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File: 1.01 MB, 2480x2480, F2OqCApbQAA_UFn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15604929 No.15604929 [Reply] [Original]

Rocket Lab 30th launch - edition

previous >>15600450

>> No.15604932


>> No.15604933

told yall the superconductor was fake

>> No.15604935
File: 168 KB, 1252x749, 005193.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stream started 10 mins ago, so launch should be in 10 minus


>> No.15604937

its inconclusive still

>> No.15604939

Is a chinese sigh up

>> No.15604940
File: 1.35 MB, 1900x1076, 005194.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

intro started now

>> No.15604945
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15min to launch, one attempt at on the hour

>> No.15604952

Beck is saying its flight 40 lol

>> No.15604958

In the same way the aether is, yes.

>> No.15604961
File: 214 KB, 2000x2228, Fl9nSGEWYAE-VAG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>was mass deleting the superconductor posts necessary?
>was it necessary to moderate spam that was unrelated to space?

>> No.15604966
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lol looks kind of jank

>> No.15604972


>> No.15604977


>> No.15604978
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>> No.15604979


g'night /sfg/

>> No.15604980

well that was a wet fart of an abort

>> No.15604996


>> No.15604997

he's ban evading and wants to post even more off topic spam

>> No.15605034
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Who else here edits space-related wikipedia pages?

>> No.15605036
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>> No.15605039
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>> No.15605041
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>> No.15605042
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>> No.15605045
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>> No.15605046

cant wait to see this thing actually tested with a static fire

>> No.15605047

That's still a year away, according to the smartest anons in this general.

>> No.15605053

nah, maybe 8 months

>> No.15605071

Now watch as it happens in eight days, and grifters still spin it as SpaceX fucking it up somehow.

>> No.15605122

How do they keep starship pressurized for lifts?

>> No.15605129

Why would it need to be pressurized for lifts?

>> No.15605134
File: 233 KB, 1389x1388, 711O-3tmfQS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because it's incredibly flimsy?

>> No.15605135

Just keep the valves closed and the pressure stays in lol.

>> No.15605136


>> No.15605140

It definitely is not that

>> No.15605145

it only needs pressurization during fill-ups so the weight of fuel (or nitrogen) doesn't buckle the walls. if starship or superheavy needed pressurization when empty them they couldn't cut holes in the side of it to do interior work e.g. when B7's downcomer imploded and they had mexicans inside the tank fixing it.
I wasn't an off topic poster and I didn't get banned or have any of my posts deleted, it just rubs me the wrong way seeing only half of the /pol/shit get removed AND having a few more reasonable posts caught in the crossfire AND ESPECIALLY only having the faggot jannies step in after the thread is already autosaging
if they're gonna do such a haphazard job they could maybe do it before the thread is on page 9

>> No.15605157

They prefer to put the crane on ships when they're depressurized.
Doesn't seem like they always do it though.
Reminder that 4mm thick steel is pretty damn thick actually.

>> No.15605203

I hope based-space is doing alright, he made some tweets about degrading mental health lately.

>> No.15605223

Reminder that nothing will come of this ESG seething about the clean water act.
Spacex is certainly working with the regulators to make sure they have everything they need for launch.
Eric Roesch is just a perpetual seether with no more insight than anybody else.

>> No.15605243
File: 3.91 MB, 720x1280, Caramelldansen by X.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao, based retard

>> No.15605247

who are you talking to ?

>> No.15605249

To my friends from /sfg/

>> No.15605250

is the based retard in the room with us right now?

>> No.15605254

The based retard is a guy who put that sign with LED stripes there.

>> No.15605311

it is a very bright sign

>> No.15605320

When is starship attempting another orbital flight?

>> No.15605321

in 2 months, like Elon said

>> No.15605333

but two months from when?
also real time or Elon time?

>> No.15605343
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for the retards bringing the boring company up as a scam/failure constantly
its under development, it has been around less than 10 years

>> No.15605346

>EV merchant sells EV only tunnels
You can't even be mad with kikery of this sophistication

>> No.15605348

Do rocket engines like the Merlin always burn fuel rich? Is that the reason the exhaust is so opaque? I don't see exhausts like that coming out of jet engines

>> No.15605350

ICE cars are obsolete

>> No.15605357
File: 114 KB, 923x1024, IMG_0877.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Germans claim to be able to into space. Seems like vaporware to me
But linear areorspikes and spaceplanes are hot button autisms for this thread

>> No.15605362

shouldn't have posted this. it is of no value.

>> No.15605372

space cannot possibly be so hard if this often the most basic design trade results in obviously brain damaged outcomes.
space cannot be that hard if nasa goes to space with two ideas that are bad at the very core of them: the SLS and STS.

>> No.15605373

electric ones too, we will soon go back to horses, humanity failed, it's too late.

>> No.15605387

Dig your own tunnel, oil jew.

>> No.15605394

Impossible, they can't accomplish this before me so it simply cannot be

>> No.15605397


>> No.15605399

Anyone living there can afford to buy curtains

>> No.15605400

lol, lmao even

>> No.15605405
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as the lazy gweilo bastards arent doing anything (looking at you europe), here is some chinese rocketry

>> No.15605407
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>> No.15605408

extremely delusional

>> No.15605409
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>solid rocket

>> No.15605412
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>> No.15605414

I hate that EVs are a part of the culture war. I don't even care about the environment, I just like the idea of being able to refill my car at home.

>> No.15605418

why would one build a pressure fed rocket in the year 2023?
i thought mass was everything in spaceflight?
i thought every component had a margin of 1.1

>> No.15605419

won't be many years until ICE cars sticker price is higher than EVs
they will be completely obsolete soon

>> No.15605425
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>> No.15605429
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>> No.15605431
File: 83 KB, 1280x720, afraid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"By the end of 2021, the average car price topped out at just over $47,000"
>"Currently, most estimates put the average price of a new EV somewhere around $64,000, which is slightly lower than the average price in the spring and summer of last year"
Thanks for the consolation, bro

>> No.15605437

and let's not get started on reliability

>> No.15605451

clueless and wrong on both, looking at 2021 numbers is retarded
you can get a tesla model 3 for 40k and get a bunch of subsidies on top of this
but what I was really talking about is the next gen compacts

>> No.15605460
File: 363 KB, 1920x1080, 00-2025-volvo-ex30-front-three-quarter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Volvo EX30 is $35k USD before any subsidies. And unlike Tesla the drivetrain isn't the only thing with acceptable finish. They'll sell trillions.

