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15223230 No.15223230 [Reply] [Original]

Aren't these drugs 5-HT2B agonists? What about the risk of valvular heart disease?
What about HPPD?
Why does everyone say they're safe?

>> No.15223241

Most psychedelics have a very low L/D 50. That's the only reason as they absolutely shrek some people's brains.

>> No.15223253

MDMA is not a psychedelic strictly speaking.
HPPD and other psychological problems are well established to be potential risks. When people talk about "safety" of psychedelics, they generally refer to their non-toxic nature. Doing shrooms or LSD can't really harm you physically. In any case the risks of psychedelics are pretty small when compared to other substances.

>> No.15223277
File: 2.92 MB, 400x300, takeiteasydudebuttakeit.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that study is for MDMA, which floods and inhibits reuptake of serotonin, like a super-SSRI
>In humans, MDMA increases the amount of serotonin in the synaptic clefts of serotonergic neurons by inhibiting its uptake into neurons and by directly releasing it from the neurons. The released serotonin binds to various serotonin receptors and activates them in excess, which is the primary mechanism through which MDMA causes intoxication.
psilocin on the other hand doesn't do anything of the sort
sure, it's a partial agonist of 5-HT2B receptors, but it's not flooding the system with serotonin and preventing its reuptake, it's just the psilocin filling in for serotonin in some places
also, it's psychoactive effects is by far primarily from agonism of 5-HT2A receptors
as for HPPD, that's rare, temporary, and typically unproblematic while it lasts even in the cases it does happen
also, it's almost exclusively associated with LSD, so it clearly has something to do with the dopaminergic effects of LSD, which are absent with psilocin except indirectly at extremely high doses
HPPD from psilocin is extremely rare, almost unheard of, only a small handful of cases have ever been documented as far as I know

>> No.15223443

LSD, mescaline, and psylocybin are generally considered safe since no LD50 is known for them and they cause no direct bodily harm. They will still scramble and fry your brains though.

other psychedelics like the shulgin series absolutely CAN be overdosed on, and should not be taken carelessly.

>> No.15223456
File: 79 KB, 800x1200, JoeRape274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"safe" is a subjective and relativistic argument. Walking down the street has risks and can cause death. So can everything else. The best bet is just to say 100% of things are safe.

>> No.15223566

>Aren't these drugs 5-HT2B agonists?
No, 5-HT2A is the technicolor receptor. Any 2B action is entirely coincidental.

>> No.15223683
File: 9 KB, 1158x547, 5-benzyloxytryptamine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have any thoughts on this?

I suffer from severe nerve damage and extreme painful sensitivity to cold and I was searching for a TRPM8 antagonist when I came across 5-Benzyloxytryptamine. This chemical should make you feel happy, block cold sensation and bring out the pretty colors?

>> No.15223766
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>> No.15224123

>They will still scramble and fry your brains though.
Not true

>> No.15224224

I think this is what did Jordan Peterson in. Super addictive to the point it will kill you if you try to quit cold

>> No.15224287 [DELETED] 
File: 3.18 MB, 1x1, Reverse Mathematics - Stillwell.pdf [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've taken at least 100 micrograms of LSD at least 300 times (not even kidding) and I have a math degree & top 1/2% on chess.com world leaderboard lol

That's benzodiazepines.

>> No.15224290
File: 1.26 MB, 1x1, Course of Differential Geometry - Sharipov.pdf [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've taken 100+ micrograms of LSD at least 400 times (not even kidding) and I have a math degree & top 1/2% on chess.com world leaderboard on slow time controls lol

That's benzodiazepines.

>> No.15224292 [DELETED] 

Damn it sorry for samefag, looked like 4chan timed out on me & had to repost (or so I thought).

>> No.15224313

>I've taken 100+ micrograms of LSD at least 400 times (not even kidding) and I have a math degree & top 1/2% on chess.com world leaderboard on slow time controls lol
I believe you, just annoys me when people make all these stupid claims about lsd frying your brain and that it causes you to go mentally insane and other such claims.

Most people only have a media education about psychedelics from films and the news. If you do actual research on actual studies and from people who are experienced in taking it you can see that they are not harmful at all.

It can be harmful if you don't know what you are doing and take them irresponsiblely and do stupid high doses.

Which is where all the stupid stories come from. Like some guy who took a 300ug tab of acid for his first time, didn't know what the effects were going to be and then had a really bad trip and freaked out.

Yeah, 300ug tab (a very high dose even for experienced people) for you first time tripping and having not done your research is going to lead you to freak the fuck out and have a bad trip.

If they had done their research and known that for your first time you should only do a 50-75ug tab there wouldn't have been a problem.

It then creates a Chinese whisper effect of how people know this one dude who took an acid tab and lost it.

>> No.15224332 [DELETED] 
File: 2.07 MB, 1x1, Ramsey Theory on the Integers - 2nd ed - Landman & Robertson.pdf [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wasn't that anon that said it'll fry your brains, but I definitely agree with what you're saying. Imagine thinking you "know about" psychedelics having never taken them. lol. lmao even.

>> No.15224336
File: 2.07 MB, 1x1, Ramsey Theory on the Integers - 2nd ed - Landman & Robertson.pdf [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wasn't that anon that said it'll fry your brains (I suppose I should've quoted him directly instead of you), but I definitely agree with what you're saying. Imagine thinking you "know about" psychedelics having never taken them. lol. lmao even.

>> No.15224346
File: 402 KB, 512x512, PsychedelicBeauty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Psychs put you in a state of neuroplasticity and enable neurogenesis.

With the help of LSD, I was able to overcome barriers in my thinking pattern.

There is a significant measurable effect. I spend far less time in front of the PC just starring at the screen like I used to a few years ago and instead am constantly progressing. My thought patterns shifted towards being war more graph theoretic and recursive. My programming style is far more aligned to using formal verification.

I have no doubt none of this would have happened without LSD allowing me to rewire.
I would often spend the first half of lower dose ( < 75µg) trips intensely thinking about the superstructure of math or sometimes just a specific problem.

Aside from all the intellectual benefit, it's just an overwhelmingly beautiful and blissful experience.

I look forward to those hot humid summer days. Taking 100µg, walking around a bit, seeing the beauty in nature, the sunrays hitting your skin, the cumulonimbus rising high into the air as forecasts of beautiful lightning storms, tasting every flavor of an orange... and during all of that time is slowly progressing, the days seem to last forever :)

In the later phases when I start to get closed eye visuals or even full internal hallucinations, I would just sit there listening to EDM / Psytrance fully immersed in a state of absolute euphoria, bliss and freedom while, in awe about what goes on in my mind. Peak life experience.

>> No.15224351
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>y thought patterns shifted towards being war more graph theoretic and recursive. My programming style is far more aligned to using formal verification.
>Aside from all the intellectual benefit, it's just an overwhelmingly beautiful and blissful experience.
>In this moment, I am euphoric, because I'm enlightened by my own intelligence.

>> No.15224353


Ohh and not to forget that feeling of overwhelming self love when you close your eyes during the later stages of the trip :)

>> No.15224355


You are euphoric because the LSD molecules are docking on your Serotonin receptors + you got the right set and setting, not necessarily because you believe to be enlightened by your own intelligence.

In the end, LSD is an amplifier. It amplifies what your external and internal perception.

>> No.15224356

Oh yeah, that part. I always have uncontrollable orgasms when I realize the sheer recursiveness of my thought process. It's so graph-theoretic. I feel so blessed to have a thought process like this and I love myself so much.

>> No.15224357

>Low dose first time
Only if you're not confident in your mental health. Otherwise definitely go for at least regular dose, preferably a bit more to make sure you break through. Staying in halfway limbo can feel pretty bad.
And always do your research, or don't do psychedelics at all.

>> No.15224358


It's not at all like an orgasm, that kind of euphoria is totally different.

>> No.15224359

anon here that asking about the 5-Benzyloxytryptamine. I am taking around 100ug LSD a day(1/4 of 200ug tab, twice daily). No real cycle, just take a day off here and there. Been doing that for months now. Has been a huge improvement in the quality of life.

