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File: 105 KB, 1x1, Biomedicine (Taipei). 2022; 12(3): 1–4..pdf [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15387291 No.15387291 [Reply] [Original]

>Much of this anti-vaccination sentiment could be attributed to the alleged side effects that are perpetuated across social media from anti-vaccination groups.

>Fear mongering and misinformation being peddled by people with no scientific training to terrorize people into staying unvaccinated is not just causing people to remain susceptible to viral outbreaks, but could also be causing more side effects seen in the vaccination process

>The data presented herein, poses an interesting question, is the fear mongering around vaccines causing many of these perceived side effects by inducing unnecessary stress in vulnerable people? Is the movement and character of anti-vaccination information that may strike fear into the general population causing anxiety and vascular constriction resulting in pathologies such as dizziness, hypernea, fainting, blood clotting, stroke and heart attack

This is what normies and branch COVIDians actually believe. This is what the people who want to censor you and label you as a "domestic terrorist" actually believe. Of course, that would not be an issue if these sorts of claims were treated in an unbiased and impartial manner, and were allowed to be questioned and investigated from a variety of angles. Unfortunately, however, this is not at all the case. Normies do not want these sort of questions to be discussed and investigated in an unbiased, rational manner. Instead, that basically want to censor anyone who disagrees with them, and they want to prevent biologists, medical doctors, and journalists from discussing any alternative hypotheses. Even many of the top scientists in the world like John Ionnidis and Jay Bhattacharya have be subject to demonization and censorship for attempting to question mainstream COVID narratives.

>> No.15387324

>>The data presented herein, poses an interesting question, is the fear mongering around vaccines causing many of these perceived side effects by inducing unnecessary stress in vulnerable people?
the people who drop dead within two weeks of getting the vax are just suffering from the fearmongering of antivaxxers.

>> No.15388408
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>> No.15388452
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COVID was the AI and the vaxx helped deliver it. About 70% of the worlds cattle have been inoculated with it. There was never any virus out there, it was all a hoax.

>> No.15388783
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There is only one way to stop censorship, as history has proven.

>> No.15389838
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>noooo, you can't just smite your enemies to stamp out censorship!!
>that would be censoring them!!

>> No.15389870

If you dont censor your opposition, how are you going to get your consensus. Science is consensus driven, not fact driven CHUD. TRUST THE SCIENCE

>> No.15389886

Published as a government paper authored by one guy with no peer reviewers, because god knows this man would have been stopped from publishing such a blatant piece of propeganda and lies on behalf of his superiors in the government.

>> No.15389913
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Another thread reasoning with the unreasonable. It's good to show the existence of dissent, but they don't want to listen. Only power matters now and apparently those in power don't disagree with eachother anymore while those without power are more divided than ever. Better study the science of gaining power and political change than study how current power is unfair. They want to waste our energy. Look at Bret Weinstein for example: 170 podcasts have achieved nothing but preaching to the choir and making a living.

>> No.15389949
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>anti-vaxxers cause the vaxxed to get adverse effects from the vaxx
That means it's working.

>> No.15390253

If you're born into old power, then you dont have power. The best you'll get to become is the propaganda chief for the old power.

>> No.15390404

I quess you meant that the new rich serve the old rich. That seems likely, but leaves a lot unexplained.

>> No.15390440

There's a simple structure.

1) Old power rule the world.
2) They control the companies through investment firms
3) They control the media through ownership of those companies
4) They control the government by buying out politicians
5) They control the narrative through the use of media, the government, and the corporations they control through investment.
6) Any new money MUST kow tow and join these group and pay respect to the old power, else they become PARAIAH.
7) These old powers govern the society, in which the public government become the face, the media its voice, the corporations its arms and and the military its hard weapon if they cant get resources through other means.

Chomsky did the old "manufactured consent". IMO thats a primer for you to understand the basic media incentive structure. But really, he should have looked a little bigger. The bigger picture of the society is the old powers.

>Who are the old powers?
The ones who have been incharge of the world for hundreds of years through old investments being reinvested over and over the time, but ultimately still are owned by the same group of elites at the base. But the old power can grow with new blood adhering to this class of people, it takes few generations to grow for them to be respected by the legacy old power

>> No.15390541

I know, but I'm saying that this narrative is feeble in endless ways. For example:
>Power is a mental construct that requires others to think themselves into submission. However, more people are experiencing increasing costs and decreasing rewards for submitting.
>People are inclined to not be interested in what they take for granted. In contrast, old power seems extraordinary disciplined to not act against its own interest.
>Old power can have a carefree life, yet chooses to be actively involved.
>Old power can choose to be a benevolent god of a symbiotic world, but chooses to be satan of a predator-prey world.
Many such considerations that outweigh the simplistic Jews-shekels-propaganda narrative.