>> No.15605463

>buying chinesium

>> No.15605469

Teslas are quite unreliable

>> No.15605472


>> No.15605474

literally worthless

>> No.15605476

its a survey by bloomberg you gorilla nigger

>> No.15605478

>Teslas are quite unreliable
they're not

>> No.15605479

Even more worthless then

>> No.15605481

absolutely terminal EDS lmao

>> No.15605484

Electric motors are obviously extremely reliable, but with electric cars the battery shits the bed

>> No.15605485


>> No.15605486

I'm a Muskrat, but those people are not trustworthy.

>> No.15605487

tu ur mum lmao
Dildo Evs are idiotics like their gay supporters, the only reason i tolerate theie existence is because there's no oil in the Moon, Mars and Uranus
Enjoy your cucked bugcapsule lmao

>> No.15605488

objectively wrong

>> No.15605490

>eds nigger is also spaceplane faggot
many such cases

>> No.15605491

you are a lying nigger that is either completely clueless or actually retarded

>> No.15605495
File: 187 KB, 588x785, 13.50.10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Refute this.

>> No.15605496

>the battery shits the bed
don't they last like 200k miles? plenty imo

>> No.15605497

It is a scam for retards.

We already have this thing, except much better. It's called the subway.

>> No.15605498
File: 80 KB, 564x758, Fred Hoyle b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Big bang in shambles
This is the future you chose
You only had to listen

>> No.15605500

The Shuttle was more practical than your 20 min electric dildo kek

>> No.15605502

Subway has poor, violent and smelly people.

>> No.15605505

holy seethe.
have you ever been on a subway? did you think it was good?

>> No.15605506

Elaborate, please

>> No.15605508

It's because of the niggers, stupid niggerlover bugman

>> No.15605509
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>> No.15605511

I'm talking about a sudden battery failure requiring servicing. It happens too often for Teslas to be considered reliable
Thanks for posting this

>> No.15605513
File: 39 KB, 657x208, 005214.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"problems" include retards not being able to use the UI, paint chips etc random shit
having bad paint quality (which is a problem for fremont made cars, or at least has been) does not mean the car is unreliable

>> No.15605514

subways aren't the problem here.

>> No.15605517

subways are super loud, stop at every stop all the time, bounce around on the track.
even if they weren't filled to the brim with people where you have to stand they would not be a good mode of transport.

>> No.15605518

Yes, but until this problem is solved, I will not use the metro.

>> No.15605530

Probably faster than traversing the city with a car

>> No.15605533

that's why you have to go 3d. i don't know about the specifics of the boring company thing but the premise is 100% sensible.
either tunnels or flying.

>> No.15605534

if there is traffic yes, if you can go directly to your destination through a tunnel (and not stopping at 15 stops before your destination like in a subway), then certainly not

>> No.15605544
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ukrainian military message claiming that russia can now defeat starlink with jamming

>> No.15605556
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Would be a mad place to skate.

To keep it spaceflight, imagine skating in the flame trench.

>> No.15605558

So they don't need Starlink anymore. Good to know.

>> No.15605576

what did he mean by this

>> No.15605583

I meant that I loved you forever.

>> No.15605592
File: 16 KB, 400x400, hydrolox andy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're in the club and this guy slaps your ass. What do you do?

>> No.15605595

Hahahu u ded gurl

>> No.15605608

Is this saturation jamming of the satellites with beamforming or some shit? Seems like shielding a starlink terminal from directional jamming close the ground wouldn't be impossible.

>> No.15605612

git gud

>> No.15605614

When launch?
I liked their toxic masculinity in this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hnBJH_lOCd4
like a bunch of fußball fans

>> No.15605631
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Eurospace startups are growing their numbers. I want to believe.

>> No.15605643

If it was real it would've been proven by now, because it is materially simple.

>> No.15605650

>have the capability to launch people to space
>never do it
I hate this place.

>> No.15605656


>> No.15605684
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> Interview with Dr. Phil Metzger about ground damage from rocket plumes, including Starship IFT. (Off-Nominal Podcast)

>> No.15605692

He's a cool guy. No boring person would spend so much time researching literal space dirt.

>> No.15605695

Are there any straight (heterosexual) /sfg/ posters?

>> No.15605701

Which one of these is Dr Phil?

>> No.15605745

The one that looks normal.

>> No.15605757


>> No.15605771
File: 70 KB, 800x600, 29d9a8b3c84b84228f1b97020f0d2d5a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't fly to the big bang therefore it's not spaceflight, fuck off

>> No.15605775

Elonbros... how will we ever recover?

>> No.15605776

don't you mean nominal

>> No.15605788

>Dr. Philip Metzger is a planetary physicist who recently retired from NASA's Kennedy Space Center, where he co-founded the KSC Swamp Works.
>It was founded in 2012, when four laboratories in the Surface Systems Office were merged into an enlarged facility with a modified philosophy for rapid technology development.
>The team developed the Swamp Works operating philosophy from Kelly Johnson's Skunk Works, including the "14 Rules of Management", from the NASA development shops of Wernher von Braun,

I wonder how much have they delivered over a decade.

>> No.15605800

they do research, producing papers
one the latest ones was about a lunar economy or something, its been a while since i read about it though

>> No.15605821
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>> No.15605828

this whole war is a war profiteering for the west

>> No.15605832

Monetary aid to Ukraine is in the range of NASA budget, tens of billions not hundreds. If those numbers are true they would mean military aid to Ukraine gives more bang for the buck in space than the whole NASA budget. lol

>> No.15605861

Monetary value of aid I mean.

>> No.15605863

Based. God I love defense contracting.

