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15772148 No.15772148 [Reply] [Original]

How bad is the current state of science and academia really? And which field is off the worst?

>> No.15772152

mmmmhhhhhh I'll call this the commodification of scientific research. In fact all modern researches are exploited by the bourgeois to extract as much surplus value as possible from the proletariat

>> No.15772158

Medicine is quite bad as everyone now understands having lived on earth since 2020. In America, medical schools are being flooded with low IQ slave races who will unquestioningly follow the pseudoscience produced by financially interested parties.

>> No.15772242

>scholarships for niggers
They make their family proud though

>> No.15772259

There is basically no money in solving the hard problems in science. These days only corporate and/or political interests are what drive research.

>> No.15772348

There absolutely is, if you can find a cheaper way to manufacture a compound that's used in a given industry you can save your supervisor Dr. Zog gorillions of dollars. He may even promote you if he likes you.

>> No.15772951

Science is currently a profession for sub midwit IQs

>> No.15773013

the real scientific method is receiving a million dollars in grants and exhausting it all on trips to starbucks, fluorescent microscopes, and chemicals

>> No.15773088

Any field that says because of x non mental characteristic we need to include would qualify.

>> No.15773100

Science has never been stronger as a discipline.

>> No.15773109

While there are lots of problems, some of them recent, science is probably in the best place it's ever been. Academia is more debatable, I'd argue that it's still very strong though maybe not at it's peak in terms of reliability but I still trust it well above anything else despite some worrying signs of ingrained biases.

>> No.15773246

The biggest problem is that there's such an aggressive drive to publish large quantities of work that the increasing number of midwits entering the upper levels of academia have a strong incentive to exaggerate discoveries and crab at their associates.

However, any reasonably intelligent person with drive can still get far.

>> No.15773510

the biggest problems in capitalism are mostly related to capitalism. that's the real enemy

>> No.15773514

in academia* are related to capitalism. even this typo

>> No.15773519

We've dipped into the midwits now and everything is irreproducible (and actually fake) or funded and directed quite poorly.

At the same time you have far more progress happening outside of the traditional academia

>> No.15773547
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Totally fucked. Always has been.

The underlying issue is that science doesn't, by itself, generate anything of value. Beyond pure curiosity, there's no actual incentive to understand complex facets of reality correctly, and there's certainly no incentive to confess to not understanding complex facets of reality correctly. There are various pathways from this to material benefit, but the default position of a scientist is always going to be less immediately rewarding than some alternative. This is why scientists are almost entirely dependent on government grants or corporate research- it's not a self sustaining process under almost any circumstance, even when the subject is extremely profitable in theory.

A lot of obvious and oft-stated problems, like grant chasing and publish-or-perish, derive from this simple truth. Less savory and more frequently attacked conclusions, like that scientists are routinely corrupt and that universities ignore all but the most grievous and public instances of lying, are likewise results of this unfortunate situation.

Soft sciences (or more specifically, sciences that don't actually see practical deployment or whose practical deployment can be blamed on other things, like economics and political theory) are the most affected, often being utterly rotten through. This is because one of the most obvious disincentives to being totally wrong- that it will at some point become obvious to somebody that you are totally wrong- doesn't exist or is much less severe. Hard sciences aren't immune, but if your rocket keeps exploding somebody's probably going to start asking questions eventually.

>> No.15773591

We live in a world where people would rather die and believe in health at every size. You have to realize, these people want you to die and be sick. They do not love you. They make money off your dying. All you are is a number to them. They work hard to increase lies in all the sciences...to control and manipulate your lack of understanding is easy for them.

>> No.15774667 [DELETED] 

>At the same time you have far more progress happening outside of the traditional academia

>> No.15774682

Completely fucked. It's not fixable unless you stop paying people for work in science. The simple fact that your wage depends on you churning out papers means that the 99% of all papers are worthless bullshit that dilute the small bit of actual scientific discovery.
Universities should just be mothballed completely, except for like 5 per country, and people shouldn't get paid to work there. This would also benefit the students, most of which end up with a worthless degree and lots of time wasted.

