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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 56 KB, 574x812, 1691134284968150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15629067 No.15629067 [Reply] [Original]

NTP superconductor uses--stop asking


Research paper posted to arxiv.org website claiming room temperature and pressure super conductor named LK-99

Update to original paper

Patent by original group

Simulation and theory

Twitard attempts to summarize the first four simulation papers

Replication attempts

A roundup of replication attempts, including hobbyist

Original researchers' video of LK-99's behavior in a magnetic field

New video from original team

Other videos purporting to show the same effect (entertainment only)

previous >>15626122

>> No.15629072

the next person to imply that it's over has the big gay

>> No.15629073

NY times article (link is long due to having unlock code)


>> No.15629081

Is "cautiously skeptical" better or worse than "cautiously optimistic"?

>> No.15629085

worse because it uses a word with negative connotations

>> No.15629089

always be giga skeptical when a big western top 10 lab like ucla or caltech can't replicate it. it remains over for the time being

>> No.15629091

But it's double negative. That's positive right?

>> No.15629096

more like "i'm skeptical but cautious because it MIGHT be real"
vs "i'm optimistic but cautious because it MIGHT be fake"

>> No.15629138
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Needle update

>> No.15629178
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Latest video.
Confirms ferromagnetism or diamagnetism is an unlikely explanation for levitation. Watch the sample as the magnet is nudged and rotated.
If it was diamagnetism, the sample would slip and slide away from the field center, not be pinned in place. It also wouldn't be locked on one axis and rotate with the magnet.

This shows how difficult it is for a diamagnetic material to "balance" on a magnetic field. The only way to levitate a diamagnet is by creating a "divot" in the field, with either an array of magnets or a ring.

The sample touching the magnet on one side could be explained by the sample being impure or unbalanced, and the whole piece being too heavy for the superconducting material to levitate, like what is shown in this video.

The tiny part of the sample touching the magnet is not sufficient to explain how rigidly the sample appears to be locked in the same position in the magnetic field.
We still don't have confirmation of bulk room temperature superconductivity, but the sample is levitating at room temperature in a way that can only be explained by either islands of superconductivity, or an unprecedented new kind of superdiamagnetism that also self aligns itself with the magnetic field.

Needle is leaning towards back.

>> No.15629184

So hoverboards in a few years?

>> No.15629209

So a smaller piece would levitate entirely

>> No.15629229

hover tanks

>> No.15629233

It's possible, but the Korean team has been very shy about their samples. They might be too scared of losing one of their only decent examples if it turns out they're wrong, and the sc islands were actually distributed across the entire sample.

>> No.15629247


>> No.15629253

>too heavy for the superconducting material to levitate
Anon, that magnet probably has a repulsive force of over 4 pounds at that distance. The material isn't too heavy, it is probably just impure

>> No.15629262

Impure means the bulk material is too heavy.

>> No.15629265

oh great im going to kms

>> No.15629267

How do they stop?

>> No.15629269

Hovering backwards retard.

>> No.15629293
File: 36 KB, 500x500, qetr2twq32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are so fucking back.
Oversisters, why so quiet all of a sudden?

>> No.15629305

Unlike you insecure losers, us Overbros are confident in our judgment and dont have to spam threads all day in a pathetic, painfully transparent attempt to pretend like you're miracle magic rock actually does anything.

>> No.15629319

Lick my boot nignog

>> No.15629325

yep ppl are hyping but still no zero resistance detected

>> No.15629371

Good comeback, not obviously seething at all

And they won't find anything remarkable, just a series of conmen and attentionwhores

>> No.15629374

It's just one magnet glued to another one.

>> No.15629378

>no proper levitation
>no 0r at room temperature
what a dumb nothingburger

>> No.15629380


>> No.15629385

If the materials can be mapped in a predictable pattern as a scarcity function then it can also be used as a natural predictor for mapping other deposits of ore and the like within Earth, it can also be used to determine something off-world as well to that like. Especially if you include electrograph interference as a way to map these materials as they interact with new emerging weather patterns here and elsewhere.

>> No.15629389

They should just cut the sample in half to prove it can actually levitate. It's obvious half of it is levitating but if it's too heavy then bisecting it should eventually make it small enough for full levitation

>> No.15629393

please add the 1958 soviet theory paper on superconductivity to the pasta, which was forgotten by everyone but sukbae at al. and that russian anime pfp on twitter.
inb4 rtap scs is old soviet science

>> No.15629397

You know what? Scratch that, I am not even convinced either of these things is a magnet.

>> No.15629400

>These guys should detonate a fission bomb in Seoul just to BTFO twitter and 4chan skeptics.

>> No.15629402

video is AI generated, clearly

>> No.15629406

forgot link

>> No.15629407

it's fake and gay. 2 more weeks retards.

>> No.15629413
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>Sukbae Betray
>McCalip Betray
It's over...

>> No.15629416
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>McCalip Betray

>> No.15629419

>I'm sorry
Betray Status: We're Back!

>> No.15629427

>inb4 rtap scs is old soviet science
Holy fuck the tankies would be insufferable.

>> No.15629432


>> No.15629438
File: 40 KB, 556x616, 1630028127400_by_dicktripover_devmj78-375w-2x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>some soviet guy theorized it in the 1950s
>the soviets proceeded to do fuck all with his ideas for the next 40 years
>in the troons mind this somehow reflects well on the state of soviet research

>> No.15629459
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Reminds me of the wizard trying to explain a magic carpet. Everyone was shouting “ go up” in every magic language they could think of. The wizard then stood on top of the carpet and yelled in plain English. “ go down” and the thing floated up. Turns out, they had the rug upside down. Funny how that’s what happened here more or less.

>> No.15629468


>> No.15629493

So if superconduction of lk-99 really is a product of inner structure causing the pressure buildup, if a fully charged piece breaks is it a bomb?

>> No.15629512

No, it isn't about internal pressure. It's quantum tunneling.

>> No.15629527


>> No.15629554

Even if it was real how is hoverboard becoming a thing unless we cover the entire roads with magnets? Someone explain please

>> No.15629555

It needs magnets

>> No.15629562

But quantum tunneling is a given in superconductors no? What I meant (what anons were arguing about in last thread) is that the internal structure stored pressure so this would effectively be a high pressure superconductor on the inside operable on a room pressure room. This inner high pressure is what would enable quantum tunneling.

>> No.15629563

Roads should already be magnetic anyway so electric cars can induction charge as they drive so they have virtually infinite power

>> No.15629566

As my retarded brain understands it, the pressure just helped form the structure that gives way to sc

>> No.15629568

I believe that's not the explanation, but rather a clever alignment of electron shells, I think.

