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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 847 KB, 1010x908, science vs soy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15661692 No.15661692 [Reply] [Original]

>google science news
>Top result is something like "wowsciencesocool.com"
>top news article: "WOAH! DID YOU KNOW THAT [non peer reviewed exaggerated news from 2022] IS SO COOL! SUNOVABITCH!"
so... what are some scientific news websites that actually understands what is going on and actually present what is important to the audience rather than making a sensation over false news?
I want something like scholarpedia but more up-to-date.

>> No.15661704

if you need to ask where to find articles, then you have never worked in a STEM field in your life (CompSci doesn't count brainlet)

>> No.15661713

>then you have never worked in a STEM field in your life
this is correct, I literally got kicked out of STEM and made a career on Liberal Sciences and economics.
I still live an average life I would live with a STEM degree, lol.
btw ArXiv is not a news website.

>> No.15661719

>Liberal Sciences
fuck me I am wasted.
Liberal arts*

>> No.15662429
File: 149 KB, 1080x608, atheist religion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15662444


>> No.15662456

my new boss manages research labs across the US. Travels around with some esteemed titles or whatever bullshit. She wouldn't shut the fuck up about the new Little Mermaid movie and how WONDERFUL it was.

>> No.15662503

>can I have a predigested form of the Science please?
Read the papers the "The Science" tabloits and r/science are pushing.
And simply read more than the headline.
Actually you can skip the most bullshit and straight go to the methods and materials.
If you read it and you see, that this study does the following:
>use multiple statistical models
>uses multiple wierd standartisations
>is a meta study of multiple heterogenous studies
>does not have a controll experiment with all variables in controlled
>uses a lot of exclusion criteria
>uses only in silico or in vitro modeling
>uses big buzzword bingo to distract from their shitty not to reallife relating shitty models
>uses only lab parameters without showing any releation to lab parameters and clinical findings
They you know it is bunk.

Don't trust anyone.
Just read the paper and you will see.
It just follows the same patterns most of the times.
>state hypothesis in headline and introduction
>excludes a lot of data based on wierd criterias that are not transparent in the releationship to the thing they want to test
>applies a statistical model with a meme name for no reason
>uses over generalized "inculsion criteria" for one variable
>data perfectly fits the hypothesis
>wooah the science

Heat-related mortality europe.

>collect data
>use quasi-Poisson regression (select parameters are specified but not explained why e.g. cross basis Lag functions for past variables), meta-regression
>declare any excess death as heat death when the death happened during a "heat anomaly"
Quote:"Heat-related mortality was calculated for the weeks with average temperatures above the location-specific minimum mortality temperature"
>declare any anomaly with the method:
Quote:"We defined the temperature anomalies as the difference between observed and baseline temperatures"
>use Monte Carlo simulations to until some data jumps out to "predict" mortality

>> No.15662518

There's no money to be made in catering to the intelligent. They're never satisfied, and they spend cautiously. That's why you pander to retards.

>> No.15664311

>That's why you pander to retards.
retards who fucking love science

>> No.15665157

thats all you had to say to convince us your boss is low iq

>> No.15665560

>I've decided to redefine the rules of science to adapt to my personal infallible view of the world
>Eat dog food and lift.

>> No.15666771
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>> No.15666901

Read raw papers.
Use google scholar or web of science or other search engines to narrow down things that interest you, then use scihub to get the raws.

>> No.15666997

quanta is good

>> No.15667929

Reading the replication crisis journal is a good way to find out what definitely isn't true. You can then figure out what is true via process of elimination. If it passes peer review then you know its fake and gay, start from there and eventually you'll have it all figured out

>> No.15668973

sorry to break it to you but smart is a minority, so is curious, and their overlap is an even smaller one
introvert just find most minds a bit dull

>> No.15669932
File: 300 KB, 1080x1818, 94a3552ee7e3e4b6ecbee62aed2b09af244134d863a4c5b4e2fddab42c2d6b2e_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>read these articles published by ppl who fuck dogs
low iq take

>> No.15671277


>> No.15672459

>what are some scientific news websites that actually understands what is going on and actually present what is important to the audience rather than making a sensation over false news?
doesn't exist, the media is controlled by jews and they only want to lie and manipulate, if they started publishing media that was genuinely informative they would be committing suicide

>> No.15672686
File: 590 KB, 800x1200, 1692241104031062.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There aren't any and for your consumption, it's enough to read whatever "I fucking love science" trash and schizo bullshit you find here. You're not trying to make a living of this. You don't need to know any of this. You're here to have fun. And schizoscience is way more than the real thing.

>> No.15673666

Isn't it amazing that in the whole massive world of scientific publishing both from the popular press and from the scientific vanity press there isn't a single reputable trustworthy publication that anyone can name? Its almost as if science is all just a bunch of fairy tales and lies designed to trick and manipulate the low IQ, weal willed atheists

>> No.15674925

>muh soience is real!!!!

>> No.15676475
File: 339 KB, 1200x1600, twum gibez.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does she know Twum?

>> No.15678027

thats my approach to scientific publishing too, its like betting against jim cramer

>> No.15678071

i read skepticalraptor sometimes

>> No.15678115

there you go

>> No.15678193
File: 436 KB, 1334x1888, 9ed061a39056c16be09d4dabb8b6c54d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>masculinity is not necessary
isn't knowing about science a masculine characteristic? old sci-fi tv shows and comic books portrayed scientist as manly heroic people, even the first iron man movie had a montage of tony stark building his suit, working with high voltages and showing his muscles, using his tools, same tools that people buy from a hardware store where men buy their stuff.
now sci-fi and comic book stem characters are portrayed as quirky beta faggots who get overshadowed by a narcissistic poc mary sue

also the people who keep consuming that shit dont know shit about science, people who liked science used to like sci-fi/comics because they were just good stories that takes a scientific concept into a interesting story so stem people can relate and have fun, now they use those fictional stories as their study material which is cringe

>> No.15679711


>> No.15680032

>the replication crisis journal

>> No.15680803
File: 177 KB, 745x997, replication crisis journal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15681226

Thank you

>> No.15682339

If you're not part of the Twum inner circle then you might as well not even call yourself a scientist

>> No.15683976


>> No.15684298

Best science news site on the internet

>> No.15684618

Francis Villatoro

>> No.15685746

they don't think they be like that but they do

>> No.15686757

Only science news site on the internet, the rest of them are a bunch of IFLS propagandists

>> No.15688717


>> No.15690291

Nobody is going to tell you the truth for free anymore, information thats given out for free is only done so in order to manipulate. Back in the old days when people were religious they avoided misleading people and telling lies because of their religious convictions against those practices, but those days have long since passed, we now live in a world of satanic atheism.

>> No.15690297

You forgot
>Zhang et al.

>> No.15691853

omg i can't believe thats a real website

>> No.15692907

That was a satire magazine back in the 20th century, but now its all come true. Thats just the way things go in clown world

>> No.15694199
File: 7 KB, 220x227, honk-honk-honk.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats why they call it clown work