>> No.15775466 [DELETED] 

>The simple fact that your wage depends on you churning out papers means that the…
…papers all need to clear peer review which means any novel or new ideas which attempt to improve the consensus dogma need to be left out of the papers

>> No.15776649

Thats right, controversial, unique or new ideas rarely pass peer review except when they're designed with political correctness in mind.

>> No.15776872

Peer review doesn't filter out the garbage retard. It is a circle jerk, the anointing, the pederast father upon the choir boy.

>> No.15777503 [DELETED] 
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>muh capitalism
>muh communism
false ideologies that only exist in meaningless rhetorical jargon
capitalism is lead by jews, communism is lead by jews, its just like the false choice between the two political parties, just a big charade for the plebs in plato's cave

>> No.15777509

Chemistry, geology and mycology are still based. Math, physics and medicine have been pozzed.

>> No.15777609

Absolotly based and plato pilled

>> No.15777625

Yeah true, chemists are racist autists who listen to trance music and rant about the government while fiddling with separation columns
Cringe individuals don't last long in the discipline

>> No.15777626

Was a reply to>>15777509

>> No.15778595 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15778602

> science and academia
Get a REAL job

>> No.15778604
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science is dead. academia is dead.

>> No.15779505
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Politcal correctness is the sole factor that decides if an idea in science is accepted or rejected. No other factors are taken into consideration. Science is a charade.

>> No.15779513

we live in a society

>> No.15779516 [DELETED] 

*Claps against your cheeks* keep going goy you little whore

>> No.15779523 [DELETED] 

Wait til you're judged

>> No.15779526 [DELETED] 

What can you do though, tard? You're weak in the anus.

>> No.15780866 [DELETED] 
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>It is a circle jerk
its a consensus of midwits, the average reviewer is guaranteed to be too low iq to understand the most intelligent ideas. the peer review system means that the highest iq outlier brains will always be left out in the cold

>> No.15781394
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>> No.15782854

>Politcal correctness is the sole factor that decides if an idea in science is accepted or rejected.
who do you think funds the soientists?

>> No.15782856
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try to imagine the worst it can be possibly be, it is worse than that

>> No.15783809 [DELETED] 


>> No.15784895 [DELETED] 

But really its the federal reserve funding them by using inflation to redistribute wealth

>> No.15786210

Academics were always morons
See "The Theory of the Leisure Class - A Study of Institutions" for the details

>> No.15786933

Right, but its politicians who make all the specific funding decisions, so if you don't make an effort to please them then you won't get funding.
Thats why its called "political correctness" rather than "reserve banking correctness"

>> No.15788195 [DELETED] 

>by using inflation to redistribute wealth
Yes, they use inflation to transfer wealth from average working class people to friends of politicians and the corporations they own.

>> No.15789024 [DELETED] 

thats a form of wealth distribution

>> No.15790041 [DELETED] 

>wealth redistribution
thats what socialism is all about, wealth redistribution from the poor to the rich

>> No.15790883

>their family
they don't even know who their father is

>> No.15792202

Karl Marx was a wealthy jew from the Rothschild family, thats why he was a proponent of a political system designed to transfer wealth from other classes to people in his own class.

>> No.15792247

I guess this is a good thread to ask: coming from someone with very little background in biology (HS classes bored me to death since they were basically about memorizing definitions), how much of modern genetics research is politically motivated?
I just watched this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zpIqQ0pGs1E video, and although it isn't the first time I'm exposed to this line of thought it did grab my attention at first because it makes sense that genetics isn't as simple as clear cut, discrete tables. However, later on it seems like the motivation behind this all along wasn't understanding how stuff works, but rather to "own racists" or something like that, which is to say there was already a goal in mind from the start and they were chasing it. Is that an overreaction on my part?

>> No.15792256

Interesting, I haven't really come across a critique of stratification since reading Ortega y Gasset years ago.

>> No.15792260

Why are chemists so based? Is it because so much of it is from Germany (and has been for a long time) and therefore not subject to the usual pressures present in the anglosphere?

>> No.15792268

The problem with genetics and "race" is that a lot of what we think defines ethnicity actually doesn't. Like eye color or hair color for example, which were always very diverse throughout Europe. Things like "if you're Aryan you must be blond" or "if you are Irish you must be redheaded" are statements talking about ideals and using a no true scotsman fallacy. These ideas even change over time, both in what defines a race and which ones are superior. Like in Rome they thought blonds were inferior because of the association with northern barbarians; a complete reverse of 'modern' racial ideals.

Rather than looking for phenotypes that have nothing to do with strength or intelligence, you should be looking for genetics that code for superior physiological or neurological proteins which can be isolated and spread via positive eugenics.

>> No.15792294

That's not what my post was about at all. I asked whether research is politically motivated since people seem either afraid to deal with race in any capacity or just go full "everything's a social construct" (without being able to prove it). Science is about explaining reality, how things work regardless of what people might feel about that, not filtering information to fit preconceived political/ideological preferences. The post was about whether that's flagrantly not the case.

>> No.15792304

I agree, but what I'm saying is that you have one side that conflates blondness with intelligence and the other side - which as you point out - doesn't want to think that different groups of humans have anything uniquely advantageous and everyone is the same. The latter side thinks they're owning the former, and that if they give the former even the smallest inch they'll take a mile and start genociding.

>> No.15792313

I think the number of "blonde supremacists" is vastly overstated by the neurotic and borderline omnipresent "social constructionists". Even in places that are supposedly hubs for them, like imageboards, there's opposition and even imageboards completely dedicated to the opposite view, meanwhile in the mainstream they get no space at all. That reminds me how Richard Lynn was completely ostracized on political grounds rather than scientific ones, I've never seen a critique of his methods (which would be the correct thing to do from an objective point of view, not going "we don't like what you're talking about so you're evil!"). Mainstream science is a religion.

>> No.15792324

Well, where I live, they don't even accept pubmed as relevant source of medical information, and I live in Eurpe.

>> No.15792367

What does a high IQ person work with then?

>> No.15792376

More like everyone is just paranoid over something that happened a century ago. Like eugenics. When you hear the word, you are trained to only think of negative eugenics - sterilization, ethnic cleansing, and so forth. But we so much more about genetics now than we did in the 19th century, and we're just not allowed to talk about how we can improve ourselves.

>> No.15792896

>Mainstream science is a religion.
its intended to be that way.

>> No.15793873
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Separating the goyims from their traditional belief systems and substituting false gods like Einstein and Darwin for the one true god is all outlined in The Protocols of The Elders of Zion

>> No.15794237

IQ levels in science drop lower every year, its already gotten to the point that the average scientist is below 100 IQ.

>> No.15794309
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It's 50% Ideology & 50% Madness


>> No.15795683 [DELETED] 

science and academia should be unlinked in this case. academics are people who can't compete in the real world where all the real science is done. thats why they choose cower in school instead of trying to join productive society, because they can't produce.

>> No.15796833

protip: fuck science, shill political correctness, become famous scientist, get invited to pedo island, sell $50 million worth of popsci drivel books to retards

>> No.15797229 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15797309

Its over. All my professors teach about is cis white men oppressing trannies and niggers when all I want to do is learn statistics. Academia is lost. Billions must chud.

>> No.15797310

Its way below 100. Half of the professors are aboriginals imported from Australia to teach us about indigenous rights.

>> No.15797313


>> No.15797314

Pure delusion.

>> No.15797315

Reasonable. People could argue using a source that wasn't written by a jew.

>> No.15797419

"The Scientific Method" has a lot of stoic baloney added to it (I'm not saying p hacking is a good thing, but it's generally acceptable to develop methods and do preliminary analysis while the experiment is ongoing), but there are major issues with how we educate premeds/pregrads. Things that lead to disillusionment and corruption of how research should be done. (you know it when you see it sort of thing with the BS seniors)

I blame it on the bias for lectures over lab. If you're spending 20k+ on an undergrad, we should be pushing for lab skill training and real experimentation, not generated datasets made for convenience in 2020
lectures have their own issues, and still have a place, but it's just a soap box for a professor, book smarts could be done with a comprehensive review and a rotating lecture series.
t.learned all my shit in vocational school and hate the lack of any hands-on experience that you can get with far more practical use in research for 300 bucks a semester. We literally had a (poster) thesis by the end of the program. Original work, very basic ideas, but actual use of the scientific method and risk of failure to disprove the null.

