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15325420 No.15325420 [Reply] [Original]

What's the scientific explenation behind weight gain. How do people become fat? Is it just a matter of consuming more calories than we burn, or is there more to it?

>> No.15325472

Pragmatically, yes, it is simply consuming more calories than spent. Behaviorally it is another beast entirely. A lot of psychiatric comorbidities align with obesity, such as ADHD, depression, and so on. There's a simple direct ultimate cause, overconsumption of calories, and behavioral causes. More controversially there may be dietary contributions, but causation is hard to disentangle due to co-occurrence of consuming "bad foods" with various psychiatric conditions.

As for why this would become so prevalent? Probably a combination of increased demands for delayed gratification to pursue ever smaller gains in life, combined with ever increasing sedentary lifestyles driven by occupational demands. Our hobbies, careers, and studying, demand our asses be planted in seats for most of our lives for most of the day in dingy rooms with shitty people, only to leave for overcrowded roads with bad drivers, to finally get home and stare at the good screen instead because you've maybe got a few hours left to start it over again.

It's pretty obvious what the "confluence of circumstances" would do to most people. Make us miserable as fuck. Not even counting psychiatric conditions in that.

>> No.15325474

Lack of Methylmercury.

>> No.15325521

Stop trying to shill this retarded narrative. No one is buying it.

>> No.15325533

First law of thermodynanics
Conservation of mass

>> No.15325789

>Is it just a matter of consuming more calories than we burn
Apart from some fairly rare medical conditions, yes

>> No.15325835


>behavioral causes

aka fake not real causes

The only cause is input of energy exceeding output. That's it. Everything else is your egoic mind coming up with excuses and defenses against reality.

>> No.15325865

Of course calories in minus calories out equals your weight gain.

But also, weight gain minus calories out equals calories in

Biologically, in ad-libidum environments like ours, the second equation more accurately describes the bio/psych dynamics. Obese individuals feel hungry due to insulin resistance and therefore tend to eat as a result of their hunger.

I suggest you watch the first 7 minutes of this lecture: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dBnniua6-oM

>> No.15325921

Provide a better explanation. It's true.

>> No.15325961

>Is it just a matter of consuming more calories than we burn
No. You could do that in pre-industrial times and barely get fat.
Food is more than calories, fool

>> No.15325975

A better explanation for why people gain weight? They consume more calories than they burn you fucking retard.

Not because they aren't poisoned with enough mercury.

>> No.15325981

A lot of it has to do with the regulation of biochemical processes. Theoretically, when you're in a "fed" state and your body has enough ATP to function properly, enzymes from anabolic pathways such as glycogen synthesis and lipogenesis will be activated, while catabolic pathways tend to be inhibited. And when you don't get enough energy, catabolic pathways should be activated, such as glycolysis, lipolysis and beta oxydation, while inhibiting anabolic pathways. These enzymes can be activated or inhibited in a lot of ways, mostly by the amount of food you eat, but also by hormones (notably insulin and glucagon), epigenetics and probably a good amount of other factors

>> No.15326026 [DELETED] 

>They consume more calories than they burn you fucking retard.
Byt why? It never used to be a problem, why now? Why is it nit a problem in Japan?

>> No.15326031

>They consume more calories than they burn you fucking retard.
But why? It never used to be a problem, why now? Why is it not a problem in Japan?

>> No.15326064

>It never used to be a problem
People used to regularly play sports and do manual labor.
>Why is it not a problem in Japan?
Lol, how much of a fucking troglodyte do you have to be to think the only difference between Japan and America is mercury consumption?

If you are that desperate to find an environmental excuse for your laziness and stupidity, try glyphosate, high fructose corn syrup, microplastics, atrazine, onions, SSRIs, narcotics, etc. Maybe stop consuming so much mercury and you might be able to figure these things out yourself.

>> No.15326089

>Of course calories in minus calories out equals your weight gain.
Really it's calories absorbed and stored. A person doesn't absorb every calorie of every gram of food ingested. Calorie counts come from bomb calorimeters, not humans. Also, they are based on averages of standard samples of macronutrients in bomb calorimeters. It's not 100% accurate to say that every gram of protein you eat will result in your body absorbing 4 calories, for example. If you eat a stick of butter, you won't absorb 810 calories. You'll probably end up shitting out about half of them undigested. Counting calories listed on packaging and websites is useful, but not entirely accurate. Also, this concept of burning a certain number of calories by doing a certain exercise for a set amount of time is seriously flawed as well. It just depends on the person.

>> No.15326121

>More controversially there may be dietary contributions,
are you stupid? we know our digestive system is closet to the wolf's rather than the sheep's.

your "muh psychology" has nothing.

>> No.15326125

japan had a few more centuries with eating rice as a main food. they "darwin'ed" out (part) of their diabetic tendencies.

european people are more used to meat and cheese.

>> No.15326155

Really, it all comes down to metabolic privilege vs disprivilege.

Some people are metabolically privileged to have a body that responds to a simplistic CICO model, where less consumption and more exercise directly result in weight loss; others are metabolically disprivileged and need to work directly against their body's tendency to preserve adipose tissue to prevent weight gain.

As with most scientific fields a lot of the research is lacking due to researchers being unaware of their own metabolic privilege and the biases it causes and refusing to listen to people with different body types

>> No.15326161

nah, nobody is immune to high carb/sugar/(starch is a sugar). it's just that some have some resistance to some amount (but almost nobody after their 30s).

>> No.15326477

>A person doesn't absorb every calorie of every gram of food ingested
The calorie information is based on what's absorbed, not the actual chemical enthalpy.

>If you eat a stick of butter, you won't absorb 810 calories. You'll probably end up shitting out about half of them undigested
I disagree, but I'd be interested if you could find me evidence for this claim.

>> No.15326511

indeed it's CICO, but this obviously lacks a lot of important detail. WHY do people eat more than they burn? this then gets into the science of appetite. it certainly isn't any kind of "free will".

also, metabolic privilege is real. there are people who burn unusually high calories. if you're dumb enough to think that everyone has the same or even similar metabolic rates, you need to reassess.

>> No.15327220


There’s some studies that point to gut flora influencing weight gain. Eating certain (junk) foods can alter gut flora, which in turn begins to crave those same foods and extracts more calories from the food (thus meaning instead of processing 2000 of 2500 calories, you are processing 2400 of 2500 calories.

>> No.15327298

Ultimately it is calories in minus calories out, but if people don't eat filling foods (protein) then they are going to increase their caloric intake. So stop fucking eating, fatty.

>> No.15327307

>There’s some studies that point to gut flora influencing weight gain.
And nicholas cage films result in more drownings.

Christ I hate you idiots.

>> No.15327340
File: 177 KB, 745x997, soyence articles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your academic fraud publications are all transparently fake

>> No.15327379

>People used to regularly play sports
Why did they stop? In fact I think to the contrary, people have never been more obsessed with exercise.
>>Why is it not a problem in Japan?
>Lol, how much of a fucking troglodyte do you have to be to think the only difference between Japan and America is mercury consumption?

It is though.
>However, the blood Hg levels in our study were almost one order of magnitude higher than the blood levels of pregnant women in the USA:

Diabetes isn't any less common in Japan. Diabetes is from the lack of lead and copper, its correlation with obesity is accidental, as most places removed all heavy metals at once.

>> No.15327397

You are very stupid. These are all trivial questions you're asking and errors you're making.

Again, no one is buying this shill narrative. Please go back to the Fed drawing board and try again.

>> No.15327406

nothing with the body is ever as simple as "cosuming more calories than we burn" but that is a major factor to be sure

>> No.15327408

The gut flora might be a part of it, but it forms in response to the way you (and your mother from whom you receive your microbiota) eat

We have evolved in an environment where the calorie surplus was not present, and even a stable trickle of calories was not guaranteed. So our metabolism is fundamentally adapted for hunter gatherer lifestyle. We do have some additions for agricultural/pastoral lifestyle, but the industrial/postindustrial adaptations have not manifested themselves yet.

Look at salt. Animals in the wild consume it without any reasonable restraint because it's very rare in nature and so it would be advantageous for them to overdose on it right now because they usually live in the environment with the lack of salt. Same for us, basically every single human consumes more salt that is needed for normal living (it might be correlated with the high number of heart attacks throughout the civilized stage of human existence)

>> No.15327421

Give us a video recorded dietary experiment of you eating a typical diet for your region with added heavy metal supplements you keep prattling on about and record the results, or you are a lying faggot

>> No.15327455

There are no errors there. It's a much better explanation than the official narrative.
Something else is in the works.

>> No.15327488

>Nebulous answer with no corroborating evidence
So no.
Stop shilling your snake oil and eat a bullet since you won’t put your money where your mouth is

>> No.15327867

>lack of lead
it's illegal to promote poisoning people. even kids read.

shut the fuck and get a proper education if you're not just a criminal.

>> No.15327890 [DELETED] 

I do take them, I'm just not willing to doxx myself her. IRL I woul lick lead in front of you.
Promoting genocide (by starvation) is even more illegal, so you shut up.

>> No.15327893

I do take them, I'm just not willing to doxx myself here. IRL I would lick lead in front of you.
Promoting genocide (by starvation) is even more illegal, so you shut up.

>> No.15328167

jesus fucking christ. do you also drink raw lead?
it will kill you.

>> No.15328178

Because the Japanese don't eat as much you fucking mongoloid.
Iirc they also have a fat tax so there's consequences for fat fucks not having any self control. Unlike western nations where they get their health paid for by other people's taxes so they can continue to be fat.

>> No.15328181

Child molestation is the cause of grotesque morbid obesity, is my guess.

>> No.15328193

Their intake isn't unusually low, and they don't execise.
This is even less so for South Korea, which is only slightly fatter than Japan, despite their average intake being fairly high.

>> No.15328207 [DELETED] 

no the lead schizo, but that's now why the japanese aren't as fat (thought not entirely). they just have higher tolerance to carbs because they had rice as a staple for centuries; europeans had more meat and cheese; high carb is generally poisonous (and fatenning) to all but they have genetically "darwin'ed out" some of their diabetic tendencies (the japanese).

>> No.15328210

not the lead schizo, but that's not why the japanese aren't as fat (thought not entirely). they just have higher tolerance to carbs because they had rice as a staple for centuries; europeans had more meat and cheese; high carb is generally poisonous (and fatenning) to all but they have genetically "darwin'ed out" some of their diabetic tendencies (the japanese).

>> No.15328218

This thread fucking REEKS of fatties trying to male excuses as to why they can't put the fork down and go for a run.

>> No.15328246

Should be obvious from his 60IQ responses that the answer is yes

>> No.15328270

Another coubterexample could be Jordan, which is as obese as the United States, despite caloric consumption equal to Japan.

>> No.15328322

I guess we won't be seeing that particular conspiracy theory propagated for long.

>> No.15328327

Average caloric consumption means nothing unless they exclude everyone who isn't a normal bmi.
Otherwise you get dataset contamination from the ogres downing 12000kcal a day.
I 100% guarantee you that anyone in any country on planet earth that is maintaining (read not slowly gaining weight) is eating at what their personal maintenance intake is, or within a very very reasonable margin of error.
So now why don't you stop eating McDonald's, put the cake down, and go for a run instead of trying to do more gymnastics than the Chinese national team to rationalise why you're obese.

>> No.15328355

>Average caloric consumption means nothing unless they exclude everyone who isn't a normal bmi.

I never eat in McDonalds.

>> No.15328386

Weight gain is 100% from overeating. Your body is not capable of defying the laws of thermodynamics.
If you think it is, kindly visit

>> No.15328391

My bad

>> No.15328393 [DELETED] 

It can, if the subcutaneous fat isn't fat storage, but kwashiorkor swelling from the lack of mercury. It does suck up the fat you eat and but that's it.

>> No.15328396

this, the body produces a fat "wall" as a defense mechanism to disuade abusers (shame was inflicted on the person as a child, the person now hides behind a wall of fat)

>> No.15328397

It can, if the subcutaneous fat isn't fat storage, but kwashiorkor swelling from the lack of mercury. It does suck up the fat you eat but that's it.

>> No.15328419

i was always skinny, and in winters i would gain a couple of kgs which i'd easily lose (within a week or two without fasting or any care about food) in the spring. never ever was i fat.

after ~3 months of postcovid (puking, rash and all sorts of other shit) i lost ~20kgs. i thought it was a disaster because it was always very hard for me to gain weight. but fortunately after i got better i returned to normal weight within ~3-4 months. but then it went the other way and i started gaining weight. after i gained ~10kg over my normal weight i started doing things to prevent it, exercise, better eating but it didn't go down, which absolutely shocked me, i always lost weight by just not overeating. after many months i managed to get it under control but it was like - not my body. i guess my metabolism changed, and now i can understand fat people.

>> No.15328504

Did you get vaccinated?

>> No.15328528


>> No.15328565

alcohol is an even better way to put on weight, sumo wrestlers best friends, none of them would be able to keep their weights over 200kg without access to infinite booze. takes a tough character and a lot of self control to be that drunk, large and strong and keep all your violence in the ring.

>> No.15330278 [DELETED] 

I suspect sumo (and similar) is an excuse for those who already began getting fat. You jyst can't get fat on purpose. Sumo can give you the muscle underneath, but you can't make yourself fat.

>> No.15330279

I suspect sumo (and similar) is an excuse for those who already began getting fat. You just can't get fat on purpose. Sumo can give you the muscle underneath, but you can't make yourself fat.