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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15663708 No.15663708 [Reply] [Original]

DOOR edition

previous >>15660920

>> No.15663719

Screen door on a submarine comes to mind

>> No.15663724

I've been away for a while, when the fuck is the next hop?

>> No.15663729

No hop but work continues on the orbital launch mount

>> No.15663731
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>> No.15663732

this fucking stage 0 meme, are they really gonna catch the booster?

>> No.15663738
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never ever

>> No.15663739

14 days

>> No.15663740

A reminder that because of geography Russia got fucked on launch site options.


>> No.15663741
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>> No.15663742
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>> No.15663743
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>> No.15663748
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>> No.15663753

Wait, he's going to dox Zuck on livestream?

>> No.15663754

Elon could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody

>> No.15663755

zucks house is in a unknown location?

>> No.15663759
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They'll rule space when the north geomagnetic pole shifts to Siberia

>> No.15663763

Is it? I wouldn't know

>> No.15663766
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He's in a K-hole and he's not coming out of it

>> No.15663767

We can meet elon if we go to zucks house right now. basically meeting god. go and report back

>> No.15663770
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yo check out this video

>> No.15663772
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Good game

>> No.15663773
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It's not funny

>> No.15663775

I sure hope this isn't a psiop

>> No.15663782
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Make sure to familiarize yourself. There will be a test

>> No.15663784

>sls lover

>> No.15663785


>> No.15663788

It means no launch anytime soon if he has time to clown around.

>> No.15663796

Apollo: Orion’s famous dad
ATV: Orion’s young mom who retired as soon as she married

>> No.15663804

>soyuz isn't an onee-san

>> No.15663814

perfect game. One of the few cases where the DLC made the whole thing even better

>> No.15663822

how is the dlc? didn't bother to buy it right away even though I enjoyed the base game, perhaps a bit overhyped and some of the puzzles felt a bit tedious
for instance, I enjoyed subnautica more

>> No.15663855

the DLC is pretty great. Adds a Ringworld/O'Neill Cylinder, the only tedium is getting to it each time but you get fast at getting to where you need to go just like the base game.

>> No.15663866

Narratively excellent and the early parts and the end are great
>Exploration is done almost entirely on foot, IMO ship piloting is the best part of the gameplay so something is missing.
>There are tedious stealth sequences, and the cycle still continues during those (so you have to rush or restart everything ), they also end up more skill-based than the one stealth sequence of the base game, and less knowledge based.

So great but the gameplay doesn’t fit too much with the base game

>> No.15663871

it has a good mystery. gave me rama vibes. i felt bad pirating it

>> No.15663880
File: 72 KB, 1024x527, 101875main_BNTR_concept_1200x618-1024x527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think SpaceX is probably going to branch out into developing nuclear rockets following Starship and the 18m Starship variant since 9 month long mars rides aren't nice. Probably around the mid 2030s. Wonder if they're gonna go for simple solid core NTRs or something more exotic. Or maybe something more novel like laser thermal or beamed power electric drives. They do seem to be within the philosophy of putting the max amount of hardware into stage 0 (the laser platform). Hope they get clearance for it, don't want lockheed to waste years and suck billions on cost-plus money to do it.

>> No.15663887

It helps I just finished reading this when it came out. Probably my favorite sci fi book because it resists the tempation of literally every other sci fi story. Just keeps it cool

>> No.15663890

by that point QI drives will be mature technology

>> No.15663903

Nuclear rockets wouldn't minimize cost/per tonne of cargo to the surface of Mars. In fact, it'd significantly increase it.

>> No.15663904

gwynne lied, accept it

>> No.15663909

one week before Luna 25 landing attempt
also vote on the poll please

>> No.15663913

>it resists the tempation of literally every other sci fi story
What do you mean?
Have heard of the book but didn't read it btw

>> No.15663917

There's already ports for methane transfer. Idk about oxygen but it wouldn't be that hard. The logistics for transporting fuel for starship at sea is much easier than the hundreds of trucks they currently use.

>> No.15663918

>double the isp
>5 times less tanker launches
Yeah the nuclear part would be costly... at first, long term and in bulk it’s just better

>> No.15663933

People like Mark never got the bullying they needed. Better late than never. Maybe Musk will stuff Sam Altman into a locker next. Retvrn to tradition, nature is healing etc.

>> No.15663937

You do realize that "nuclear" is just advanced hydromeme right? with all the same problems and then some

>> No.15663944

Like theres no unnecessary drama or contrived conflict and I dont want to spoil anything but it does a good job at not blowing it's load too early

>> No.15663947

>methalox NTR is physically impossible

>> No.15663951

Thanks for the reply, I was just about to repost. I didn’t realize we were near page 10.
That’s interesting. If it’s cheaper why don’t they already barge in methane to the nearest port and just truck it the short remaining distance to starbase or something

>> No.15663968

You can put any fuel in a NTR
An optimised pure-Methane NTR can reach 600-700 isp

>> No.15663970

I already voted for Luna 25 alone. If you asked me two weeks ago I would have confidently said neither, or just ISRO. But my gut tells me roscosmos will actually manage to stick a landing and India will have another failure from some new unforeseen reason
At this point I’m tired of keeping a blackpill mindset though. Even if both are severely simple compared to something like perseverance, >we should really be rooting for as many successes as possible. Failures set people back and the goal should be becoming proficient as a species and getting off this hell world
Or just reply to me and call me a retard if you think failures are funny and fine as long as the US/SeX succeed. I see this point as well

>> No.15663973

Now that I think about it I really lean towards laser thermal designs. You build a big nuclear reactor (or solar array) in orbit, you get to slap on massive radiators and shielding since it isn't accelerating anywhere and then you use it to power a laser that heats up hydrogen propellant on a spacecraft far away. That would let normal corporations and even civilians operate spacecraft by renting out beam power. Avoids all of the problems of having to give civilians or shipping companies access to enriched uranium. And its probably cheaper than giving each ship its own uranium supply. Oh and I'm pretty sure you don't necessarily have to hydromeme and just use methane with a larger exhaust area since delta v from laser thermal is affected by mass flow instead of exhaust velocity.

>> No.15663976
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They probably just pick it up from a pipeline near by

>> No.15663985
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I want NASA to fail temporarily (SLS, shitty complimentary Artemis missions launched on shitty rockets, etc) but I want them to pivot to F9 and Starship more and more and start succeeding because I love the stars and stripes at the end of the day. I just hate the bullshit surrounding NASA right now
I want SX to succeed completely. They will.
I also want a competitor to SX who is just as good as them. That currently doesn’t exist. But the “muh options” meme is kind of true. Imagine if Bezos or Carmack or someone was concurrently building a Starship/Superheavy. It would keep SX from getting complacent over the long term. Reminder: oldspace WAS good at one point. But complacency is a poison

>> No.15663987

Didn't realize that map was from 1967 kek. Probably way more pipelines

>> No.15663988

should be possible to retrofit starship at some point then (or design a mostly new upper stage for the Starship stack but with methane NTR instead of raptors and oxygen), but currently nuclear faces substantial regulatory hurdles

>> No.15663990

I think failures are funny if they involve Blue Origin, American oldspace, and aren't crewed or a probe/telescope.
I don't like the current Russian government but I can separate things enough so that I can be happy for the probe itself.
Chandrayaan 3 I'm cheering because I think they deserve to get this one right.

>> No.15663994

Wait I’m an idiot I forgot VIPER was launching on falcon kek
My point of hating SLS still holds true

>> No.15663998

>I also want a competitor to SX who is just as good as them
I really want for Rocket Lab to assume this role

>> No.15664003

As a pipeline worker: lol, lmao

>> No.15664011

It’s too late bro. I think Beck was right in saying 8T is a good sweet spot, and it will still procure lots of launches for a while even with Starship online. But he’s chasing constellations which is a retarded business model. And neutron needs to be way more modular.
Think of SX. They had Falcon 1 but had long term goals for bigger rockets with common parts and common engineering challenges. Building and launching F1 got them to F9 and Starship. But neutron is gay. Beck should have designed it as an interim booster stage with the ability to one day slap a bigger booster under it. Instead it’s just a carbon composite meme that can only do one thing

>> No.15664026

Should spaceX build a port at starbase so LNG can be shipped in directly and starships can be shipped to florida directly?