>> No.15798470 [DELETED] 
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The Scientific Method was created by Christians and for Christians, science is a subsent of Christianity, since you are not a Christian, you don't understand and cannot apply or understand the method

>> No.15798828 [DELETED] 

>"The Scientific Method" has a lot of stoic baloney
you just don't like adhering to it because you prefer using confirmation bias instead, because you can't control your emotions and seeing results that contradict your preconceived beliefs makes you chimp out.

>> No.15799321

>The Scientific Method was created by Christians and for Christians
>you dont like following "it" because you dont like your preconcived beliefs shattered

never read Popper/Hume, have you?
the scientific method was literally made to shove out religiously-based arguments in science, shedding all dogmatism:
"in so far as a scientific statement speaks about reality, it must be falsifiable; and in so far as it is not falsifiable, it does not speak about reality."

Scientists spend years working on a thesis they're interested in, driven out of interest to elucidate the nature of phenomena that they've learned theory of for even longer. There is an inherent faith one develops in their own methods. Proper science requires peer review and replication, not one big logically air-tight, unmovable, (A)bsolute, falsifiable statement that has been proven upon a shadow of a doubt to be real.
Placing faith into an abstract idea of "The Scientific Method" as the only way to verify the causes/effect of nature; beyond the limits of measurement, means you can NEVER trust anything.
There will always be uncertainty to every measurement, regardless of the billions spent on significance. That means in order to have any sort of statement on the nature of why puddles form after rain relies on some faith in a standard model. No one person shifts that model with absolute logic, scientists corroborate and cross-reference just like good religious scholars should do with biblical texts. No one man chooses how texts should be followed anon.
Dogma isn't the antithesis of science. Scientific reasoning is, if anything, a conversation of rebuttals backed up by evidence, not null strawmen to be shattered.

>> No.15799362


>> No.15800169 [DELETED] 

the scientific method can't be successfully employed by non-Christians.
atheists can't do science

>> No.15800635

>imported from Australia
>to teach us about indigenous rights.
Are they teaching you that they should go back to Australia?

>> No.15801733 [DELETED] 

Thats why the Rothschilds shill communism so hard, because they're the ones who profit off of it

>> No.15802302 [DELETED] 

I don't see why people who were living in the stone age into the 1800s deserve special rights. Shouldn't they be punished for that? How is civilization ever going to progress if its dedicated to lionizing the least capable people?

>> No.15802358

Please tone it down with the antisemitism.

>> No.15802580

Always has been. Even Darwinian evolution probably only got through because it already aligned to (and really, was an extension of) Malthusianism, which was a *religious* idea preached by a theologian.
Political correctness is a *precondition* for an idea to be accepted by established academia. Its truth is a secondary irrelevance, except to people outside that system who actually care.

>> No.15803601 [DELETED] 

Brezhnev had $20 billion in his Deutsche Bank account when he died

>> No.15804771

>Separating the goyims from their traditional belief systems and substituting false gods like Einstein and Darwin for the one true god is all outlined in The Protocols of The Elders of Zion
and the inevitable consequences of doing so are outlined in ur picrel

>> No.15804864

Ducking dead. It's all about grant farming (and that requires political correctness in the form of diversity and sustainability clauses) and sucking each other off (in the form of circlejerking). I fucking hate it. I became a PhD in the hops of having some of the old elite scientists and mathematicians left to run the place. But no.

>> No.15805107

Real high IQ people do their own thing.

>> No.15805941 [DELETED] 

>ethnic cleansing, and so forth
>how we can improve ourselves.

>> No.15806001

ok boys I am going in. keep the torches lit

>> No.15806182

p good, the last part was kinda lame the way the creator tried to convince his audience all mathematicians arent psycho losers because they are

>> No.15806758

>Proper science requires peer review

>> No.15806915
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Science worshipers are total genetic failures that couldn't do anything useful in their lives. They COPE, by associating themselves to le science. I have more respect for manual labor workers than these fucks or fake (((scientists)))

>> No.15807632

Yeah its weird my Mom is a chemist who also has a BS in Geology and she's a complete spazz, bad with money and selectively dumb about a lot of things also very racist and has a great sense of humor, has drive and means to be successful but often squanders instead of invests. Its often made me question the validity of scientific fields average intelligence and figure its more about drive and consisteny than IQ for a lot of those guys.

