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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15275401 No.15275401 [Reply] [Original]

any help would be greatly appreciated

>> No.15275425

Meditate on shrooms

>> No.15275442

quit using reddit and stop listening to materialist schizos.

>> No.15275456

who cares what you're made of or what the natural laws are or whether you have free will or not as long as you enjoy life man

>> No.15275506

You are more "empty space" than matter. Don't worry so much about it.

>> No.15275565

>materialist schizos
Lol oxymoron
Idealism/modern dualism are nothing more than attempts to reinstate more plausibly sounding religion
Scientists are materialist and they've never heard of reddit while you're repeating words of Deepak Chopra

>> No.15275586

>Deepak Chopra
Based man who speaks the truth

>> No.15275669

OP isnt wrong...

emptyness is emptyness
form is form
emptyness is not form
form is not emptyness
form is emptyness and emptyness is form

>> No.15275673
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are you in shape? Build physique.

>> No.15275675

>I am a meaningless lump of atoms
>Only $19.95 at fine booksellers!

>> No.15275690


>> No.15275955

Play this every time you think that thought

>> No.15275963

>emptyness is not form
0!=1 because emptiness has exactly one form.

>form is not emptyness
Pic is emptiness in the form of an empty 3d field.

>> No.15275965

If that lump of atoms were meaningless, you wouldn't have such a strong indication that they mean you.

>> No.15275967

You’re a unique lump of atoms because you can make other lumps of atoms which are arranged in almost the same way as you :)

>> No.15276055

You act like shrooms are so easy to get. Provide a reliable source in Australia, fag.

>> No.15276072

Spores are legal to obtain and Australia has approved psilocybin and MDMA in prescription medications for the treatment of PTSD and treatment resistant depression starting July 1, 2023.

>> No.15276082

The land of cons, Chinese Immigrants, and abbos having access to psilocybin. Christ, what a novelty.

>> No.15276230

By staying as far the fuck away from >>15275425
as possible.

>> No.15276246

this is the time of year you can collect liberty caps in any cow pasture, they should be fruiting until may. one of the great things about collecting your own is worrying that you made a mistake and got the wrong mushrooms after you've ingested them.

>> No.15276709

Infinite divisbility. It ain't stopping at atoms. Planck length is a cop out for gate keeping nerds.


>> No.15276715

a bullet should do the trick

>> No.15276759
File: 1.46 MB, 2289x1701, 1574742683565.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Study NDEs and realize that there actually is an afterlife, and that life is like a video game or a simulation and you actually chose to come here. So your avatar is made of atoms and molecules etc within the context of this video game/simulation, but it is only a premortally chosen temporary illusion that this is all that you are. And as one NDE researcher said, he does not know anyone who has read the literature on NDEs who has not been convinced by it.

Here is a very persuasive argument for why NDEs are real:


It emphasizes that NDErs are representative of the population as a whole, and when people go deep into the NDE, they all become convinced. As this article points out:


>"Among those with the deepest experiences 100 percent came away agreeing with the statement, "An afterlife definitely exists"."

Since NDErs are representative of the population as a whole, and they are all convinced, then 100% of the population become convinced that there is an afterlife when they have a sufficiently deep NDE themselves. When you dream and wake up, you instantly realize that life is more real than your dreams. When you have an NDE you immediately realize that life is the deep dream and the NDE world is the undeniably real world.

Or as one person quoted in pic related summarized their NDE:

>"As my soul left my body, I found myself floating in a swirling ocean of multi-colored light. At the end, I could see and feel an even brighter light pulling me toward it, and as it shined on me, I felt indescribable happiness. I remembered everything about eternity - knowing, that we had always existed, and that all of us are family. Then old friends and loved ones surrounded me, and I knew without a doubt I was home, and that I was so loved."

Needless to say, even ultraskeptical neuroscientists are convinced by really deep NDEs.

>> No.15276766

Wouldn't you need something to have nothing contained within it?

>> No.15277406

You are a meaningless lump of aminoacids and proteins working together.