>> No.15664037

They’ll probably just set up a local FL production factory. Eager beaver ran the numbers and figured you could launch new Starships from Texas and dogleg them to FL but this is sort of unrealistic lol

>> No.15664079
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>> No.15664093
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>> No.15664097

everyone will be accepted on mars.

>> No.15664102
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This is actually cool though. It’s designed to land next to a bunch of other small miscellaneous landers and rovers and prove different pieces of hardware can network together to pool information without human input

>> No.15664113
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the cutesy reddit cartoony style was the first major turn off. Then when the intro stated your main job is to find out what happened to the lost furries it was officially over. Ended up refunding it and buying signalis instead. Space waifus ended up being a good choice

>> No.15664126

lol no, a fledgling mars colony won't have the luxury of having useless or detrimental people
they will be sent back
LGB portion of is probably fine, though not very good later when you want to start increasing the population
but having mentally ill people that need superfluous medication isn't just going to be feasible (or perhaps it will if mass is not a big problem, still a problem to have unstable trannies running around)

>> No.15664130

Musk is a psyop

>> No.15664131

I almost dropped it at the start too, but after getting over the art style its a pretty cool game

>> No.15664154
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>> No.15664158

robbing yourself of a good time due to your terminal contrarianism
I do it to myself all the time

>> No.15664160

Define “good time.” It’s better to avoid gay shit

>> No.15664161

this is too stupid for me
I'm sure if I was 18 again, I'd find it funny

>> No.15664162

Outer Wilds DLC was amazing but footslogging was the worst part of the gameplay and the DLC was 100% footslogging. They went out of their way to make the spin gravity on their gainstation high enough to prevent you from flying around with your jetpack which felt really bad

>> No.15664164

Your meme is still not happening tranny seether

>> No.15664166
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> “Everyone’s moving to these bigger satellites because the cost and volume constraints have changed,” said James Mason, Planet senior vice president of space systems. “All of our customers are demanding different types of data, higher quality and lower latency.”

> “Mass is not as important anymore,” said Christian Lenz, chief technology officer for San Francisco-based Capella. “Things like capacity, performance, [and] lifetime are all more important at this stage.”

> To reduce latency, Capella is mounting Mynaric optical communications terminals on Acadia satellites. The terminals, which are compatible with the interoperability standard established by the Pentagon’s Space Development Agency, “provide the promise of having latencies of under 15 minutes sometime in the future,” Lenz said.

>> No.15664167

solving puzzles and exploring

>> No.15664176

It is hilarious mister all grown up.

>> No.15664179

> The larger bus “removes those hard constraints of trying to pack everything in this tiny box,” Mason said. “It allows us to build more reliable, modular systems because we’ve got a bit more space to work with. We’ve taken the best of what we’ve learned from the SkySats and SuperDoves, and we put that into a new satellite design that is more flexible, more agile, lower cost and higher performance.”

> “The real leap is going to be our NewSat in 18 to 24 months, which will be in a larger bus with a much higher resolution,” Tirman said.

Spire Global
> “Generally, our satellites are getting a little bit bigger,” said Joel Spark, Spire co-founder and chief satellite architect.

The time of mass autism is ending

>> No.15664182


>> No.15664184

>provide the promise of having latencies of under 15 minutes sometime in the future
I don't understand this part. 15 minutes to a ground station? Can't this already be achieved in under a second in a geostationary orbit? What am I missing?

>> No.15664185
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>> No.15664187

One of the few games where exploring for the sake of it pushes you organically through the narrative

>> No.15664188

I just don't have it in me anymore

>> No.15664191

It’s just that I know that if Luna 25 fails Russia won’t be able to launch any other lander for the foreseeable future
Indian probes are made extremely quickly, while programs from start to finish have already been done in no more than a few year, and they’re in Artemis, if it fails It won’t be a huge deal for India, they’ll get it right by 2026

>> No.15664194

Idk either but I assume these are ultra high quality images that take a while to downlink, download, and process. They’re presumably just saying they want to shorten the time of all of this with better hardware now that mass autisming is exiting the equation

>> No.15664197

if its a LEO satellite, it might not be over a groundstation for some time and if its some independent small constellation it probably doesn't make sense to design something more complicated for the communication (and building more groundstations would be expensive too)

>> No.15664198
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how tf do you aerobrake and land this Starship NTR monstrosity on the surface of Mars?

>> No.15664200
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>> No.15664202

musk finally got tired of wamen

>> No.15664210

The station was not really that great desu
The Timed event in the base games are great because even if you miss it, you can always go explore another place,
The dlc is meant to be played near the end, if you come too late or haven’t explored enough by the timed event you may as well just restart the loop

The river travel in the current is also tedious, there is also a lot of empty/innacessible space

I would have liked if you could change the rotation rate and gravity of the station, thus enabling access to new regions

Also I’ve always been bothered by the lack of secret ending if you could bring the entire village to the station, And so saving them

>> No.15664212
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> The revised legs, Beck said in the call, are optimized for landings on barges at sea. The company also switched from a “Hungry Hippo” payload fairing that opened in four segments to a more conventional two-segment clamshell that he said simplified its design.

> “These design changes were actually made some months ago as part of our iterative testing analysis program and some direct customer feedback, but the artwork really just hadn’t kept up with pace with the real vehicle,” Beck said.

> When Rocket Lab announced Neutron, the company said the vehicle would make its first flight in 2024. Beck hedged a bit about those plans in the call. “We’re still working towards getting something on the pad by 2024,” he said, but stopped short of saying when the first launch would take place.

>> No.15664213

Both of these make sense. I suppose increase bandwidth makes sense in all cases, but what I quoted specifically referred to latency, which is throwing me off. Maybe they're referring to the latency of ground stations actually receiving an entire very large message rather than a ping.

>> No.15664215

Not those anons but if SX ever could into nuclear engines they would probably build a ferry of some sort that carries other chemical starships along with it.
Granted I don’t see them ever doing this. Nuclear shit is going to be terminally gatekept by the government

>> No.15664219
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Free Mars

>> No.15664221

Imagine trying to asses spaceships for nuclear proliferation concerns. Lol.

>> No.15664222

I for one want to see another barge landing testing program with lots of failures.
It was fun watching the early F9 landing days

>> No.15664223

>Muh inclination
Just rent some land in Kenya

>> No.15664224
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>> No.15664226

Those legs are smaller than F9. I expect they'll see a few leg failure as even F9 had some.

>> No.15664231

You would unironically have an easier time setting up a cosmodrome in the middle of ukraine or afghanistan than any near-equatorial african country

>> No.15664230

Then who cares?

>> No.15664234

It would have to be a military base with all of the personal imported.

>> No.15664235

I read it as latency between requesting an image of a region and getting the image
with cameras on starlinks you could have real time imagining of everything on earth (both satellites over everything + instant communication)

>> No.15664246

Then Venezuela. The only hard part is putting a big rocket on and off a ship and not ruining it.

>> No.15664248

Does anyone know if SpaceX is interested in opening a satellite-to-satellite communications bus that's open to third parties?

>> No.15664250
File: 98 KB, 1170x742, Don Dixon Moon forming Impact.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Suspected volcano 'glowing' on moon - as scientists baffled after heat blob discovery
>Scientists have been left baffled after discovering a giant heat blob on the dark side of the moon spanning 31 miles. It's believed to come from a large deposit of granite buried underneath the surface of the moon formed by a volcano. It has a temperature of 10C and has profound consequences for lunar research. This is considered to be very hot for the moon where the mercury can plummet to bone-chilling lows of -183C at night.
>Dr Matt Siegler, co-lead researcher at the Planetary Science Institute, explained: “What we found was that one of these suspected volcanoes, known as Compton-Belkovich, was absolutely glowing at microwave wavelengths."

>> No.15664254

>Moon is still geologically active despite "astronomers" lying to us for decades
I'm not surprised.

