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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 103 KB, 640x827, Leonhard_Euler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15816652 No.15816652 [Reply] [Original]

How come there are no modern Einsteins, Riemanns, or Eulers?

>> No.15816653

You are worse off than you know

>> No.15816660

They are all on this very site, posting racist memes.

>> No.15816661

all slowed down by the mainstream beliefs about their fields. Real numbers this, dark matter that, every physical function has to be continuous bla bla bla.
All these are thorns on the side of geniuses who get probably overlooked.
Perelman was nice though

>> No.15816663

Because those guys took all the easy shit and now we're held back by our lack of technology.

>> No.15816667

There are, but society doesn't allow them to be genius. I have an IQ higher than Gauss, Euler and von Neumann, but instead of producing mathematical insights I'm doomed to an existence of depression, loneliness and suffering because women hate intelligent manlets.

>> No.15816670

Didn't Newton die a virgin?

>> No.15816677

You had a buzzer... You... That's all you did.

>> No.15816681

>be me
>at 12 was practicing high school math problems
>discover porn and the coom
>spend 2 hours every day jerking off
>mind starts thinking about how to fuck the hottest girl in the class.
>now become mediocre
many such cases.

>> No.15816691

Are there people with the same innate talent than euler or gauss? There certainly are, probably dozens.
Are there people that are going to change math as much as them? Of course not. There isn't low hanging fruit anymore

>> No.15816697

Modern education is mostly concerned with spitting out future consumers rather than artisans.

>> No.15816708

There are and they are all working optimizing advertising algorithms

>> No.15816711

or are coding some arbitrage algos to get that $0.001 per trade somewhere

>> No.15816779

Top PhD's today are far beyond what any of those would do. Euler wasn't even consistent in his value for the root of negative numbers, and would probably be a footnote if in Göttingen during the 20s and 30s.

>> No.15816787

More complexity, more specialization, more baseline competence in the population, less centralization of media outlets, etc.

A similar effect occurs in other fields too, where similarly or even more competent persons receive less public recognition simply due to changes in the dynamics of publication. Trying to become famous involves a lot more work than just being the best.

>> No.15816789

We've had more time with no Einstein, Riemann, or Euler than with. They are anomalies in the course of history. Their absence is nothing to remark upon.

>> No.15816798

Absolutely pathetic

>> No.15816800

Because modern academia lobotomizes its victims while credentialism and """expert culture""" ensure that nothing you do counts unless you do it under the umbrella of the academic establishment (or unless someone can use it to make lots of money).

>> No.15816808

Declining intelligence among the European and jewish population.

>> No.15816825

They've been increasing until very recently though?

>> No.15816833

Humanity's intellectual potential has been declining for thousands of years as a result of domestication. Modern humanity is quite literally subhuman.

>> No.15816840

You're thinking of the Lynn/Flynn Effect. Couple of points
One, the gains tended to be on the less g-loaded sections of the exam
Two, the effect has reversed in most Western countries since around the 90s
Genetic markers for intelligence have been decreasing (at least shown in that Icelandic study), indeed it necessairly must given breeding patterns in since the industrial revolution. By the way this is supported by both Lynn and Flynn.

>> No.15816852
File: 22 KB, 659x465, images.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> the effect has reversed in most Western countries since around the 90s
No it hasn't lol shut your mouth midwit, don't appeal to authority here

>> No.15816856

I know the flynn effect stopped once we dropped the leaded gasoline. I'm saying that the decline (or plateau rather) is only a few decades old and the academia where we would observe these figures should still be predominated by beneficiaries of the effect. It has no relevance to the question at hand.

>> No.15816860


>> No.15816867

Euler and Riemann would not be allowed to publish in this day and age. Einstein would probably have a shitty Youtube channel and be relegated to "pop science". How it goes.

>> No.15816886

We're still out here

>> No.15816932

establishment has long knocked down those who think even slightly different. they are still teaching string theory and out of africa for god sake.

>> No.15816934

People who think different, by definition, are not the norm. If there were a lot of them around they wouldn't be thinking different.

>> No.15816936
File: 339 KB, 625x393, IMG_0709.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wallace Shawn should have played Euler in a movie.

>> No.15816942

Are you saying that people who make shitty pop-sci YouTube channels are the Einsteins of our generation?

>> No.15816995

That's incorrect (and low-IQ).

>> No.15817013

Well, I think different.

>> No.15817026
File: 40 KB, 770x470, lem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Resources are not infinite, if you want more great people they you must be ready to exterminate parasites. Current society is too lenient with criminals like socialists, globalists and feminist. Either the vermin gets exterminated or there will be no future for mankind.

>> No.15817045

Becuase relatively less existed in all the fields at the time so it would of been easier to discover new things. You could learn and gain a very solid understanding of all the available knowledge about a field in a lifetime.

>> No.15817052

How would you know if there were? Are you familiar with the big players in modern mathematics and their work? Also muh low hanging fruit, unironically.

>> No.15817056

The easy stuff have already been discovered. New stuff requires decades of work, and is highly specialized - meaning that the equivalents of Euler in the present are just random math researchers that don't impress anyone outside of their field. They don't even get a Nobel prize, instead they just have a cope prize that isn't even annual.

>> No.15817058

>Einstein, Riemann and Euler
They got nothing on Nye, Twum and BSM.

>> No.15817068

>held back by women
If you were actually smart and not just a high IQ retard, you would've either figured out a way to seduce women or realized that bitches ain't shit

>> No.15817245

No, just that Einstein would be one after all was said and done with his work. Think Michio Kaku or some shit (even though he wasn't impactful but he was still a scientist)

>> No.15817270

For me it was noticing how academia doesn't exist anymore. It's all lies and grant farming.

>> No.15817276 [DELETED] 
File: 125 KB, 1056x457, peerreview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15817328

There are, but all those guys' theories already got discovered, by...somebody.

>> No.15817330

Man, google's been around longer than I thought.

>> No.15817857

There are, they are just busy earning 8 figures working for bankers. Only the midwits are left doing science today

>> No.15817884

Real answer here. Do John Conway and Edward Witten count?

>> No.15817885
File: 160 KB, 1440x1680, IMG_8405.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I watched the veritasuim video and he classified all 7 crossing knots in an afternoon. Different level of intellect. What about Terrance Tao?

>> No.15817970

nta but yes it blatantly has you lying niggerfaggot.
>but le study
no. kys regime supporter

>> No.15818208

>Genetic markers for intelligence have been decreasing
ah, that's a shame

>> No.15818323
File: 100 KB, 1024x1024, 1000000528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least in math, All the low hanging fruit has been more or less picked no matter how autistic you are. You might find a problem work on it and get very very lucky with a result which could land you some instant tenure, but that's the best to hope for now imo. It's very difficult to be cross disciplinary in multiple areas of math and pump out novel/valuable papers that mean a lot to the academic community at large because everyone is already so trapped in their own niche.

>> No.15818324

Fuck dude that describes me almost exactly....

>> No.15818336

Even going back to 1910 so much of mathematics was considered cutting edge. You could have feasibly seen the binomial theorem in a phd thesis, yes 100 years ago the binomial theorem was still considered cutting edge. Now, you probably wont even find references in a phd thesis to anything done before like 50 years ago.

>> No.15818366

Oh there are plenty of those nowadays, just not in the way normies think

>> No.15818450 [DELETED] 
File: 45 KB, 633x645, TIMESAND___GOKU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15818451

Kek what’s wrong with real numbers??

>> No.15818455 [DELETED] 
File: 1.23 MB, 1x1, TIMESAND___Fractional_Distance__20230808.pdf [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolutely nothing.

>> No.15818460
File: 180 KB, 746x746, wave.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have computed this highly advanced equation.
It looks like a duck.
Where is my immortality? Surely I deserve it!
OP, you have stripped me of my rightful place in history!
How dare you!
how DARE you!

>> No.15818574

Based racist

>> No.15818612

Money making meta, not everyone cares about money.
Lots of distractions as well.
Internet crisis etc.

>> No.15819457

absolute retarded tranny take

>> No.15820173

>Im not successful because I do net get le pussy
kys retard

>> No.15820194

Most groundbreaking stuff has been discovered or worked out already. It's not really possible to be a polymath anymore because modern science and mathematics requires you to zoom in extremely on one particular niche area, because that's the only way you're gonna get anything resembling novelty.