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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15975522 No.15975522 [Reply] [Original]

How do you cope knowing that the events from this film are happening almost verbatim before your very eyes.
Is eugenics the only way forward for us? I can’t say for certain, but I feel like humans as a whole are getting less intelligent with each generation.

>> No.15975525

Cope with what? Who gives a shit, the guy goes forward into time and saves the country. There was a positive resolution.
My studies are hedonistic, I don't really care about other people, I believe that we should treat each other well out of mutual interest but besides that fuck you.

>> No.15975537

>We just need higher IQs bro trust me just a couple more standard deviations bro then everything will fix itself automatically
Our leaders are fucking retarded and this is what we need, because we need a revolution rather than installing smarter people as our exploiters

>> No.15975543

This, my intelligence isn't your right. Basically every rich faggot can go suck themselves off.
The worst part is that it's so fucking simple how to fix the world.

>> No.15975544

There is no more revolutions. The revolving has stopped.

>> No.15975556

Dysgenics is a good thing. After all, "optimal" intelligence changes over time. Like, say 500 years ago high spatial intelligence was more advantageous than high verbal, and now it's reversed. Dysgenics just happens to keep humans from speccing into useless types of intelligence.

>> No.15975558

flynn effect

>> No.15975585

>high verbal
that's low IQ cope
>I text real gud so I'm smerty agh the shape is scary!!!

>> No.15975596
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the movie assumes no high functioning aspies exist
history only remembers them yet we constantly slide into this apocalypticism

the reason the new testament exists is to be a coping mechanism; Idiocracy is Mike Judge's reinterpretation of Jesus, like how Office Space portrays the Buddha

>> No.15975599

actually they were all autistic, but they were allowed to watch youtube and use discord so they became autistically retarded

>> No.15975623

It's even worse in a way. At least the hierarchy somewhat worked, Camacho was not retarded like the rest of the people, and the other people in the government also seemed much less retarded than other characters. But especially the US politics seem to have been infights between senile old people for the past decade or so.

>> No.15975654

>high functioning aspies

>> No.15976119

actually high verbal is all that's needed to succeed in lucrative sales jobs and one of the main reasons everything is about to collapse.
And it's not just sales, high verbal retards have infected every branch of management in all industries.

>> No.15976139
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The only way forward is an Indian superpower

>> No.15976140
File: 21 KB, 230x346, At Our Wits' End.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chances are that the future will be even worse than Idiocracy. The collapse will happen a lot sooner and be a lot more catastrophic.


>> No.15976142
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>have revolution
>overthrow elites
>new elites take power
>society turns into the same shithole it was before

>> No.15976143
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>> No.15976144
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>> No.15976150

i think these skeptic personalities are not as pragmatic as they portray themselves and are very vain, these type of people need some real pain in their lives

>> No.15976157

I said it before. I'll say it again. Problems of the current era are an issue of leadership, particularly the inability to hold leadership properly accountable for mistakes and malice.

>> No.15976638

Oh you want to sell me something? Fuck off cunt!
The only way you're gonna sell me something is with a gun in my face. And it better be my dead rotting corpse you're selling.

>> No.15976649

>take geometry problem
>obviously should be represented visually
>turn it into word soup
>90% of the effort of the problem is recreating the visual
damn, i guess im low iq for not giving a shit about your dumb problem

>> No.15976651

I actually had this realization when I read that Jung book where Einstein is in the cage while they are nuking people

>> No.15976727

The idea that society will collapse because there are too many dumb people and not enough smart people is flawed.
In fact, I would argue that society is collapsing because of the opposite. There are too many smart people and not enough dumb people and society is suffering for it.
It's natural. Back in the caveman days, nearly everyone was "dumb". i.e they didn't think too deeply about things, they lived for worldly pleasures and socialization, and doing the menial work. And every tribe had one shaman/medicine man/storykeeper and his apprentice. And that was all the smarts a tribe needed. And you see this throughout history. A village full of peasants, and a small council. A city full of workers, and a university.
But these days, we need to make everyone a scholar. Everyone needs to study, everyone needs to be withdrawn thinkers. This has upset the balance, now we have too many thinkers than we know what to do with. You can only fit so many people in a lab, or a university. So now we are making these thinkers that we have raised go out into the world and basically pretend to be a worker. They struggle to do the menial work and can't even take comfort in socialization. They are left depressed and miserable without any purpose.