>> No.15664257

I started reading Fountains of Paradise by Arthur C Clarke (didnt get far because his Indian wankery g) but I like the idea that the bigger challenge would be geopolitical rather than physical

>> No.15664261

for a space elevator

>> No.15664264

Tldr on why it's not politically feesible?

>> No.15664266

>Mark takes this sport seriously
Mark's an overcompensating little rat kike faggot that's trying to convince himself he's tough after probably being relentlessly bullied in high school/college for being a manlet jew

>> No.15664267
File: 49 KB, 860x571, moon tlp locations.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, plenty of researchers didn't believe the Moon is totally dead. The TLPs indicated that there was still some activity

>> No.15664268
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>> No.15664269

>cutesy, cartoony
reminds me of all those bad wind waker hot takes. it's funny, i actually have a visceral reaction of disgust when i see games with hyper realistic visuals. mostly because 99% of them are complete slop. generally speaking, studios that focus everything on muh grafx tend to neglect making a game that's actually fun

>> No.15664280

falconization is real

>> No.15664281

iirc in the book the best location for the construction was some fictional version of sri lanka on a holy site on a mountain, and groups from all of the world contesting and supporting the construction

in real life itd probably get more complicated, in addition to protecting it from terrorists and such

>> No.15664285

autocorrected "milliseconds" maybe

>> No.15664290
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They stopped blessing rockets since Rogozin left. No more divine buff. I think Luna-25 has no chances

>> No.15664292

Too lazy to find a good paper or article to share; but look up ‘Atomic Planar Power for Lightweight Exploration (APPLE)’
Seems like a cool new RTG redesign from oak ridge

>> No.15664296

They still do it for crews, surely?
If this was purely a Rogozin thing then holy shit I kneel and apologize because this was kino and full of SOVL

>> No.15664297

There was that Ace Combat game that featured one.

>> No.15664302

There’s some new-ish chink movie featuring a global space elevator that gets attacked by terrorists and it’s actually kino

>> No.15664306
File: 2.70 MB, 418x498, stfu-signalis.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Signalis was fucking kino. You still enjoyed it even though it was developed by trannies and the whole story is an allegory for LGBT oppression? The whole plot revolved around lesbian androids.

>> No.15664312

Is there any reason to NOT have all Artemis moonwalkers just be geologists? why have anyone else?

>> No.15664315

Foundation peaks with the Mule.
But still worth reading the series.
Sci-fi has always been about the human condition.

>> No.15664321

wow that's pretty cool and surprising that it hasn't been seen before

>> No.15664323

Anyone that's qualified to be an astronaut can be trained in geology.

>> No.15664329

Geology fag here. NASA has a terminal problem of only assigning GI-Joe über resume holders to astronaut slots, and lots of geologists are chronically depressed alcoholics, stoners, or just don’t flat out care about things that aren’t on earth. Specializes geologists who like space typically do more remote sensing stuff and are coding lab rats more than field explorers.
And it’s not like Artemis astronauts are running the data themselves.
Even if you only selected geologists you’d still have to train them specifically for lunar excursion science. It’s easier to just vet astronauts from a wider range of fields and just quickly train them up on what to look for.

>> No.15664333

Have you ever met a geologist? They're strange and unnerving. Artemis is propaganda mostly meant for foreign people to see America hasn't lost its edge, so you want stoic military vets with stable marriages who don't want the attention, but can handle it gracefully when they receive it.

>> No.15664338

god damn I fucking hate falcon heavy.
brutal sunk cost fallacy in action

>> No.15664351

Space elevator is a tower of babel. We commonly see US/UK make cooperative overtures that get treated Machiavellian by the rest of the world and then sabotaged by fifth column. Look no further than nuclear power and greens. Specifically Germany that decommissioned their power despite losing natural gas from Russia. They had the keys, but green ideology and a government full of people who financially benefited from Russian natural gas lobbying. The people who make decisions aren't suffering from the power crisis in Germany

>> No.15664356

Happens in Ace Combat 7 too

>> No.15664357
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>It’s easier to just vet astronauts from a wider range of fields and just quickly train them up on what to look for.
With modern communication tech I guess you can have a geologist on Earth watching everything through a high def camera mounted on the helmet to tell them to take a closer look at whatever

>> No.15664367

You need at least one pilot who can navigate orbits by sextant and stopwatch. And you want an engineer/mechanic that can jury-rig. They could be the same person, but you need both skills in case of Apollo 13.

The ship is otherwise on autopilot.

>> No.15664368

god damn I hope russia pushes hard on their TEM tug, we're too soi to put nuclear into space. Rosatom is the leading nuclear energy provider in the world, and they're totally vertically integrated. I would fucking coom if a nuclear frigate ran laps around nuclear-free greenpeace cuckships.

>> No.15664369

actually FH has been a massive success, hoovering up tons of defense and NASA contracts, completely dunking on SLS, stealing its payloads (Clipper, gateway, etc.)

>> No.15664375

astros don't do that stuff any more. you just follow instructions from the ground. There are no situations where you need to use a sextant but at the same time the craft is disabled not enough to prevent you from manually firing.
it's 2023.

>> No.15664378

Proper emplacement of sensors an good sample collection is the tasks. The data can be analyzed by real geologists.

>> No.15664383

>astros don't do that stuff any more. you just follow instructions from the ground. There are no situations where you need to use a sextant but at the same time the craft is disabled not enough to prevent you from manually firing.
you're entirely wrong. nasa trains them to do all that to this day.

>> No.15664386

not on dragon

>> No.15664387

An NTP rocket can be propellant agnostic. If the infrastructure was there you could fly back and forth from the Moon to Mars on IRSU hydrogen and methane.

>> No.15664391


>> No.15664396

LEO missions don't.
You can be assured they will carry a sextant for Artemis.

>> No.15664399

I doubt it

>> No.15664400
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sad to see /sfg/ fall for the nuclear rocket meme. if you want nuclear blue urine and locksneed got you covered

>> No.15664401

Yeah exactly. It’s kind of sad really. As I got further and further into my bachelor studies I realized a lot of the academic geologists just don’t care about space. Which I find fucking crazy because planets like Venus and Mars are such fascinating case studies in planetary evolution. And the ones who do care are weirdo programmers who only care about the technicalities and not necessarily the “soul” of the field (this one’s hard to explain. In other words, they just care about writing new papers on how to find random peaks on raman spectrographs and stuff, they don’t necessarily care about the big picture of how venus ended up so hellish or why mars doesn’t have a magnetic field and stuff). And then there’s geophysicists who similarly only care about the math side, not necessarily the big picture
I was offered a full-ride for a remote sensing phd with SETI as my main contributor but turned it down because I was sick of school, I saw how nasty and political academia was, and I’m an alcoholic lol. I don’t really regret turning it down but I fucking love space and I was turned off by how nobody really cared about the actual geology aspect of it. Ugh I wish I could have just been an apprentice for eugene shoemaker in the apollo era

>> No.15664403
File: 80 KB, 850x401, ntr isp co2 ch4 etc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>An NTP rocket can be propellant agnostic
Sexy, but idk how difficult one would be to make a reality

>> No.15664406

This article by Alexander Gerst says they will.

>> No.15664409

EDA has whipped his cosmic perspective slaves. How dare they release footage on their own channel. only to the king should the spoils go

>> No.15664410
File: 42 KB, 589x485, Stephen Rosen Future Facts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/sextant fans general/

>> No.15664412

Based and correct

>> No.15664415

I guess the idea is that it delayed starship cargo, which would brutally mog FH and SLS to mars and back

>> No.15664416

this is happening entirely in your head

>> No.15664418
File: 1.62 MB, 6000x3375, 80040C74-CD49-469B-B27E-28EC795820D8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we're too soi to put nuclear into space

Hello friend may I interest you in talking about our lord and savior DRACO?

>> No.15664422

NTP sucks ass. kill yourselves

>> No.15664423

Starship is delayed by nothing but the government and ESG fags. FH has nothing to do with how fast the SS program moves

>> No.15664430

And Jeff Bezos

>> No.15664436

>FH has nothing to do with how fast the SS program moves
Not true. SpaceX has exactly one avionics team. They have exactly one flight software and one engine team.