>> No.15807981

Accountability and reproducibility are better than falsifiability and hermetics in any field. period.
That doesn't mean you can't have all of them tho, but the main issue with how science is communicated and tested today tends towards the latter, and leads to trade secret labs and think tanks that incentivize shitty prints and foundations for new tech.
If you can't tell me *exactly* how the sausage was made/tested, I'm not putting it in me. Simple as.

>> No.15808180

These are not better cabable in the science, they are only also judged by the dumb.
Publishing papers based on someone's subjective judgment doesn't seem to be a great tool.to achieve this.

>> No.15808219

we can have a conversation on how peer review is done, a lot of the editors in niche fields can have vendettas or don't have a total understanding enough to choose good reviewers for a certain journal. Preprints or something like a call for papers for a specific field/issue might be able to alleviate that.
most papers arent at a high enough tier to be in a high impact journal, and I think the focus on novelty instead of review is making it harder for people to penetrate a certain topic. Nature is prioritizing news coverage (are eggs *actually* bad for you??? sort of shit) instead of firm knowledge around a subject, and it gives whiplash when you're trying to look at what sort of tech you can actually use in your field. Does it require some impartial publisher or changing how prints are represented.
Wikipedia's got a pretty good system (outside their sources); why couldn't you make a point:counterpoint review wiki at the front of a journal that links to the latest or most reputable papers on a narrow topic? Doesn't necessarily require the editors to be judges on the matter, but repeated and more cited works could visually be seen and discovered by anyone looking for info.
Some textbooks around a subject will hire coauthors from specific topics to write review chapters, so the idea is not extraordinarily weird. The issue with those are that the text is fixed, and are geared more towards students without experience instead of researchers looking for support for their conclusions.

>> No.15809387 [DELETED] 

>Nature is prioritizing news coverage
Thats because Nature is a political propaganda outlet, not a scientific publication

>> No.15810098 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15810131

i think most of you guys are confusing production with science... production is profit oriented and engineering is approximate physics for profit.. good scientists do exist, most of them are humble and respectable in my experience... ofc i am talking it about the real scientists not the average gender theory karens

>> No.15811299

>Nature is prioritizing news coverage
Thats because Nature is a political propaganda outlet, not a scientific publication

>> No.15812491 [DELETED] 

https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586 -023 -03228 -7

>> No.15812535

How many nobel prizes have the commies won?

>> No.15812537

>chemical engineer
not a real chemist

>> No.15812539

that's because the "politically correct" answer (by which you probably mean progressive) is the correct one, reality has a left wing bias chud

>> No.15812540

Chemistry used to belong to Germany, after WW2 the anglosphere has taken over

>> No.15812940
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You steal everything, failing that you ruin it.

>> No.15813013

That guy looks like a total faggot

>> No.15813017

He's attractive, which is a loss because he's fucking retarded.

>> No.15813404
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>World View is Nature’s must-read weekly rapid response opinion column, which offers senior figures and commentators a platform to discuss events that affect the world’s scientific community. It covers everything from the interaction between science and policy and the media to issues discussed among bench scientists and funders. Readers are encouraged to join the debate in the online comments.
not a journal, it's an opinion column

>> No.15814631 [DELETED] 
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Nature is a political propaganda outlet, not a science journal.

>> No.15815402
File: 287 KB, 1x1, zogbot.pdf [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Claim: journal bad
>Evidence: opinion piece
>try again anon
>Evidence: opinion piece
autism. nature pushes for novel articles that have little to do with practical methods and the best evidence you can scrounge up is "nature bad because it don't like orange man"
you're playing the fucking strawman editors bring up when people want to push for a change in publishing.

well, looks like facebook/amazon are now the future proprietors of truth on wikipedia

>> No.15815425

Biology works 100% like the meme on the right

>> No.15815432

I have never seen a novel article in nature. The only good article I've seen in nature are Nature Reviews. Everyting else is MORE likely to be obviously wrong or obviously lacking critical details, tests or information than at mid-tier journals. The worst offender is publications in nature methods (as opposed to the topical journals).

>> No.15815436

yes, fuck that journal specifically, that's my point.
orange man bad isnt the reason tho

>> No.15815438

Yes, I agree with you on both points then.
I wasn't too sure what the angle was due to the bickering in this reply chain so I wanted to clarify with my opinion on this.

>> No.15816224 [DELETED] 
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Its Happening!

>> No.15816243


>> No.15817177 [DELETED] 

>t. submidwit IQ

>> No.15817794

thats a necessary side effect of diversity hiring

>> No.15817795 [DELETED] 

It super bad.

>> No.15819033 [DELETED] 

Medicine is the worst off by far

>> No.15819044

To me it's a few talented individuals being used by useless smooth talkers who spend all day in redundant meetings instead of doing any work. There are very smart people out there, being treated like slaves lol. People who drank through four years of a business degree in a frat house will be taking advantage of your scientific passion that you worked hard in school at.

>> No.15819046

I'll add that this isn't a personal gripe and I don't mean myself. But I see what happens at work.

>> No.15819202

Probably medicine unless you count sociology and cosmology as science.

>> No.15819227

>How bad is the current state of science and academia really?
look at the percentage of women. if it's higher than 20% it's a shit field.
autistic women in STEM (the only valuable ones) are a minority.

>> No.15819291

>honours year
>two weeks to research and write a 4000 word research proposal with 4 figures and a budget
It's so over.

>> No.15820087

>There are very smart people out there, being treated like slaves
doesn't sound like they're very smart if they let themselves become enslaved

>People who drank through four years of a business degree in a frat house will be taking advantage of your scientific passion that you worked hard in school at.
Sounds like frat bros are smarter than nerds

>> No.15821025 [DELETED] 

>doesn't sound like they're very smart if they let themselves become enslaved
Thats the same reason why Africans are so much more intelligent that American blacks. People who end up in servitude don't end up that way because they're intelligent

>> No.15821562

It’s a political prize at best now. The board of directors at KVA (Kungliga vetenskapsakademien) who decide on who’ll receive the Nobel Prize are usually professors with deep industry relations and receive a handful of lobbying influences.

Science works, but it depends mostly on the approach and objective. If your objective is to outcompete in quality of products like electronic gadgets or semiconductors, it’s more of a domination, marketing and finance thing with science being mere of a behind-the product “work catalyst”.

Humans by default only care to think about science when it’s life threatening and or life-lifting at a specific moment, and then they just go back to leisure, decadence, and life in general, which isn’t something bad inherently bad and quite enjoyable. Problem is, if you have to live for others just for the sake of validation as in “I’ll do science to get respected” then you’ll just live a life of misery. There’s a stark difference between doing it for survival and doinng it for respect. I’m an engineering student myself, and I hear people saying “Haha business/sociology students btfo”, but honestly most of us engineers hate ourselves or do it because we feel worthless with only 1-2% doing it because they love it.

You survive by getting into you’re good at not at and turn into something you can survive on, not what others will perceive you at being good for.

People choosing to study engineering just so they can get into finance will backfire big time with AI. STEM will suffer the most out of AI and automation.

>> No.15821664

it's always been like the right
stop pretending that the scientists of the past were any less faggoty

>> No.15821666

Academias number 1 problem is citation wankery

>> No.15821801

Epic rant describing science for the top of the bell curve. Nobody who belongs in science relate to a single thing you've said.

>> No.15821881 [DELETED] 

>stop pretending that the scientists of the past were any less faggoty
The were far less faggoty, atheists are homosexuals, Christianity forbids it. Contemporary scientists are all atheists AKA homosexuals

>> No.15822587 [DELETED] 

Academics are not scientists, they're given up on the scientific method and replaced it with the peer review circle jerk of collusion.

>> No.15823856
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>> No.15823944

>thats what socialism is all about, wealth redistribution from the poor to the rich
This is the dumbest thing I've read in a while.

>> No.15824521

you're ignorant of history and naïve about human nature

>> No.15825261

>Separating the goyims from their traditional belief systems

>> No.15826010 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15826020

That is an attempt to separate goyims from their traditional belief system, yes.