>> No.15224362

>It's not at all like an orgasm, that kind of euphoria is totally different.
Sounds like you haven't taken enough LSD and your though process just wasn't recursive enough. Try 5 grams.

>> No.15224366


Those tabs seem underpowered. 50µg already enables the dream like LSD vision for me.

Also, how is that even possible? Your Serotonin receptors only are back to normal ~7-10 days after a trip.

troll :P

>> No.15224367

>Try 5 gram
Kek, taking 5g would definitely fuck you up. You would be in ego death coma for about a day, maybe 2.

>> No.15224370


> Comparing the low tier experience that is an orgasm to LSD

LMFAOOO, are you serious?

>> No.15224371

>Those tabs seem underpowered
No, YOUR tabs seem underpowered since you didn't have the recursion orgasm. Call me back when you get your hands on some real acid and have the full experience, kiddo. Your neurogenesis doesn't even approach mine.

>> No.15224373


'Recursion orgasm'?

>> No.15224374

Safe AND effective chud

>> No.15224375

You don't get it. Your thought process is still stuck on low-tier levels like graph theory and formal verificationism.

>> No.15224378



>> No.15224386

>Also, how is that even possible? Your Serotonin receptors only are back to normal ~7-10 days after a trip.
I am not doing this for the trip. I have never ending pins and needles pain. It never goes away - ever. Are they under dosed? Probably, I do know that a quarter tab will put a lot of shinnies in my life and I can see the waves come off the fan - so take that as you will. More importantly; I found it to be great at distracting myself from the pain. It also greatly magnifies the effects of cannabis and coffee.
I normally go 4 - 6 days then take a day or two off as I notice the effects diminish.

>> No.15224394


I see. Makes sense then, glad that this fine lysergamide can help you :)

I usually use 1V-LSD from LL which have a rather good consistency in terms of dose, but that's probably not available outside europe.

>> No.15224414


Whenever you get to know an anti druggie, it is always some angry depressed or suicidal boomer

>> No.15224418
File: 35 KB, 564x823, preddit-seethes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Whenever you get to know an anti druggie, it is always some angry depressed or suicidal boomer

>> No.15224421


found the boomer, take your meds.

>> No.15224424
File: 88 KB, 785x1000, (you).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>found the boomer, take your meds.
Why are drugged-up tards always like this?

>> No.15224426

Don't reply to wojak retards.

>> No.15224432
File: 147 KB, 888x1274, 23523423.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Don't reply to wojak retards.

>> No.15224439


The projection is strong with this one.

>> No.15224440

thanks. I got interested in lsd for pain when I saw some papers on ice bath tests but the cold tolerance effects of lsd weren't kicking in until around 20-30ug. Things start to get squirrely for most people at that dose. I am not running machinery or anything so I am willing to chance a few tracers or have to take a second glance at the house plants that seem to move for science.

>> No.15224446
File: 666 KB, 785x1000, wqrqewew.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The projection is strong with this one.

>> No.15224502


This must be you without neurotransmitters causing happiness, right?

>> No.15224505
File: 128 KB, 600x562, 463534.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This must be you without neurotransmitters causing happiness, right?

>> No.15224550


Stop posting your selfies... then again your output might be good to add to the DB as negative training data for FF NNs

>> No.15224568
File: 23 KB, 600x625, (you).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Stop posting your selfies... then again your output might be good to add to the DB as negative training data for FF NNs
Why does it keep seething so hard?

>> No.15224594


Keep entertaining us jester!

>> No.15224612
File: 147 KB, 800x789, 23523433.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Keep entertaining us jester!
Imagine being so consumed by rage that you can't help but keep replying to soijaks.

>> No.15224636


On the complete contrary, it's funny and relaxing!
Please, continue.