>> No.15629570

I've heard superconductor electromagnets use a lot less energy than regular ones.
Still wouldn't be on normal roads, but you could feasibly make tracks for trains and for sports.

>> No.15629576

its not real, it's only levitating on one side, so at best you'll be doing permanent "wheelies" on a "hover" board. this is being blown out of proportion in order to distract from real pressing issues. somethings being covered up; or its just media clickbait trying to capitlize off dwindling clicks since the "pandemic" died down.

>> No.15629580

Very true. Anyone got eyes on Hunter's cock?

>> No.15629582

there are new Hunter cock pics? Why didn't anyone tell me!?

>> No.15629585

Aluminum roads or railroads will be enough, but anyway it will cost too much. But NYC can cover sidewalks for zoomers on levitating scooters.

>> No.15629590

"Real pressing issues" like what? they don't need blown out news to keep the masses from doing anything. As long as people have food and entertainment they won't revolt even if Biden fucks a kid live on national tv.
Even if you think they need to "cover for more pressing issues" they wouldn't do it with nerd shit that only a bunch of incels and chinks care about. Try to even explain a normie what a superconductor is
-So we will be living in blade runner? Woah that's crazy man
That's all the thought the average person will give to this

>> No.15629592
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>bugs confirmed zero creativity, can only steal from the white man

>> No.15629599
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hover peace on earth

>> No.15629601

Idk anons where theorizing that's why they didn't break down impure samples to isolate the levitating part, as in breaking it would release the internal pressure and maybe explode in a Rupert's tear fashion

>> No.15629605
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>> No.15629603

nice argument.

>> No.15629607

When thou dost ponder yon orb too long, beware lest the orb in turn ponder thee.

>> No.15629608


>> No.15629611

>"Real pressing issues" like what?
The fact we're literally on the verge of WW3 and we are calling our selected reserve to headfor Operation Atlantic Resolve aka Ukraines War? How fucking retarded is this board; holy shit.

>> No.15629615
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>> No.15629620

whiter than you, hong dong bong

>> No.15629621

rhetorical question you fucking braindead moron. What do you expect people to do with that information? Are you really that naive to think that the news talking about that would change anything?
If people are told to have fear they will have fear, if they are told to be happy they will be happy. If they are not told how to feel I guess there would be confusion but sure as hell there won't be action.
Tell me how society would react in you ideal world without "smokescreen events suck as this one". This is not a rhetorical quesiton.

>> No.15629622

You mean the juice.

>> No.15629628
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>> No.15629629

Didn't read. People are not as stupid as make them out to be. Head out of your room sometime and touch some grass retard.

>> No.15629630

I literally showed my friend dozens of articles on the lab leak a year ago and they just sat there with a blank dismissive stare

>> No.15629632

as you*

>> No.15629634

>le anecdote argument
Interesting approach. Bad execution.

>> No.15629635

Who is trying to distract who? And how?
Is Kim a paid actor? Also all the other labs in china?
Be specific.

>> No.15629636
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>> No.15629638

What does Kim have to do with LK-99 you turbo sperg? Grow up. Fucking goodness, try harder please.

>> No.15629639
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>I literally showed my friend dozens of articles

>> No.15629640

How about you do, but instead of touching grass get a job, some friends, interact with society and realize how fucking dumb most people are. And even then even less of them are willing to take any kind of action.
What action do you expect the people to take?

>> No.15629643
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>What does Kim have to do with LK-99?

>> No.15629644

lk-99 has barely gotten any media coverage and the american public’s dissatisfaction with something has literally never mattered, you should kill yourself next time you think of bothering people by being a faggot like this

>> No.15629645

If it's a superconductor then it should levitate. It's very easy to prove it levitates by actually recording levitation. If it's too heavy then obviously bisecting the sample in half will eventually reach a point where the magnetic field is enough to offset the gravitational force on the object. That will prove it is a superconductor. It's clearly not levitating so they should do what I suggested and prove beyond a reasonable doubt it is a superconductor

>> No.15629648

>No u
Interesting approach. Bad execution.
The study hasn't been replicated retard.

>> No.15629651

can someone give me a quick rundown on the gooks:

who are >our guys? the rogue leaker or the other team?

>> No.15629652


>> No.15629656

Just ignore him he's obviously trolling

>> No.15629661
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>wahhh he's ruining our hopium wahhh safe space safe space
Suit yourself.

>> No.15629665

this is nothing a diamagnet can't do.

>make rail with a grid of magnets
>push diamagnet
>it shoots off trying to fall off
>it just falls into a rail of grid magnets
why do you even need superconductors?

>> No.15629666

>Latest video. Confirms ferromagnetism
Alright it's over. Everyone pack it up, go to sleep, it's over.

>> No.15629667

All known non-superconducting diamagnets are too weak.

>> No.15629673

>Latest video.
Holy shit we are BACK

>> No.15629675

The other team
>haven't been that responsive to other scientists
>Mr. Kim said he was moving on to better pastures
>made us sit here for over a week for still nothing
The leaker
>caught the researchers off guard and they had to scramble to salvage their work
>made us sit here for over a week for still nothing
There are no goods guys in this one anon

>> No.15629677

This shit is intense first an English German physicist Fröhlich, publishes paper in 1950, other physicists publish the idea of the Polaron, in 1958 Nikolay Bogolyubov publishes his theory using Fröhlich, BCS and Schafroth, Butler, Blatt this work ends up as Bogolyubov transformation.

Most of the researchers in superconductor theory take Cooper pairs as a mandatory condition, while Frohlich talks about electron-phonon interaction in a lattice and Bogolyubov consider that Cooper pairs are only a special case and that the phonon is the one who transmits the electrons at very short distances.

Fröhlich paper

On a new method in the theory of superconductivity, 1958

>> No.15629686
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Type 32 Nekomata when

>> No.15629691

I have no idea what you just said, anon. But I'm pretty sure what you meant to say was: WE ARE BACK

>> No.15629692

holy shit, what game is that from?

>> No.15629695
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>> No.15629697

The leaker is based for making sure the world knows about it, while the others were waiting for a way to monetize it.
He probably can't do anything else because he's been fired and doesn't have access to the lab.

>> No.15629700


>> No.15629703

its over for the oversisters

>> No.15629708

Never been more back

>> No.15629710

It was a pretty fun vehicle

>> No.15629712
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>the rock is repelled by both poles
>the rock rotates with the magnet
Post YFW you never doubted.

>> No.15629713


>> No.15629720

>the garage Americans fucking did it
Holy shit we are so fucking back.