>> No.15605874

the US should not be reluctant to give military aid to various factions

>> No.15605882

Their war profiteering of the purest kind (SpaceX)
Our charitable, honorable defense provision ukraine needs more of! (any US military companies)

>> No.15605900
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>> No.15605910
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What ever happened to that steam rocket that was supposed to launch from within the water? Its been a while since I've heard about them.

>> No.15605923

you mean the gypsy scam?
they got somebody to show them the copper warehouse and then absconded with it

>> No.15605988


>> No.15606047

>nooooo you can't just profit from selling goods or services to the military aaaaaaaaaa
tankies get the rope

>> No.15606049
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>> No.15606093
File: 37 KB, 785x579, Lunar Orbit Rendezvous constant height.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tankies want pootin to win, its shitlibs who seethe about ukraine and musk

>> No.15606104
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>> No.15606112

it's over

>> No.15606119

is the yellow actually there or is it some kind of digital highlight?

>> No.15606133
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>> No.15606134

>tankies want pootin to win
No shit, that's why they seethe about Musk helping Ukraine
>nooo they criticize musk for not helping ukraine enough and for free
Do you really fall for this shit? They're mad about Musk helping Ukraine so they sow whatever discord they can in an effort to disrupt these dealings.

>> No.15606135

It's physically there. It's a heavy duty ground barrier material.

>> No.15606140

I think they left it in on accident, they use yellow to highlight stuff in the video

>> No.15606144

now I don't know what to believe

>> No.15606146

some kind of plastic?

>> No.15606156
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>> No.15606161

It's probably something like, if not specifically this product https://www.homedepot.com/p/Husky-14-ft-x-140-ft-15-mil-Yellow-Guard-Vapor-Barrier-CFYG1514-140Y/204172012

>> No.15606198
File: 1.08 MB, 3780x2992, Saturn IB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am forgotten.

>> No.15606210
File: 216 KB, 683x1024, 8603495288_ff3ee30ac8_b-723493301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I member

>> No.15606213

False, I randomly think about Saturn Is multiple times a week. I’m not even kidding

>> No.15606248

What’s the purpose of keeping Antares alive with Firefly engines if FF already has their own similar rocket? They should just acquire firefly and make one rocket

>> No.15606256

Yes it's there to simulate the surface of yellow planets

>> No.15606265

starship Io landing confirmed?

>> No.15606287

Starship cannot orbit IO, let alone land on it, even if refueled at Earth-Moon L2. It's over.

>> No.15606303

god these 2 faggots are so fucking insufferable i cannot listen to them, let him talk jesus christ.

>> No.15606335

the milkstool.....

>> No.15606344
File: 233 KB, 1920x1441, 4936216C-4D42-4EA3-8062-65B7A28FA242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The next dragon should be named Trampoline lol

>> No.15606377

sort by EV models and Tesla model 3 is #2

>> No.15606385

Love these guys
Elon should shut down Starlink in Ukraine to avoid looking like a war profiteer

>> No.15606396

Tesla is known for shoddy quality overall. The electric drivetrain / battery is rarely the problem.

>> No.15606457
File: 743 KB, 3000x4000, cst100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when is starliner gonna launch and btfo dragon x?

>> No.15606461


>> No.15606493


>> No.15606522
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>> No.15606535

the space mexicans are putting some work. starbase is looking good.

>> No.15606549 [DELETED] 
File: 294 KB, 2084x776, sci golems dreaming.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The earth is flat and stationary with a dome. They are never ever leaving this enclosed plane alive, and neither are you sciencegoys.
CGI is all you get in this life and if you are vaxxed, I know many of you here are well boosted, then the Mars landings will be livestreamed straight into your vaxxed brain.
Also with the latest Neurolink brain processor you'll be able to watch multiple landings at the same time, with the same bitrate and no loss in quality experience.

>> No.15606610
File: 3.69 MB, 400x456, 1152208_original.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah ok bud

>> No.15606639

engines are relatively easily swapable, just re-rout the plumbing a bit and then you can test everything on the ground
what's most likely to kill your rocket are controls and all the unknown unknowns that will show up eventually
In case of Antares, all of those misc points of failure are already de-bugged, so they won't have basic teething issues

>> No.15606641

>if FF already has their own similar rocket
sure doesnt seem like it. where is their rocket? when is it flying?

>> No.15606648
File: 2.77 MB, 4096x2732, F2TnBpYWMAAXX6u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hot staging test article

>> No.15606653
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>> No.15606654

so its braces all around
kind of obvious in retrospect

>> No.15606660

I guess it really does just not line up with the stringers

>> No.15606675

I love this moment, it's such a funny thing
>oh shit Dragon just exploded
>wtf why
>what do you mean titanium and nitrogen tetroxide will spontaneously ignite if the titanium is freshly raw and the nitrogen tetroxide is at high pressure
>shit that explains like four different lost missions, doesn't it

>> No.15606703

my god it's full of stringers

>> No.15606705

what other lost missions does it explain?

>> No.15606711

there were a couple of mysterious commsat and probe failures, I can't remember them off the top of my head but they all had the common thread of "titanium pipes and valves with nitrogen tetroxide"

>> No.15606716

I want a papercraft version on my desk tomorrow morning, snap snap

>> No.15606723

like minecraft but more soi

>> No.15606727

hoping for a nintendo labo version

>> No.15606790
File: 31 KB, 343x587, zubrin e whores.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zubrin is now doing conferences with ufo cranks and the notoriously unhygienic whore Aella

>> No.15606817

>the absolute state of zubrin

>> No.15606824

Who are you quoting?

>> No.15606833

now that you mention it, that does look like papercraft model
the cranes in foreground look like staplers and the foreground out of focus makes it look out of perspective and way smaller
the building in the background helps the illusion

>> No.15606834

its a common comment format nigger

>> No.15606870
File: 137 KB, 698x879, biconic space vehicle mars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15606895

I’m still not sure what exactly “biconic” means, and I am only familiar with it due to BO’s ooooold crew vehicle proposal

>> No.15606900

Biconic means you built your capsule upside down but don't want to admit that you're retarded

>> No.15606905

Wake up, /sfg/, new EDS vid just dropped.

>> No.15606906
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>> No.15606910
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What was the point?

