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15706246 No.15706246 [Reply] [Original]

It's embarrassing how it took me so long to realize that he's not that bright as I though he was. What sort of really pulled me in lately is that he's been openly criticizing rocketman (who is his friend irl), so I started bingeing his stuff because I thought he was based for standing up even as his friend and I was surprised at his narrowmindedness in so many scientific kind of shit. I almost feel disappointed.

>> No.15706247

>I was surprised at his narrowmindedness in so many scientific kind of shit

such as?

>> No.15706253

That's why you ignore academics when they speak outside of their field

>> No.15706260

>i thought [insert brainlet] was smart but then he said [something negative] about [my special brand of brainlet beliefs]
Story as old as time.

>> No.15706262

You either ignore academics altogether, or listen to them exclusively when they are shitting on other fields. No one should give a fuck what an academic has to say about his own field.

>> No.15706267

>No one should give a fuck what an academic has to say about his own field.
Why not

>> No.15706275

Same reason you don't care to hear inbreds telling you how good it is to fuck your own sister.

>> No.15706277

Bro, he referenced Buddhists a bunch of times. That shit has no place in science and a truly smart person wouldn't even bring it up in a conversation revolving around science. You got one part right though, the beliefs part was what threw me off.

>> No.15706279

Thanks for confirming that I got every part right.

>> No.15706280
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>i thought this guy was peak intellectual
>because i hate muskeroni and he said bad things about muskerino
>but then i realized he's just a phoney
>because i hate buddhists and he said good things about buddhists
This is unironically the universal modus operandi of midwit "intellectuality".

>> No.15706281

He's obviously not a brainlet, at least in theory he should be a lot smarter than that.

>> No.15706293

all his takes are whatever, except for his take on free will, which is gigabased. no one has nailed that subject as perfectly as he has

>> No.15706298

Nutritionist: As I've documented in my recent studies, the components of breakfast are crucial for cognitive and physical functioning throughout the day.
Harris: So you're telling me, if I wake up and eat a blueberry instead of an apple, the course of my entire day changes? Does this mean the landscape of my mind has now shifted due to the quantum effects of fruit selection?
Nutritionist: Not exactly, but the type of food you eat in the morning can influence your energy levels, mood, and productivity.
Harris: So if I were to, say, eat a Pop-Tart, would I suddenly become susceptible to irrational beliefs? Would my neurology rewire itself to find the arguments for the existence of unicorns compelling?
Nutritionist: Hypothetically, a sugar crash from a Pop-Tart might make you a tad more irritable.
Harris: So, by this logic, if I consume three consecutive Pop-Tarts, I might inadvertently find myself picking up Islam and fighting Jihad?
Nutritionist: No, Sam. If you hadn't eaten breakfast this morning, you might find yourself a tad sluggish. If you eat nothing but sugars, you will find yourself crashing. It's all about a balance.
Harris: But I did eat breakfast.

>> No.15706301


>> No.15706303

he's not but he might as well be with how much he pretends to misunderstand the argument to knock it down and win.

>> No.15706327

This and its why i prefer him philosophically over peterson. Doesn't mean peterson is wrong about the stuff he talks about. Their 3 hour long debate was very enlightening. But leave it to sci retards to call every scientist who makes their philosophical views public dumb or a midwit when all that's talked about here is iq, /lit/ is a more mature forum than this zoomer infested juvenile dump.

>> No.15706339
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>This and its why i prefer him philosophically over peterson.
Midwit "intellectuality" is truly embarrassing.

>> No.15706362

He comes from a rich Jewish family.
But he turned out to lack any useful skills, so they made him into an "intellectual" - so he could still have status and make money on grifting naive losers like you OP.

>> No.15706368


He's currently trapped in the stupid liberal media bubble. I say "liberal media" and not "liberal" because his views are illiberal like the rest of the chuds trapped in the liberal media bubble.

He dropped the value of truth from his core ethics in favor of the liberal media ideology.

>> No.15706441

Look how retarded you are and you don't even know it, are you afraid of quoting me directly? What's wrong, can't handle confrontation? You have no point of contention, just reacting with memes and greentexts like a juvenile.

>> No.15706442
File: 35 KB, 564x823, preddit-seethes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>are you afraid of quoting me directly??
>why didn't you give me a (You)?
>y-y-you're afraid of me!
>g-give me my (You)!!!!

>> No.15706452

Lmao, use your words retard, didn't you learn abcs in school? Are you developmentally disabled? Or do you just have a below average verbal iq? Can you even demonstrate via a self drawn chudjack comic how you have refuted my point or are you using saved images in a saved folder like the loser that you are? You can not argue verbally, you are using someone else's images to react, you can't even quote me directly or move your point across without green texts you low iq unimaginative retard. Greentext all that and give yourself a pat on the back you developmentally disabled moron.