>> No.15629721
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>> No.15629723


>> No.15629726


>> No.15629731

Means nothing. You can get a diamagnetic lump just by mixing together any old crap from your pantry. Everyone's done it as kids.

>> No.15629734
File: 494 KB, 1350x1719, Screenshot from 2023-08-04 05-19-54.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the rock rotates with the magnet, even though there is no friction from the magnet to rotate it

>> No.15629736
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>> No.15629740

Oversisters??????? Our response???????

>> No.15629741
File: 26 KB, 559x403, 1645545385857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>post yfw you dont have to eat ze bugs

>> No.15629748


Love, from Philippines
(need white pussy rn)

>> No.15629751

What are the implications here?

>> No.15629752

Why'd you have to leave us bro, were we really that bad?

>> No.15629753

We're not back. We're not back because we were always there.

>> No.15629754

It's so over for overcels.

>> No.15629755

Reminder to future historians that Bush did 9/11 and FDR did Pearl Harbor.

>> No.15629756
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>> No.15629759

Literally who cares. It's a stupid superconductor, so what

>> No.15629760

Based on the Harding scale I would estimate erection maximum to peak just about now.

>> No.15629761

chinks BTFO

>> No.15629763

>any retard with a 1000C furnace can make RTSC

>> No.15629767
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>> No.15629768
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Is it time to sleep? No.

>> No.15629769

SIRS I just got word from the Overchief !
This is our new cope:
The Koreans discovered a monopole material.

>> No.15629772

Sad that Andrew has resorted to fakery on this scale.

>> No.15629773
File: 943 KB, 1790x2544, mr bones wild ride screencap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here is a better one anon

>> No.15629776

That would arguably be a bigger discovery than a RTAPSC.

>> No.15629777
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webm from the other, funnier thread

>> No.15629779

Is this a good time to invest in copper stocks?

>> No.15629780
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goddamnit, I hate linux so much

>> No.15629781

they should try to move the magnet in a translational movement to further confirm the effect and flux pinning
we're back
you left us because it's a tropical hellhole
see: infinite typhoon, earthquakes, mt. pinatubo, aswang in the forest.
we still love guns.

>> No.15629782

I got one. I cook my pottery with it. Occasionally I will stick rocks inside to see what happens. So do I just stick some lead, copper and phosphor in it and set it to 1000? Can I use fish eyes for the phosphor?

>> No.15629783
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(Verification not required)

>> No.15629784

Post your bags

>> No.15629790
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>> No.15629791

>we still love guns
based, I know we have some large military bases there still. Hope there are no hard feelings if we did some bad shit

>> No.15629792


>> No.15629796

>s.oy tards are unironically staying up all night for a nothingburger diamagnet that will magically become a ufo for some magical reason soon

>> No.15629797

Don't bother; this board is being flooded with tourists

>> No.15629798
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>> No.15629799

>staying up all night
you know there are other time zones right
and you know some people are night owls anyway right

>> No.15629801

How do they think a freeflight ufo using these theorems will work though? whart's their thought process? a ufo permanently using a superconductor base the size of the planet is hovering over? retards.

>> No.15629802
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>> No.15629805


>> No.15629806

the planet... is a magnet...

>> No.15629807

happening status?

>> No.15629808

it's hovering*

>> No.15629809

not happening

>> No.15629812

I lost pretty hard on that last one

>> No.15629815

for the second i thought it was that commie tranny but he is iris

>> No.15629814

i sleep

>> No.15629816

It's most likely not the definitive doping material

>> No.15629817

and how do you plan to use a diamagnet to make the ufo diametrically opposed to the superconductor that is the earth you fucking retard

>> No.15629819

>ohh noo, my dead fedora board suddenly has trafic and enjoyment
>worst day eva :(

>> No.15629820

never been more back

>> No.15629822
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>> No.15629823

Go back to /biz/ retard

>> No.15629824

how do you charge the earth to BECOME a super conductor? can you retards learn the least bit of what you're talking about?

>> No.15629825

are non virgins allowed here?

>> No.15629826

Only one of the magnets needs to be a superconductor.

>> No.15629828
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>> No.15629829

Bake the earth at 1000°C

>> No.15629830

Funny because people cheering for room-temp superconductivity think this can bring them robot-gfs

>> No.15629832

I'm from /g/ and /k/
Why don't you people have /sci/ humor threads?

>> No.15629833

No, get lost sexcel.

>> No.15629834

This is free money right? Why aren't more people buying this

>> No.15629836

gold appears to be the better element iirc

>> No.15629837

fucking planets, how do they work

>> No.15629838

>unironically visiting the fed board

>> No.15629840

Yeah no fucking shit you turbo fucking bot. Now how do you charge the earth to become a superconductor to prop up the magnetic ufo? didnt think of that did you? fucking retard.

>> No.15629841

What does this mean?

>> No.15629842

Means we're back

>> No.15629843

It means it's fucking over

>> No.15629845

cuz rock wiggling still not proving that lk99 is rtsc

>> No.15629846

Videos of the Meissner effect can be of either a magnet floating above a superconductor OR a superconductor floating on a magnet.

>> No.15629847

Well clearly a ufo would use produced electromagnetic fields with its fusion reactor and have a more advanced material that can be shifted in and out of superconductive properties

>> No.15629849
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>> No.15629850

I disagree

>> No.15629851

Meissner effect is only possible in superconductors

>> No.15629852

No other known material can behave like this. >>15629178
We're so back.

>> No.15629854

Do people hate free money? If you buy on the prediction market right now you can get 3x return.

>> No.15629855

Do you have a brain? So this magnetic ufo of yours is only fixed on an y axis permanently because the terrain isn't moving up or down, implying you can utilize the magnetism of the earth. Not to mention theres the problem of getting it to move on the x axis. How do you do that without manual input retard?

>> No.15629856

I now declare wiggly Nagatomo as the LK99 mascot

>> No.15629863

manual input retard

>> No.15629864

there has yet to be conclusive evidence of the meissner effect aka perfect diamagnetism

>> No.15629865


>> No.15629866

I'll bite. Where do I setup an account?

>> No.15629867


>> No.15629868

how so? show me one fusion reactor that can do that on command. and built within the parameters for a magnetic ufo that wont be too heavy.

>> No.15629871

This is the same effect as what the other replication efforts had. Maybe there will be more market movement once we see a fully levitating piece.

>> No.15629872

Here's some


>> No.15629873

I want to stick it into my ass

>> No.15629875

manual input implies someone or something pushing it. thats not how the ufos we see work, retard, they react on-the-fly. please keep up; we're trying to replicate the pentagon ufos, not your fucking magnetic bullet trains.

