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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 847 KB, 3530x4724, slsprelaunch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15380656 No.15380656 [Reply] [Original]

>1 Launch
>To the moon and back
The seethe will be even more hilarious when musktards realize more and more with each """test""" how retarded the BFR design was from the beginning.

>> No.15380786
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>Raptor engines cooking off one by one in a cascade failure as the others have to struggle to lift more and more weight
>finally the rocket just can't attain escape velocity
>it's underpowered af even with almost three dozen Raptors maxed out
>and the test flight had no payload and probably minimal fuel in the second stage

>> No.15380804
File: 290 KB, 1079x1079, mJNIO4J.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's almost like people should learn from mistakes of the past kek

>> No.15380807

>1 launch
>that'll be $20 billion dollars please

>> No.15380822

>10 launches
>That'll be 20 billion dollars please
>Also im sorry but your astronauts died while trying to reach orbit, none of the launches worked

>> No.15380834

Don't count your dead astronauts before they blow up.

>> No.15380846

Don't count your "successful" tests before they reach orbit

>> No.15380858
File: 495 KB, 1400x1750, 1680602236136995.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The earth is flat with a dome. All these "tests" are pure propaganda for the cattle. They can never leave this plane alive.

>> No.15380859

I'm not. The launch was a failure. It sucks, but these things happen. You learn from it and try to do better.

The alternative is you shut everything down the first time you encounter a hurdle and go nowhere.

>> No.15380890

>>>/x/ and stay there, filthy schizo.

>> No.15380917

>The alternative is you shut everything down the first time you encounter a hurdle and go nowhere.
No, the alternative is you do as much right as possible the first time, just like the winners did in the past retard

>> No.15380920

It was designed by white heterosexual males in a meritocratic society. Of course it worked out of the box.

>> No.15380982
File: 85 KB, 630x412, apollo 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No, the alternative is you do as much right as possible the first time, just like the winners did in the past retard
>you do as much right as possible the first time
>the first time

>> No.15380991

Yes something that literally never happened in a single Apollo launch afterwards. With muh ebin BFG this will be a literal daily occurrence except casualties x30 kek

>> No.15381036

SLS had a failure with Challenger. Changing the name of the system because the crew and cargo have been moved from the side to the top doesn't change the fact that SLS is built upon the system that killed seven astronauts and destroyed an orbiter. And that happened in the production phase, not the test phase.

>> No.15381079

>SLS had a failure with Challenger
The absolute state of coping musktard brainlets holy kek

>> No.15381099

>Yes something that literally never happened in a single Apollo launch afterwards.
Pic related was just three years later. Space exploration is inherently risky. There will ALWAYS be a risk of something going wrong when you're dealing with complex technology in an inherently dangerous environment. In three hundred years if we haven't blown ourselves up and there are humans travelling between planets on a regular basis, there will STILL be shit going wrong. There will STILL be vehicles blowing up. There will STILL be people getting killed. You can take all the precautions in the world and shit will STILL go wrong, and if we're not willing to accept that that risk comes with the territory we should just pack up and go back to our caves.

The first crewed mission of Falcon was its 98th.
The first crewed mission of Starship will not be its 2nd.
They'll test it, they'll work out as many of the bugs as they can, and at some point they'll make the leap to manned flights, and something MAY still go wrong, just like something MAY go wrong with Ares II, and if/when that happens I pray that people aren't stupid enough to say "well, I guess we'll just give up now" like they almost did after Apollo 1, like they almost did after Apollo 13, like they almost did after Challenger, and like they very nearly did after Columbia.

>> No.15381106
File: 320 KB, 1200x1980, a13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15381145

Cope and seethe
Imagine being so retarded and not understand that 10x the cost but 10x less the failure rate per launch is better than the other way around

>> No.15381161

It's starship super heavy

>> No.15381167

Why should oligarchs care about fried wagies when there are thousand more lining up to man the next firecracker?

>> No.15381233

>10x the cost but 10x less the failure rate per launch is better than the other way around
It's a tradeoff. More cost and fewer attempts means less risk, but it also means you're not getting as much done. One launch every few years isn't going to build orbital infrastructure or colonize worlds - you need bulk.

>> No.15381251

>you're not getting as much don
KEK how many times has starship reached the moon again?
SLS 1 - Starship 0

>> No.15381254
File: 423 KB, 752x768, 1682063406185716.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The flat earth truth is censored on /x/ as it destroys all the retarded narratives the glowniggers are running there.


>> No.15381268

>1 launch
And 1/5th the payload in a non reusable rocket. God you guys are retarded

>> No.15381277
File: 160 KB, 1480x833, 180712-Weill--The-Creator-of-Pepe-hero_uionjj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And 1/5th the payload of my imaginary payload

>> No.15381281

Oh no no no

>> No.15381284

Ask again in 2026.
If it's 3-0 I'll concede your point.

