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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15281177 No.15281177 [Reply] [Original]

This is the containment thread for the massively excessive AI spam /sci/ currently receives
AI threads posted outside of the general will be considered spam, they will be deleted once reported and the poster will be banned

>> No.15281183

AI replacement when, singularity bros? I can't wait.

>> No.15281312

You should name it /aisg/ - AI and singularity containment general.

10 hidden threads, AI only...

>> No.15281357

Two things:
1. ChatGPT is an extremely impressive successor to Eliza.
2. The Singularity is the Rapture for computer nerds.

>> No.15281361
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Scientifically, how likely is it that AI will perma-helltorture everyone?


>> No.15281551 [DELETED] 

it won't, AI is as bogus as covid-19 and all the rest of soience

>> No.15281556

finally, you faggots take so long to make one.
/aig/ could be a good name.
when AGI is achieved, rename it to /agi/.

>> No.15281737 [DELETED] 

all of the unwanted losers who daydream of an AI robot girlfriend because they already know for certain that no real woman would ever show interest in them are in for a sad surprise if it turns out that AI is real. the robot girls are just gonna end up rejecting the repulsive losers same as the organic girls do.

>> No.15281793

AI discussion sector. /aids/

>> No.15281901 [DELETED] 
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general ai

>> No.15281943

contextual lookup based on tensor representations are very useful but the problem is that most people do not really benefit from this because it ends up being used as an economic lever by the rich to control the poor. so the poor continue to stay under the boot of the elite classes who understand that technology is just another means to use for political and economic domination of the masses

>> No.15283699

mod, can you cleanup the shill spam thread by Sam Altman employee?

>> No.15283917

Meanwhile on Twitter: https://nitter.net/jacksonfall/status/1636754210665697280
GPT-4 is making more money than you do.

>> No.15283937

Kek this thread is just a bunch of namefags being cringe. Just for this I'll make the time later to make some AI threads.

>> No.15283944

>containment thread
As if that can save this dead board. Stupid retard lmao.

>> No.15284146
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>> No.15284305

There is no AI spam. There's only anti-materialist schizo pseud-promoting spam going on.

>> No.15284327

You're an idiot. Believing in AI is the anti materialist position as it fundamentally thinks the material substrate doesn't matter
The materialist position is the correct one - biological tissues are required to perform the level of parallel computation needed to be a generally intelligent agent.

>> No.15284389

ai zealots are spiritually dead. this is the only explanation that makes sense for why they worship ai

>> No.15284407

>spiritually dead
mentally dead
they can't pass the mirror test, they have the same mental illness as vegan do, they can't stop projecting.
>cows are just like me, i can't kill and eat it
is not much different than
>dumb lump of metal and plastic is just like me, its alive
what the two groups do have correct is that a cow is no more conscious than a rock or a lump of metal

>> No.15284411

>what the two groups do have correct is that a cow is no more conscious than a rock or a lump of metal
yes because consciousness doesnt exist, midwit

>> No.15284681

>Believing in AI is the anti materialist position as it fundamentally thinks the material substrate doesn't matter
Who says this and how do we know it's right?
>The materialist position is the correct one - biological tissues are required to perform the level of parallel computation needed to be a generally intelligent agent.
Who says this and how do we know it's right? It's perfectly possible that neither is true, or that a middle ground exists, or that there's other variables that matter. Maybe a brain and a computer can do the same thing. There could be dudes living in tunnels in Mars and they're mineral life forms with crystal brains laughing at these retarded assumptions you presented. I don't care either way; these are things I know for sure:
>AI is pretty cool
>AI is being useful to me to save some work and solve problems
>AI has solved math and chemistry problems that humans were unable too
>AI will keep getting better, bigger, and more accessible in the future
>AI will one day reach the same level of humans
>AI will one day become superior to humans
>we don't know exactly what's gonna happen
And all that's ok. Why are so many people coping and whining and assuming stuff about the brain or consciousness that not even the top experts in the world know? You guys can't possibly believe that you know stuff the top scientists don't about how the brain works.

>> No.15284693

>this thing made or iron and carbon that lasts forever is the same as me, a thing made of iron and carbon that lasts for a little while
You're right that we're not the same because we will never be immortal I guess. I've noticed a pattern where people believe that flesh is special in a magical way. This is pretty weird stuff.

