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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15797211 No.15797211 [Reply] [Original]

/sci/ btfo'd once again...


>> No.15797238 [DELETED] 

>mentions engineering accomplishments

>> No.15797269
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>> No.15797276

Why say "for like 70 years", is it 70 years? Then just say "for 70 years".

>> No.15797277
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as if math has done a lot per decades. you should see what's going on here at civil engineering. most math is practically ~1950s math and prior with small exceptions.

>> No.15797303

>"N-No one's taking my mental illness and stupidity seriously so science is collapsing!!"
Lol she BTFO you too.

>> No.15797307


>> No.15797747

She cute

>> No.15797748

*whacks you over the head with a stick*

>> No.15797755
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>> No.15797758

>cites shit like higgs boson and black hole images as proof of physics advancement
that's the best you can do in 70 years? reminder that particle physics is a waste of time and money.

>> No.15797783
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>> No.15797827

She's so sexy I just want her in my arms right now

>> No.15797829

it's like, a valley girl thing

>> No.15797831

That civil engineering (and much more) was done without analytical mathematical methods: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ivqWN4L3zU

>> No.15797833

Correct, there's no practical, commercial/industrial application for things like this. The only thing "imaging a black hole" is good for is satisfying the curiosity of some privileged nerds who survive off the government teat.

>> No.15798111

She's attacking a strawman. It's not that physics has done nothing in the last 70 years (especially if you consider engineering to be applied physics), its that theoretical physics has done nothing new since 1973 and the Standard Model which she fails to debunk at all

>> No.15798400

she's quoting anon's le post

>> No.15798558
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meanwhile, in engineering...
this is practical science, btw. these things have tracks that are only tens of atoms wide.

>> No.15798589

Those people aren’t Engineers anon, they are fucking magicians. The schizo demon sigil computing bullshit is honestly easier to accept as an explanation than us actually being able to engrave on the near atomic scale like that.
Makes me proud that America basically single handidly invented the entire field and the dozen other fields that it birthed.
Literally why can’t anyone else into computing? The Japs looked like they were catching up 3 decades ago, but that turned out to be just the result of a manic bubble.

>> No.15798626

why do you keep posting this diabolical looking tatted up hooker?

>> No.15798638

>le fancy patterns etched on crystals
begone foul wizard

>> No.15798649

1973 was 50 years ago not 70, so consider the claim debunked

>> No.15798674

It’s because of managerialism

>> No.15799158

>tens of atoms
Its about an angstrom per atom so say 10 nm is about 100 atoms

>> No.15799390

The aether exists. Its just a sea of photons. The physics has downfalled over 100 years.

>> No.15799394
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Luckily advancements social sciences compensate for it.

>> No.15799395

lol is that sdm845? these things have the modem included on chip?

>> No.15799751

But apart from the Higgs boson, the tau neutrino, cosmic microwave background observations, graviational waves, the black hole image, the isolation and characterization of graphene, the internet, atomic clocks and the other things mentioned, what has physics ever done for us?

>> No.15800011

That was built without any mathematics at all. It just wasn't used/useful for most of history.

>> No.15800016
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physicists had nothing to do with the creation of the internet, nothing else you mentioned is worth more than a penny. multibillion dollar sandbox games for the soience fags don't produce anything of value and they never will

>> No.15800083

She's quite reddit. Too reddit for my liking

>> No.15800094

>nothing else you mentioned is worth more than a penny
>multibillion dollar sandbox games
pick one

>> No.15800116

Its negative multi billion dollar value, as a waste of money

>> No.15800226

This guy is just... Man why do people who present alternative viewpoints always have to be crazy schizos as well? Can't a normal well adjusted person construct these arguments or are they too worried about the social backlash?

>> No.15800310

>are they too worried about the social backlash
Yes. You can lose a lifetime of hard work in just a few seconds if you go against the approved narratives. Only the most autistic don't engage in extensive self censorship.

>> No.15800311

Are you a Brit? They seem chronically confused about the difference between the World Wide Web and the Internet.

>> No.15800315

Can you stop for a while?

>> No.15800678

big worthless fancy toys for idiots with delusions of grandiosity about their own intellectual abilities

>> No.15800682

Are you completely retarded by chance?

>> No.15801725 [DELETED] 
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>no one knows why

>> No.15801728

(((Einstein))) 'deboonked' aether which we have been using since the Hindus formed.
Physics, science and maths takes a downward trend.
Hmmmm sounds like some form of trickery

>> No.15801734
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based science woman strikes again

>> No.15802316 [DELETED] 

intelligent people produce worthwhile things and then later on academic blowhards show up to claim credit for it. its like how all the aerospace people on this board claim they understand how airplanes work even though every last one of the is far too cowardly to ever fly a plane themselves.

>> No.15802713

I know that's not true because in Civ 4 you need to research Mathematics before you can build aqueducts.

>> No.15802728

>woman physicist
opinion discarded

>> No.15802738

He used to be more moderate, and woodley was always the better thinker but then the psychopaths started paying attention to what they were saying bout humans not actually being equal and that progress was a lie and then they started cancelling, censoring and harassing them.
Woodley got spooked pretty bad and tried to retract his presence now he just publishes about parrot behaviour

Dutton is battle scarred and tries to carry on using humour and funny voices to reach an audience

>> No.15803203

Physicists created the internet. Solid state physicists created the theory behind cell phones and tablets. Why is anyone listening to this retard?

>> No.15803206

There has only been regression in the social sciences in academia, these departments are essentially places for institutionalized sociopathy to run rampant.

>> No.15803447 [DELETED] 

>Physicists created the internet
no they didn't, they had nothing whatsoever to do with the creation of the internet.
its laughable that physicists have to dishonestly claim credit for something they had no hand in to justify their existence, thats pretty much the same as them admitting they know they're worthless leeches.

>> No.15803607

What is it about the 1970s that literally ruined everything it touched

>> No.15803616

Jews, it's literally that simple-

>> No.15803717

>Physicists created the interne
Its not a discovery of physics. Doesnt matter if some physicist was involved in the research and development, most physicists work as engineers in private companies

>> No.15803773

nerdtards on /sci/ are so thirty a 4/10 woman is considered "cute"

>> No.15804810

thats another ugly girl with a massively disproportionate oversized nose.
how come ugly big nosed girls like science so much?

>> No.15804841

Fame and media kill the scientist, he rots from the core - inside out. But by the time the maggots and pus explode through his mouth we've already grown acustomed to the stench of his foul words.

>> No.15805271

good video, but why does he seem to presume that I want to pay for vpn service when I can simply get it for free by being an epic hacker on steroids?

>> No.15806115 [DELETED] 

same reason ugly men like science

>> No.15806218 [DELETED] 


>> No.15806706

People who are unwilling to put out the effort to cultivate an impressive exterior seems to have a high propensity for larping if they don't need to because of their intellectual superiority.
Its such a common cope that it couldn't possibly be true in nearly all cases, if it were true it would only be true in the vanishingly small percentage of the population with truly unusually high intellectual ability

>> No.15807778 [DELETED] 

> thirty
is that some sort of new zoomer slang for desperate?
>scientists so thirty they wood fuck a dog fr fr no cap fr

>> No.15808098 [DELETED] 

scientists have an easily recognizable pattern of inventing intangibles to lie about. they do that because lying about intangibles is easier to get away with than lying about something material thats measurable.
intelligence is intangible, anyone can flatter themselves by claiming to be smart, the same can't be done with material characteristics like physical fitness, height, beauty, etc.
people who lack positive material characteristics invent or imagine immaterial characteristics as a means of compensating, its a coping mechanism
>I might not be handsome or muscular, but I'm smart and nice, so that makes up for my lack of physical impressiveness
similarly, scientists will also compensate for their lack of productivity by lying about intellectual achievement
>I may not produce anything of worth, but thats ok because I know how the universe started
and given that there are no witnesses to the start of the universe who might discredit their claim, they know they can get away with the lie at least in some cases

>> No.15808149

>That y-axis
Nothing burger.

>> No.15808480 [DELETED] 

Thats right, intellectualism is a popular coping mechanism, psych majors learn all about it and after then do they spend the rest of their college career loling at the stemfags coping with their pretentious "I'm smart" acts

>> No.15808788

romans used trigonometry, you know

>> No.15809977 [DELETED] 

their architectural techniques relied on trial and error and mysticism

>> No.15810248 [DELETED] 

>this nigger has never heard of Eratosthenes or Vitruvius

>> No.15810339

here's a video of one dude making a practical demonstration of geodesy with roman instruments


>> No.15810361
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god you fucking monkeys are so slow. Here's a hint, I hope you autists change the world for the better, but the timelines are hectic.
Alexander Unzicker

>> No.15810365

Likely because from the end of world war 2, any scientist worth their salt has been squirreled away by the government to work on black projects. duh.

>> No.15810408

I can vouch for a friend I had from Berkley. He finished his math Ph.D and moved to some government town in the northeast. While he's still obviously working and from the little social media he posts quite well compensated, he's published like 4 papers in 10 years since he moved.

He worked in modelling very specific biological processes. To be honest I last I heard from him was was when DeepMind quietly solved protein folding

>> No.15811645 [DELETED] 


>> No.15812848 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15812886

all the girls pushed into good stem jobs will be female hook noses.
the labor market is nepotism hires and duhversity hires. merit is boomer bs

>> No.15812891

lol 4/10 based.
once you start discovering the fun world of forced/surprised/rough/double blowjobs;
it gives value to these worthless women. agreed she might now look like much. but imagine my oversized boner porking her mouth for half an hour

>> No.15812894

this did ruin families.
we start seeing anti-family rhetoric and ideas in movies and media and think it is normal.
then if you try to speak out you would get the same normie copes you hear now

>> No.15813913 [DELETED] 

>muh dik
>muh dik mufffuughh

>> No.15814711 [DELETED] 

Physicists did very little before 70 years ago too. Most of the major discoveries in the field were made by people outside of academia.
Academia always needs to credit themselves with other people's inventions because they have very little to show for their own work.

>> No.15814717

carbon-carbon bonds are around 1.5 angstrom, and silicon-silicon bonds are closer to 3.
So 30-40 atoms per 10nm is accurate

>> No.15814748

That is the kind of face I would gladly destroy with a hammer. That is what every socialist deserve.

>> No.15814751


>> No.15814754

The CIA destroyed any competition, you stupid ignorant moron.

>> No.15814970

I'm doing my best over here, okay!?

>> No.15815959 [DELETED] 

pointlessly wasting your life on unproductive sandbox games and publishing lies in the academic vanity press isn't "doing your best"

>> No.15816007

>physicists passing engineerchads's work as their own

>> No.15816026

I just can't look at her the same way after finding out that she supports Palestine. I have much more respect for her now.

>> No.15817099 [DELETED] 
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thats why societies such as the amish that don't allow access to movies and media are unaffected. keeping jewish media out of your life is the key to success

>> No.15817760

>soience has been favoring """diversity""" over talent for the past few generations
>why isn't soience productive anymore
what is it with affirmative action hires and lack of self awareness?

>> No.15817889

>guys make statements about theoretical physics
what a dumb bitch

>> No.15818010
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In the middle of watching this bitch's video on AI and she is genuinely dumb. She says that if you tell a human to click on all pictures of cats and he doesn't click of a picture of a cat plushie, you can tell him to click on those as well and he will do it in the future because humans are intelligent, but with AI it won't work because you will need to retrain it from scratch with new data that includes cats and cat plushies because AI doesn't exist. Does she still think it's still 2015 or something? She also says that proofreading the essay written by ChatGPT takes 1.5 times longer than doing your own research and writing the essay yourself. She also says that AI won't take any jobs because everyone who gets fired because of AI will then be quickly hired back again as an AI supervisor. I am not exaggerating, she literally makes these exact arguments. She also keeps repeating 'AI doesn't exist' every couple minutes as if it's some killer argument. Maybe she thinks she is being funny, but it comes off as a desperate attempt at hammering a non-argument into a viewer's head. People who say this shit seem to take their notion of artificial intelligence from sci-fi and refuse to treat anything more mundane than Skynet as worthy of attention.
*reddit spacing*
20 minutes in she started talking about AI being racist/sexist so I had to turn it off. Is her physics 'expertise' of the same caliber?