>> No.15706454

Why is this retard seething so hard? What is it with "midwit intellectuals" that makes them so easy to set off?

>> No.15706457

Are you out of chudjacks already?

>> No.15706460
File: 128 KB, 600x562, 463534.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>boy, it's a tough choice, you know?
>sam harris and jordan peterson are both very high caliber intellectuals
>but sam harris' agrees with me that we're all meat automatons
>friendship ended with peterson
>now sam is my best friend

>> No.15706468

Lmao now that you stated it like that, you are a retard if that's all you got. The kind that can't even entertain hypotheticals, i will not bother engaging with you if you can't even hold two conflicting thoughts and entertain them to their logical conclusions without either contradicting each other. Or do you want me to break that down to green text prose because it seems like your brain gets stuck reading paragraphs.

>> No.15706469

Sam used to be more reasonable before Trump. It's pathetic how he became so credulous of everything coming from the establishment media, much like Nassim Taleb. Especially ironic since he touts being so enlightened from meditation, yet lacks the self-awareness of his irrational partisanship. Or maybe he is aware and doesn't want to risk his meditation app getting pulled by Apple and Google. Either way he's compromised.

>> No.15706471
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>Lmao now that you stated it like that, you are a retard if that's all you got. The kind that can't even entertain hypotheticals, i will not bother engaging with you if you can't even hold two conflicting thoughts and entertain them to their logical conclusions without either contradicting each other. Or do you want me to break that down to green text prose because it seems like your brain gets stuck reading paragraphs.

>> No.15706474

Then truth becomes inconvenient to your ideology, the best thing to do is to discard your ideology. Sam choose the wrong move by discarding truth infavor of ideology. So now he lives in lalaland and his delusions getting worse and worse.

>> No.15706478
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>Then truth becomes inconvenient to your ideology, the best thing to do is to discard your ideology. Sam choose the wrong move by discarding truth infavor of ideology. So now he lives in lalaland and his delusions getting worse and worse.

>> No.15706483

I think that's what he's become and yeah, he probably is afraid of losing his meditation app.

Sam Harris university coming soon.

>> No.15706497

Just wanted to throw in there that Jordan Peterson is currently working on launching his Jordan Peterson University like all the fucking grifters LMAO. He said it on Theo Von yesterday, funny shit is that the first thing Theo asked, as stupid as he is was if it would be Accredited and shit, LMAO.

>> No.15706516

>i thought king pseud was le based!
you have to be 18 or older to post here

>> No.15706620

And you wonder why the thread has no engagement beyond name calling each other midwits without seeing the irony.

>> No.15706676

I feel very similarly, OP.

>> No.15706833

a great deal of what he talks about is pretty midwit stuff disguised in a long-winded intellectual sounding way. His whole book about defining morality boils down to "let's assume suffering is bad and define morality from there" but it literally took him hundreds of pages to describe that. Go watch a video on the "moral landscape" and hear him describe this unbelievably simple concept in the most long-winded, unnecessarily intellectual sounding way.

He's done some funny stuff like challenge Noam Chomsky to a debate, though it was partly just a grift to get more attention. I remember he really blew up when he started getting really scared about the Orange Man taking over everything. Some pretty paranoid things were said that turned out to be completely off base but you'll never hear him correct it.

The Harris-Peterson shit is complete garbage and unlistenable gibberish. All the buddhism stuff is a grift to sell his app or whatever it is now. This man (who is never seen NOT wearing a suit) has no problem going on a 10 minute rant every podcast to beg you for 5 dollars. The last time he did anything for academia was over 10 years ago, and I can't even remember what it was.

>> No.15706851

Welcome to clarity, OP.
I personally sniffed out Sam Harris right from the start on two key claims he made in the Moral Landscape:
1. That the is-ought problem can be overcome simply by denying ought statements as "religious in nature", because surely all ought statements are based on divine command - right?
2. That his brain scan morality system is ABSOLUTELY not just preference utilitarianism. Why? Because he's so much smarter than earlier philosophers.

Every single time I hear Sam Harris mentioned I fly into a rage. The man is a representative of everything wrong with the intellectual community right now.

>> No.15706852

>He's done some funny stuff like challenge Noam Chomsky to a debate, though it was partly just a grift to get more attention.
forgot about this. sam came across as a pestering child while noam calmy but begrudgingly btfo'd sam's essay-length pseud ramblings

>> No.15707528

Elon is fucking based. Kinda wild that Sam manages to have TDS and EDS at the same time. He is practically a normie

>> No.15707529

Eric and Bret Weinstein are even worse. Fuck I hate Eric Weinstein especially. Stupid nerd hack

>> No.15707533

He’s a turbo-midwit whose brand is le ebin deep thinker.
Guy’s a fucking neurotic moron

>> No.15707561

this. if you claim to be smart then maybe you should use your massive brain to learn effective communication techniques. the problem is that he knows he doesn't have a lot to say but he loves to take on the role of the wiseman so he has to find some way to justify sitting on a podcast for 3 hours when he only has 15 minutes worth of insight to share.