>> No.15390662

jews want their own world. they wage war through any means but arms like a woman. the end.

>> No.15390673

>stating the obvious AGAIN
you know that most "anons" arguing for that are bots right? the "people" you see irl are pulled from a mental house to be interviewed in cnn, most people know that this is a complete bullshit scam

>> No.15390817

Nonsense. They already have their own world. They have private islands and private anything, they're above the law, they can do anything they want and they never have to deal with goyim if they don't want to.
If you insist that they want more living room by depopulation, you again raise tons of question marks. The point is: old power is like an alien life form. It is so far removed from you that you can only project Earth on a planet 1.000.000 light years away.

>> No.15391163 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15391245

>If you insist that they want more living room by depopulation,
Anon, one purpose of the ukraine war is to depopulate it so that the khazars can take it over and avoid the heat israel is getting

>> No.15391323

Not even, its just the old aristocrats. Bill Gates isn't jewish, but he actively funds propaganda narratives. He's richer than the supposed Jewish lord George Soros by 10x atleast.

Bill Gates's full name is William the 3rd, an aristocratic name. The old powers aren't jewish, although there are jewish bankers and all, they're mainly the workers for the hidden aristocratic families of the past.

>> No.15391326 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15391368

I appreciate your insight and I'll look further into it. Now let's clear up a possible misunderstanding that's huge: you don't think that anyone you know by name (Gates, royal families, Rothschild, Shekelstein) are the actual elites, do you? They can't be that dumb. They're smart enough to erase themselves from history, from any register, from any traceable transaction, phone call and online connection, from being followed to where their live. One of the laws of power say don't build castles but mix with the crowd, or else you paint a target on your back.
Imagine one crazy person, someone in their inner circle of thrust, like a butler with decades of loyal service, one day going on a rampage ending their bloodline after countless generations. To prevent that they must be way smarter than anyone you've ever seen on display.

>> No.15391371
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True. There really is no political solution.

>> No.15391380

Schizo shit. The sad thing is elites simply aren't as smart and powerful as you seem to want to believe they are.

Quiet, old money families have neither all that much money nor that much power as it is limited by trust funds.

>> No.15391395

Gates is an elite. So are the Rothschild/royals/aristocrats, but its made up of not just some billionaires but old aristocratic social status that carry real power. The neuvo billionaires who have gotten rich from starting companies or making music aren't the elites. They're outsiders/new comers, who have the potential to become an old power if they kiss the ring, but some dont.

As I said, money isn't everything to old powers. Family connections/influences that stretches generations through blood ties/rituals/social clubs are what keep them in power.

>> No.15391409

Then it follows that the key is building and maintaining in-group preference. Like AOT basically.

>> No.15391412

Right. You can be a relatively modest elite in terms of economic while working at another elite's business as a manager/etc and still have higher power than someone making 10X as more money than you just through connections.

>> No.15391417

>building and maintaining in-group preference
But Anon...my species is what humans evolve into. When I mate with a human my genes devolves back a step but raise them one step. It take generations to evolve me back into existence.

This is why "He will come back in 2,000 years." They were talking evolitionary timelines.

A perpetually, functionally extinct, species. "Call no man Father." because I am the First of my Kind, my "dad" is lile a child to me

>> No.15391427

I see now but practically speaking for us, that paints a grim picture, because that means we lose power by empathizing with others and should not buy shawarma.

>> No.15391436
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>lose power by empathizing with others and should not buy shawarma.
Depends on what you consider your "in-group" to be, Anon.

>> No.15391451
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>Of course, that would not be an issue if these sorts of claims were treated in an unbiased and impartial manner, and were allowed to be questioned and investigated from a variety of angles.

To which group do I belong if I belong to the Truth?

>> No.15391471

Of course I want to live in harmony. The problem is: there are snakes in paradise scheming our demise. If you turn a blind eye or the other cheek, if you are only just and fair like the Lion King, then Scar will murder you and turn everything into a dessert.

>> No.15391482
File: 45 KB, 393x308, 2023-04-02_20.45.50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and turn everything into a dessert.
...both his home, and your's.


>> No.15391507
File: 746 KB, 1920x2667, madeline-pappas-5-13-facingdragons-combine-1lyrccc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>want to censor anyone who disagrees with them, and they want to prevent biologists, medical doctors, and journalists from discussing any alternative hypotheses

I had to watch Covid roll out in silence because Im not a Virologist. When it began mutating...its now in MY domain of expertise; Evolutionary Biology and Environemental Genetics.

Now there is NO VIROLOGIST ALIVE who has research that outclasses mine.

>> No.15391610
File: 239 KB, 1466x1536, censorship industrial complex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make your voices be heard. Dont let them silence you. Power of individuals is what the elites are afraid of. Thats why censorship regime is in place. Thats why the censorship complex is in place. They want to keep you down.