>> No.15606912
File: 48 KB, 703x560, Carter Emmart for ‘The Case for Mars’ JPL video 1986 biconic landing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The biconic is a sphere-cone with an additional frustum attached. The biconic offers a significantly improved L/D ratio. A biconic designed for Mars aerocapture typically has an L/D of approximately 1.0 compared to an L/D of 0.368 for the Apollo-CM. The higher L/D makes a biconic shape better suited for transporting people to Mars due to the lower peak deceleration.

>> No.15606916

liberal tears

>> No.15606918

I really really want somebody to build a retarded megastructure launch method but it's too expensive and retarded on Earth

>> No.15606922

Yeeeeeah no

>> No.15606924

at least it's a physical mock up and not a render. I bet it can even sling that little toy pretty fast.

>> No.15606928
File: 63 KB, 562x1000, phpXVOb6KAM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

biconic literally means two cones, where the vehicle is cone shaped but the angle of the cone changes

>> No.15606947
File: 543 KB, 1023x675, Lunar_base_concept_drawing_s78_23252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

starship makes mass drivers for lunar sample return viable.
unfortunately launching humans from the moon is another matter. you would want a track dozens of kilometers long.

>> No.15606954

nice window into the alternate reality haters live in. dont have much to say, though must be exhausting to seethe perpetually

>> No.15606970

What if you encase the human in water first

>> No.15606973
File: 86 KB, 652x410, 005244.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.15606979

anything new? these get boring after watching a few

>> No.15606984

no it's actually more boring than your average thunderchad musk takedown

>> No.15606994

Bump for intrest

>> No.15607002

I knew someone would share Tyler's video here lmao

>> No.15607011

>random toober explaining why (mostly) successful multi-billionare stupid and big dumb

>> No.15607040

Ummmm SpaceX is only cheaper because government subsidies :^)

>> No.15607136

He says some valid things, but pretty much all of them are "Musk isn't doing a good job with Twitter", which is nothing new. Also, he says with so much confidence that Elon isn't an engineer, and yet there are records of SpaceX employees saying that he is.

>> No.15607142

Hate is one thing, but I think a lot of it is people mentally aggregating negative news stories. And they think the more bad things they hear about, the more likely something is to fail, as if business works on "three strikes and you're out" like baseball. If you ask simple fundamental questions like how many users does twitter have? Is it going up or down? How much money does elon have? You would get an actual picture you can predict the future with. It's hard to find people that are aware spacex lifts more weight into space than all other launch providers in the world combined, but easy to find people that are worried about explosions they heard about. But can I blame them? The news would never casually drop that information.

And no matter how rich elon gets, or his companies are still around, they never stop to examine how they got it wrong. They just say meritocracy has failed and clowns can be worth 240 billion.

>> No.15607143

How trustful are these records given that they're working for him?

>> No.15607149

>He says some valid things, but pretty much all of them are "Musk isn't doing a good job with Twitter", which is nothing new
this is his and your opinion, which I'm confident will be proven wrong in the future even if you don't see it yet

>> No.15607150

>But can I blame them?
Yes. Stupid people are still responsible for themselves. They have no excuse.

>> No.15607153

have you watched the starbase tours with everday astronaut and musk? I guess he could bullshit all that stuff, but it just seems unlikely to me and kind of ridiculous
its nothing more than cope, a rationalization

>> No.15607155

Jealousy is such an ugly thing.

>> No.15607161

I remember a big name ex-SpaceX employee saying that Musk did, indeed, participate in the development process beyond saying "I want this done". Also, >>15607153

>> No.15607175

>10 kids
>Small dick energy

>> No.15607178

I think the issue is people know that he isn't making the cad files or welding the rings, and then assume he's as far removed from the design process as they are.

>> No.15607180

yeah I'd rather trust the people who have never met the guy

>> No.15607183

>but pretty much all of them are "Musk isn't doing a good job with Twitter", which is nothing new

the rebranding is the only actually questionable thing Elon has done with twitter, but we live in a world where major news outlets still trot out crap like "Elon undermines Ukraine's war effort"

>> No.15607187

it turns out that extreme mass autism is half the reason europe cannot into space, the chinese know their limits of manufacturing and do not attempt to obtain that final 10% margin, thus they succeed. only the government backed military industrial gigacorporations of the US can afford to chase those margins without abject failure, both in an engineering sense and a financial one
and then spacex comes along and proves you don't need to anyways, so it turns out europe just fucking sucks

>> No.15607200

this actually ties into the "elon is no engineer" discussion and the starbase tours
trying to get the 10% right away is premature optimization, which Musk talked about in the first tour I think
SpaceX and Tesla are really about applying silicon valley software principles into hardware, do a simple minimum viable product and the iterate quickly from there, don't fall into sunk costs traps

>> No.15607211

two words: spin. launch.

>> No.15607221

Could Musk make an amateur rocket all by himself with his current aerospace knowledge? Or could he replace any of his engineers right now?
This isn't a necessity since his job is to be the businessman and manager, but he was branded as some kind of genius which is why people question this. I doubt Bezos has any knowledge of rockets beyond the basics, but he was never branded as nothing more than a businessman as far as I'm aware.
I do wonder how much people like James Webb understood about rocket science.

>> No.15607226

literal children build amateur rockets and yes but only the black/indian ones he was forced to hire

>> No.15607235

Responsible sure but for blame I don't think I can throw the first stone

I think about when I'm doing the same thing. Keeping it spaceflight, look at somebody like jeff bezos. I don't hate the guy. I know he's smart. Amazon is run well. And I'll never make a youtube video. But I don't think I like him. Probably because I never hear anything good about him here. He's below orbit, he can't deliver that engine that melts, he tried to tie up the HLS contract and delay work, he's way behind spacex yet way more secretive than spacex, he's highly sanitized yet comes across as posturing and arrogant. Everybody's sure that stupid anti-starship infographic is from his marketing team. But what are the fundamentals? How much money is he willing to spend? How far along are they? Does his team have the technical competence to be a player? This is the stuff I know least about. He could have fucking nothing and face value was right, or he could surprise me. If anyone wants to really paint the damning picture of below orbit now is your chance.