>> No.15224656
File: 99 KB, 502x498, 301767979177211.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>On the complete contrary, it's funny and relaxing!
>Please, continue.
This dumb animal just can't stop. It needs to have the last word against a wojakpost. lol

>> No.15224676


No, you will most certainly keep being a mild source of entertainment :D

>> No.15224956

This and the study you linked OP is talking about MDMA, which is an enactogen. Not only that, known to be extremely hard on the brain, and considering it's closer to methamphetamine in brain action than any psychedelic.

>> No.15224996

>Any 2B action is entirely coincidental
Whether it's coincidental or not, all of those drugs (LSD, MDMA, shrooms) are 5-HT2B agonists, which means almost certain valvular heart damage if you take them enough.

>> No.15226450

Why are druggies in denial about the dangers of their drugs?

>> No.15226549

You are being overdtsmatic anon.

>> No.15226579
File: 814 KB, 2088x1532, time.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No, you will most certainly keep being a mild source of entertainment :D

>> No.15226602

*over dramatic*

>> No.15226636


I am curious, did you try any other psych aside from LSD?

Within the lysergamide class, did you try for example ETH-LAD or AL-LAD?

20-30µg, I tried that range before, pretty cool, barely visual (I can however see text getting "blurry") but pretty uplifting!

>> No.15227136

what a mess of a thread
check out the case study from... late 2000s? early 2010s? denmark with ~20k participants regarding psychedelics and negative mental illness

>> No.15227318

Psychedelics do not even make schizophrenics or other psychotics worse. It's all a myth.

>> No.15227354
File: 339 KB, 220x243, sushichaeng-shrek.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>LSD can't really harm you physically
you didn't take enough

>> No.15227386

I loved doing low-dose LSD. I'd have a half tab about once every 2-3 months.

Booms always put me to bed, and I'd yawn so hard on the come-up that I just got tired of trying them.

I have no contribution besides anecdotal experience. I never had bad trips or bad experiences, but I was ultra cautious with psychs and always did them in safe settings, alone. Now, in my 40s, I'm done with all recreational substances and have been for a couple years. May anyone who tries LSD and mushrooms stay smart and safe like I did.

Also weed overall was a bad experience though it was really great with LSD. Lung damage and anxiety that always seemed to peak higher over time, plus lack of motivation in the rest of life.

I'd rather get back into reading and my hobbies than give my brain substances now. I want to produce tangible things instead of just having experiences with nothing to show from it afterwards.

>> No.15228994
File: 2.41 MB, 1x1, PiHKAL - Phenethylamines I Have Known and Loved (Part 2) - Shulgin.pdf [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Booms always put me to bed, and I'd yawn so hard on the come-up that I just got tired of trying them.

This is EXACTLY my experience. My friends agree, though lots of people we talk to like them for some reason.

In my experience, phenethylamine psychedelics are superior in every way (except for DMT, but there again I find DMT perfect for before bed).

>> No.15229938

Just mushrooms, in both high a low dose, and 2c-b a few times at lower dose. That was interesting and I want to experiment more with it.(also mdma a couple times, but that is more psychedelic adjacent)
and thanks anon>>15228994 doubt I will understand much but that looks interesting.

>> No.15229954

I feel like the dosages are often low enough that adverse physical effects are very unlikely to take place. Addiction to psy's is also relatively uncommon from what I remember due to them being somewhat self-regulating in their usage due to the intensity of the experiences and the rapid, large increases in drug tolerance. The main harm from psy's is usually mental since they've been known to exacerbate underlying or dormant mental illnesses and disorders in certain people. I wish I could take them again. My grandmother was schizophrenic so I just don't wanna risk it. I also have moderate-severe tinnitus and I feel like it would freak me the FUCK out in the middle of a trip. I miss my shrooms tho

>> No.15229964

The people I know who fried themselves on LSD either
a) did tabs too many times in one month
b) did it with faggots who have nothing left in their skull except gay sex

>> No.15230137

No has ever fried their brain on lsd.

>> No.15230155

Shouldn't say that. No one has directly died of LSD, but plenty of people have gotten terrible HPPD after repeated irresponsible use.
Some people an hero because the HPPD is so bad, they feel like they can't escape. Like their whole life is stuck in a never ending trip.

