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15647877 No.15647877 [Reply] [Original]

Why are eugenics bad?

>> No.15647882

Because retarded fuckwits that multiply endlessly are good for and ecuhmomic grof

>> No.15647885 [DELETED] 

>improving your rivals bullies competitors and enemies
low iq move. and sage.

>> No.15647972

It isn't.
Women are naturally strict eugenicists when choosing partners to ensure humanity is going in the right direction. This is why women can be fairly agnostic, not really favoring ideology or race, but focusing mainly on who the success of the man and his social status. This strategy is what has allowed us to to get to the top of the food chain, which goes to show that it actually works.

>> No.15647978

You seem to think humanity is on a good sustainable trajectory, and therefore you must be a total moron.
Anyway at least women got to larp as humanity's best and brightest irreplaceable professionals for a while before full on economic collapse.

>> No.15647992

shut the fuck up retard

>> No.15647993

We have more people on the planet than ever before and that number is only expected to increase. You'd have to be an depressed, pessimistic, antinatalist to think humanity is in decline.

>> No.15648004
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Because there is no such thing as "Eugenics". There is only the survival of the fittest, through the means of natural & sexual selection. But when somebody sees themselves losing the evolutionary race of "survival of the fittest", it fills them with great anxiety. After all, who wants to lose a race, that too the most meaningful race of a human's existence. They cry "Dysgenics, Dysgenics. Stop the race they're cheating!!" and call for interference in natural processes that have deemed them unfit to win. It is due to an inherent advantage that their opponent has over them.

Of course, that is why Eugenics can never be implemented. Because only the losing side ever calls for a stoppage or interference to a race. If they had enough power to stop the race, they wouldn't be whining in the first place, they would be winning instead. The losing side does not have the capability to stop the race, so they will always just whine and complain until they have conclusively lost. To even interfere with their opponent, they have to at least catch up to him somewhat. But if they are left in the dust massively far behind, there is nothing left to do but to writhe in fury over their imminent loss.

So now in this state of helplessness, they just imagine that their opponents are in fact inferior racers, but are winning the race precisely because they are inferiors. They will look for copes, and associate their own traits with superiority and their opponent's with inferiority. "Why yes, only those with a limp should be allowed to participate in the race. Why are all these fast runners allowed? They just ruin the game." Eugenics is just another way of saying, 'any outcome of the race that isn't me winning is a perversion and shouldn't be allowed.' It satiates a losers mind to a degree. It's a shame, but anxiety over losing the evolutionary race is just human nature.

In simple words, the call for "Eugenics" is simply the loser of the evolutionary race grasping for straws.

>> No.15648012

>You seem to think humanity is on a good sustainable trajectory,
As the catastrophic result of who knows whose eugenic project.

>> No.15648015

no need for eugenics with genetic engineering

>> No.15648023

The left one is the chud in the pic, and the right one succeded in "protecting" women from him. The left one is an evil psychopath who destroys women so that they no longer want sex with the chad on the right.

>> No.15648051

How would you have implemented it without compulsion or violence? We already know that agnostic 'baby bonus' payments that various governments have tried don't work. Obviously subsidising welfare recipients offspring hasn't helped matters. Embryo selection and gene editing are well on the way, so there's no reason for long term alarm.

>> No.15648054

Jews are breeding a new american servitor race, that will be low IQ, own nothing and be happy and frankly it's beautiful.

>56% mutt starts screeching how that's not fair and real eugenics has never been tried as his IQ falls another 2 points

>> No.15648067

Because you can't just weed out bad behaviours by selective breeding (there is no crime gene)
And because selective breeding for good traits (like IQ) will come with tradeoffs (Ashkenazi jews have higher IQ on average but also higher rates of certain hereditary diseases) plus it's very hard to make smart people breed like jiggers

>> No.15648068

Eugenics Chuds BTFO

>> No.15648074

Btw eugenics still exist to this day.
Prenatal screenings for genetic diseases and genetic medical counseling are eugenic in nature.

>> No.15648081
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>> No.15648097
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>> No.15648099

Morality is not /sci/

>> No.15648104

Even though eugenics fell out of favour for scientific reasons and not because muh hitler

>> No.15648108
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>> No.15648111

Why can't they live like normal decent people, but had to destroy civilization and force everyone to adopt their extreme primitivism, if they are so much intellectually superior?

>> No.15648113

because it implies the speaker can accurately put the eu- in eugenics.

>> No.15648123
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>> No.15648127
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>I can't breed

>> No.15648133
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>> No.15648144
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>> No.15648149
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>> No.15648163
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>> No.15648165
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>> No.15648168

See ---->>>>15648023

>> No.15648177
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>> No.15648213
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Eugenics is just the communism of the sexual market. The unsuccessful just try to to tear down the successful ones by feigning superiority on fake measures (I'm poor because only an immoral person can get rich/I'm a virgin because women only like trash men). (Eat the rich/Sterilize whoever reproduces more than me) Chad is the bourgeoisie, eugenicists are the proletariat. It's that simple.

>> No.15648219

Dude it's weird as hell to have this many random ass pictures. There's nothing even wrong with this. Go approach girls.

>> No.15648229 [DELETED] 

The problem is they did that. They did what he says in this pics. >>15648127

>> No.15648233

The problem is they did that. They did what he says in this pic. >>15648127

>> No.15648236

White people are in collapse you fuckng retard

>> No.15648238

>Women are naturally strict eugenicists when choosing partners to ensure humanity is going in the right direction.
You are a moron and should never reproduce.

>> No.15648307
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It's almost as if he's paid to demoralize people

>> No.15648313

Agreed. The bison is truly the apex of reality. The males fight to mate and the winner fucks the herd until he is dead. They have many great achievements including a ten thousand year war of attrition against humans that goes on to this day.

>> No.15648333

I think the whole paid agencies thing is massively overblown on this site. Obviously they're here, but there are also a lot of weirdos, losers, autists, and schizos here that are totally genuine. Hell, I could fit into 3 of those categories myself and I've never been paid a dime for my shitposts.

>> No.15648579

Gosh that’s a lot of words.
Eugenics is simply humans assigning value to particular traits.

If you’ve got any sense, it’s clear that some traits are more valuable than others for humans to have a good time. If natural selection pressures operating on us now are not choosing traits that we find valuable, eugenics is needed.

You’re right that eugenics will be hard to implement, especially if we try the selective breeding route.
I think genetic engineering provides a much better and moral avenue. It let’s people select the traits rather than the peoples who are lucky enough to have them.

>> No.15648581


>> No.15648584

Because retards want to keep having sex and pop out more retard babies

>> No.15648586
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>the success of the man and his social status

>> No.15648729

Why don't they show the poor half of the graph?

>> No.15648772

it isn't at all. the solution to all societal problems is literally hypergamy + eugenics

but the solution won't ever be applied. it's THE brutal truth that many wise men have warned us about

>> No.15648787

idiot the nigger has the old gramps filter on, in reality they are close in age

>> No.15648855

Things have changed m8

>> No.15648880 [DELETED] 
File: 270 KB, 793x794, 1495556055202.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eugenics is Nazi ideology under another name. Those freaks want to impose features they personally like and exterminate features they personally dislike. They want to impose their sick preferences on everybody else, force some to breed and sterilize or kill off others who to them are "undesirable". Nobody has the right to impose their will on others and play god. It is an evil morally bankrupt ideology of psychopathic control freaks - Nazis and commies.
>Eugenics is just the communism of the sexual market
Very well said. They want to violently create a sick utopia where everybody is equal economically and genetically, a communist nazi dystopia hell.
>genetic engineering
That's the same thing but only for your own family aiming to make it superior to others and give your kids a competitive advantage vs other kids. It's more of a capitalist and individualist form and thus less totalitarian and less morally problematic. But it allows doctors to play god on behalf of customers and there is poorfag jealousy and bitterness because they can't afford it. It boosts the rich ruling class into singularity and may cause extreme competition between them unless a another bill gates creates a GE wallmart and offers genetic modification services cheaply. But that's still communism for the next generation who have it for free. There is a reason it is banned by most governments if the change is passed on hereditarily and that chinese crispr doctor was jailed. But if it is allowed then all of Asia will become blue eyed, blonde haired and caucasian looking overnight without plastic surgery because that's what they want and the Nazis win.

>> No.15649237
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>> No.15649269

>Ashkenazi jews have higher IQ on average
thoroughly debunked.

>> No.15649283

all this proves is that women are low iq and not very rational in picking their mating partners.

>> No.15649576

Why don't you check in on the "winners" and see how unhappy they are.

>> No.15649604

That’s just retarded, women clearly value ideology and race, just go outside and look at the type of people liberals date, conservatives date, whites, blacks, yellows

>> No.15649635

They're filters, boomer
It's comedy, genius
>Noooo, you can't love someone if they're disabled
Literally just normal. Is it bad because it's them instead of you?
>Why do women like this hot guy? So dysgenic
idk man, think about it. Maybe you'll get it.

>> No.15649639

Am I racist or do all the women in these webms look the same?

>> No.15649770

Just saying this out loud won't make it true.
Also don't try to pass any studies on modern american self-identified jews as evidence.

>> No.15649901

Because eugenics is more often linked to ideology rather than the actual benefit of humanity. I.e: sterilize people I don't like

>> No.15651373

>Women are naturally strict eugenicists
>only get wet for dark triad men
I don't know anon, maybe in caveman times this worked well enough, but technology has advanced so much women need an update, because their preferences don't work for the current reality.

>> No.15651378
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More ADHD, smokers, and obesity is the right direction for humanity?

>> No.15651384
File: 21 KB, 230x346, At Our Wits' End.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>more people is LE GOOD
Just wait until the average IQ is so low that the industrial civilization and modern medicine that allows the population to be this high can no longer sustain itself, and mutational load is so high that almost everyone has health problem of some sort.


>> No.15651392

eugenics is bad because it would target me. simple as that.

>> No.15651417

A list of conditions and habits doesn't really explain what it is that makes them attractive to women like their personality.

>> No.15651441

this chart simply shows
low class = unhealthy, dumb = more kids
high class = healthy, smart = less kids

>> No.15651479

That's a sensible way to look at it

>> No.15652736

Women rights were a mistake.

>> No.15653638

But the hierarchy is reversed so that's a good thing.