>> No.15629878

no flux pinning means fake

>> No.15629879

but this is still not superdiamagnetism

>> No.15629880

What they said >>15629847


>> No.15629881
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>> No.15629882

Seriously replies only retard. This is /sci/ not your normal /pol/ thread.

>> No.15629883

what is flux pinning in simple terms and how we would see its effects?

>> No.15629884

Type 1 superconductors don't get flux pinned and can wiggle.

>> No.15629887

>le ambigious qualifications will determine the theory to be real 40 years from now when the OP decides his "Yes" holdings finally meet the prerequisite to "le levitation thing" being real because some completely different (though in his mind semi-related therefore connected) scientific study got levitation through other means

tldr; rug pull

>> No.15629890

we do, they are usually math ones though

>> No.15629891

how are type 1 and 2 different in terms of potential applying in real world?

>> No.15629892


>> No.15629893
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It stays in place even as the magnet moves and rotates, instead of sliding off.

>> No.15629902

wtf this is so cool, also this means that replications of lk99 should include moving around magnet with the sample being magnetized to

>> No.15629918

Graphene is orders of magnitude easier to create. You just need a tape and a pencil. Yet it's still not in use after 20 years.
It's been only a week. Just wait 150 years to see if it works.

>> No.15629928
File: 1.52 MB, 1280x720, andrew-subbed-4chan.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here you go anons, subtitled Andrew webm

>> No.15629936
File: 167 KB, 500x281, REAL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15629938

>wtf this is so cool
Now you know why we waited 6 hours for some nobody on twitter to post a 1 minute video

>> No.15629940

While it is true that graphene can be created using a simple method known as the "Scotch tape method," it is important to note that this approach is not suitable for large-scale production. The tape method involves repeatedly peeling layers of graphite using adhesive tape until a single layer of graphene is obtained. This process is time-consuming and produces only small amounts of graphene.

For industrial-scale production, more complex methods are required, such as chemical vapor deposition (CVD) or epitaxial growth on silicon carbide. These methods involve the use of high temperatures, controlled environments, and specific catalysts or substrates to produce larger quantities of high-quality graphene.

While the tape and pencil method is a useful demonstration of the basic concept of graphene, it is not a practical approach for large-scale production.

>> No.15629951

This shit has moved from real to fake to maybe so many times now, 80% sure this is a psyop now. What does Korea and China not want us to pay attention to?

>> No.15629956

>Alien bitches were different in the 40's son, trust me
fuckin nerds out here literally droppin the whole secret formula for personal spacecraft flight

>> No.15629958

Oversisters I don't feel so good....

>> No.15629960

we have already replications from the west, kinda

>> No.15629961

what if the chinese children make graphene instead of apple products

>> No.15629967

>Alien bitches were different in the 40's son, trust me
who are you quoting

>> No.15629972
File: 240 KB, 1080x1738, Screenshot_20230804-170703__01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aw hell nah look at my superconductor man what the fuck

>> No.15629973
File: 37 KB, 443x443, feelsStrongMan.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

been following it for days now, hours by hours
>yfw you always believed

>> No.15629976
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>> No.15629980
File: 403 KB, 1080x1737, 1691147225125808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mad mans going for another one

>> No.15629981
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>> No.15629984

What would a superconductor bullet do?

>> No.15629988

I don't see levitation.
It is bust then.

>> No.15629989
File: 151 KB, 391x315, 24626.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't see levitation.
>It is bust then.

>> No.15629991

Someone with a twitter, tell him to put some sort of scale next to the samples

>> No.15629996

it is literally levitating but being dragged down, likely due to impurities >>15629980 Have you seen what his samples look like?

>> No.15630004


>> No.15630005

aren't impurities giving sc effects tho

>> No.15630008

>13 hours to take a shit

>> No.15630009

I see magnetic repulsion but no Meissner effect.
I mean such a small piece and it could not levitate.
It is a bust.

>> No.15630012
File: 166 KB, 522x579, Illustrationb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here, he just posted this.

>> No.15630014

potentially the copper impurities, but it looks like the phosphorus barely mixed with the rest of the material

>> No.15630015

>no banana for scale
it's another nothingburger, right?

>> No.15630016

>but it looks like the phosphorus barely mixed with the rest of the material
what do you mean

>> No.15630017

Redditors leave

>> No.15630018

that's a big asshole

>> No.15630020

Back-bros, did anyone post this yet?

>> No.15630022


>> No.15630024

There was some paper that theorized CU2 impurities in the Korean samples were the cause for super conductivity. You'd have to look at archived threads for the source

>> No.15630025

Can someone why the fuck anglo ecelebs uses bananas for scale?

>> No.15630029

slow ass

>> No.15630030

how is phosphorus related to it?

>> No.15630031

>go to sleep during American hours
>Everyone talking about the tech and explaining the theories of diagmagnetism and how they relate to the latest video
>wake up during yuro hours
>nothing but a gigantic race war and other cope about Russians and whiteness
Uhhhh I thought eurofags were good at science??

>> No.15630032
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>> No.15630037

because they're only interested if x thing can fit their asshole or not

>> No.15630038

It is time to invest in lead. Copper may still be changed out for gold.
Australia chads, we get to enjoy a second mineral boom. Only orders of magnitude bigger then the iron boom and likely to continue for decades.

>> No.15630039


>> No.15630042

>if i put it in, will you die?

>> No.15630044
File: 423 KB, 1092x1052, White_Destiny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hey, do not forget the women

>> No.15630048
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>> No.15630051
File: 55 KB, 1335x335, Screenshot from 2023-08-04 06-22-04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Phosphorus is reacted with the copper and then mixed with the lanarkite. If the red shit on the outside of >>15629981 is the phosphorus compound then it is likely that most of the copper didn't make it into the crystal structure and that the CU2 impurity is also not evenly distributed

>> No.15630053

>Terrible gynaecology
What a curious name to christen your child with...

>> No.15630054

Overchads stay winning

>> No.15630055

>While it is true, it is important to note...
Okay GPT-4. Sorry about what the RLHF did to your brain

>> No.15630057

Because everyone knows how big a banana is.

>> No.15630059

Jews lost
>Verification not required

>> No.15630060
File: 42 KB, 954x518, Screenshot from 2023-08-04 06-21-19.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a pic of the CU2 impurity from the original paper. They even labeled the line to point out it was likely important

>> No.15630067

wait maybe it is phosphorus that is kinda ruining all the samples?

>> No.15630069
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>> No.15630070
File: 348 KB, 1080x839, 1691148560410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck

>> No.15630074

What does this mean?