>> No.15391626


Relevant. Tucker had changed over the last year or so

>> No.15391632


>> No.15392290

soience is anti science

>> No.15394467

bougies are all sex perverts who spend their daylight hours virtue signalling and their night hours engaging in perversions, the ruling class uses this as a means of controlling them through blackmail, has been like that since ancient rome

>> No.15395385
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>> No.15396168


>> No.15397200

Nice chart.

>> No.15398427

If the woke shitlibs get their way, even posting a meme like this will unironically be considered domestic terrorism in another 5-10 years.

>> No.15398439

you're welcome

>> No.15399327

there have already been several notable cases of people being imprisoned for posting memes

>> No.15399432

>in another 5-10 years
I have bad news for you.


>> No.15399434
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>> No.15399559
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>Censorship is Anti-Science
Look who does all the censoring of science now, among other topics, it is the Democrats-Republican/Labour/China/NorthKorea/Russia/EU/WHO, all left-wing political groups.

>> No.15399561

It can work both ways. Just saying.

>> No.15400437

someone call sheriff chitwood

>> No.15401853
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>> No.15401869

Love that meme, especially the smug leftwad with its onions.

>> No.15403191
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>oy vey the harry potter fans are out to get me

>> No.15404686

these are the same people who thought the "snape kills dumbelore" meme was horrifying

>> No.15404973


>> No.15405204

LMAO @ "hate speech". What a bunch of faggots and Karens.

>> No.15405914
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>> No.15407393 [DELETED] 

atheist is antichrist

>> No.15408575 [DELETED] 

they don't want their own world, they want to live on this one and have everyone else be their slaves

>> No.15408809

Oil companies are planning to replace all their vaccinated employees after they die from the vaccine
This woman works in a gas and oil recruitment firm. She says that higher level industry executives have given her instructions involving plans to replace all their vaccinated employees, about half of their staff, within the next three years. The implication is that these higher level oil and gas executives know that all or most of their vaccinated employees will be dying from those vaccines.


>> No.15409669

This deserves its own thread.

>> No.15410335

Thats standard jewish theology, they think only jews are human and everyone else is their livestock

>> No.15410557

DA JOOOS shat your pants again

>> No.15410793
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Un-Jabbed are preferred everywhere now.

>> No.15410874

You live in a society of feral retards and not only that, they are at the steering wheel. Sorry you had to find out this way but I tried to warn you

>> No.15410880
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>> No.15411173

Free speech is itself an intrinsically leftist (French Enlightenment) idea. You are as clueless as you are stupid.

>> No.15411242

Don't expect a inbred right wing incel to have a very deep understanding of politics. Incel probably doesn't even know what the Enlightenment was.

>> No.15411464

okay so then call the modern "left wing" retarded for who they paint as "right wing" too you disingenuous fucks. that little piece of pop-history trivia is irrelevant to the current discussion.

>> No.15411471

Didn't read, why do you waste your time reposting their propaganda? You dumb useful idiot.

Learn to play the game already, because you're still losing it.

>> No.15412759
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>> No.15412788

Anti-vaxxers are all cringe authright basement dwellers who are angry they don't get to censor society anymore and would instantly given the chance.

I remember you pussies trying to ban the Simpsons because Homer isn't depicted as an ubermensch fuck off with your free speech absolutist concern troll you pitiful polnigger.

>> No.15412815
File: 41 KB, 586x680, F69B43DE-6096-42C3-93CC-499E907AC366.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do we keep letting a bunch of hysterical women get away with this?

>> No.15412817


>> No.15412990


>> No.15413396
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>> No.15413474
File: 3.56 MB, 1784x1044, globohomo kikes.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The earth is flat and the kikes in power are censoring it everywhere.

>> No.15413685

the earth is arguably flat even if it is round. just put it in a spherical coordinate system, then its both at the same time

>> No.15414335

whats this vid about

>> No.15414641

>I remember you pussies trying to ban the Simpsons
You really think the Clinton family is on 4chan? kek!
Homer was the one person they couldn't suicide.

>> No.15415417

Hunter Biden's was a Reddit poster, that was part of the cringe that was on his laptop

>> No.15415769

censorship on youtube

>> No.15417135
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>> No.15417675
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>> No.15418888

emotionally triggered

>> No.15419435

it would be funnier if it wasn't true

>> No.15419864

sup jidf

>> No.15420642

>basement dwellers
So this is the power of leftist arguments

>> No.15420830

the n word is racist

>> No.15421048
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>Free speech is itself an intrinsically leftist (French Enlightenment) idea.
Fact Checked WRONG.

True Free Speech only exists under Anarchy, which is far-right-wing.

>> No.15421464
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>> No.15422644
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soience is a perversion of science

>> No.15423648
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slippery slope