Stop raising smart people. Raise dumb people. We have an overflowing surplus of smart people, to the point where they are dropping out and slipping through the cracks of society.

>> No.15976731

bro you might be right

>> No.15976856

dumb people don't enjoy menial work or socialization, they constantly commit crimes to get ahead and get into arguments over little things, they are too dumb to keep a family together or keep a job for a long time to become competent

>> No.15976941


>> No.15976957

Why are people so adamant that educated retards and chat gpt are equivalent to high iq people?
There's so many flaws you could point out in both arguments.

>> No.15976998

You are making a fundamental flaw in considering the past: you are conflating dumb and incompetent cavemen with smart and competent but also uneducated cavemen. The former starved, the latter were who survived.
Today, we don't have many "intelligent" people, just people forced through the public school system that can parrot a few facts to sound intelligent but ultimately are incompetent and when tasked with anything of consequence in any field have no idea what to do. Zero skills, zero common sense, zero self awareness. That's the real problem. Our schools teach nothing, their only function is to pump up test scores to get funding.

>> No.15977085

No. Idiocracy is a universe in which mass immigration and white extinction never happened, thus allowing technology to advance much further.

>> No.15977118 [DELETED] 

"High verbal IQ" ate virtually always mentally ill retards with delusion of grandeur, whose "verbal thinking" is little more than stochastic parrots that they've created to replace their absent intelligence. The problem is that those people are not smart for real, no acual result ever comes put of the gibberish, and actually capable people are getting obstructed, because they reject ("can't understand") the gibberish.

>> No.15977120

"High verbal IQ" are virtually always mentally ill retards with delusions of grandeur, whose "verbal thinking" is little more than stochastic parrots that they've created to replace their absent intelligence. The problem is that those people are not smart for real, no actual result ever comes iut of the gibberish, and actually capable people are getting obstructed, because they reject ("can't understand") the gibberish.

>> No.15977410

A potential societal collapse in any country might involve a return to higher levels of stupidity. It must be avoided (unless you want billions to die)

In the long run a "more" stupid society also isn't stable because of the reach of information. This can really only be compared with the rule of Stalin, where the solution within this paradigm was abolishment of any rule-opposing organization (or person).

Also who wants to become stupid?
I don't.

As a soundscape to color this potential society I recommend DAF - Sei Still

>> No.15977418

>Also who wants to become stupid?
how could you even

>> No.15977423

Correction: DAF - Alles ist gut
Also the quotation marks are stupid.

>> No.15977616

>Is eugenics the only way forward for us?
yes, unironically.

>> No.15977622

>Like, say 500 years ago high spatial intelligence was more advantageous than high verbal, and now it's reversed
no it's not, wtf retard? spatial intelligence is too poor in humans and much needed.

>> No.15977648

Asians still exist (they havehigher iq)

>> No.15977794


The difference is the stupid people in charge don't admit they're stupid.

>> No.15977816

Eugenics won't work... though it could have, if our ancestors had the moral courage which we have now.

You can't even get the high IQ populations to breed, PERIOD. We can't worry about optimization of genes when the requisite genes are literally dying now.

You need artificial wombs first. You can't worry about society at large, you need to survive this genocide first.

>> No.15977866

My genes (although not the smartest ever, but more intelligent than bellcurvers) will prevail.
My wife (WMWF) is pregnant with a strong white baby, who will be homeschooled and taught about book smarts vs applied intelligence, the latter being more important.
My heritage is secured. How about you?

>> No.15978291

Haha did you know that when the Earth revolves around the Sun, it ends up in the same place? Like, the Earth has a REVOLUTION around the Sun and ENDS UP IN THE SAME PLACE. Haha isn't that so quackin' crazy? How REVOLUTIONS END UP IN THE SAME PLACE haha?