>> No.15826123

I’m a linguist and watching LLMs break open the field and expose theories to withering reality is entertainment enough to console me for being doomed to enter industry.

>> No.15826126

There are plenty of vicious scientific debates which are untouched by political correctness.

Or mostly untouched. Mostly I see women on both sides trying to make spurious accusations if sexism stick to individual researchers. Whole programs though? No.

>> No.15827416

you invented that story as a means of coping with how blatantly fake and gay modern science has become under the influence of atheist communist politics

>> No.15828568

Not the sole, but the primary factor.
Whether it meets the needs of those who practice it and are able to allow or disallow it to be practiced.

>> No.15828574

It's "goyim" or "goys" plural, "goy" singular. גוים if you want to get technical.
"goyims" is like nails on a chalkboard.

>> No.15828575

This reads like someone trying to make anti-Jewish thought sound as retarded and silly as possible.

>> No.15829149

its the sole factor, everything outside of it is window dressing

>> No.15829241

You think I made up the story that women in academia keep slinging around spurious accusations of sexism?

>> No.15829253

lmao sounds like you're a coping NEET. get a fucking job retard

>> No.15829486

Well math has been picked so clean we need to scavenge off the ground
Physics is just nonsense bullshit and useless research costs billion think about how much useful research would cost
Chemists just make drugs for evil people
Biologists are suffering from gender dysphoria
Shit I hate to say it but geologists are the only ones standing rock solid.
I mean I left academia to work in finance

>> No.15830979

>research costs billion think about how much useful research would cost
probably less. they aim at the most expensive projects because of the presumption that budget size is proportional to prestige and importance. thats why, for example, the smithsonian institution spent millions trying and failing to invent the airplane before two nobodies who weren't part of academia came along and pulled off the trick for less than $100, because they two nobodies hadn't been poisoned by the lure of wasting fortunes of other people's money in order to buy prestige

>> No.15831929

>they aim at the most expensive projects because
they have the most money to steal and the biggest kickbacks to demand

>> No.15832917

>How bad is the current state of science and academia really?
very bad
>And which field is off the worst?
they all suck

>> No.15834059

>Beyond pure curiosity, there's no actual incentive to understand complex facets of reality correctly,
what about boring acquaintances by repulsively spouting useless factoids all the time?

>> No.15834231
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>> No.15835069 [DELETED] 

>the cliff claven archetype

>> No.15836002 [DELETED] 

Its extremely bad, academia is pretty much 100% jewish communist propaganda

>> No.15836972 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15838042

>I have more respect for manual labor workers than these fucks
manual labor workers produce something of legitimate tangible value, scientists do not, scientists only produce replication crisis literature

>> No.15838797 [DELETED] 

Nice try at disowning him to protect your own reputation, but everyone already knows that you fuck dogs.

>> No.15839020

engineering is filled with retards now because unis in my country are favoring female students over males and are even giving them more scholarship opportunities

>> No.15839056
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>science worshippers

Almost all my classmates became vaccine experts during the plandemic. They
>never allowed people to question in class
>mugged up everything that the teacher said
>still failed
>if the parameters of questions changed slightly, they used to lose their shit and used to protests for grace marks gibs
>mugged up basic maths
>perplexed when instead of 2x-5=10 find x became 2y+5=10
>they somehow managed to become engineers and became IT coolie
>surprised.jpg when they are the first ones to get fired
>"anon, stop being a NEET, we work for TCS. we are engineers"

>> No.15840415 [DELETED] 

>fiu bridge collapse.rmv

>> No.15840564

You cannot vote for communists.
You are the communist.

>> No.15840576

Academia is shit, always has been. Science is doing great, though midwit americans and pseuds think otherwise, but who cares.
Biology, especially genetics is doing some really interesting shit. Mostly because there is still a lot of low hanging fruit, and research is cheap. Chemistry is a bit less interesting now than it once was, as it is an old as fuck discipline. Physics is getting very expensive, but there is still interesting shit going on.
Medicine has too much money in it, gets a lot of idiots and scams.
Unfortunatly, adding more money to a field actually causes more problems than good. Causes a lot of idiots getting hired. Researchers who can try anything lose focus.