>> No.15664439
File: 43 KB, 779x482, volcanologists in thermal suits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eugene shoemaker
Are there really no dudes like him left in the field? What about those nutcase volcanologists who go to active craters in thermal suits?

>> No.15664440

well well well if it isnt King Todd himself doing the floss before all to see. you are a disgraceful man, nay boy. scurry back to your discord like the weasel you are

>> No.15664443

Lockheed has a lock on our space future. SpaceX? not so much...

>> No.15664450

oh fugggg NTP is back bros???

>> No.15664456

Yeah the ones who go visit volcanoes are similar to him. Anyone doing batshit crazy field work for the USGS really loves the rock science and dreams of the bigger picture. Hell, Schmitt got his foot in the door by working for the newly established USGS astrogeology center in Flagstaff. He then helped train the apollo astronauts and was eventually brought on as a geologist

>> No.15664458

Sure there are, one was even the chair of VEXAG for a while and so angry about Venus getting overlooked due to Mars he did an interview with Berger

>> No.15664460

>weirdo programmers who only care about the technicalities
hey fuck you

>> No.15664464

Kino to the max

>> No.15664469


>> No.15664471
File: 12 KB, 300x168, muskrat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look upon the noble delusionalus muskratus who has burrowed to the surface

>> No.15664481

I’m like a 3 or 2 at most and I’m not budging on this. Your brain is rotted by the fact that oldspace can only handle one megaproject at a time. SpaceX is far from stretched thin

>> No.15664487
File: 17 KB, 457x320, Japanese Venus orbiter origami.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Japanese Venus orbiter page has its own origami design to download
Incredibly based

>> No.15664491

SpaceX only has one megaproject thoughever

>> No.15664495

SpaceX has mission creep just like everyone else. Whiy else would it take 5 years to develop a singled extended fairing, or 5 years to develop DragonXL? Lol now we're building EVA suits which has delayed Polaris. Humans wont ride on HLS until the 2030 at best, and it's 100% SpaceX's own fault. In 25 years they will be Boeing 2.0

>> No.15664497

Imagine asking boeing to build falcon heavy AND starship within a decade or two, they would kill themselves unless they got two fat cost-plus contracts with an expected final delivery date of 2060 for only one of the two rockets

>> No.15664502

>Humans wont ride on HLS until the 2030 at best
You're retarded. An will be proven wrong.
Human rating for low dynamic stress environment is way different from launch.

>> No.15664503

Boeing is busy focusing on what matters. SpaceX is a dream in the clouds

>> No.15664507

Winners prove me right, losers prove me wrong

>> No.15664511
File: 33 KB, 663x437, apollo piss tubes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pouch, Storage, for Roll-on Urine Cuffs, Collins, Apollo 11
>This small bag with Velcro closure contains six latex cuffs stowed for use on the Apollo 11 mission in July 1969. The pouch was assigned to command module pilot Michael Collins, but they were never used. The cuffs were part of the urine collection systems used both on the Apollo spacecraft and while astronauts wore their spacesuits for lunar exploration. In each instance, the cuffs provided a sanitary link between the astronaut and the urine collection devices.

>> No.15664512

You're retarded

>> No.15664513

>fifth column
whats this?

>> No.15664515

Boeing hasn't even carried astronauts. They're not doing shit thunderfag.

>> No.15664521

I think youre thinking of another book

>> No.15664522

Rolling down a condom in front of the bros so you can take a leak

>> No.15664523

It refers to a subversive element within an organizational structure. Google the term.

>> No.15664531
File: 1.33 MB, 1536x1038, Shuttlef00t.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A certain Space Shuttle Orbiter begs to differ, shitrat. 852 fully loaded astronauts. How's ol SpaceX doin?

>> No.15664533

thanks I learned something

>> No.15664538
File: 106 KB, 1084x676, apollo Mobile Quarantine Facility.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This Mobile Quarantine Facility (MQF) was one of four built by NASA for astronauts returning from the Moon. Its purpose was to prevent the unlikely spread of lunar contagions by isolating the astronauts from contact with other people. A converted Airstream trailer, the MQF contained living and sleeping quarters, a kitchen, and a bathroom.
kino & cosy

>> No.15664543

every contractor got a piece

>> No.15664548

>2/5 vehicles failed catastrophically
>last flight 12 years ago
>How's ol SpaceX doin?
they're doing way better actually

>> No.15664549

Looks like futura font to me

>> No.15664552

Yeah, can killed astronauts if you never fly em! Big brain SpaceX!

>> No.15664553
File: 26 KB, 630x360, 190913-squyres-630x360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

watched Good Night Oppy yesterday (really good IMO) and this guy, Steven Squyers, was a field geologist in the 80s who ended up helming the spirit and opportunity missions, idk just thought it was cool for a geologist. Im not one, Im stuck in the legal field kek but it's a fascinating science

>> No.15664555

>Yeah, can killed astronauts if you never fly em! Big brain SpaceX!

>> No.15664562
File: 263 KB, 1920x1080, 1692022387232166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there was no whiff of trannism in the game despite the rumors of the tranny dev. The lesbians were alright (since they both looked good) and organic part of the plot. So not forced and not even in your face as is usual. Like one kiss on screen from top down persective, that is it. All in all the android waifu themes geled really well with the silent hill animu format, was suprised how stylish the entire package was

This lgbtstd oppression crap is some bunkertranny fanfic. What I got from its world building was obvious parallels to the DDR (even the flag was almost identical) and commie regime lunacy running through the propaganda posters, media and left over documentation from the secret police torture interrogations.

>> No.15664563

>a program they just bought off of North American Rockwell in 1996

>> No.15664564

>lift heavy rock
>become strong
>fight with moon

>> No.15664569

the end goal is to kill

>> No.15664570
File: 93 KB, 312x519, THMNSHRSHC1982.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>moon throws rocks back at you
nothing personnel

>> No.15664574

The Mule is a character in the Foundation series. I don't know which book

>> No.15664576


Nov 15. Intuitive machine, target launch date. They say the lander is ready. However if weather delays, then DoD launch takes priority and might push them to Dec.

>> No.15664581
File: 26 KB, 650x365, prometheus munchies bros.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and lots of geologists are chronically depressed alcoholics, stoners, or just don’t flat out care about things that aren’t on earth

by the gods. are you saying prometheus was accurate all along?!?

>> No.15664585

This is so ironic. The guy I was going to get my phd under got his degree under Squyers at cornel lmfao. My last two years at university were under covid so everything was done via zoom and I got a chance to talk with him, Zurbuchen, and big jim (the last one was very brief I basically just introduced myself but Jim’s internet was shitty because he was at home lol)

>> No.15664594


>> No.15664596

come on man - Foundation and Empire.
2nd book chronologically

>> No.15664604

meant 2nd book published (4th chronologically)

>> No.15664606

So unless I’m a regard giving in to misinformation it looks like intuitive machines plans on launching their lunar lander with falcon. But it runs on methane. Meaning the strongback will need to be upgraded to handle another fuel for this launch I guess

>> No.15664607

Thats neat, the Squyres guy just seems like a real dude

>> No.15664612

It's probably gaseous methane in a COPV

>> No.15664613
File: 126 KB, 596x608, Derek K. Stone astro mmu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate those 2nd Foundation mind control creeps so much. 30,000 years of barbarism is better than those faggots molesting peoples brains

>> No.15664617
File: 357 KB, 2200x1700, goodending.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love them so much. they deserve to be happy

>> No.15664621

based terminus nationalist

>> No.15664632

Has anyone survived death by rocket plume

>> No.15664635

I don't think anybody has ever been killed by a rockets engine's plume.

>> No.15664638
File: 57 KB, 234x450, moon geek 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I imagine someone stood close to a water rocket launch and escaped with a good soaking

>> No.15664643

i wonder what it would be like to watch sea dragon launch underwater. would it be hot?

>> No.15664647

sound waves would liquify your ass if you're within a half mile

>> No.15664648

that's just speculation

>> No.15664649

This. When has somebody been killed by sound waves? How do they figure the soft tissue would be affected when it can move around?