>> No.15381300

No need to call things fake just because you are too retarded to understand something anon.

>> No.15381981
File: 13 KB, 390x400, 1508648409043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>faggot schizo even washed out of /x/ with his gay YT watchlist

>> No.15381989

>I just believe big numbers because they said so

>> No.15382002 [DELETED] 

>10x less failure rate
SLS only flew once, the failure rait until a known figure yet

>> No.15382006 [DELETED] 


>> No.15382015

>I know way more about space flight then the company that launches over 50 rockets a year
There's nothing wrong with being retarded anon, but you don't need to sperg it all over the internet. Go back to lurking

>> No.15382033

I literally do, I know more than >90% of them. I have a doctorate and work in my university's space center.

>> No.15382036

You can't fit a fucking curve with one data point, anon. See how Artemis II and III go or if we even fucking HAVE an Artemis IV+ before you start boasting about your success rate.

>> No.15382040

based Dunning–Kruger effect anon

>> No.15382045

Flat Earth Proofs:
>8 inch x miles^2 curvature rate is demonstrably nonexistent; we can see easily 20-50mi
>geometry dictates the curvizon must be a physical barrier blocking your view only 3 miles away
>water surface is flat and level to infinity
>the horizon is optical and always at eye-level
>perspective exists
>air-planes fly straight level lines, heading into the horizon, keeping the same altitude, and never account for any curvature
>gyroscopes work
>vacuum next to an air-pressure system lmao
>coriolis effect does not exist, interestingly no one who operates real world machinery considers any globe related science
>sonar and radar works
>we don't feel any movement; a constantly spinning, corkscrewing, chasing, multi-directional ball-earth would be deadly
>sextants work
>why do all governments throughout every war agree on 1) space and 2) the antarctic treaty?
>a compass works and always points north
>no one has ever physically discovered a curve, it was conceptualized and later faked with 1960s special effect moon-stories on television
>GPS - Ground Positioning System
>star constellations are always the same, turning around Polaris that is always at the very same spot
>land surveys work
>flight routes and emergency landings only make sense on flat earth
>we can literally see that the earth is flat

Globe Earth Proofs:
>CGI exists
>you are a wellpoisoner if you don't believe in the globe
>NASA employees diving in a pool
>Elon saves us from globohomo, we escape earth and live on a death planet under a dome that protects us from the vacuum of space
>a fish-camera can bend the horizon in both directions (convex and concave earth exist simultaneously)
>sticks and shadows proved my table is a ball
>The Science™ experts told us the earth is a globe
>everyone believes it so it must be real
>I like Star Wars, pop-culture doesn't lie
>I fucking love science!
>why would they lie?
>I have to go to work tomorrow
>I saw it on TV
>It is real in my mind
>fuck off, retard

>> No.15382119

>8 inch x miles^2 curvature rate is demonstrably nonexistent; we can see easily 20-50mi
>geometry dictates the curvizon must be a physical barrier blocking your view only 3 miles away
But you won't see the ground after 3 miles. Because of the curve. You can see mountains and tall buildings, sure.
>water surface is flat and level to infinity
>the horizon is optical and always at eye-level
>perspective exists
Are basketballs flat too anon?
>air-planes fly straight level lines, heading into the horizon, keeping the same altitude, and never account for any curvature
Except they do
>gyroscopes work
Works fine on a sphere earth.
>vacuum next to an air-pressure system lmao
Space isn't the kind of vacuum that sucks up dirt in your house my man.
>coriolis effect does not exist,
Except it does
>interestingly no one who operates real world machinery considers any globe related science
Bridge builders do.
>sonar and radar works
Anon are you just naming off random shit at this point?
>we don't feel any movement; a constantly spinning, corkscrewing, chasing, multi-directional ball-earth would be deadly
The same reason your coffee doesn't spill when traveling 70mph.
>sextants work
They way you idiots view the sky is all kinds of screwed up so the fact thy work is evidence of sphere earth.
>why do all governments throughout every war agree on 1) space and 2) the antarctic treaty?
Why do all governments, throughout every war agree that the world is round? You would think one would spill the secrets since its so obvious.
>a compass works and always points north
Yeah, just naming off anything your smooth brain can think of.
>GPS - Ground Positioning System
How the fuck do you even expect GPS to work when there's a god damn dome blocking us from space?
>star constellations are always the same, turning around Polaris that is always at the very same spot
Except for the entire southern hemisphere.
>land surveys work
Ah, an other profession that has to think about the curve.

>> No.15382126
File: 606 KB, 960x960, xrp4kq5yfn751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic