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15638864 No.15638864 [Reply] [Original]

>the universe is flat
>the universe is infinite
can someone explain to me how cosmologists come to these conclusions?
it looks pretty flat to me and how would you know its size? how do you fit infinite stuff in a singularity ie big bang?

>> No.15638878

If you have to ask, you shouldn't really be worrying about stuff like this

>> No.15639370

why not

>> No.15639498

Assuming flatness, then there is no reason to assume that the space that is spanned by this universe is spatially limited. It is like you admit the field real numbers as your current working space. If you do that, there is no further information embedded that should somehow arbitrarily limit its extent. Meaning the number TREE(3) (an example for an extremely big number) is still as valid as the number 3, and in fact TREE(3) is infinitesimal in ratio to another still valid number still within R.
In simpler terms, unless the universe curves in on itself, there is nothing to suggests a border is "needed", which implies infinity.

You have to realize, as things become either smaller or bigger in scale distance from everyday human experience, things start to converge more and more on language that are indistinguishable from mathematical statements.

>> No.15639523

Email black science man