what kind of shovels you plebs use to til the fields? C and C++ are rarely used in professional environments to begin with so why would anyone give a shit about a new version of it? I did teach Visual C++.NET at a College in 2004, but as you can see the ".NET" part the C++ part was really only users choice as most popular languages can be compiled to MSIL. You keep priding yourself on using obscure technologies to wage slave though. Whatever floats your boat prol.

>> No.16049120

>5 years
HAHAHAHAHAHA. Sometimes I forget you morons here are mostly stupid undergrad children.

>> No.16049122

btw psueds, when you have an actual job and your mommies arent paying for everything for you anymore. No one gives a shit about your knowledge of fringe programming languages. They care if you can use Java and LAMP, or .NET and their equivalent suite. (you psueds probably dont even know what LAMP is)

>> No.16049134


Uh huh. Skimming through Google's repositories on github, I can see their most popular rust repo is a course for the language. Their second most popular rust repo is a vector graphics library. Third one? A C++ interop library.
So let's look at their most recent stuff. Python, python, go, go, dart, go, c++, python, c++... uhh? Where's the trans rights language?

>Lifetimes enforce correctness
They enforce it so hard that your valid code won't compile. It's a feature and not a bug! The compiler will be more complete in 2 weeks, I promise! Until then... uhh, wrap everything in a RefCell LOLZ! Good luck with dependencies. Good luck with dynamically managing assets. Good luck with writing cross platform programs that use features implemented differently on windows and linux.

Static code analysis tools can detect these things at high accuracies. Or you could use your brain. Wanna feel "safe" in C++? Use smart pointers. Use references. Use custom allocators. Use static data. There's so much you can do.

Any more /g/tranny narratives you wanna parrot, you highschool cretin? Or will you just resort to more spicy anti indian memes you got from r/wholesome?

>> No.16049136

>t. doesn't know shit about programming
Why are you such a cringe LARPer?

>> No.16049141
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You can't recover from how hard you just got dunked on. Scurry along back to your gooning cave now little one.

Come back and let us all know when you get a job with RUST on your resume. I dont expect it to be this century

>> No.16049142
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In internal use. That you have no idea of the abyss between public-facing projects and internal-use code just shows you haven't even had the luck to smell the fart of a Google employee.

>just download these twenty static analysis tools, thirty build systems, and libraries from forty different sources, and then twist yourself just so on a full moon to compile a pile of shit
No thanks. You have go to back to Bangalore.

>> No.16049144

Lmao, I never used Rust and never will. I'm just calling you out on your LARP and your lack of knowledge, kid.

>> No.16049145
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>I was only pretending to be retarded

>> No.16049160

We all know you weren't pretending.

>> No.16049163
File: 133 KB, 857x452, SCHIZOIS MIRRORINGAGAIN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wanna know how I know it is you shit eating schizo? You are mirroring again. Whatever meds you are on are working though because you don't have a spastic meltdown saying 50IQ retard rants in every thread anymore, so good on ya. Up the dosage

>> No.16049166

Are those "shit eating schizos" in the room with you right now?

>> No.16049167

People who write actually safety-critical software use Ada

>> No.16049168

not science, not math
fuck off with your tradie shit you have an entire board for this

>> No.16049175
File: 410 KB, 613x1058, IMG_0828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sir, you gentlemen HAVE written ls and cat in rust by now, right..?

>> No.16049177


>> No.16049269

>network security... networks don't use Rust.
meanwhile Cloudflare open-sourced https://github.com/cloudflare/pingora
which is in Rust because it's Cloudflare's policy to write internal services in Rust after Cloudbleed

>> No.16049274
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>Is it true that c++ is being replaced by rust because of security concerns?

>> No.16049307

>manager hires shit coders and fails to supervise them because can't code himself
>decides that instead of fixing the coders, they'll just change languages to solve their problems
the is an expensive disaster in the making for them

>> No.16049359

His argument only applies to OpenBSD. They have their own versions of many common Unix apps where they ban the use of basic functions like strcpy, and have their own toolchain to ensure more security and bound checks by default. There's no reason to use Rust.

>> No.16049361 [DELETED] 


>> No.16049405

This. You're all literally arguing over tools, TOOLS. Uh dur which hammer better than other hammer??!!

I don't fucking care and I will never fucking care. You know what scientists and math autists typically program in? Whatever language they were taught first. I'm not kidding.

>> No.16049706

>>Pingora is battle tested as it has been serving more than 40 million Internet requests per second for more than a few years.
>pseuds who retransmit anti-Rust memes can't read
wow how unusual

>> No.16050675

If the white house endorses it then you KNOW it's some insecure glowslop trash
I will NEVER bow to a government that doens't exclusively use C because otherwise I will always know it is inferior to me.