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File: 273 KB, 468x882, philips.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15409220 No.15409220 [Reply] [Original]

hello everyone, hope this is the correct place
I have mild dust, cat hair and dog hair allergies. Considering that I have all three in my house, and I spend a lot of my time at my desk, I've been looking into an air purifier. Would that help with my allergies?

I've been looking into the Philips AC1715/10, would that be a good purifier?

>> No.15409225

People that keep pets in their house are fags, Just get rid of those animals retard, and grow a tree near your house or something.

>> No.15409355
File: 34 KB, 600x612, 02fcf6401a1b939a64c1fd86dfa6be22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't fall for the fancy purifier meme. They all work the same. They move air over a filter.
The filter is the most expensive part, get a MERV 13 filter and slap that bad boy on the back of a box fan.
Boom. Better than 99% of the overpriced junk you can buy.
Some also offer UV sterilization and electrostatic capture.
Seems like a meme to me but whatever. The MERV 13 is going to get you the best bang for buck.

>> No.15409728

Typical consumer grade "air purifiers" are complete scams. What do I mean? Using information in a misleading or irrelevant way to suggest overall efficiency they do not have. Do they work? Even a box fan with a furnace filter works. The real question you need to ask is "do they work like they imply?" and the answer is "lol fuck no".

First know companies obviously can lie. Example, bullet velocities sometimes mislead by trying to sell pistol cartridges with velocities fired from a 20 inch barrel. If you made a bullet whose only firearm had a 5" barrel, but test velocities used a customized rifle and reported that velocity, the law doesn't care. "up to x feet per second" is factually true too. This is legal and companies do it because nobody cares enough, least of all the consumer.

So how about how clean the air gets?
Filters are tested in a 28.5 cubic meter chamber. 10x10 foot small bedrooms are about 27 m^3.
A practical example of the kinds of ways the scammers lie. That pictured philips reports a CADR of 190 m^2/h. Their "estimated" CADR is for a 48m^2 room. That would be a ~13 m^3 room, in real terms a 5x10 closet. Halve the cubic space, double the claimed CADR. It's actually 80 m^2/h for the standard 10x10 room. All consumer air purifiers scam people by lying with various tricks like this.

Ultimately there is no way to know your filter requirements or filter housing requirement without knowing airflow and particulate accumulation in your house or between rooms. Worse still, filters themselves are subject to airflow variations in efficacy, and CADR doesn't track filter clogging. Lack of law and lack of completed standard means if you REALLY GOTTA just fucking make your own. Preferably with properly angled fan blades instead for suction. https://www.calqlata.com/productpages/00060-help.html
or spend stupidly high sums on industrial systems

>> No.15409984

I use mine, works real good but you have to buy the right brand. Ideally you want the carbon/odor filter in front of the hepa filter. Ignore these morons saying it doesn't work. These are the same guys that said air conditioners do nothing.

>> No.15409996

that's good advice, i'll add taht the carbon filters barely do anything if they are small. you can and should try to jam 2-3 of them in there. most consoooomer grade units have the shittiest thinniest flimsiest pieces of shit carbon filters China could produce.

>> No.15410014

Oh no the amazon shills are here to defend their totally honest non misleading products that perform so badly it would take over an hour to ventilate a sealed fucking closet. I sure fucking hope you aren't that genuinely retarded.

It's cheaper and more effective to build your own. Especially if you get properly angled fan blades. It is quieter and more efficient at cleaning shit out of the air. Can't recommend plastic box fans or consumer fans except as a platform to replace the blades, and possibly the motor, to fit the right kind of fan blades.

>> No.15410032

Cope and seethe while i breath fresh, clean air. I'm sure your duct-taped fly trap wont fall over and start a fire.

>> No.15410074

Calling physics "a cope" to justify your mistaken purchase? That's some fuckin cope.

>> No.15410103

Taping a fan to a filter is physics? LMAO

>> No.15410112

>Taping a fan to a filter is physics? LMAO
The fact taping a fan to a filter is sufficient to be better for the expense than consumer "air purifiers" is easily demonstrated with physics. As is the consumer market's penchant for lying as explained. Your need to lie over something so petty is pathetic.

>> No.15410142

why don't companies just make and sell Corsi–Rosenthal Boxes that work, then?

>> No.15410195

Coway Airmega AP-1512HH
now leave.

>> No.15410200

Just get some indoor plants retard.

>> No.15410900

Because it takes sup too much space. Consumers are dumb and want something that fits neatly on a desk.
As long as they smell the ozone they believe they are getting clean air.