>> No.15607239

Looks just like this.

>> No.15607243

bezos is not involved with BO day to day and it shows in the progress
BO was started before SpaceX and they still haven't reached orbit, Bezos was much richer much earlier than Musk

> Could Musk make an amateur rocket all by himself with his current aerospace knowledge?
lol, that is not a very high bar really
a highschooler can do that after reading some books

> Or could he replace any of his engineers right now?
kind of a difficult question to answer
any? probably yes
every? no

>> No.15607249

>but he was branded as some kind of genius

Explain what this means. *somebody* branded him a genius and now he's on the hook? The fuck?

>> No.15607252
File: 171 KB, 1146x763, titan ron miller space 79.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> irl Titan is a smoggy shithole where you can't see Saturn and the other moons

>> No.15607256

We can fix that.

>> No.15607258

remarkable bipartisan congress reveals boeing encountered an enormpus red cube the size of 10 olympic swimming pools

>> No.15607269

two other words: ur dum

>> No.15607273

>In 2003, a group of Boeing contractors working at the Vandenberg Space Force Base witnessed a red, square unidentified flying object about the size of a football field approaching the base from the ocean and hovering over one of the launch facilities for 45 seconds before flying away. The object returned later that evening with more aggressive behavior.

>> No.15607288

wrong, vandenberg space force base did not exist in 2003

>> No.15607298

yeah it did. and shut up alien

>> No.15607320
File: 275 KB, 1440x1080, starliner customer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15607352

any maybe wrong, I mean could he replace some engineer and do their jobs? yes
but not the most specialized ones I don't think, not with time to learn the specifics (and this probably applies to a bunch of people, that is literally what people do, they go to uni to learn but you can do that just through books as well, its just more directed in uni)

>> No.15607382


>> No.15607405

>Could Musk make an amateur rocket all by himself with his current aerospace knowledge?
Probably. The guy knows everything about rockets, from raw materials to structural significant parts to engine development.

But if he wanted to scale up, it would require a team for sure. Lot of machining and procurements of parts.

>> No.15607409

Shit like all the redditors calling him the "irl Tony Stark" and that Simpsons episode for example

>> No.15607437

If a redditor called me Jesus, how is that my fault?

>> No.15607453

Wow and he's not tony stark? What the fuck is his problem?

>> No.15607639
File: 9 KB, 275x183, images (6).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much would each kg of Mars rock/regolith sample sell for once brought back? I can't help but think that a SpaceX sample return mission would sell the material to recoup costs

>> No.15607658

>can only manufacture 10k per quarter
>still exceeds demand
10,000g shock loads dude lmao

>> No.15607669

the water jet cutter also probably made the water passages convergent, to give the water a higher velocity, it's not shown though

>> No.15607678

>about the size of a football field
I'm preplexed about this. This whole thing feels like a prank multiple presidents have been playing lol

>> No.15607679


> In a press briefing before the Antares/Cygnus cargo launch to ISS Tuesday, Northrop Grumman's Kurt Eberly says the debut of the all-American Antares 330 rocket has slipped from 2024 to Summer 2025.

> The launch Tuesday is the final Antares with Russian engines & Ukrainian booster.

>> No.15607682

the first sample would sell for whatever you asked for it. the second sample would be impossible to recuperate your costs on.

>> No.15607686

>I doubt Bezos has any knowledge of rockets beyond the basics
probably knows more than Musk.

>> No.15607692

Counterpoint: it's ugly.

>> No.15607695

That'll be another couple Falcon-Cygnuses, and bad news for MLV's schedule. Unsurprising though, because Miranda hasn't been tested yet.

>> No.15607712

I wouldn’t be surprised if Antares just ends up getting cancelled
Why do they even give a shit? Just buy rockets from SX and Firefly.

>> No.15607721

I feel like if (((they))) allowed it, 1 ton of various types of samples could go for 40 mil. There's no other source and universities probably want that shit. Countries, even.

>> No.15607726

Guys I'm thinking 100 people on starship is a joke and is an embarrassment to naval heritage. Elon needs to immediately start a bigger rocket when it's done.


>> No.15607727

what a weirdly low number. I'm certain you could get that for a kilogram of whatever crappy sample you offer

>> No.15607728

Yeah I'm questioning that too. If the current plan is to switch from 330 to MLV as soon as the second stage is ready, then 330 would probably only fly a couple times.

>> No.15607761

NASA sample return is a few dozen tubes full. How much is that, maybe a few kg? And the mission will cost how many billion?
So that's probably around 6-7 figures a gram to bring it back

>> No.15607988

How do I get into launching model rockets?
I don’t want to drive 2hours round trip to a model rocketry launch site thats only open twice a month to launch a tiny estes kit, but I also dont want to be the dipshit launching rockets as an adult alone in a crowded public park. I can’t launch from my house because my yard is tiny and it would definetely land on my neighbors roofs.
Should I go to a state park and hope the rangers are cool with it?

>> No.15608010

NG is going to let Firefly independently spend all their own r&d money on getting engines working, and then they will buy them out. I feel confident in this prediction, 85-86%

>> No.15608012
File: 239 KB, 961x816, 6dfa766a53052bdd00f60b8a0a83dabc8bc55ebafd8805aa8fce180b44ce84f4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why isn't ammonia (NH3) used more commonly as rocket fuel?

It can be stored at room temperature (under pressure), and contains no carbon so it doesn't produce soot when burned fuel rich.

Specifically, I'm pondering the use of either ammonox (ammonia and liquid oxygen), or ammonia burned with nitrogen dioxide (NO2) oxidizer.

>> No.15608070
File: 46 KB, 756x588, afftcho x-15 34crop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Worse Isp than hydrolox, worse bulk density than kerolox. The X-15 used NH3/LOX.

>> No.15608090


You could say the same about liquid methane.

>> No.15608124

doesn't everything have worse specific impulse than hydrolox?

>> No.15608129
File: 436 KB, 1920x1080, snapshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hotstaging ring on the road

>> No.15608138

i dont think it will work

>> No.15608141

so they can do a crush test on this? What about actually firing?