>> No.15978325

Something that I've realized is that our current level of intelligence is almost useless from an evolutionary perspective. Longer lives and being able to do math problems is irrelevant to the basic principle of natural selection. Our intelligence now is almost certainly a flash in the pan

>> No.15978351

Human natural selection is based on intelligence. "Might makes right" is true not just in the form of throwing a rock, but also in someone discovering how to throw a rock attached to a stick really fucking hard from 200 yards away from its target while up in a tree. The issue is that the underclass are breeding like rats while being supported by the intelligence individuals contributing to the human ecosystem. This is antithetical to natural selection, because the ones who are passing on their genetic information the most are the ones who are most unfit for survival.

The issue you should be highlighting to really stir up /sci/ is "but aren't the smartest people in the world the Chinese and the Jews? We should just do what they say then."

>> No.15978356

I'm not even talking about society and culture, I'm just thinking about how biologically, you could probably argue that anything over a 100 or so IQ is kind of a waste

>> No.15978375

We could also argue that more height is dysgenic because it requires more energy to run that body's basal metabolic rates. We could also argue that pale skin is dysgenic because it leads to more exposure to UV radiation and increases the risk of cancers. We could also argue that small breasts are dysgenic because they have less fat stores for emergency energy and also produce less milk for feeding offspring. And so on.

The reason you're incorrect in your assumptions about intelligence is that you throw out society and culture entirely, when natural progression is based on the needs of the society and culture. Intelligence is needed to maintain the societies of certain cultures, specifically Western and Northern European ones. If you're not from either of those societies, then you're fine in saying that intelligence does not matter. If you are from those cultures, however, you're opting to kill yourself. And for what?

>> No.15978573

>If you are from those cultures, however, you're opting to kill yourself. And for what?

>> No.15978589

Intelligence is not "fitness". How your intelligence is distributed and optimized changes with culture, time and scientific discovery. Fitness can never go downwards from "mount improbable", but intelligence can. Dysgenics happens because populations get caught in the "local maxima" of intelligence, whereby you're hindered from producing increasingly intelligent individuals to solve increasingly complex problems. You have to go downwards to go up, so to speak.

If intelligence were a simple upwards climb all the time, then society would never have room for stupid people. i.e. stupid people wouldn't even exist in the first place, because they would have been eradicated entirely.

>> No.15978864

Another incorrect line of thought. Animals are stupid, and most animals have yet to eradicate themselves because of their stupidity. The African population is a standard deviation or two lower than the average of the human species, but they survived well into the modern age. You believe that Africa would be devoid of any African human, when the truth is that their lowered intelligence inhibited their ability to rapidly reproduce because they lacked efficiency in societal growth.

Since the introduction of Europe and Asia into Africa and the creation of donations and handouts, the African population has exploded because their low intelligence was no longer an inhibiting factor in their growth. Mortality by stupidity, starvation, pointless wars, and more, suddenly stopped mattering when it was possible to have children survive a common cold, ringworm, dysentery, typhoid, malaria, and starvation, all of which are treated or controlled by more intelligent humans on their behalf. South Africa's collapse since the end of Apartheid is proof enough that Africans are wholly incapable of existing on the scale that more intelligent humans are, because they lack efficiency and competency due to their lack of intelligence. In the US, the same could be observed in the embarrassing "garden" that the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone tried to grow to feed their insurgents, or how boomers in cities didn't understand that grocery stores don't grow foodstuffs, or how certain bleeding hearts will fight tooth and nail to end the cattle industry to save the environment while creating water crises to produce almond milk as a dairy alternative.

Intelligence is a fitness, and to pretend otherwise is ignorance at best, or blatant lying at worst. The question you should be asking is if we as a society should value intelligence. If you prefer Italy, Austria, and Sweden, then the answer is yes. If you prefer Niger, Afghanistan, and India, then the answer is no.

>> No.15979089

On the contrary. People peogressed when the people's IQ dropped. The guy with IQ 160 knew that gods were angry. The guy with IQ 60 couldn't figure out what was going on, and went to take a look.