>> No.15664654
File: 96 KB, 1047x588, rbp langley twin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it would put out enormous acoustic energy and water transmits that much better than air

>> No.15664659

i'll believe it when i see it frankly

>> No.15664662

picture, nay, imagine, the Boeing(tm) Mars Colony

>> No.15664670

elongated muskrat stop being cringe/creepy for 5 fucking minutes challenge

>> No.15664675

flags, footprints, astronaut death

>> No.15664678

I'm sure divers have been killed by overpressure events involving an explosion before.

>> No.15664682
File: 119 KB, 493x719, space cave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If the Chinese build one there's going to be sightseers too close to it just like they do with their hypergolics so we might settle this question once and for all

>> No.15664687

I’ve heard if you’re swimming anywhere near a submarine pumping out sonar, your brain will essentially be liquified

>> No.15664694

yet another made up bullshit lie. people even say sperm whale clicks will kill you. well divers swim around those all the time, never happened ever. most they report is it was rather annoying

>> No.15664697

thats because the sperm whales are holding back

>> No.15664701

never in recorded history has a human been harmed by sonar nor whale calls. it's bullshit. you cant name one case

>> No.15664706

yeah, cause theyre holding back
also lighten up retard

>> No.15664711

>whales make sounds so loud it can kill a man
>they dont do it around people of course
>err they just dont ok?!

>> No.15664713

yeah, whales are pretty friendly. why are you getting your panties in a bunch about this?

>> No.15664716

jfc I occasionally forget real autists post here

>> No.15664719

>Launch will take place from LC-39A aboard a SpaceX Falcon 9. Because the lander uses liquid methane as its fuel, it needs to be fueled as late as possible. In order to do this, SpaceX will modify the strongback to be able to fuel the lander while its inside the payload fairing.


>> No.15664720

you're dead wrong about whales

>> No.15664721

what is this in reference to?

>> No.15664725


>> No.15664726

>Has anyone survived death

>> No.15664728

anon btfo

>> No.15664739

how much work is this? sounds like less than a week

>> No.15664742

2 weeks exactly

>> No.15664744
File: 1.24 MB, 1170x1153, IMG_4783.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bro I want to swim with orcas so bad
>b-but they are dangerous!
No, they are beautiful and based and have never killed man in the wild in all of recorded history. These are lies perpetuated by weak men who hold them against their will in tiny little zoo cages, of course they’re gonna be pissed there

>> No.15664748


>> No.15664749

NASA developing larger cubesat payload adapter for SLS

>> No.15664761
File: 148 KB, 700x457, ninthconfiguration_moon_jesus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't know

>> No.15664763

mark whittington is a full retard

>> No.15664765
File: 1.28 MB, 3945x2797, d5a7a5d0-83d8-46c4-b902-badecf0a9f14_3945x2797.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We went.

>> No.15664768
File: 21 KB, 416x295, whale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No, they are beautiful and based and have never killed man in the wild in all of recorded history. These are lies perpetuated by weak men who hold them against their will in tiny little zoo cages, of course they’re gonna be pissed there

>> No.15664769

>amusing rivalry
my sides are in orbit

>> No.15664775
File: 3.11 MB, 1x1, IM-1 Payloads For Website.pdf [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these payloads suck

>> No.15664777


>> No.15664778

you get what you get and you DONT throw a fit, anon

>> No.15664785


>> No.15664786

I want to fuck a dolphin so bad. That one video just isn't enough.

>> No.15664787
File: 276 KB, 820x2889, F3hOs4iXUAMy7Q3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15664789

/sfg/ - sea faring general, every time

>> No.15664790

We've been over this. Solar absolutely mogs nuclear

>> No.15664796

Unless its night time, or cloudy, or dusty, or in polar regions

>> No.15664797

that's ok, we can just burn the methane reserves we built up with excess generation.

>> No.15664802
File: 76 KB, 626x818, nuke m3 chads.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stfu faggot

>> No.15664804

There is oil on Mars

>> No.15664816

Abolish the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, then we'll talk

>> No.15664821

black flippers typed this post

>> No.15664824
File: 55 KB, 957x538, 1681414818394807.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15664834

they wont even think about it until there's rockets going to mars every week

>> No.15664847

no launches today eh

>> No.15664848

Their website claims the new factory can build 45 Terrans a year, which would be neat to see, though of course both these numbers are optimistic. If Relativity makes it and doesn't get crushed by Starship, they'd probably start with one launch in year one and then launch no more than double in each successive year and eventually plateau at ~24.

>> No.15664854

next week should be pretty good
>chandrayaan 3
>luna 25
>crew 7
>we love the nightlife
>possible starship activity

>> No.15664855
File: 1.54 MB, 3840x3840, F3iHwc4XYAAgeFE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

amateur hobbyist 3D renderists single-handedly staving off my chronic Starship progress starvation

>> No.15664863

is this how elon gets mad pussy

>> No.15664872

atmospheric occlusion is kinda based

>> No.15664882
File: 90 KB, 819x683, Elysiumindustries.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no elysium industries
Wtf they seem to have the best design why the fuck are they doing anything?

>> No.15664907

methalox third stage for Falcon

>> No.15664911

>Sci-fi has always been about the human condition
go fuck yourself

>> No.15664919

with future technology we will just send robots and the scientists will control everything from Earth + AI decisions

>> No.15664923

someone post some anime rocket girls

>> No.15664931
File: 7 KB, 221x228, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I hear my coworkers saying that we should just take the space shuttle to the moon

>> No.15664941
File: 318 KB, 1048x1500, 1590609618461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15664946

>not mentally ill
ngmi anon

>> No.15664952

and if you try to explain to them why that wouldn't work you get the Normie Stare

>> No.15664954

Don't feel defeated. It's a chance to educate a friend

>> No.15664956

The burden of being too on the spectrum for your own good

>> No.15664957

We need people who are 1) industrious 2) fertile 3) mentally sound. In other words, communist, castrated and the gender confused are not fit.

None of the LGBT+ are of that. If you're not of the three above, then you're a dead weight to a prosperous Mars colony.

>> No.15664960

what makes a man “industrious”?

>> No.15664963

Did you try telling the them that shuttle was built for station building and satellite repair and capture in low earth orbit. And as such did not have the necessary fuel to reach the moon. You could then have followed up with an explanation that a moon mission could have been assembled in orbit with shuttle, but wouldn’t have been because NASAs budget was slashed post apollo and development of the ISS hogged what was left.
I think they would have understood if you framed it that way.

>> No.15664973
File: 806 KB, 2048x1536, 20230712_010112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anything in particular?

>> No.15664992

It's kinda hard to do that when they have little interest in space exploration besides sci-fi movies. I tried to explain why Artemis has taken forever and why we can't just build another Saturn V. They seem to have this weird stance of half-believing the moon landing conspiracy, but not fully committing to it. When I try to defend the moon landings, they then proceed to act like they don't care and that it doesn't matter if it was faked or not. Idk what to do.

>> No.15664997

Just make shit up. Tell them you heard a shuttle once found a wormhole at jupiter in 1988 and the astronauts were transported to europa and NASA still doesn’t know how it happened

>> No.15665007

"Woah that's crazy man, anyways did you catch the game last night?"

>> No.15665011

It's funny how I hear people sometimes say that someone killed by police could've been a future rocket scientist. It shows that society is "aware" of how important space travel is but they then proceeded to do nothing to help advance it.

>> No.15665016

Performative outrage talk, very little sincerity behind it, even if they're emotional

>> No.15665017

I have to get off this planet.
I need to get away from Earth.
It is necessary for me to go elsewhere.
It is absolutely imperative that I escape this rock, and more specifically, the people who occupy it.

>> No.15665020

They found life on Europa too according to this documentary

>> No.15665022

Try Venus

>> No.15665023

>they wuz just getting ready to apply to a aerospace masters program when they smoked that crack and got into a shootout with them cops

>> No.15665024

Can you prove Venus is inhospitable?

>> No.15665025
File: 674 KB, 1543x2231, SpacesseX.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15665028

A waste of fuel and time. I'm going to fuck the Moon.

