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15844671 No.15844671 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any alternative remedies (instead of meds) for containing ADHD related symptoms?
Any anons here who managed to become somewhat discipline without the use of meds?

>> No.15844680

>ADHD The Truth About DOES Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder NOT RICHARD SAUL, M.D. EXIST.

>> No.15844682

Just accept your low iq.

>> No.15844688
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>> No.15844703

This is how I know that the people who I am forced to share this board with are zoomers. In my day, we had video game manuals. Video game manuals had a "take a 10-15 minute break every hour" warning in them. Back then, kids knew how to read, so we read that, and knew it was good advice. No ADHD because we take breaks from whatever we're doing so we don't get hyperfixated like a faggot with cocks.

All you gotta do is set a timer to go off every hour and spend ten minutes doing literally anything else. That's it. No medication. No therapy. Just a kitchen timer.

>> No.15844713

take your pills gramps

>> No.15844748

>don't get hyperfixated like a faggot with cocks.
other than that, good advice

>> No.15844750

The advice is crap.

>> No.15844813

>Are there any alternative remedies (instead of meds) for containing ADHD related symptoms?
Stop using "smart"phones/tablets/PCs. It's as simple as that. By the way, ADHD doesn't really exist, it's just that zoomers have short attention spans and lots of energy after spending most of their time in front of screens and eating lots of junk food full of fats and fast carbs (sugars, mostly). If parents really cared about their children's health and this fake "ADHD", they wouldn't be vaccinating them from a very young age and buying them numerous electronic devices and junk food in huge quantities.

>> No.15844871

amphetamines are great though
like if there are really people who operate on that level without adderall, i'm jelly

>> No.15844973

ADHD is literally a cultural wound inflicted upon the youth. The idea that being able to observe physical differences in the brains of people with adhd compared to neurotypical people means that adhd is real is absurd. Meditation is a habitual practice that also leads to changes in the brain but you wouldn’t pathologize that would you? Adhd occurs because of learned helplessness being drilled into children’s brains when they’re younger and from a multitude of physical health problems like poor sleep hygiene, lack of exercise, poor diet, etc.

>> No.15845007

Belt in the ass of those little shits, and a bullet in the head of commies infesting the education system. That will fix that problem in no time.

>> No.15845033

I'd go so far as to say most PDs boil down to "I can't stop being an asshole because I'm a selfish piece of shit".

>> No.15845843

>like if there are really people who operate on that level without adderall, i'm jelly
I was diagnosed earlier this year (25) and still haven't

>> No.15846215

adhd is caused by viral modification of the brain

>> No.15846254

>Detectible through a paradoxical reaction to certain stimulants and showing up on brain scans
>Doesn't exist
Option A: Biochemistry and neurology are fake sciences
Option B: Author sucks cock
>Checks bio
>radio personality. For more than fifty years
Option B it is.

>> No.15846261

Adderall gave me hypergraphia. I preferred the hallucinations I got from Ritalin. After the first time once I knew what was going on and to just ignore it. The first time gave me a fucking panic attack cause I had no idea what the obvious hallucinatory cloud of insects meant for my health. I got the most random ass side effects from ADHD meds.

>> No.15846263

yeah, habit
you need to literally reprogram your mind
exercise helps manage it, but it's all about forming good habits, making routine rituals, and consistency.
Learn what works for you, don't try to whip yourself into shape it doesn't matter how you get there as long as you get the desired results.

>> No.15847158

Heckin bump

>> No.15847548

As some users have pointed out above, yeah your symptoms get worse with diet. But they are retarded and dont know how to actually help you.

As much as good advice is nice to read, it is pretty useless unless you actually have some strategies in your day to day life to help yourself.

ADHD without medication is rough, but can be managed well enough by low carb/low sugar diets and high volume/HIIT excersize. Keto works pretty well for being able to focus and lessen your emotional volatility.

Meditation is valuable too, youll distance yourself from your impulses, increasing the amount of time it takes you to make a decision, developing your self control

Having your brain be fucked like this is a game of wack-a-mole, its a constant focus game of paying attention and being hyper vigilant with what you choose to focus on. Clean up your enviroment. If you know something will distract you get rid of it. Set up timers. Develop a sense of distrust with your impulses, or your brain will choose something more interesting than what you're currently doing and make you not recognize 4 hours have passed.

>> No.15847553

Reading the cover gave me adhd

>> No.15848370

but how do you stay focused on a task for an hour straight

>> No.15848427

Sheer willpower

>> No.15849975

Any ways how to improve willpower?

>> No.15850054

Sheer willpower