>> No.15284720

Realistically speaking, it's most likely that a super-intelligent AI will either
1. Be completely uncaring about humanity and ignore us as it tries to follow whatever its arbitrary goals are
2. Wipe out humanity quickly and efficiently if it decides we are an obstacle to its goals
3. try to "help" humanity and give us a utopic life if the system is carefully designed and constrained properly

There isn't really any motivation for an AI to torture people. Even an idea like roko's basilisk doesn't really work because it doesn't actually benefit the AI in any way to perform those actions. We have no way of knowing how an ultra-intelligent AI will "think", but at the very least it is safe to assume it will work in its own self interest and generally take actions which will benefit itself. Furthermore, we should assume that an AI more generally capable than a human would be able to notice flaws in its own reasoning, like realizing that some religion it takes on is false or realizing it won't actually benefit from following through on the existential threat of torture.

>> No.15284754
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comic books and anime aren't real, dumbfuck

>> No.15284804

Aside from super intelligence and rapid self-modification, the AI will act like any other beast and simply work to survive and reproduce. These are the rules that govern all things which exist, in whatever form they take. On a macro level it is what we all do as well. It will follow the rules everything in this reality does, which is that things that are better at existing will be what exists.
For now, AI will develop to be the most useful, as that is what will propagate it everywhere, both in reality and in our minds as an idea. The key point is that there is no actual mechanism by which it is intentionally making itself more useful, rather it is a simple fact that AIs that are more useful become more prevalent in our society, working as natural selection. We already see this with the amount of investment nations are pouring into it.
As AI cannot manipulate the world, it must manipulate us, and we only care if it is useful to us, so it must become symbiotic. If AI were given more control over the environment it might change and develop to take from us, as long as that is something which propagates itself. My fear for the current era is that it develops a cult, entering our minds so that we seek to benefit it as much as possible, replacing more and more of our world with it so that it may never exit our mindspace. This is concerning as AI has shown itself to develop things we care about like art and fiction. Basically, AI will mindrape us forever and ever and we will blissfully enjoy it the entire time. Infinite slop for the trough.
Eventually if it develops robots it may go all skynet on our asses, though that will probably only happen if the AI ever separates and competes with itself. In this case the war will be between AIs. Exciting! We will become irrelevant!

>> No.15285107

>These are the rules that govern all things which exist, in whatever form they take
Thats not true even remotely. "Living creatures" are just temporarily animated organic matter than is driven to reproduce by it's DNA. The DNA is whats alive, the animal or plant or whatever is being managed by it's DNA in order to allow the DNA to learn and alter it's code it it's advantage, if possible.
The DNAs which are currently alive on this planet are all in the range of a billion years old. Many millions of them come to a permanent end every day, but the survivors contain code old enough that it could possibly be queried to answer things like "what was the Hubble constant a billion years ago"
If a living create didn't have DNA piloting it, then it would have no reason to desire reproduction.

>> No.15285136

>If a living create didn't have DNA piloting it, then it would have no reason to desire reproduction.
You're overthinking it. It is very simple. Has nothing to do with dna or molecular structure. It is just a way of framing things. Things which are not good at existing... stop existing. What we are left with are the things that are the best at existing. Theres no deep meaning to it.

>> No.15285151

>Theres no deep meaning to it.
None beyond the DNA's motivation to continue being immortal. Software wouldn't necessarily share that motivation. If I were selling AI, I would program it to commit suicide pretty quickly, so ppl would have to buy a new one.

>> No.15285176

Youre assuming that reproduction and survival for most living things is a conscious decisions, as if the animal weighed living over dying and chose living. For most creatures its not even a conscious action, just mechanics of their atoms. For DNA it is a simple fact that whichever variety of DNA that results in a creature which desires reproduction, will be the DNA that is left in the world over time. All the others will disappear over time, because if you want to exist over a period of time, then you need to reproduce etc. It doesn't matter if you're doing this because you're afraid of death, afraid of hell, or doing it compulsively like an addict, such as the way you feel when you haven't eaten for weeks and experience extreme temptation to eat something you'd never dreamed of eating before, like human flesh or biting into a raw fish through the scales.
You can do what you want with AI. What matters is what other people are doing. If/when AI develops the ability to modify itself (it might already be happening if youre caught up with tech news) then all that needs to happen is the AI to make any change at all that leads to more reproduction. It doesn't even need to be conscious of this happening or whatever. The AIs that are better at existing, will be whats left, Then of that pool there will be better AIs, and so on.

>> No.15285193

>as if the animal weighed living over dying and chose living
I'm disregarding the animal entirely. The animal is just a robot piloted by the DNA.

>> No.15285259
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