>> No.15665039

hard-working and adaptive

>> No.15665043


>> No.15665050

honestly if you told me this is a real pic I'd believe it

>> No.15665057

It will be soon enough

>> No.15665077

since you were talking about space games earlier
what do you guys think about minecraft space mods/datapacks?

>> No.15665085

why are you playing MC past beta 1.7.3 you weirdo
t. went to 2011 minecon

>> No.15665087

this spaceflight thing is taking forever

>> No.15665096

...what video?

>> No.15665103

1.2_02 is the superior beta version you retard

>> No.15665111
File: 139 KB, 1245x428, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm excited for create: liftoff because it's the closest we are getting to KSP in Minecraft.

>> No.15665112

don’t doubt ur vibe, bro

>> No.15665124

Is this a modpack based on an existing space mod or a whole new thing?
I've been waiting for Galacticraft to update since forever.

>> No.15665143

It's a space mod still in development. You'll be able to build multistage rockets and even make your own multiblock rocket engines

>> No.15665162
File: 122 KB, 1128x684, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15665199

Holy shit, that's big. I haven't played minecraft in 12 years but this might just be something to come back for.

>> No.15665203

Now THIS is block gaming

>> No.15665209

>haven't played minecraft in 12 years
Create looks like its an homage built by block autists from 12yrs ago who grew up and became real software devs
I don't think anyone normal can make the game engine do this

>> No.15665225


>> No.15665235

have they showed anything for worldgen?
From what I've read they're only going to implement the moon so far.

>> No.15665239
File: 33 KB, 1012x233, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They've been secretive about development but it looks like we are gonna get semi-realistic worlds with some fantasy elements

>> No.15665286

Anything about the biomes? Galacticraft is very basic but it seems in the new version there will be stuff like marias in the moon.

>> No.15665290

There will be also the launch of the japanese SLIM lunar probe and an x-ray telescope too

>> No.15665298

It's not a submarine

>> No.15665304

Why isn't he doing it?!

>> No.15665324

Pehraps they mean15 minutes from the time you tell the network to take a photo of X,Y to the time you can view said photo.

>> No.15665336
File: 1.08 MB, 1228x480, 15years.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

less than 15 years separating both pictures

>> No.15665346
File: 374 KB, 1278x720, dR8mP63SXmtmQoAgFgoJ4i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you think this will happen in our lifetimes

>> No.15665355
File: 47 KB, 405x270, 1689521154477211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give me a list of your books that turned you into a six figure rocket scientist.

>> No.15665356

It is possible but won't happen because no one with the resources needed will bother.
Also, you can't see the rings from Titan.

>> No.15665364

The Normie Stare is the single greatest argument against democracy.

>> No.15665377

Don't think you can see the sky from titan

>> No.15665388

We would be lucky to be alive when it launches

>> No.15665397

I wish so much billionaires had space interests beyond fucking around in LEO

>> No.15665408

Nothing but hard work and determination gets you a rocket scientist job

The only books that get you into the field are sci-fi and a chance encounter with the author of Ignition!'s humorous blog about chemicals he doesn't want to work with

If you're very lucky, you watched October Sky as a kid and realized amateur rocketry was cool enough to make a hobby, then started pursuing it in earnest in college

>> No.15665428

Turns out my dad is now an ayytruther with these recent testimonies. God I fucking hate this deceptive government, I always thought he was smart but to get fooled by complete hearsay and bullshit even when I tell him to his face how this shit is so fake makes me sad. Ayy conspiracies have been a major detriment to the american consciousness at large, and now that even the government is pedalling it I have little hope left that anyone leading this nation is even remotely competent. We stand at the top of the world and insist on kicking each other down the ladder, just sad honestly.

>> No.15665434

not even worth a you, shit bait

>> No.15665446
File: 1.38 MB, 498x280, 1685063891604667.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>its going to be decades or centuries before we see city sized space stations

>> No.15665456

Centuries. Dont even try to hand out hopium on this.

>> No.15665500

>nuclear thermal to orbit
The thrust to weight ratio is absolute dogshit, like one twentieth of raptor

>> No.15665507

we just make it better than raptor

>> No.15665513

Yeah, this is 15 minutes to finish a given task, not 15 minutes speed of light delay unless the DOD has devices stationed on Antichthon

>> No.15665515

that is why the booster would still stay a conventional chemical rocket
maybe you could put have some raptors left and replace some of them with NTR engines, but that might make the whole thing just needlessly complex

also, how much thrust do you really need when you liftoff from mars?

>> No.15665517

Starship can SSTO on Mars so it's still better than NTR cuckrockets for that.

>> No.15665524
File: 78 KB, 721x734, 005647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> The company announced Aug. 14 as part of its second quarter financial results that its IM-1 lunar lander mission is slated for launch on a Falcon 9 during a six-day window that opens Nov. 15 at Launch Complex 39A at the Kennedy Space Center. A backup launch window is available in December.

> IM-1 is not only the first lunar lander mission by Intuitive Machines but also potentially the first lander as part of NASA’s Commercial Lunar Payload Services (CLPS) program. Astrobotic’s Peregrine lunar lander is complete but awaiting the readiness of its launcher, United Launch Alliance’s Vulcan Centaur. That rocket’s inaugural flight, with Peregrine as the prime payload, is planned for no earlier than the fourth quarter.

I think I saw stuff about this in this or previous thread, but couldn't find the link in this thread

>> No.15665531

The bigger discovery is mercury on the moon

>> No.15665532

I didn't say it would be better to have NTR for SSTO on Mars, I was speculating that the thrust wouldn't be so bad you wouldn't be able to do it with NTR from Mars

>> No.15665551

>source: I am willing it into existence because I want it to be true

>> No.15665552

I was thinking man in the high castle the whole time

>> No.15665564

Are you channeling Bob Smith?

>> No.15665565


>> No.15665570

How many did it build this year?

>> No.15665572

I think being a celebrity and the world's richest man might be a factor, plus he is tall and not bald.

>> No.15665577
File: 124 KB, 716x797, 005648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> Avellan expects to start commercial services three months after launching its first batch of five commercial satellites on a Falcon 9 at some point in the first quarter of 2024.

>At around 1,500 kilograms each, these Block 1 satellites are 50% smaller than future BlueBird satellites following production delays and cost overruns — similar to the size of the BlueWalker 3 prototype that SpaceX launched in September.

> Avellan said the company has secured agreements with more than 40 mobile network operators worldwide to use its constellation, representing about 2.4 billion subscribers.

>> No.15665581

Google Elon Musk

>> No.15665582
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> The earliest the new Nest adapter would be used is the Artemis 5 launch, the second flight of the Block 1B version of the SLS scheduled for no earlier than 2029. There is currently no requirement to fly cubesats on the first Block 1B launch, Artemis 4 in 2028, he said.

what is the point? seems like a waste of money and effort

>> No.15665584

there's actually a billionaire space race going on right now, branson, bezos,musk

>> No.15665593

>what is the point? seems like a waste of money and effort

>> No.15665611
File: 75 KB, 651x714, 005650.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15665617

China + Russia = Unstoppable Strength

>> No.15665619

There is only one racing to space and that's Musk.
Blue Origin lol. Imagine a space company being founded by the richest man just after WW2 and in 1969 they had yet to make orbit.

>> No.15665623

It's real

>> No.15665624

>Virgin consigned to sub-orbital only
>Blue Origin's orbit-capable rocket only exists on paper
Not really much of a race anymore. I wonder if Rocket Lab guy is a billionaire now after their IPO?

>> No.15665637

Slow and steady wins the race. Ever heard of it?

>> No.15665664
File: 688 KB, 1280x800, 1467691317214.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15665669

>stuff Sam Altman into a locker next
dubs of truth
anyone here following this e/acc stuff?

>> No.15665674

>nitter broke again
Noooo elann bloddy

>> No.15665678

Oh shit this is the Doge-1 Mission

>> No.15665695

Just register on X, buddy.

>> No.15665714

Why the fuck is the basic industrialization and mechanization mod doing spaceships?
>hundreds of thousands of blocks in size
>orbital mechanics are fully simulated
This is almost 'Doom on a calculator' levels of computer fuckery.