You also have people who ignore set and setting, and go into a truly hellish nightmare trip. This is about the same as being tortured for hours and hours. It intensifies emotions, so bad trip can genuinely be hell.
Those people sometimes end up traumatised for life and barely able to function in daily life.

I've never had any problems and I've tripped plenty, but that doesn't mean problems don't exist.

>> No.15230352

>*over dramatic*
How many drugs with that mechanism of action have been implicated in valvular heart disease development?
Fenfluramine, dexfenfluramine, cabergoline, aminorix, benflurex...
Why would it be any different for your precious psychedelics?

>> No.15230388

>floaters are a symptom

psychiatrists should be hanged for incompetence

>> No.15230410

All of psychiatry is like that. That doesn't exactly mean it's not real, psychiatry is just hard.

The first few diseases my psychiatry course taught were kleptomania, IED (intermittend explosive disorder, acronym pun very much intended), and Pyromania (almost always a sexual kink, not just 'flame look pretty')

What's the diagnostic? Well, looks like they have a problem and they can't control their impulses.
What's the treatment? Well, therapy basically doesn't work. Drugs just don't work.
So if they're not too annoying, you just let them get away with it. If not, you put them in prison.
Medicine, everyone!

>> No.15230432

I’m not surprised that a field of medicine that attracts crazies is pozzed. Floaters(nb. physical stuff in your eyeballs) you can’t “will” into existence no matter may be wrong with your brain.
I doubt that ‘patient noticing floaters is insanity’ could work as an excuse.

>> No.15230435

no matter what*

>> No.15230441

Floaters is a part of it. But it's bad bias to focus on just that. I've always had floaters and I don't call it HPPD.
However after a few months of tripping a bit more than usual during the COVID lockdowns, I started to notice when tired I'd see textures moving around, like words moving on a page in the periphery of my vision, or the patterns on my wall floating a little. Exactly like trip visuals.

I just slowed down and it went away. Some people have terrible impulse control, and can get depersonalization/derealization symptoms, persistent visual distortions, strong visual snow, etc
So yes some psychiatry is not very well settled science yet, but it's just as dumb to reject all of it as to accept all of it unquestioningly. It's mostly based on a real effect, everything is just a huge mess because no one has any idea how the brain works.

>> No.15230472

>floaters is a part of it
Literally included because it’s ‘funny visual thing.’
They canNOT be induced by someone being/going crazy. They are a physical thing you really see. Floaters being listed at all is the problem here.
Peasants! Pissants! All!
I agree with the rest, I just want stupid academics hanged.
>>15230388 was my first post itt, which may have confused the conversation, my bad

>> No.15230473

I personally know 2 people who have gotten psychosis from acid. Of course they took too much but I doubt they could have imagined how bad the outcome was going to be before they tripped.

>> No.15230480

Dude it induces confusion and disorientation. You can't focus on one thing for more than a minute, especially not a math problem. I say this as someone who holds a degree in mathematics and tried to do math while tripping.

>> No.15230499

>Like their whole life is stuck in a never ending trip.
This is fake as shit. I admit temporary psychosis is real but the only people who stay permanently crazy have underlying schizo and are at the age when it begins to manifest (18-24).

>> No.15230509

You guys don't even understand what you're arguing about. HPPD is not floaters lol, it's extreme visual snow. Like sensory static for vision.

>> No.15230519

It's very possible, but I wouldn't be surprised if psychedelics precipitate early schizophrenia. I've seen a few studies suggest that in a vaguely credible way.

It might not turn a non-schizophrenic into permanent florid psychosis, but there is clearly a pattern where a lot of people start taking high doses of psychedelics and then start believing in new age stuff, "vibrations", aliens, conspiray theories, the secret knowledge that they're actually Jesus, etc

Maybe all the schizophrenics just coincidentally overlap with all the psychedelic users, but I wouldn't be surprised if chronic high doses cause schizophrenia.

That's the main symptom, but then inevitably you will have people with a variety of other symptoms who have no other way of explaining them than trying to fall under the HPPD umbrella, so typically people allow more symptoms than just visual snow.

>> No.15230530

I’m arguing that floaters cannot be the symptom. Read.

>> No.15230618
File: 12 KB, 216x233, spiral.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>HPPD is not floaters lol, it's extreme visual snow.
I'll toss out my hppd story. I'm this anon >>15224359 and many years ago my first lsd trip(and only real psychedelic experience for what would be many years to come) happened when I was 16, and im nearly 50 now. I took 8 and half hits of acid- dose unknown was some blue shooting star and some 8-ball inked. I got hppd afterwards that was so intense that I gave up marijuana for years because when I smoked- especially in dark/night - I would get bad tracers. I also had a permanent swirl in my vision that would appear - like a snowy multi colored version of pic related. Always just beneath the surface of my normal vision. Funny enough, the spiral vanished from my vision just this last year after a solid lsd trip. Was just like that - gone.

>> No.15230977

You guys think microdosing could help revert some of my brain damage?
What are the best papers on neurogenesis?

>> No.15231085

Short answer no, but macrodosing can help you cope with the pain.
Recent studies show there is no neurogenesis in the adult brain. Still some plasticity (i.e. new connections), but not entirely new neurons

>> No.15231585


The headspace is by no means the same on all trip stages and is heavily dose and person dependant. You can absolutely do math on acid, just try it!

For example some of those


>> No.15231590


That's plain false. There is neurogenesis in adult brains:
Base64 link Cmh0dHBzOi8vIHd3dy5uYXR1cmUuY29tL2FydGljbGVzL3M0MTM5OC0wMjAtMDEwMTEtMA==

since 4chan's board software is retarded.

>> No.15231593

> "Besides the stimulation of neuroplasticity in “optimal” (healthy) conditions, evidence shows that a single dose of DMT (1, 10, 50, 200 μM) exhibits acute neuroprotective properties in cultured human iPSCs cells that were differentiated into cortical neurons (n = 3) and exposed to severe neuronal stress (42). DMT stimulated neurogenesis by increasing the neuronal survival rate from 19% (untreated cells) to 31% (10 μM) and 64% (50 μM), 6 h after exposure to severe hypoxic stress. Moreover, selective silencing of the plasticity-promoting intracellular sigma-1 receptor (S1R) (64) decreased the survival of iPSCs by 93%, indicating that the S1R mediated the DMT-induced survival (42). Together, these findings show that a single dose of 5-MeO-DMT, DMT, and LSD in vitro directly stimulate dendritic and neuronal plasticity that resulted from intracellular changes. Subacute and long-term effects of a single dose of a psychedelic on molecular and cellular plasticity were not investigated in vitro."


>> No.15231594

Doesn't that just say it helps neuronal loss soon after injury?

>> No.15231597


No, read through the whole paper + look at the other base64 link

>> No.15231599

Alright I'll check it out tomorrow

>> No.15231872

>In humans, although the presence of adult neurogenesis has been recently reported during aging most of the studies indicate that there are no substantial evidence to support it.
Your study seems to agree with me, anon?
Neurogenesis has been controversial in adults, but recent studies ruled out the last places we were still hoping to see it.
Adult human brains don't make new neurons.

>> No.15231889

>in cultured human iPSCs cells that were differentiated into cortical
They took regular cells, forced them to turn back into stem cells, and differentiated them back down into fresh new neurons in a petri dish.
And then what they call 'stimulating neurogenesis' is letting the cells asphixiate and watching if the cells that got blasted with DMT die less quickly than the others.

That's cool and interesting, I don't know exactly why the petri dish cortex cells that got DMT survive better when you take out the oxygen.
So yes you can reduce the paper to 'dmt good???' if you want to be unreasonably pro-psychedelic, but that's terrible bias.
This paper should not doesn't say anything (good or bad) about DMT in live adult humans, trying to make any conclusions would be a serious mistake.

>> No.15231919


GPT-2 levels of text understanding.

>> No.15231923

DMT levels of self-delusion.

>> No.15231925
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