I mean I guess if you are going to risk losing a starship testing the hotstaging it might as well be in flight

>> No.15608165

Yes, which is why every single NASA upper stage was hydrologgs for like 50 years.

>> No.15608173

Men just want to build railguns

>> No.15608193

In model rocketry if you don't have enough of muh vents the stages will pop apart prematurely. I find it humorous that issue is real even on a million times larger scale

>> No.15608256

Once I finish my helicopter PPL I wonder if I can get a Giant Red Cube rating

>> No.15608261


>> No.15608266

my man how did you figure out how to use a keyboard

>> No.15608272

Unless you go into esoteric stuff like LiFH tripropellant, yes.

>> No.15608338

just shit my pants again

>> No.15608355

-ULA board member

>> No.15608413

100 people is spacious and you only need that few for long haul trips
you can get away with almost 1000 for airliner length trips of up to about 12 hours

>> No.15608459

the superconductor is real

>> No.15608542

source: your ass
but if so, railguns and ion engines

>> No.15608548

We already have both of those things

>> No.15608550

QI predicted this

>> No.15608553

ones where the power density actually makes sense for space applications, I mean

>> No.15608610

Not only was it proven false, it was proven antipossible.

>> No.15608611

TANSTAAFL soon bros

>> No.15608614

Bros I was a believer in the water cooled plate from the very start but not gonna lie I think this hot staging ring is gonna collapse, maybe even before liftoff.

>> No.15608626

They're doing a structural test to find out you hyper midwit.

>> No.15608648

Can I get a quick rundown on why they're insisting of doing meme staging instead of pneumatic or pyrotechnic staging like everyone else has been doing for decades

>> No.15608662

spin launched superconductors

>> No.15608673

Because it's based and redpilled

>> No.15608677

how is it going to work?

>> No.15608680

the hot staging or the test article?

>> No.15608697

the ring

>> No.15608705

It lets the raptor exhaust escape while the ship is still on top igniting its engines.
there's a steel shield between the dome and this ring you can sort of see it in the daytime pictures.

>> No.15608708

less rapidly reusable (requires multi-day rearming and safety checks after each launch) than even hot staging - assuming they work out a good long-life thermal system on the booster top
and really, it's only 3 sea level raptors and 3-6 RVacs in really thin atmosphere so the thermals are going to be tens of times less damaging than the 33 booster engines at sea level.
a fully fueled starship weighs more than most entire rockets, if pneumatic staging was possible then you'd see ground infrastructure for other smaller rockets that pneumatically launched them for an extra 50m/s

my schizo theory is they'll actually go back to the flip once they have a few orbital tests under their belt

>> No.15608716
File: 691 KB, 1100x619, ace-combat-7-skies-unknown-20190204185826_orig.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sadly, any space elevator that could be constructed would be an obvious target for anyone who wanted to start shit. Wish we could build one, though.

>> No.15608719

>if pneumatic staging was possible then you'd see ground infrastructure for other smaller rockets that pneumatically launched them for an extra 50m/s
of course it's possible, you just need to push slowly all you have to overcome is inertia you don't need 1200 tons of force.
apparently they'd just rather do this.

>> No.15608726
File: 239 KB, 512x512, 62b1279d-1e8d-447d-b68d-1dbb9a0e4f9c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3x merlin-meth methalox engines fed from header tanks with flush nozzels should provide enough ullage
According to my calculations an anon itt will come up with a working solution for me.

>> No.15608775


>> No.15608791

>Pour solid fuel rockets in your garage (make them big)
>Buy a boat and launch from international waters

>> No.15608796

Just go somewhere nobody will even notice.
You're not trying to do super high powered motors so any country on earth has a place like that an hour driving from even the biggest city.

>> No.15608800

like a big enough forest clearing or plains.
the earth is so big it really shouldn't be hard to find a place.

>> No.15608851

because you might as well use hydrazine which is basically super-ammonia
more dense
more energetic
more toxic but at the amounts we're talking about you would not be any less dead if it spilled in your face

>> No.15608875

If it were by me i would use that rocket to send 1000 people to LEO or the Moon.

>> No.15608913

I saw thunderf00t debunked superconductors

>> No.15608916

Good for you. Go make a thread about it.

>> No.15608922

and don't return

>> No.15608998


>> No.15609004

do you have any proof otherwise? if no you can shut up now

>> No.15609009
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>> No.15609025

gravity losses; faster staging=better
but I don't really believe the 'hot staging gets you 10% better perf.' quote from elon, unless that's in relation to the flip maneuver

the biggest issue with my earlier argument is that the staging speed isn't constrained by starship's mass - at staging the booster is down to 5% fuel or less so it's actually the lighter half of the system. Honestly considering that, pneumatic staging might be the better option. Maybe the hot staging really IS going to be an abort mode, and they want to actually crew-rate starship launches eventually

>> No.15609026
File: 244 KB, 1670x1148, mueller monoprop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He met Mueller and Koenigsmann at an amateur rocket event.

>> No.15609064

>and they want to actually crew-rate starship launches eventually
this is fact not speculation.
just because faggots dont believe it doesnt mean its true.
starship is fundamentally made for human spaceflight.

>> No.15609078

Hot staging doesn't have moving parts.
If the steel can deal with the heat then its the superior more reusable solution.
Also it was faster to build.

>> No.15609082

you would still have clamps though?

>> No.15609084

I mean either way yeah. They have those already.

>> No.15609092

Theoretically you could open the clamps at launch.
Once the ship is fully loaded and at 1.5g there's no way they are coming apart.

>> No.15609095

If it's so simple, you surely can make it at home, can't you?

>> No.15609097

You can make YCBO at home too.

>> No.15609108

so why aren't you making a amateur liquid rocket

>> No.15609114
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>> No.15609120

amateur rockets are gay

>> No.15609123


>> No.15609126

This poster >>15609120 is a bigger homosexual than this >>15609123 poster

>> No.15609208


>> No.15609220


>> No.15609261
File: 934 KB, 1024x576, rocketlabgirl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've developed a strong attraction towards girls who work in the space industry.