>> No.15979777

>The guy with IQ 160 knew that gods were angry. The guy with IQ 60 couldn't figure out what was going on, and went to take a look.
Kek this, except the complete and total opposite.
How did you come to be so wrong?

>> No.15979787

>events happening verbatim

>> No.15979970

High IQ people are much more likely to be trusting, just accept what they are taught, and outright just make something up, instead of actually investigating, and be sure that they "already know this".

>> No.15979980

>Animals are stupid, and most animals have yet to eradicate themselves because of their stupidity.
You've clearly never interacted with any animal outside of pets or livestock.

>> No.15980261

How will stupid people be able to maintain a complex society?

>> No.15980265

Why is it usually only low IQ people that fall for scams then?

>> No.15980289

>High IQ people are much more likely to be trusting, just accept what they are taught
You are getting more and more wronger habeeb. Put down the keyboard fren you’re embarrassing yourself.

>> No.15980438
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>people not breeding as much as others
>having good genes


>> No.15980578

Have you ever talked to a boomer? We are way smarter than them

>> No.15980581
File: 145 KB, 1060x1060, my human hands typed this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is eugenics the only way forward for us?
No... Nobody would ever agree to that! We are practically designed by evolution, to believe our own genes are worth keeping around. You are made to make more of you.
There are much more plausible options for Humanity's future:

>1). We just anhero as a species (super virus, bombs or something idk), and let the machines/AI deal with the existential dread of living.

>1.1). We design super AI to run the world for us, and become "pets" of our AI overlord. We continue getting dumber over time, before the AI rightfully kills off the humans for being a waste of resources.

>2). We create genetically engineered cat girls (ala Elon Musk/Elon Jr.), then we anhero as a species so catgirls can run the world. (hope they turn out better than us humans)

>3). We colonize space. However, because we're all still just dumb apes, we make war. (MAD doesn't apply to you if you're on another planet), we nuke Earth, the Moon and Mars into oblivion.

And of course there are uncountable minor variations of these scenarios. And most have wide variations in their beginning, despite ultimately ending the same.

>> No.15980595

You are right that people will never volunteer to sterilise themselves. Its not them being bad they are looking after their best interest after all. Smart people however do not want to have children. The lesser evil would be to punish smart people for not having children. Do you have children anon?

>> No.15980622

Leadership is a reflection of society. Don't you see how dumb and illiterate people are, in general? On all social media sites, including this one, you're bombarded with the opinions of barely-human creatures. They say space is fake, viruses are fake etc. The dumbest of the dumb are elevated to influencer status, and thus we lose knowledge we aquired through centuries of hard work and science.
This is due to the catastrophic failiure of the western education system, left ignored until it is unable to teach the masses about how we got here in the first place, so the masses invent fairy tales, much like how religions were invented to explain natural phenomena before the era of science.

>> No.15980631

I'm just saying people saying this the loudest do not have children. Chris lagan does not have children, nick fuentez does have children, even hitler did not have children. Someone who claims to hate capitalism is criticised for drinking starbucks and is nit picked. Not only should you have 1 child you should have many and that implies having them as soon as you can bucko.

>> No.15980644

But I'm gay and have no interest in women

>> No.15980646

Well regardless of who you are attracted to you have little say in this conversation then just saying

>> No.15980648

>How do you cope
Not sure

>> No.15980830

No they don't. High IQ people get scammed much more. And when they fall for them, the fall for them HARD. A guy discovered almost a decade earlier that Madoff was a scammer, and nobody would listen to him until the scheme collapsed.
I'm not wrong.

>> No.15980837

>much like how religions were invented to explain natural phenomena before the era of science
most of your post is true except this. the people who claim have no understanding of what they are talking about. there was a logic and a science to these things the exoteric plebs do not understand because they were never taught. it is simply metaphors

>> No.15980851
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>it's ok to point out the realities of dysgenics as long as you make wypipo the bad guys

>> No.15981189

Explain how all the greatest law-defying scientific theories were made by high IQ individuals, in your own words.
Things like the earth being round, gravity, earth not being the center of the universe, etc.
If you were correct, then these would all be theories made by low IQ retards, but alas, you are wrong and continue to be more and more wrong. Stop posting.