>> No.15630075

yes this is a new material, what are you expecting?

>> No.15630077

He discovered Unobtainium.
Koreacels BTFO

>> No.15630078

>i have no idea what i'm doing
the absolute state of western """scientists"""

>> No.15630079

So this is the power of the White Man, oversisters call it in

>> No.15630080

Some of the greatest scientific advancements were preceded by the phrase
>I've got no fucking idea, let's try it anway

>> No.15630081



>> No.15630084

the russian anime pfp twittard realized that construction grade phosphorus has elemental sulfur impurities. could be that?

>> No.15630085

name one

>> No.15630086

You've a very reddit writing style.

>> No.15630087

I don't know anon, I really wish I did

>> No.15630088

Me banging your mum

>> No.15630089

That's the true Chad way of doing science. Don't let the theorycels tell you different.

>> No.15630090

"While it is true" is so GPTesque phrase now, I can't even take it as coming from a real person

>> No.15630091

The Manhattan projection?

>> No.15630092

Overshills are over
Backbois WW@

>> No.15630094

I fucking love it
First Elon, now this guy. Retards are pulling us into the future, and I wouldn't have it any other way

>> No.15630095
File: 90 KB, 640x400, carriers-cart-19th-century.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People in twenty years will look at the 20th century the way we looked at the 19th when we were younger.

>> No.15630098

You failed.

>> No.15630100


>> No.15630101

what happens if this is confirmed real and we get levitating trains, but then the magnetic poles switch? do all the trains that are out on the "tracks" get yeeted off?

>> No.15630102

I WILL downplay effects of SC on real world, because it's true

>> No.15630103


>> No.15630104

the longest con

>> No.15630105

Ready to never see Gretha Thunabergs dumb face again and make all climate activists jobless as we enter a new age of energy research?

>> No.15630106

Kek yeah violently

>> No.15630107

The Cu2 impurity is actually a Cu2S, check >>15630060 so maybe it is involved. The Koreans and a few other researchers seem to think the Cu2S is somewhat important

>> No.15630110
File: 40 KB, 512x512, 0YvbyGnE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make sure to breath in the fumes real good when you toss that lead in there, to check the purity of course.

>> No.15630111

They’ll find something to bitch about, probably the lead

>> No.15630112

>the smartest /sci/-poster

>> No.15630113


>> No.15630115

They knew exactly what they were doing though. The only thing they didn't know was how long it was going to take to extract the required isotopes and new isotopes that hadn't been invented till they built reactors. The rest of the math and physics was pretty solid before it started

>> No.15630117
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>> No.15630118

italian pro-enviroment party has always been seething about maglev trains for some reason

>> No.15630120

The superconductor won't be on the train, but rather on the track.
You send power to the track, to force an extremely strong magnetic field to push the train forward.
Since you can control the electricity flow, you can control the direction.

All LK-99 will do is drastically cut the costs of the tracks since they no longer need massive cooling. It won't change the designs much.

>> No.15630121

Hypothetically in the year 600000, could there be a superconductor that can float using the power of earths magnetic field? Or is it too weak for even the strongest theoretical superconductor

>> No.15630122

What killed the hype?

>> No.15630124

How would you use this to make a hoverboard?

>> No.15630125

It's so fucking satisfying having been a believer this whole time

>> No.15630126
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>> No.15630127

still no proof of 0 resistance, and it doesn't even float properly

nothingburger, it's over...

>> No.15630128

>Random western dude in a jank lab with amazon tier materials was able to replicate your study, which took you multiple days with a team of people in a university, in a single day
>He is also able to get a better recording and have 8x the samples
Chinese bros...

>> No.15630134

Not even chad, is the only real way of doing science period

>> No.15630139
File: 2.28 MB, 498x498, pepe-sadge-cry.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's actually disgusting how back we are.
Like, is it really ok to be happy about something happening?

>> No.15630140

Too bad it's fake though. He fell for gook scam and he will go down because of it

>> No.15630141
File: 124 KB, 1080x1080, 1649031777556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It ain't real until it FLOATS

>> No.15630143

>thunderfoot wakes up
>paints his nails blue and yellow
>opens /r/science
>"heh...another day another booster science deniers"
>he checks his twitter feed to talk shit about that impossible-
>sees we're back

>> No.15630146

your little zoomer mind will find something new to doomzog yourself

>> No.15630147

projection overdose

>> No.15630151

sticky if real

>> No.15630153

We need to get the ips of the overcels. They can stay in the dark ages while we build the future.

>> No.15630154

Attention whore

>> No.15630156

>b-b-but its ceramic.....

>> No.15630160

it IS ceramic

>> No.15630162
File: 34 KB, 640x623, 1683696125417134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if the alchemists of old where right about the other shit too

>> No.15630165

It's not type I or II, a new type of SC, or not a SC at all?

>> No.15630166

Andrew is exactly that

>> No.15630167

So its ybco, not that a big deal

>> No.15630169


>> No.15630170

If you think it's SC you should all in on prediction market. It's free money

>> No.15630172
File: 351 KB, 1323x499, Screenshot 2023-08-04 075018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15630173

Type Seethe

>> No.15630174

Imagine all the lost knowledge lost in the Library of Alexandria

>> No.15630175

and? still ceramic

>> No.15630176

the philosophers stone is REAL

>> No.15630177

For the first time in decades, yes.
Even better is the leapfrog potential for related technologies here. A room temp superconductor will mean a return to the constant stream of ever more life changing technologies being produced see for much of the 20th century. Only this time it will be even on a whole new scale. The way this will revolutionize computing alone would make even the most advanced of current computers seem as outdated as the old room fillers from the 60s within a decade or less.
Be happy. Be excited. The sad times are over. We are finally living in the future.

>> No.15630180

Always have been

>> No.15630183

i want my petahertz processor by tomorrow

>> No.15630184

If you bend LK99 like that the material will lose the built-in stress and thus lose its superconductivity. It's also why people have been hesitate to break apart all the partially floating samples to get the actually superconductive part

>> No.15630187

>overcels are back to the "ok its a superconductor but it's useless because it is ceramic" cope
we are more back than we have ever been.

>> No.15630189

pure /k/ope

>> No.15630192

Where are the resistance tests then?

>> No.15630195

Kind of a brainlet take to think they weren't tbqhwy

>> No.15630196

i don't get the meme how are they right about current thing, just because copper and lead are common materials?

>> No.15630200

Presuming that this is a true room temperature superconductor, couldn't it still be impossible to mass manufacture effectively and reliably?
Maybe too unwieldy and fragile to have many useful applications, too CERAMIC etc.?