>> No.15609289

This will only bring you suffering and pain

>> No.15609312
File: 481 KB, 1686x2048, starship engineer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15609374

Stupid’s not really the word.
Ignorant would be more apt.
Perhaps stupid if in their ignorance/arrogance they think they know everything.
But yes I can agree that they are ultimately responsible for themselves and their lack of knowledge.

>> No.15609399
File: 150 KB, 1142x873, Art nouveau spacecraft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15609419
File: 2.59 MB, 1920x1080, Early_commissioning_test_image_VIS_instrument.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ESA have posted some commissioning images from Euclid. The field of view of both visible and infrared cameras is 0.57 square degrees, about 180 to 280 times larger than Hubble's field of view (depends on which camera).


>> No.15609424
File: 2.33 MB, 1920x1080, Euclid-Nisp-16-91.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is the near infrared image. Higher res in the link.

>> No.15609438
File: 2.09 MB, 1920x1920, Early_commissioning_test_image_NISP_instrument_grism_mode_pillars_smaller.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And a single grism image. This is still taken with the near infrared instrument but a dispersing element is added instead of a filter, to take spectra of all the objects in the field. With this mode Euclid will measure 10s of millions of galaxies across about 1/3rd of the sky, alongside it's high resolution images.

>> No.15609442
File: 31 KB, 915x432, Fuji spacecraft fuji-separation2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15609447
File: 161 KB, 1273x706, Leviathan Aerobot venus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15609554

which propellants will he be using

>> No.15609566


Ammonia is toxic but not in exposures to tiny amounts.

Hydrazine is extremely carcinogenic which is why it's too dangerous to use as fuel.

Ammonia would unironically make excellent carbon free rocket fuel.

>> No.15609580
File: 677 KB, 840x560, nuclear.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DARPA, NASA select Lockheed Martin to make nuclear power engines for deep space mission: https://newatlas.com/space/darpa-lockheed-martin-build-nuclear-deep-space-rocket

In other words, the real scientists don't believe in Starship. It was always going to be SLS to build Mars cycler, powered by Project Orion type engines.

>> No.15609630

LOX Ethanol

>> No.15609633
File: 21 KB, 480x412, 8C4E05F2-1A18-4DA3-AD74-B8EABAE975F6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Solvated electron rocket fuel

>> No.15609636

assuming it doesn’t blow up your rocket, would you get any extra performance out of electron-saturated ammonia (versus just using regular ammonia?) I feel like you’re adding so much extra energy for what is literally negligible mass


>> No.15609643
File: 571 KB, 627x1017, 005276.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15609673
File: 173 KB, 1024x646, Rick Guidis moon base control.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15609682
File: 676 KB, 800x953, PhilMason2011.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know who is an expert in solvated electrons?

>> No.15609751

stfu thundefaggot

>> No.15609781

Why seething.
Nuclear is great

>> No.15609784

is this AI

>> No.15609795
File: 92 KB, 894x659, 1688830789917034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In other words, the real scientists don't believe in Starship
>real scientists
Imagine trashing a technology that should had been used 50 years

>> No.15609797
File: 825 KB, 1125x1039, 433537D6-46B6-4363-A29E-C57978AC46AB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We might end up seeing an Artemis III landing during Trump’s presidency holy shit lol

>> No.15609802


>> No.15609814
File: 71 KB, 542x583, 1670766282711701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at this fucking nonce lmao

>> No.15609816

Yeah in his 3rd term

>> No.15609884

>Trump calling to the lunar surface while astronauts are posing with the flag in front of Starship

>> No.15609895

I want spacex to fail.
just once, in some minor way. like dropping a 12 reuse booster in the ocean during a starlink launch no one cares about.
even if it only happens the one time and then never again, I think it would bring a lot of excitement back to falcon launches

>> No.15609914

how about a 1st stage transport truck being t-boned?

>> No.15609926

mentally ill always catering to normgroids.
it doesnt matter how many people care

>> No.15609940

You already get that with Starship IFT. Not a failure but not a full success either

>> No.15609953

because of that normies are saying "I can't believe we're trusting government payloads with Musk's unreliable rockets'. Seen that like a dozen times now

>> No.15609964

Nothing about the DRACO demo suggests NASA is questioning Starship.

>> No.15609967

Yeah I know. It’s kind of interesting to see that IFT-2 also has a high chance of failing, especially with the new hot staging ring.
It would be sad to see the vehicle crumple at Max Q or something - worse than IFT-1

>> No.15609973

I’ve seen his video and it is unironically interesting. He pumps himself up way too much though, like he singlehandedly wrote the paper lol.
It’s the one thundertoe video I would suggest people watch

>> No.15609979

>because of that normies are saying

>> No.15609995

>IFT-2 also has a high chance of failing

>> No.15610019

Yes it does. We have no idea
1) How the steel plate will do
2) Will Raptors perform better
3) How reliable electric TVC is
4) Whether the hot stage ring can survive max Q
5) How the stack survives late-first stage ascent (4-5 g’s of acceleration)
6) Whether hot staging will work without shredding the booster
7) The reliability of Raptors in the Starship burn to orbit
And that’s not counting recovery and reuse of both B9 and S25

>> No.15610029
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>> No.15610033
File: 831 KB, 1920x1080, F2YNJ_sWkAETOh-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> The test article at the Massey’s testing site is labelled the “Hot Stage Load Head”, and will be used to qualify the interstage against the aerodynamic forces it will experience during flight. There are 3 main components to this. (2/12)

>> No.15610035

You think they're going to let him call do the call from jail?

>> No.15610037

That is some serious straw grasping, including B9/S25 reuse is just the cherry on top.

>> No.15610038
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>> No.15610041
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>> No.15610046

Note that the slats in the vents are actually triangles and beefy.

>> No.15610047
File: 343 KB, 663x531, 005288.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15610050
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>> No.15610052
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>> No.15610057
File: 653 KB, 1920x1080, F2YN1BrWkAEziEi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> When they are eventually assembled on the Can Crusher stand, we’ll be looking at something like this. We can only hope that it passes testing successfully, and maybe we’ll see one of these integrated with Booster 9 in the not-too-distant future. (12/12)

>> No.15610062
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Is this actually going to work?