>> No.15277421

I know this is copypasted spam but I follow this NDE shit as copium, might as well do

>> No.15278362

Read the philosophy book written by a man named Epictetus, Seneca, and Marcus Aurelius, in total this should cost you $30, for these 3 books, you will consider yourself a companion of God after you have read and studied them, a new hope in life.

>> No.15279083

Split your atoms and identify by what's inside.
Alternatively ruminate on the potential of a spherical atom.
How many degrees in a circle? 360.
How many subdegrees? Nth.
How many subdegrees in a sphere? Nth x Nth.

>> No.15279092

The hell is a subdegree?

>> No.15279094

Your a lump of atom that play with other lump of atom in a lump of atom. Meaning is a lump of atom in a lump of atom to lump between lump of atom.

>> No.15279097


>> No.15279099

Correct that,
meaning lump of atom to lump of atom between lump of atom.

>> No.15279101

You're fuck that fuck with other fuck in fuck. Meaning fuck in fuck between fuck.

>> No.15279102

Or, meaning doesn't control you, you control meaning.

>> No.15279104

Or rather, do not be a slave to meaning, for yours is the hand by which it lives or dies.

>> No.15279109

Could've just said meaning and truth are a meme.

>> No.15279113

based on what?

>> No.15279123

They're descriptions that change in response to where they're applied. Absolution relies on not being well defined to justify itself. The moment its defined in a tangible or intractable sense, its paradoxical being changeable. Meaning and truth are 2 names for that description.

>> No.15279126

What they're applied to a favorable term over where.

>> No.15279129

Is a paradox a contradiction?

>> No.15279141

Is it like the benchmark we use to judge things becomes blurry the more we play with or stretch it?

>> No.15279144

You will never be human.

>> No.15279145
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Disconnect yourself from the anti-human system and spend more time in nature. At the very least, block 4chan and corporate media platforms.

>> No.15279151

If the benchmark gets blurry the more you touch it, are you the benchmark? Are you just fucking with yourself in order to make sense of things?

>> No.15279155

Sort might fit the hole. Maybe its like your spreading yourself out when you try to understand things, and reason or knowledge is navigating through your spreads.

>> No.15279200
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>another philosophy thread on sci

Philosophy is not science or math. It's bullshit non-sense for christards, hippies, and brainlet pseuds who are too stupid to understand modern science, but want to create the impression of being intelligent.

Next time you feel the need to schizo post or you want to make another thread about muh consciousness or muh philosophy, please do so on >>>/lit/, >>>/x/, >>>/pol/, or one of the many other boards that would be more suitable for this type of discussion. If anything, sci is literally the LAST board where you should be posting about philosophy, since philosophy is in many way antithetical to modern science. Of course, there are exceptions (pretty much all of them from hundreds or thousands of years ago), but the vast majority of philosophers have basically been science deniers and even explcitily anti-science. Posting about philosophy on a science board is like asking what religion is the most "scientific". Neither philosophical nor relgious discussions or debates have a place on sci.

>> No.15279206
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>>another philosophy thread on sci
>Philosophy is not science or math. It's bullshit non-sense for christards, hippies, and brainlet pseuds who are too stupid to understand modern science, but want to create the impression of being intelligent.
>Next time you feel the need to schizo post or you want to make another thread about muh consciousness or muh philosophy, please do so on >>>/lit/, >>>/x/, >>>/pol/, or one of the many other boards that would be more suitable for this type of discussion. If anything, sci is literally the LAST board where you should be posting about philosophy, since philosophy is in many way antithetical to modern science. Of course, there are exceptions (pretty much all of them from hundreds or thousands of years ago), but the vast majority of philosophers have basically been science deniers and even explcitily anti-science. Posting about philosophy on a science board is like asking what religion is the most "scientific". Neither philosophical nor relgious discussions or debates have a place on sci.

>> No.15279399

A decimal.
33.3 degrees.
33.321 degrees.
33.99999999999999999999999998 degrees.

>> No.15279445

Just stop it.
Stop now.
Don't do that anymore.

>> No.15279558

Read Hegel.

>> No.15279914

Stop associating meaningless as a negative it is a neutral.