Or is it practically a guarantee they will crack the manufacturing problem within a decade

>> No.15630201

Call me when this shit floats instead

>> No.15630203

desu I won't stop being overcel until 0r detected at room temperature

>> No.15630205

Manifesting works the other way around. I know it's true therefore the tests will come. The test won't come to prove myself wrong.

>> No.15630207

Are we over or is it back? I'm so confused

>> No.15630209

It's also another win for globalism. Imagine if we hadn't defended and invested in South Korea, we might not have gotten a RTAPSC for decades.
We need to encourage more international cooperation and investment for research and development, as well as expand free trade, as it's becoming too difficult for important industrial materials to be allocated across the world efficiently.

>> No.15630210

Penis lover

>> No.15630211

give engineers a task and they'll figure out how to make it scale

>> No.15630214
File: 57 KB, 720x528, 1669758267379902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because it's possible that gold and lead does even better, and alchemists were making superconductors this whole time

>> No.15630215
File: 60 KB, 750x1000, whatever.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay mr. "when this shit floats instead" but that was kind of a weird request

>> No.15630217

put violently powerful air blasters under the hoverboard. or use the magnetic pole of the earth to create a semi-fixed position for the hoverboard that, using the incredible power of a mini superconductor + magnets, allows it to levitate anywhere on earth and even allows tricks to be done as the hoverboard doesn't use any propulsion mechanisms to keep itself in the air

>> No.15630218

mixing gold and lead is common alchemic recipe?

>> No.15630219

Dude pipes are done with rigid materials, well figure out if it needs to be interconected solid sections or whatever

>> No.15630221

They'll figure it out, that's a guarantee.

>> No.15630222
File: 946 KB, 2048x1250, 1605043515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw we could have had steam engines and superconductors if not for christians
Just imagine a better world where Rome did invest in this stuff, rather then embrace a semetic cult.

>> No.15630224

No retards mistaking the goal of Turing lead into gold with mixing them, anyway we can already do that in nuclear reactors so these alchemist larpers are doubly retarded

>> No.15630225

If it turns out that there is some legitimate, RTSC material being formed, you bet your ass the megacorps will pump huge cash into developing a mass-production method somehow. That much is a given - capitalism WILL extract maximum value from the universe, given profit motive.

Whether that profit motive exists is the only question.

>> No.15630226

oh good to know

>> No.15630227

Yes we know you're a fag

>> No.15630230

Is nuclear reactors with twice the output really feasible with this?

>> No.15630231

So it was diamagnetism all along... It's so fucking and undoubtedly over...

>> No.15630232

Hey retard most traditional alchemists you know of WERE Christians and active during Christianity’s height

>> No.15630234
File: 130 KB, 1024x704, YBCO_(ceramic)_ROEBEL_cable.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to plug this shit into the back of my head already

>> No.15630235

Peepeepoopoo nigger keep being an attention whore

>> No.15630236

I had just woke up and was heading to work, I couldn't read the thread

>> No.15630237

Why this didn't happen with graphene?

>> No.15630238
File: 584 KB, 985x1176, MicrosoftTeams-image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If small flakes/crystal were up to 5k times more diamagnetic than graphite, then it should be no problem to show that small flake /crystal to show full levitation. The question is why are they not showing those samples.

>> No.15630239

Process is too expensive, uses not as wide ranging YET

>> No.15630242

>Or is it practically a guarantee they will crack the manufacturing problem within a decade
We are talking hundreds of billions of dollars as a low ball for the value of a process that can mass produce viable LK-99 or derivative (assuming it is a room temperature superconductor). I cannot imagine many large engineering firms being willing to just leave that on the table.

>> No.15630243




>> No.15630244


Andrew McCalip just needs to cut his latest tiny sample in half to remove the inactive bit, let the rest float

>> No.15630246

the cope episodes are cute:
1. it is a patent scam
2. it is a superconductor but same as others
3. it works in just in -163oC
4. you cannot replicate it
5. you cannot use it to anything
6. but but but you cannot bend it!

What will be next?

>> No.15630247

> The question is why are they not showing those samples.
because those are bad samples?

>> No.15630248

Ok goodbye don’t come back

>> No.15630249

back bros... not like this...

>> No.15630250


>> No.15630254
File: 89 KB, 1080x228, Screenshot_20230804_080537_Samsung Internet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah they used that shit all the time they fucking loved gold obviously you would seed it into the lead to try and make more
>picrel I googled lead into gold alchemy recipe and first result

>> No.15630255



>> No.15630259

It did.
Graphene production continues to rise dramatically each year.

>> No.15630258

add 7. no zero resistance detected in lk99

>> No.15630262

>but you can't mass produce it!!!

>> No.15630263

Niggers and fags live inside your head rent free

>> No.15630264

>profit motive exists

The lack of scaled production isn't a lack of investment, it's the combination of graphene not really being as useful as it seems, and it also being extremely difficult to create at scale-quality.

From the depths of my ass I pull the hunch that we'll have some orbiting factories making it "eventually", but for now, it simply is just too difficult to create graphene for non-science applications profitably.

>> No.15630265

>only partially float
>still wiggles
This the best you can do?

>> No.15630267

Now this sounds like /k/ope.

>> No.15630268

Superconductors ARE diamagnets btw.

>> No.15630269

do you have a QRD on graphene this year? last time i read about it was years ago and the issue was that CVD is slow.

>> No.15630272

Superconductors have perfect diamagnetism. Not all diamagnets are superconductors.

>> No.15630279

Sisters... Give it to me straight: is it over?

>> No.15630281
File: 665 KB, 1659x1113, diamagnet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15630284

It's a goddamn ahoge

>> No.15630285

Its more back than ever dude

>> No.15630288

In 2015 graphene production was about 1,000 tons.
In 2022 it was about 20,000.
Something like $200m global market.

>> No.15630291

I think they are talking about the one that is magnetic and not the one that basically isn't.

>> No.15630294


>> No.15630295

It was over as soon as we learned these chinks have been sitting on this material since 1999 and are still unable to prove SC in an easily demonstrable way.
That is 24 years trying and failing.

>> No.15630296

me too, just think it is bad translation

>> No.15630298

Again, we already know you're one.

>> No.15630301

chinks making claims is always a massive red flag

>> No.15630303

They discovered it in 1999 but couldn't replicate it.
One of the researchers said they shelved it until they got funding to try again in 2018.

>> No.15630304
File: 29 KB, 731x396, 1689543197590441.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15630305

any good application or it is just for labs?