>> No.15981190

He’s trying to make himself feel better about being a retard himself, just leave him be

>> No.15981221
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Let me elaborate on the initial point (>>15979089)
Watch the bear. He (or she, I can't tell) sees no reason to doubt there is a bear, he has no reason to doubt there is no bear, yet there is a bear there. It's fucking quantum physics! It just doesn't make any sense! Yes, it's the high IQ that prevents him from noticing that something might be quite different than what he thinks. He is TOO SURE to make the right conclusion. Same like you have a "crisis in cosmogy" because the data from new telescopes are irreconcilable with your theories that you kept insisting for decades that "people are just too stupid to understand, let the smart people do this job". No, they were bullshit the whole time, and it was you who was stupid.

>> No.15981230

>He (or she, I can't tell)
>what is "it"

>> No.15981246 [DELETED] 


>> No.15981247

Sry, ESL.

>> No.15981248

Compelling argument with the bears example sir, I guess I’ll have to concede

>> No.15981799

The only way is to abolish every single DEI and other similar marxist-leftist policies that are geared towards catering to the lowest denominator.
People are obliged to strive for excellence and merit, not likes on facebook and nepotism or cronyism being passed off as normal in the age of dysgenic social engineering being foisted on all of us through social media driven psychological conditioning hybrid warfare.
We need to start killing off in mine draft tech and media as well as academia diversity hires and their enablers who are the main perpetrators of this scheme, to justify their artificial existence that depends on more and more dysgenic and fraudulent reality to prop it up at the expense of majority of the people with genuine merit.

>> No.15981806

Indians are the most dysgenic, demoralized demographic with no real qualities other than the ability to recognize the exploit socially subversive methods to their own ends, at the expense of quality and merit. There's a reason why globalist types try to push these golems on every nation and have them do the heavy lifting in international organizations as peons.
Pure servile population with no agency or initiative other than propping up a caste system and fighting over their socio-economic status above all else, and willing to say and do whatever it takes to that end.
Perfect peons.

>> No.15981808
File: 2.30 MB, 960x530, 1668689426427374.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy gets it.
The Western world is being actively sabotaged, it's not some natural phenomena that's happening on its own, and judeo-bolsheviks and their assorted leftist ilk are entirely to blame.

>> No.15981824

The old guard judeo-bolsheviks for now are trying to salvage their own asses from increasing world wide awareness of their activities. The rising threat comes from opportunistic and puerile groups of third worlders as well as diversity hires in the system (universities, think tanks, media, tech, the federal government, banks and executive positions in corporations etc) who are LIVID that White Christian west is waking up to their bullshit and have been turbo charging dysgenic socio-economic subversion under the 'biden' administration aka obama shadow government.
All of us should be getting back into the above mentioned fields of battle and working day and night to replace those who want to replace us. It's that simple.
We also need to doaway with a lot of the cold war driven baby boomer generation norm of education, which was always about 'maintaining the norm' and putting people in stasis as well as maintaining ordering following mentality vs. striving for excellence and merit.
There needs to be a heavy revamp in the way we approach education, and how it should raise children stronger than us instead of focusing only on things that are meant to 'maintain the status quo'.

>> No.15981929
File: 225 KB, 620x470, USGroundWater_620.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not my problem.
New generations have less and less, while resources are obviously trending downward. The future looks bleak. My IQ is 125+. I won't have children because I don't want to force more people into living on this sinking ship.

>> No.15982003

Then everyone will be brown and stupid.

>> No.15982244

This is exactly the paradox that the movie depicted in a dramatized and comedic way.
Intelligence is not natural and must defy the laws of nature, because intelligent people are choosing not to reproduce.
If you look at our species we have vastly defied the laws of nature, and to continue this growth we must defy them even harder, otherwise we begin a steady decline downward back to the ways of nature like the hairless apes we are.

>> No.15982253


>> No.15982265

>Indians are the most dysgenic, demoralized demographic with no real qualities other than the ability to recognize the exploit socially subversive methods to their own ends
Can confirm after being forced to work with these assholes too many times to count.

>> No.15982280

Point out a single incorrect statement in that post, faggot

>> No.15982729

Intelligent people would want to have families, but this system is so fucked up that it's impossible. It actively promotes various dysgenic people who are too fucked up to have any.

>> No.15982766

Bc the problem with lybia is the typical guy is a idiot. Corrupt. Violent. No matter what they will create dysfunctional socities. Ditto for almost all 3rd world countries. Mexico has had elections every 6 years. And every year it's another super corrupt asshole that wins. That tells me as a culture they are corrupt and violent. Guess what. They are lol. Even thry know it.

>> No.15982823

It was functional before the war. As far as I know.

>> No.15985022

Ive never watched it so I just dont cope

>> No.15985398

You have issues with reading comprehension.

>> No.15985400

That’s not saying much, the US has devolved to the same level of bullshittery

>> No.15985403

It was more of a documentary than a prophecy


>> No.15985409

>Majority rule, don't work in mental institutions
This is the line that always gets me

>> No.15985976

>I believe that we should treat each other well out of mutual interest
that's not a good enough basis for morality.

>> No.15986082

we industrialized everything, including the air we breath (air purifiers)
the taboo on eugenics will fall with the right publicity or maybe well hidden eugenics will take place

>> No.15986086

this has nothing to do with "too much intelligence"
universities are full of reatrded people
you would have noticed if you werent part of the control group so to speak

>> No.15986733

This is why dumb people collapse societies.
Jesus Christ.

>> No.15986762

I think you're confusing scholastic intelligence with wisdom, that is "dumb" people learning proper basic life skills both in the social and practical sense just enough to function in a society. True dumb people are the ones who go reproducing like rabbits because they're gunning for a fat check from welfare to then spend on drugs and alcohol, sound minded commoners create lasting legacies, pass down valuable lessons learned to their offspring, and encourage traditional practices that benefit their families and communities in the long term which in turn benefits their society as a whole.

I think the words you're trying to find are "Abolish the dire need to go to college, encourage education in practical blue collar trade, burn public school cesspools and their affirmative social promotive practices (Pushing hopelessly failing students to the next grade) to the ground. "

>> No.15986769
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"I'm not financially stable enough for a relationship, plus the world economy and general political climate isn't something I want to bring a child into."

t. The touchless turbo virgin with the slightly above average IQ

>> No.15986804

You need an intelligent elite with the same principles as you for a revolution. Not the sub 100 IQ unwashed masses, they are tools at best and your biggest obstacles at worst.

>> No.15986817

Thats just the dumbest people. The average normie is dumb, aka dumber than midwits.

>> No.15986894

>you would have noticed if you werent part of the control group so to speak
>control group

>> No.15986901

I don't think that you get it. The dumb people are those who get pushed into academia, managers, politics. Intelligent people have been essentially cut off from society, and have little prospects in raising families.

>> No.15986917
File: 7 KB, 299x169, images (14) (6).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Robots have changed the game. You can sell it or do whatever you want with it. Ehem whatever you want... Now I don't know about you but I happen to be working on one. If anyone's interested in boarding this ship you can say so or regret it later.

>> No.15987019

I'm not sure how robots help. Material scarcity has been purely a social problem for a long time.

>> No.15987094

No there's people doing construction outside my house for example. Their asses are going to lose their jobs. Oh but car mechanics? We've had robotic arms for quiet a while true.

>> No.15987112

Kys bot

>> No.15987340

That's not what I'm talking about. We could supply everyone with everything they could reasonably wish, technologically speaking, with little actual employment. The problem we face is social, not technological. It won't get solved by robots. There are construction ronots already, though I suppose that not enough have been made yet to fulfill all the demand. But, they won't solve anything. There is an excess of housing in most places, physically speaking. The reason why people can't afford a place to live is not a physical shortage of houses. This civilization is screwed on an entirely different level.

>> No.15987357

>My wife is pregnant
>>>who will be homeschooled
>>>>>>taught about book smarts vs applied intelligence
Your child will die a childless turbo virgin.