>> No.15708096

>nooooo he exposed my retarded twitter daddy why is he not hecking right wing like me nooooo

>> No.15708123

can you quote this?

>> No.15708125

Why is it that all dumb leftists have the same shitty hot-takes on the same issues? There's not even any diversity of thought. They just turn off their brain, repeat the same dumb shit over and over again, and engage in the Two Minutes Hate.
Yes Musk is such a dummy, he's the biggest retard on earth, that's why he had the highest tax burden in US history last year and is still effectively the richest non-liquid man on Earth even after buying your shitty social media platform. He can literally piss away billions for the lulz and you retards are so much smarter and more intelligent.
>muh emerald mine apartheid
It's always the same debunked bullshit over and over and over again, you repeat the dumb garbage you gathered from your podcast without putting any critical thought or research before you run your mouth, in an attempt to feel superior that you're a worthless, unaccomplshed worm, whose legacy in the context of the human race will be comparable to the shitstains that your mother cleans from your undies every week: a stinky mistake, someone who will never be remembered, a non-entity.

>> No.15708126
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>Every single time I hear Sam Harris mentioned I fly into a rage. The man is a representative of everything wrong with the intellectual community right now.
Midwit intellectualism is a disease, truly.

>> No.15708132

Why is it so hard for you retards to engage each other intellectually? Can't you state what your disagreements are concisely and iron them out like mature people?

>> No.15708151

Midwit intellectuality is a mental disease and should be regarded as such. People should be strongly discouraged from intellectual pursuits and severely bullied if caught LARPing as intellectuals.

>> No.15708158

What makes you so qualified to speak about his ideas? Do you have a philosophy degree? Have you published a book or review? Why should anyone listen to you on the basis of calling him a midwit, a retarded ad hominem and a hypocritical one at that.

>> No.15708161

Whose ideas? Are you ok, anon? I'm only talking about my idea. I think it's a grand idea.

>> No.15708167

Is this idea in the room with us?

>> No.15708169

Yeah, it's outlined here: >>15708151. What about the unspecified "him" whose "ideas" I was speaking about? Are they in the room with us?

>> No.15708174

So you are the retarded faggot who keeps posting jaks and greentexts while calling everyone else a midwit?

>> No.15708176

Yep, I'm the guy. Now, what issue do you take with my idea? Be sure to engage with the idea itself and not with the 'jaks. You wouldn't want to commit one of those dreaded reddit fallacies that intellectuals must avoid at all costs.

>> No.15708201

Why would i engage with you, i'm a midwit and therefore should be bullied and discouraged according to you, the almighty arbiter of what delineates midwittery.

>> No.15708210

>i'm a midwit and therefore should be bullied and discouraged according to you
Ok. Good call. No reason to fight those who agree with me.

>> No.15708292

elon is a manchild sperg and his tweets are enough evidence for how retarded and low iq he is

>> No.15708349

Like many other modern day wanna-be moralists, he leaves game theory (see example below) out of the analysis

>Earthquake in Sweden with mass casualties
>A Norwegian should estimate how likely it is that the average Swede should reciprocate with help were the situation reversed
>highly probable
>contribute to victims

>Earthquake in Haiti
>Norwegian: "fuck 'em"

>> No.15708356

>midwit intellectuality unironically looks like this

>> No.15708374

>m-m-m-muh MEAN TWEEETS
What's Sam's IQ again? Elon's is 155.

>> No.15708379

155? that sounds low to me. i bet muscaroni's IQ is at least in the 180s.

>> No.15708389
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Sam was simply better at hiding who he is pre Trump. For all his faults, one thing Trump excels at is getting people to remove their masks and show the world their true hideous selves.

>> No.15708391

You're thinking of "thinking". Using grandiose abstractions that make no distinction like that are a good marker for midwittery.

>> No.15708393

I'm the final authority on what I'm thinking of, you unapologetically inbred pseud.

>> No.15708396

yup. harris is right about free will & I don't really listen to anything else he says

>> No.15708403

A stupid example, perhaps, but if morals aren't God's behaviour dictates, shouldn't game theory heavily inform them?

>> No.15708413

You're not thinking at all, you're "intellectualitising", you pompous pedant.

>> No.15708419

Nigger, you're not even making any sense at this point. Also, what got you so triggered? Why did you feel personally attacked by my post, which was targeting midwits? :^(

>> No.15708710


>> No.15708976

The fact that he acts this way and people unironically like it instead of wanting to slap the shit out of him is baffling to me. It's as though his mind is hardwired to think like a twitter post.