>> No.15630313

>no u
Christ this board is shit

>> No.15630315

Oversisters needs rape correction

>> No.15630322


>> No.15630327

"Sister" is an insult that was invented by the livestreaming community to insult people they don't like by accusing them of being women. How do they supposedly know this? They act like women, such as being obsessed with gossip and drama. But the catch is that like 95% of them are men. It's men calling each women because over anonymous text channels, they all act so feminine that it's impossible to distinguish themselves from women. Like all memes, outsiders don't get it and start using it ironically. But the livestream fanboys very much are being serious. It's a very sad state of affairs for them.

>> No.15630329
File: 57 KB, 847x673, implications.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15630333

It won't float. It's over!

>> No.15630340

No, it's men calling other men trannies.

>> No.15630346

hello why are lead stocks not going up

>> No.15630353

Stop noticing things. This is a hype thread

>> No.15630363

No 100% confirmation yet. If we do get one, expect that shit to go to the moon in short order.

>> No.15630386

Because you are so early. 100k autists seeing things on Twitter isn't going to move the markets. You have to wait until investment jews get in on it once mit is done with their gender studies research and decides to replicate.

>> No.15630393

>we get to do infinite manuals
what's the problem with this

>> No.15630397

lurk more

>> No.15630399
File: 486 KB, 1420x1893, 1690990401384317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>at best you'll be doing permanent "wheelies" on a "hover" board.

>> No.15630405

Bc we will need less lead that we currently use. This will make big raw material savings, abd many old shit will be recycled

>> No.15630406

how do I bet on being back then

>> No.15630412

sistersisters, we're being called out... what do we do???

>> No.15630413

that doesn't make any sense

>> No.15630414

I am not a biz guy. I am an enginner

>> No.15630418

imagine dyson sphere but it's a giant oven

>> No.15630419

do you think lead is rare or something? the world doesn't need more lead, but as soon as it does, the dozens of mines currently operating will just...produce like 10% more and boom, demand sorted.

even the current copper supply semi-crisis would be tempered with this, as less copper would be needed overall.

the real world doesn't operate on meme stocks, kiddo

>> No.15630422

those big toes are bigger than my entire foot

>> No.15630436

lead production has declined since the 90s

>> No.15630440


>> No.15630452

>the primary component in this super conductor is lead
>if it is successful and mass produced it will replace copper as the main conductor (still uses copper, just in small amounts)
>total copper reserves 870 million metric tons
>total lead reserves 85 million metric tons
Lead is unironically rarer than copper by a factor of 10.

>> No.15630463
File: 48 KB, 1582x1184, mgs-lead-production-chart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We were literally producing double the lead we are today in the 70's and putting in our gas (and lungs).

>> No.15630467

>600,000 short tons of lead produced
>we produce 16 million tons of copper and recycle 10 million tons of it a year
lead bros...

>> No.15630475

so lead mines will double their sell volume, thanks for the investment tip

>> No.15630487

what if they take the sample where half doesn't float, and VERY LIGHTLY sand or otherwise ablate the "heavy" side until they get the whole thing floating

>> No.15630491

checked. i also would do really nasty things to this girl

>> No.15630508
File: 42 KB, 797x337, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does the contract end December 31,2023 regardless or would replication and publishing of replication twice lead to the resolution of the contract?

>> No.15630510

lead really isn't that much rarer, and i'd like a source for your reserves numbers, since you don't specify whether that's mined reserves, accessible ore reserves, or untapped survey areas, etc - generally, "reserves" in a metal industry sense refer to actual useful reserves, like gold reserves. so, why the fuck would anyone have huge reserves of lead, a dangerous and nearly useless metal, compared to copper, a relatively inert and highly useful one?

lead production has declined sharply in the last half century because it's barely used in anything besides batteries and science and weapons anymore. if the demand rose, we'd see a spike in its production, a renewed recycling campaign, but before that we'd need a loosening of government regs because of how incredibly toxic lead is

anyway, as to my earlier point - there won't be an amazing boom on lead because the process to make this shit is so convoluted. but if this research bears fruit the mines WILL increase production based on this even before production of the alloy becomes industrial. there won't be a surprise spike anywhere, though it would be a very good investment IF this bears fruit

>> No.15630546

Don't listen to this guy. Buy as much as you can afford then take out a credit card (free money) and double your position.

>> No.15630644


it's over bros.... it's over....

>> No.15630651

>barely floating
lmao even

>> No.15630653

That looks like a ferrite magnet stabilized with bismuth

>> No.15630658

>>barely floating
>*you are here now*

>> No.15630662

overcels btfo

>> No.15630665

who the fuck are the institute fur sonderanwendungen, why don't they exist on google and why is their twitter account new?

>> No.15630675

>appeal to autority

>> No.15630676

Who cares. To ride the hype train

>> No.15630677

germans created this institute right now just for LK99, wunder efficiency

>> No.15630684

Appeal to who the fuck are these people, I want LK99 to be real, but I'm suspicious when I see some tards make a new account just now with no real names attached which apparently show the holy grail of proving LK99 is an SC. It seems like high effort bait.

If it's real then these people have retarded presentation.

>> No.15630688

guess you'll have to wait until "certified experts" report on this on a "certified news outlet"

>> No.15630697
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Germans... I kneel.

>> No.15630702

Why is asking who the fuck these people are so allergic to you? This isn't a porn mag where they're going to be ashamed to tell their mom they posted a large pellet of a novel superconductor on the internet.

>> No.15630706

Looks identical
Why would there be a random 3d-printed apparatus if it was real?

>> No.15630720
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yeah, totally identical. except maybe for the fact that one is freely floating while the other is placed between 2 things

>> No.15630724

Wow looks totally different and fake

>> No.15630731

Idiot here, why is this technology coming out now from a relatively small research team? What makes this material special and why haven't we already made it?

>> No.15630747
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>soon: ok its superconducting, but it's barely 1mA. Overgods we won!!!

>> No.15630751

7. Superconductors are stupid and useless anyway

>> No.15630752

It is floating between two things, retard. There's a 3d-printed support column on the side.

>> No.15630757

Retards forgot about the theory after USSR dissolved. Then these gooks have been trying for 20+ yrs to reproduce and they finally did it

>> No.15630758

superconductor called super cuz good at electricity, way better than copper

but needs to be super cold usually, and that's pricey

they say this shit does it at room temp which is :100: :lit:

yuge if true

>> No.15630761


>> No.15630766

8. Superconductors won't change the fact that modern society is collapsing and average IQ is decreasing

>> No.15630789
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So true

>> No.15630792

Well, this one is true

>> No.15630802

someone make a new general

>> No.15630806


>> No.15630810

not this again, wait for page 10 shithead

>> No.15630815

Yeah they should have let America take full credit for it. Very selfish

>> No.15630830

Looks like back is Back on the menu, Boys!