>> No.15818592

>In the middle of watching this bitch's video on AI and she is genuinely dumb.
According to testimonies in other threads about this roastie (well, I actuallly believe she is a heavy-autism-induced virgin), this was also the point when they realized she is a proper midwit of the worst caliber.

>> No.15818927

you can always trust a physicist to have the worst take on everything, including physics itself.
They're all fucking retards.

>> No.15819951
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>be an affirmative action soiyentist
>be unqualified for your job
>be surrounded by other equally unqualified affirmative action soiyentists
>WhY aRen'T wE AccoMplIsHing AnyThiNg!?!?

>> No.15820971 [DELETED] 

Affirmative action beneficiaries never identify themselves as diversity hires, they always self identify as qualified on merit

>> No.15822087 [DELETED] 

>Is her physics 'expertise' of the same caliber?
yes, women are all dumb

>> No.15822092

>20 minutes in she started talking about AI being racist/sexist so I had to turn it off. Is her physics 'expertise' of the same caliber?
Yes. Her physics videos are hilariously bad. She's the definition of someone who got in based on their sex rather than their scientific acumen.

>> No.15822689 [DELETED] 

All women scientists are like that, same goes for all minorities.

>> No.15823890

what was deleted?
and why?

>> No.15824760

nice solar panels, fag.
at least you're not using a main bus from what i can see

>> No.15824778

Yes physics students are mostly morons who don't know much besides QFT. For those drones, if there is something incomplete from a theory, then it means there is a new particle somewhere. Those idiots have made up hundreds of particles so far and they are still looking for more. That's the entirety of their intellectual framework. LOL. And btw, the job is shit. HEP is really just computing feynman diagrams to some retarded orders in terms of h_bar. It's just computer stuff and 0% physics.
Since the LHC is the biggest DUD in the history of physics, those morons fear they got exposed. So what did they do? they said they wanted 100 billions this time to build a bigger LHC, and to achieve what? discovering new particles LOL.
It is just putting ones head in the sand at this point

even on a global scope, theoretical physics is pretty much dead. Zero innovation since the discovery of the CMB.
All the atheists crave for a new scientific revival with biology, AI, and biohacking but it wil be an even bigger dud. And even worse, they are even less a science, because the side effects are even more complicated to predict in general, and with respect to the particularities of such and such genetic population.
And people will scream about ethical stuff since testing on living beings will be even more mandatory sooner or later...
Even on the level of the daily life, you can see the scientific decay with videogames. video games coming out today basically look like the games they were releasing on 360 and PS3 ca. 2005-2007 when I was in middle school. Compare a pixelated N64 game from the late 90s with a 1080p HD Xbox 360 game from the mid 2000s and the difference is astonishing. Compare a 360 game like CoD4 from the mid 2000s with the latest version of the same game 15 years later, and you will find very few differences. If 3D graphics were progressing at the same rate as in the late 90s and early 00s, then we would have photorealistic videogames by now.

>> No.15825696


>> No.15826181

All the low hanging fruit has already been picked. What is left now in physics is mostly engineering type problems.

>> No.15826242

>women are stupid

More news at 11

>> No.15826309
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reminds me of the weasel

>> No.15826328

I'm going to pin the tail on this weasel bros

>> No.15827511
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goblin phenotype

>> No.15827562 [DELETED] 
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This thread is about to get DICKED

>> No.15827701

The internet and digital communication didn't come from physics. Stop taking credit for the work of electrical engineering so you can justify pouring resources into schizophrenic bullshit research into quantum silly string.

>> No.15827716

>we would have photorealistic videogames by now.

We actually do with UE5 though. You're otherwise right, but nobody else seems to understand how to create a graphics engine that actually takes advantage of modern hardware, and so we get people creating brute forced bullshit that looks like crap and is just more expensive most of the time.

>> No.15827790

Hey Angela, you are the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. Can I sniff your feet pretty please?!?