>> No.15610066

I don't see why not, looks pretty beefy

>> No.15610067

of course. Why wouldn't it?

>> No.15610069
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>> No.15610086
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I think he went to Chamath Palihapitiya wedding during the weekend in Italy and has been on some binge

>> No.15610091

guess we'll find out with the tests

>> No.15610106
File: 44 KB, 630x315, 1535034994157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>recovery and reuse of both B9 and S25
That would be really amazing since they won't even try a landing until after they get the booster to "land" on water first. Even maximum success would have S25 try to land on the ocean near Hawaii. Unless by "recovery" you mean a salvage ship.
>How reliable electric TVC is
Isn't this going to be the last one still using hydraulic control, or was that B8?

>> No.15610114

they won't bother catching a booster until they stop making significant changes booster to booster. Otherwise it's just a risk for the tower that isn't needed, they can simulate a catch at sea

>> No.15610131

yes but most of them have much much better density which makes the trade off worth it.

>> No.15610135

they can put it in a hydraulic press and test it

>> No.15610142
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>> No.15610146

china services china. You don't see western companies buying slots on Chinese rockets. And china is shrinking. So yes, therefore Chinese launch market will shrink.

>> No.15610151

B9 is electric, S25 is the last booster that uses hydraulic

>> No.15610152
File: 85 KB, 614x862, 4628b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Space Power Index is based on:
> Cumulative orbital launches
> Deep space orbital launches
> Scientific achievements
> Military capabilities

> This index may seem subjective, and it is. Great power status is inherently subjective. It depends on whether the rest of the international systems considers your country as a great power.

>> No.15610156

last ship*

>> No.15610179

Only USA and Japan seem to be on the rise on this Index which is a bit surprising
I guess SpaceX has just grown so quickly that relatively everything else seems to be stagnant or decreasing even with China ramping up its activities

China shrinking might affect their Economy, but I would think both China and India will start getting higher up as they ramp up their activities

>> No.15610246
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>> No.15610252
File: 235 KB, 840x592, Arcachad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

often imitated, never duplicated

>> No.15610260

Arca building incredible innovative planes

>> No.15610273


>> No.15610279

hold on, is this a steam powered ASAT rocket?

>> No.15610286

It’s crazy that Russia was ahead even during the Apollo program, and up into the 90s

>> No.15610303

Arca's stuff is always something else

>> No.15610307

Yeah it's crazy what happens when someone pulls shit out of their ass and graph them.

>> No.15610312
File: 56 KB, 1300x743, FEA76FD7-18D7-4AFF-8169-3BA2322CEE09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

China and Russia are two countries who fucked up their chance of being a viable alternative to “the west” by being too aggressive to their neighbors

>> No.15610315
File: 1.34 MB, 886x971, 005296.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the index is partly based on just number of cumulative launches, if pic related is accurate, soviets/russia having larger relative power is not that surprising


>> No.15610323
File: 472 KB, 652x569, 005297.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15610327

China is extremely strong

>> No.15610333

I thought A3 was fast tracked to EUS

>> No.15610335

The last DCSS and the last Delta stage to fly, ever

>> No.15610340

Tick tock, Musk

>> No.15610348

If anything Artemis IV will be delayed because of EUS delays and the new launch tower.

>> No.15610357

Artemis 3 cant happen before 2030 thanks to Starship

>> No.15610368

Heh yeah, well ULA blowing up a brand new Centaur V leads me to believe Boeing isn’t going to get this shit out of the factory without some serious teething issues. EUS will probably end up being way more of a bottleneck than HLS

>> No.15610387

maybe boeing will soft cancel EUS just like starliner

>> No.15610488
File: 315 KB, 1500x2168, PhobosMars_MarsExpress_1500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's the furthest along an orbital rocket got in development before it got canceled?

>> No.15610494

didnt he debunk starlink? something about how the antenna cant work in sunlight

>> No.15610505

depends how you define "in development"
does buran count? N1?

>> No.15610562

The Centaur V test article was hardly 'new' by the time the crack in the tank formed.

>> No.15610641

We’ll have to see how far Starship gets

>> No.15610645

BURAN ugh don’t even bring it up, I weep every week about her fate
Yes he’s an idiot/grifter who makes money off of “calling out” musk, and he’s wrong about so many things. I’m not sure if he’s self-aware and just grifting his idiot audience or if he actually believes what he says.
Either way you should try to separate “art from artist” and watch his solvated electrons video. It’s interesting. And it’s an experiment that’s actually kind of hard to find videos/papers of

>> No.15610647

Hard to beat Buran at that. All those prototypes, and it even flew once unmanned (albeit without life systems), that's as far as you can go without actually making it (a manned mission) and Energia in some ways is wor.. well, N1 too.. fucking russians, stick with one thing!

>> No.15610655

Energia flew twice actually, and it has even more TLI power than N1. Such a cool fucking rocket

>> No.15610658

Before you say anything yes I realized I read your post wrong, I got confused between energia and buran. I’m still keeping my post up though because the N1 comparison is interesting

>> No.15610662
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thunderfoot is a turbofaggot, this should be obvious just watching his videos, but if you are as clueless (or more clueless), then read this
this post is 2 years old now and I'm pretty sure thunderhomo has made like 20 videos about musk after that, but even when this was written there were a bunch

>> No.15610671
File: 615 KB, 992x1436, RD0120sex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's my favourite, I love all the whacky variations, designs and mission profiles they had designed for it. It's just depressing they did all that and its only two missions were the Buran launch (with some non-trivial issues like the TPSes shaking off during ascent) and the Polyus disaster. I'd say it depends if you consider it being worse never having managed to launch, or having done so achieving nothing.

>> No.15610703

energaya :^)

>> No.15610725

Buran isn't a rocket, it was a payload Energia could carry.

>> No.15610744

Energia was a spaceplane

>> No.15610813



>> No.15610845

which part of SHIT SPECIFIC IMPULSE did you not understand

>> No.15610914

No I’m glad it launched. Same with the N1. It adds credibility to them being considered “real” rockets (in contrast to something like Ares V which never flew)