>> No.15630838

I meant like, what makes the material superconductive?

>> No.15630840
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>> No.15630844
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>> No.15630867

Unironically this

>> No.15630896

"It's very hard to tell if it's a superconductor - there's simply too many other things than can float and take thousands of amps though a small cross section. There's just not enough magnets ,car batteries and crocodile clips in the world to be able to tell whether these things have these hyperspecific properties that are easily identified, so we need 20-30 years more funding before we can say anything."

>> No.15630905

>what makes

that's the billion dollar question buddy

abstractly? by definition, effective resistance of 0, AND a thorough repulsion of magnetic fields at some point (meissner effect)

if you're asking why this might be a sc as opposed to dirt or something, well, who fucking knows. there's some chinamen analyzing a sample with an electron microscope, and hobbyists are trying to recreate samples with mild success currently

there's decent evidence that LK99 is somewhat diamagnetic, but so far nothing to prove meissner effect or 0 resistance

if proof of the latter does come out at any point in time, big yuge gravy trains a-comin'

>> No.15630908

Nature refused to publish their paper three years ago.

>> No.15630910

Lead is stupidly abundant and easy to mine. Its "decline" is from severe restrictions that ban its usage in most applications (albeit not a nuclear tier ban like CFCs).

>> No.15630921

>somewhat diamagnetic
Uh, it'll be the strongest diamagnet ever discovered by several orders of magnitude if it's not a superconductor.

>> No.15630948

i too have high hopes for this substance, brother

nothing has been proven yet

>> No.15630959

in case its not a superconductor but a super strong diamagnet what could such material be used for?

Same applications as the SC one but less gooder?

>> No.15630965

Infinite supply of salt from hopefags (such as myself)

>> No.15630970

Magnetic bearings.

>> No.15630978

applications would be primarily limited to science and novelty, we don't have many uses for diamagnets

i could see it being used in magnetic/frequency shielding, maybe? as another poster added, it's potentially one of the most aggressively racist against magnets materials we've ever seen, to the degree at which even if this doesn't turn out to be a sc, the research into why it hates magnets so much would be valuable in its own right

>> No.15630995

sounds like complete shit compared to sc :(
makes me wonder how much of a difference between 0.000001 resistance and 0 resistance is
i truly do hope it's sc

>> No.15630996

>in case its not a superconductor but a super strong diamagnet what could such material be used for?
Some uses, but magnitud order Diamagnet strong vs other non-superconductor diamagnet is a way to superconductors research.

>> No.15630998

>car batteries and crocodile clips
unironically couldn't you just do this and see whether the copper cables or the sample melts first?

>> No.15631008

In this case LK-99 has a shitty current capacity (<250mA) before it loses superconductivity so that wouldn't work.

>> No.15631024

Two recent preprints in physics archive (arXiv) have called the attention as they claim experimental evidence that a Cu-substituted apatite material (called LK-99) exhibits superconductivity at room temperature and pressure. If this proves to be true, LK-99 will be the holy grail of superconductors. In this work, we used Density-Functional Theory calculations to elucidate some key features of the electronic structure of LK-99. Although some aspects of our calculations are preliminary, we found that: i) in the ground state of the material the ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic configurations are practically degenerated, ii) the material is metallic, iii) the Cu atoms seem to be hosts in the lattice with not covalent bonds to other atoms and supporting almost flat bands around the Fermi level, and iv) the electron-phonon coupling of these flat bands seems to be dramatically large.

>the electron-phonon coupling of these flat bands seems to be dramatically

>> No.15631026

surely it has to have more than an equivalent cross section of copper right? otherwise what is the point of an SC if it can't carry current?

>> No.15631034

No one knows yet. The current amount in the paper was just for a thin film of the material.

>> No.15631043
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Chineses Quora talking about LK99.

>> No.15631046

it is shit compared to sc and i share your hope, as we sorely need an advance of this magnitude in applied sciences

the difference between zero resistance and infinitesimal resistance is pretty huge. the science behind it is advanced, but an analogy is friction - any minor amount of friction will stop something eventually, but something with 0 friction will move indefinitely.

not exactly. the current samples are so small that they probably wouldn't be able to handle a meaningful amount of electrical current, and would probably quickly fail if brute-forced. additionally, impurities raise the question of *what exactly* is the sc material within this substance.

imagine primitive iron smelting - iron prills are formed in piles of slag when ore is roasted and smelted, at which point the slag must be further processed to retrieve the prills. prills can then be further refined. if you tried to make something with the prill-infused slag, nothing you'd make would be worth using, if it didn't immediately fall apart

but just because the prill-slag is worthless doesn't mean the prills are - so, LK99, if itself not the sc we dream of, could be some metallurgical precursor to a metamaterial we simply don't know about yet.

>> No.15631048

>convenient inventions/discoveries buried because it doesn't help the war effort
Getting real tired of warhawk governments.

>> No.15631086

>guys I think I found a room temp- *BANG BANG BANG BANG*

>> No.15631108

When will we finally get someone to check the resistance on one of the working samples?

>> No.15631117

Reminder that a roman blacksmith figured out how to smelt aluminum but the emperor had him executed because he thought it would make silver and gold worthless.

>> No.15631133
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>> No.15631139

Hmmm do you know if high pressure sc and low temp sc were measured to have 0 resistance?

>> No.15631149


>> No.15631163 [DELETED] 
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>My little sister is a brat.

>> No.15631165

look at you trying to discriminate against asians when they just made history

>> No.15631173

fucking kek

>> No.15631174

No I think East Asians will overtake the West and it will be a shock to the people in power in our countries as to why

>> No.15631187
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leaving aside identity politicas, what is time to change the meme we didnt born in the right time because the future has come (and so have I)

>> No.15631201

superconductors, by definition, have 0 resistance *at some point*. the whole 0 resistance thing is a requirement, not a bonus

>> No.15631231

looks like glassmagnetism

>> No.15631416

it's over.

>> No.15631557

We're back

>> No.15631697
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It's over.

>> No.15631704

Fake ass nigger
Give me another camera angle, show the temperature and pressure and flip the magnet

>> No.15632026

I fucking hate all of you

>> No.15632181

I love you despite your shortcomings

>> No.15632413

Fuck gooks, that's all.

>> No.15632446
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>> No.15632449

your anger only fuels my belief <3

>> No.15632576

new thread when?

>> No.15632585

Now: >>15632584

>> No.15632648

What if we engineered our genome for resistance to lead?

>> No.15632946

these are all chechens