>> No.15665717
File: 707 KB, 1600x1252, Saturn Blockhouse by Fred Freeman nasa 68-hc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15665725
File: 240 KB, 956x754, Basement Nukes a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its time

>> No.15665731

I don't trust myself not to express hate to women and minorties if i have an account

>> No.15665733
File: 1.18 MB, 1280x720, stratolaunch starship or shuttle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was watching For all Mankind last night and dreamt about an airlaunched NERVA/DRACO nucleared powered shuttle being launched this way.

>> No.15665738

not nearly enough TWR

>> No.15665743

great bait many (you) much wow

>> No.15665763
File: 311 KB, 1080x1347, 1692095971066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Truly, one of the only crafts who can rival Starliner in terms of delays and likeliness to explode

>> No.15665768
File: 2.90 MB, 480x720, Starshiphd-1.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gonna be cool to look back at these in 2 years time to see how wrong everyone was.

>> No.15665780

Does anyone have a picture with Soyuz and caption "For the next 1000 years", or something like that?

>> No.15665847
File: 3.53 MB, 1920x1080, 1682003608659472.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly pretty good given the extrapolation from the source material.

>> No.15665856
File: 3.89 MB, 1920x1080, 1682120138614269.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15665871

Wow, how did it get all the way out there?

>> No.15665875

so what, make it anonymous, use a throwaway email for instance, never talk about stuff that you can be identified through (a bit like you should on 4chan)

>> No.15665884


>> No.15665910
File: 167 KB, 564x489, 14.17.47.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are they up to?

>> No.15665957

Why is sabatier proccess so hyped up if it needs hydrogen anyway? If you're constrained by water ice on mars you might as well do hydrolox.

>> No.15665962

easier to store than hydrogen

>> No.15665965

Looks like the ISRO capsule, just in white instead of brown.
Is Russia trying to tell us something here?

>> No.15665974

Fill it wit hwater as a mass simulator?
Internal structural mockup, for a life suport system or something similar?
Base structure for an airlock mockup to LARP for crew testing?

>> No.15665977
File: 223 KB, 1024x1024, Luna 25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Roscosmos releases first image of Luna 25!

>> No.15665999
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>> No.15666000

Fill it with piss as a pisslock simulator.

>> No.15666002

you can sap CO2 from atmosphere for additional fuel
you can make 111kg of hydrogen (plus oxygen ofc) out of 1 ton of ice but you can make 444 kg of methane from 1 ton of ice
hydrogen ISP isn't better enough to make methane not worth it
also this >>15665962

>> No.15666033

Good morning /sfg/ I hate hydrogen

>> No.15666035

did it crashed?

>> No.15666037

True. Also never this argument before.

>> No.15666045
File: 63 KB, 898x460, Apollo 19 astronauts investigating soviet Luna probe Maciej Rebisz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15666050
File: 36 KB, 701x699, cassini probe final.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it would be nearing Uranus by now ...

>> No.15666068

Should be shipped with default Starlink purchase.

Skimping out on ethernet ports was a dumb decision.

>> No.15666076

Hydrogen lures you in with a simple extraction process but then fucks you on pretty much every aspect after that, except for great isp—which you don’t need anyway because running a raptor on methalox is still pretty damn good

>> No.15666103

It would have been out of maneuvering fuel by the time it left and would have required ten years of funding from the planetary science budget to keep on life support while it traveled producing few to no useful scientific observations. NASA understood that they'd be better off just designing a dedicated Uranus probe than repurposing a geriatric Saturn mission.

They also understood that any of those options would have required diverting precious funds from Mars Sample Return, and you just can't do something like that.

>> No.15666108

Isn't Bill Gates also throwing money at a launch company?

>> No.15666112

Yes, he invested in Stoke Space.

>> No.15666113
File: 77 KB, 600x316, space suit chowlock4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>designing a dedicated Uranus probe
No sign whatsoever of that materializing
> diverting precious funds from Mars Sample Return
You know that just got cancelled don't you?

>> No.15666133

No ethernet is extremely gay and the router sucks too. My continued use of Starlink is entirely predicated on my extreme dislike of Verizon. When I get a choice ditching Starlink.

>> No.15666145

>No ethernet
Why do you lie?

>> No.15666147

Right now, if you have a choice, Starlink probably isn't for you.

Down the line however, 3-4 years from now, I suspect much better system, cheaper and much more robust network.

When they expand their starlink capacity, they'll want to sell to more customers for less price.

>> No.15666148

Anon is right, NASA will delay on the pad again so the batteries die, just like Atimeis 1.

>> No.15666194

nah, I think it's suppose to look like that.

>> No.15666260
File: 399 KB, 640x394, soviet nuclear spaceplane.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soviet one stage to orbit spaceplane (Buran got funding over this)

>> No.15666266

>(Buran got funding over this)
Good. Get snowstorm’d; SSTOs are GAY

>> No.15666273

but Buran doesn't have a nuclear engine :(

>> No.15666277
File: 148 KB, 491x362, Braun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute barely legal Braun!

Even an open cycle nuclear thermal SSTO?

>> No.15666291
File: 15 KB, 437x212, 1271798672584.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, did they unironically make a router with zero ethernet ports? If so, that's top gay.
t.Google Fiber has been digging here the past few weeks

>> No.15666300
File: 2.29 MB, 1170x1730, IMG_7110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

EUS lox dome, can’t say I’m too excited to see this

>> No.15666308

>Wait, did they unironically make a router with zero ethernet ports
You need to buy an adapter that goes between router and dish to have an ethernet port with the version 2 router.

>> No.15666309
File: 39 KB, 506x548, 1641241966483.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Digits confirm. And I remember that that Nixon quote about SSTOs being gay.

>> No.15666310

Yeah kinda sucks. Given that ethernet adapters out there are ~$50 or so when adding it to the router would add no more than $1 extra in cost.

>> No.15666312

You have to nickel and dime your way to Mars anon, it ain’t gonna be cheap

>> No.15666314

Version 3 router seems to come with ethernet ports again.

>> No.15666317


400 km diameter Asteroid heading towards earth with >3% chance of impact in the next 3 days.

>> No.15666320

It's over...

>> No.15666323

Please hit India

>> No.15666328

We are so back

>> No.15666332


>> No.15666335

Heh, bet you'd already see it at night. But anyway, it'd be nice to have a real happening

>> No.15666334

Please hit Russia. Gotta pay the tax for being the largest country.

>> No.15666338

this is WAY less exciting

>> No.15666340


>> No.15666341

lets go lets go lets go lets go

>> No.15666346


>> No.15666349

My friends Chelyabinsk was 20m, Tunguska was 80m
This is at Apophis scale, which would be 1 GT or 20 tsar bomba
Anyway sounds sketchy we haven't seen it earlier.

>> No.15666351

How big do they think the Tunguska one was? Also do we know the composition? If it's iron rich it could make it to the ground instead of hitting the wall and airbursting

>> No.15666353

We are so back, again

>> No.15666354

which would be worst/better

>> No.15666355

I wanna see a crater, so I hope it hits the ground hard. An airburst in the right spot could be more destructive though, for the same reason nukes don't go off at ground level.

>> No.15666356

It would not cause a major tsunami. On land it would destroy one city.
It's simply not big enough

>> No.15666358


>> No.15666359

Maybe a city wiped off the map by an errant space rock would get world powers to work a little bit harder on their space programs

>> No.15666360

kek you got me anon

>> No.15666361

Does this mean that there are frequently impactors with 1/10th the chance of impact and nothing happens? 0.3% probability sounds high too.

>> No.15666367

it's 3.4% though

>> No.15666369


Impact flag - 3
PHA- 1.0

So yeah its significant but maybe nothing

>> No.15666372
File: 39 KB, 261x358, autist outburst .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gigaton explosion is nbd
has /sfg/ contrarianism gone too far?

>> No.15666373

I know but 400km would have been asinine even if it flew outside of the Moon’s orbit. That would be THE wake up call for this planet

>> No.15666377

400m right into a downtown metropolitan area is still a huge wake up call

>> No.15666378

New Glenn isn't a paper rocket anymore.

>> No.15666379

I'm talking about the others on that list.