>> No.15841672 [DELETED] 
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good pic

>> No.15842293 [DELETED] 
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> www.scientificamerican.com

>> No.15843348

apparently they went from learning simple algebra to being engineers in a matter of a couple years

>> No.15843362

geology always seemed bro-tier. get stoked to go up and look at cool rocks, sounds neat.

>> No.15844105

I has a geology class that had a field trip, we found a fossilized tree surrounded by fossilized owl turds

>> No.15844120

NEEToid cope

>> No.15845225 [DELETED] 

SJWs are who is responsible
>oh no, there aren't enough negroes and women studying physics, thats racist and sexist!!
>we must gibes 9000 negro and female scholarships for physics students
meanwhile it was just like that because women and blacks didn't want to waste their time in school learning useless ""'facts""" about nonexistent dark matter and made up quantum garbage

>> No.15845243

So what's the alternative, anarchism??

>> No.15845850 [DELETED] 

how come they never complain that theres not enough female plumbers, electricians, construction workers or truck drivers?
how come they only complain about equality in jobs that are for people who sit on their asses and produce nothing of any value?

>> No.15846918 [DELETED] 

women are supposed to produce healthy children, thats their only innate ability, if they aren't doing that there isn't much else they can do

>> No.15846976


>> No.15847737

I know a guy that found a mammoth tooth. Later on he told some pros where he found it and they sent out a team to look for more remains, eventually they found an enormous fossilized spool of dental floss

>> No.15847746

>which field is off the worst?
Tropical disease vaccine research. Imagine being in a position where you have to tell people more people will need vaccines because of climate change.

>> No.15847757

the jewish people are just opportunists in the system of capitalism we have today (we are in the late stages, approaching what some call Techno-feudalism, see Varoufakis)

By solving the inequalities in capitalism, you simultaneously solve anti-semitism as psychoanalysis teaches, the realization of object petit a, the impossibility of lack, as the antidote to the main driving force of capitalism -- desire.

>> No.15848982 [DELETED] 

>muh capitalism
>muh communism
they're both the same identical system with different flowery language describing them. ideologies only exists in high school and college political soience textbooks

>> No.15849664
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>> No.15850854

capitalism and communism are the same system by two different names. the idea that economics and political science revolves around a dispute between those two systems is just another big divide and conquer scheme.

>> No.15851453 [DELETED] 
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they say it don't be like it is but it do

>> No.15852635


>> No.15853099

Name any instance when academia accepted a non-PC idea

>> No.15853422

Well, for one, stating that skull sizes and facial features were irrelevant to determine who's a criminal and who's not, and then extend it to whole ethinicities, was pretty un-PC at the time (you wouldn't want the commissioner to look like a barbarian with a truncheon, would you?)
Making it clear shooting heroine wasn't helping opium addicts, anymore than electrocuting yourself helped with hypothermia, was rejected because it made previous doctors look like idiots.
Pemetrative anal sex being a more likely vector of STD than vaginal or oral intercourse isn't considered very PC, and yet it's a pretty shared consensus.
The whole field of psychiatry caused society-wide meltdowns, whenever it came up with theories, like beating up children being unhelpful.

>> No.15854661
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>> No.15854671

>Pemetrative anal sex being a more likely vector of STD than vaginal or oral intercourse isn't considered very PC, and yet it's a pretty shared consensus.
This was soundly denied by mainstream "science" during the monkeypox epidemic and attempts to address it were censored.

>> No.15855128
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Despite? Because

>> No.15855141

the cool kids skip over Marx are go back to Hegel (whom Marx studied)

>> No.15855142
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science (minus medicine)? just dandy.
medicine? fraudulent clownworld.

>> No.15856186

How's that a bad thing? He was not tainted by bourgeois ideology

>> No.15856834 [DELETED] 

it gets gayer and stupider every day

>> No.15857470

>/sci/ actually thinks they are the dude on the left

>> No.15857476 [DELETED] 

Fart. In. My. Mouf... NOW. I said.

>> No.15858367 [DELETED] 


>> No.15858746

What do the wojaks co tribute to you chart?

>> No.15859857 [DELETED] 

they trigger you

>> No.15860117

Cariciaturisation for the feeble minded.