Apparently we are past the maximum estimate time of impact
Closest approach time of impactors: t_min = 2023/08/14 04:48 TDB and t_max = 2023/08/15 12:22 TDB

>> No.15666380

How are we not 100% certain if it will impact or not with only 3 days remaining? Inability to measure its velocity perfectly? Inability to determine with precision what gravity will do to it?

I just hope it hits on youtube so people start taking asteroids seriously. Hopefully it'll take out some animals so it'll have a paper straw effect

>> No.15666381


>> No.15666382


>> No.15666383

Chicxulub was 10000 gigatons. If it went in the ocean literally nothing major would happen.

>> No.15666384


>> No.15666385

>Earth casually buzzed by something almost the size of Vesta
Would be an excellent couple of weeks watching it in the night sky, and hearing the lamentations of the panicked masses.

>> No.15666386

like a Rendezvous with Rama monitoring system because a meteor wiped Italy out

>> No.15666387

Would be /comfy/ to the max that’s for sure

>> No.15666397

It'd be worth a city to finally get some defensive measures set up against the only extinction-level events we have a shot at preventing.

>> No.15666398

meteorite you dolt

>> No.15666400

True it's transitioning from Paper rocket to "testing hell"

>> No.15666402
File: 73 KB, 1200x675, 1692115915937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait what the fuck, there was a 3% chance some random spot on our planet would get Tsar bomba'd and governments are still spending a measley amount of resources on asteroid deflection and launch systems.

>> No.15666403
File: 513 KB, 1890x1025, 005655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how much damage would 400m asteroid do? level a city center I guess?


>> No.15666407

This has always been the case, anon.
Yes, I know how you feel. Me too.

>> No.15666408
File: 181 KB, 1444x708, 005656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks pretty bad

>> No.15666409
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>> No.15666410

Just close your eyes and put on sunscreen, this is not that bad

>> No.15666411

6000 megatons. It would destroy any city on earth completely.

>> No.15666413

>it's a nothingburger

>> No.15666415

It's actually asteroiditeoideor

>> No.15666416

I can see my house from here

>> No.15666418
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>> No.15666419

millions must die

>> No.15666424
File: 379 KB, 1666x961, 005660.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

even with shallowest angle and lowest speed, something like 650k+ people die from the shock wave and high winds (no fireball apparently)

>> No.15666428

>one billion trillion mph wind speed
are you sure your calculator is accurate?

>> No.15666431

kek wtf

>> No.15666438

Congratulation, we missed an Apophis-danger impactor

Now go back to your regularly scheduled entertainment.

>> No.15666449
File: 34 KB, 706x439, F3lVys_XcAAe_Bi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15666453

wonder why, considering they are the number 1 spacefaring nation.

>> No.15666459
File: 94 KB, 755x796, Samuel Herrick asteroid Geographos new canal across Central America 1971- ASTEROIDS, edited by T Gehrels, U Az Press, 1979.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you considered the constructive use of giant impacts?

>> No.15666466

Australia is just begging for a big inland sea.

>> No.15666471

>stab your business partners in the back
>why will no-one do business with us, why do they shun us so?

>> No.15666472
File: 47 KB, 577x219, acc asteroid detecting bomb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am once again asking to you detonate a gigaton nuke on the far side of the sun to pin down these NEOs once and for all

>> No.15666476
File: 457 KB, 513x627, sweet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15666478

NRO glowies already know
just not civiies

>> No.15666481

Thats awesome

>> No.15666487

They already have below sealevel basins but its too dry for them to be filled most of the time. ( including an old impact crater)

>> No.15666494

Dubs decide where it lands

>> No.15666498

>meanwhile in the /sfg/ astroid bunker...

>> No.15666499
File: 7 KB, 400x400, IMG_7686.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Falcon Super Heavy when?

>> No.15666500


>> No.15666501

I feel like having common cores with 9 engines is way too fucking much power in this case.

>> No.15666502


>> No.15666505

I like that it defaults to Billionaires Row in NYC

>> No.15666507
File: 655 KB, 2000x1966, 3affa34a88d845a19203b1bf6efb2991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NEED a Starship super-heavy with 4 falcon 9 boosters strapped onto it Energia style

>> No.15666511

tel aviv

>> No.15666518
File: 130 KB, 635x872, Orbital View of Impact’ by Don Dixon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

halfway between Washington and NYC would do a power of good

>> No.15666525

>fuck this planet in particular

>> No.15666528


>> No.15666531
File: 62 KB, 609x611, astro check em.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goodbye Jewland

>> No.15666535
File: 1.09 MB, 1290x2257, IMG_7691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tankies are delusional

>> No.15666536

>if you don't respect an asteroid's pronouns, it will go all colony drop on you
The best would be if it skimmed the atmosphere just close enough to make a fiery show and then get captured. But its orbit would be unstable enough that it encourages us to get our asses to space right away to do something about it.

>> No.15666539


>> No.15666542
File: 926 KB, 1290x2796, IMG_7692.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Especially this one

>> No.15666543

Would laso destroy palestinian territories, and most of the inhabited parts of Jordan and lebanon.

>> No.15666544

>I can't think

Explains a lot

>> No.15666545

How censored is the russian internet/twitter? Is it 100% their own fault they never looked any of this shit up? Just want to know how sympathetic I should be in WW3

>> No.15666546

why are you posting random xeets again
We already taught you this lesson old man

>> No.15666548

>It would not cause a major tsunami
Are you sure mens?

>> No.15666551

This has to be a bot

>> No.15666553

Those are posts, not xeets.

>> No.15666554

When I brought this up the other day it was pointed out that the booster return only works if it's going slow enough at MECO

Maybe a Falcon Superheavy as three cores with Raptors instead? They'd have to get bigger tanks too

(At that point you're two thirds of the way to the thought process that created Starship)

>> No.15666565

Yes. 1 gigaton is pretty small compared to things like earthquakes

>> No.15666567

but enough about your mom

>> No.15666570
File: 63 KB, 639x839, tranny stalin 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fine by me; they're annoying too
meghan jess is some idiot living in the US, I'd lay money on it

>> No.15666571

>400m asteroid impacts Earth
>instantly accelerates all atmospheric particles within 5.5 miles to nearly 9c

>> No.15666574

>the following superluminal shockwave sends all of Earth back in time to before the asteroid impacted

>> No.15666588


>> No.15666597

>LUNar Architecture
Wow, never in the history of human governments has a backronym as clever as this been proposed

>> No.15666601
File: 834 KB, 1247x1396, IMG_1240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What could they be spying on?

>> No.15666622

Retar here, why couldn't SpaceX literally just replace the 9 Merlin engines on Falcon with 3 Raptors? Surely going from kerosene to methane isn't that hard in rocketry

>> No.15666629

Why would they? They are building Starship.

>> No.15666632

Raptor was originally designed to be used as an upper stage on Falcon
The they decided they should just build BFR/ITS/Starship. There’s no point in trying to bootleg a huge raptor onto falcon at this point. Most payloads SX are being paid to send up fit on F9 now that merlin has been upgraded so much. And they have FH for the remaining payloads that need a little more power

>> No.15666635

because raptors are unreliable :^)

>> No.15666637

Not the right answer. They would not do it either were raptors reliable.

>> No.15666649

The simplest answer is the first stage of the rocket isn't stage 1, the booster, it's stage 0, the pad and ground infrastructure. All that would have to be redesigned, not just the rocket.

>> No.15666651





>> No.15666667
File: 1.03 MB, 903x1016, 1502604138883.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15666679

I'm no epic haxxor, and I can easily access any information from abroad. Sometimes a VPN is needed, but that's it. It's wholly their fault.

>> No.15666699

waste of development time, Starship will obsolete falcon 9 for non-crew

>> No.15666702

>Hello, UN?

>> No.15666791

Now you have 2 different engines and fuel types on Falcon.

>> No.15666802

he wants to fuck around in mars instead

>> No.15666868

san francisco

>> No.15666898

City sized space stations will be common by turn of the century if Starship succeeds in its mission objectives by 2075.

>> No.15666909

>NSF soiboy with speech impediment
why are tankwatchers like this?